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This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,

guesstimate etc.

This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Nikita Aggarwal
Company interviewing for BCG
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions + case interview
PI questions
1. Tell me about yourself followed by questions on work experience.
I am the manager of the Western Zone of a bank. It has observed that there is an increase in the
number of customers in the branch. Analyze and provide recommendations.

Preliminary Questions Asked:

1. Since how long the client been facing the issue? (Recently only)
2. What is the target market? (Retail customers)
3. What is the portfolio of retail customers? (HNIs-10%, Salaried Persons - 40% and Pensioners - 50%)

Analysis to solve the case:

The discussion was started with analyzing each customer segment. It has been found that problem lies
with the older people (pensioners). Further, I analyzed the problems faced while availing Bank

It was found that they are visiting the branch to withdraw cash. This indicates that they are not making
Round cashless transactions.
(questions After this, I summarized the different parameters where the cash is being used by them and tried to
asked and your link the payment of those activities directly with their bank accounts. The activities can be:
responses) 1. Groceries
2. Utilities
3. Medicines
Interviewer asked me to define the concerns while linking their bank accounts:
1. Resistance to change
2. Availability of Smartphones
3. Cybersecurity - Potential Fraud

Another question was asked by him to analyze why the older people are using debit cards less when
compared to cash?
1. No guidance how to use
2. Less ATMs in the area

The answer was less ATMs in the area.

After all this discussion, he wanted me to provide some recommendations to cater this problem. The
recommendations were:
1. A mobile app in which there is an option to select regional languages
2. Cash Management services to collect the cash from their homes

This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

3. Training to them on how to use digital platforms

4. Assigning Relationship Manager to them who will be focusing on their complaints and queries.

The case ended here. The case was unconventional;

therefore, the interviewer was driving the case by asking questions.

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round Case
The client has a sea-port, currently operating 10 mn tons of cargo but has a capacity of 25mn. He is
charging $100 per ton and earning a revenue of $1000 mn. Out of this, Variable cost accounts to 200
mn and Fixed cost as 400 mn. The rest is EBITDA Margin amounts to 400 mn. The client must pay an
interest payment of $1000 mn yearly. Devise a turnaround strategy for the client.

Preliminary Questions:
1. Geographic Location (India)
2. Customers (B2B)
3. Competitors (There are 2 other ports which are currently operating in 90 mn tones and charging $90
per ton)

Analysis to the case:

Round The interviewer wanted me to focus on the organic strategy only. The main goal is to increase the
Summary revenue for the client to finance the interest payment of 1000 mn. It can be done either by increasing
(questions the customer base or increase in the price charged per ton.
asked and your
responses) The competitors are already charging a lesser price. Hence, the client can decrease the price in order to
gain the competitive advantage and increase the customer base.

Hypothetically, he allowed me to take the price as $80 and told me that it will increase the operating
tone from 10 mn to 20 mn. He wanted me to analyze the associated costs and revenue for the client.

Revenue = 80*20 = 1600

Variable Cost (200/10 = 20 per ton) = 20*20 = 400
Fixed cost = 400
EBITDA = Revenue - Total cost
= 1600 - (400+400) = 800 mn

The revenue for the client has increased and he is in a better position to pay off the interest payment if
compared with the previous target.
The case ended here. In last, he asked me to summarize the whole case.

Result Selected for Round 2 – Partner round

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guesstimate etc.

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions & question related to Strategy
The client is an air conditioning company which is currently operating in India. The growth rate for the
client is 10-15% and they want to grow 5 times in 5 year. Recommend a growth strategy for the client.

Preliminary Questions:
1. Geographical Location: Pan -India
2. Growth in terms of volume/profit/HR: In terms of volume
3. Competitors in the market: No as such
4. Consumers: 90% residential and 10% commercial
5. Value-chain: Manufacturers and Distributors

Growth Strategy:
So typically, a company can grow through either its existing business. In existing business, we can look
at increase number of customers, basket size and pricing, while in new business I was thinking of
options such as geographical
Round expansion, increasing product line, diversifying into new business, or by acquiring/merging with a new
Summary company.
asked and your After discussing all this, I started with the analysis of client's existing business. The client was currently
responses) catering to middle class. Thus, I recommended to cater a new segment i.e. premium segment and can
increase the price also. The interviewer asked me how will I do that. I stated 2 options:
1. Adding value added services like free delivery and installation services
2. Providing after sales service

He wanted me to state the concerns raised after entering into the new segment. I told him that there
can be threat from competitors, addition in costs due to value added services and new marketing

Then, I analyzed the new business growth strategy for the client. He asked me to list down the points
which can help the client to decide a new product launch in the market. The points which I stated
1. Whether existing market can be exploited
2. Introduction of new product should not cannibalize the sale of existing products
3. Cost in terms of human resources, manufacturing units and distribution strategies

The case ended here. In last he asked me to summarize the whole case.

Result Selected

This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Aashish Garg
Company interviewing for BCG
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round Case
The client is a cement manufacturing company in east India. They want to reduce their logistics cost.
Recommend the strategy for the same.

Round Solution:
Summary Questions asked: part of value chain (both manufacturing and distribution), what specific parts of east
(questions India (states of Bihar, Jharkhand, WB, Orissa), Distribution model.
asked and your There were issues in distribution and had one manufacturing unit per state supplying cement for the
responses) complete state. Client had both direct distribution (for large orders) and indirect distribution via a third-
party distributor. Final suggestions revolved around removing state wise manufacturing-distribution
model and have inter-state distribution to optimize the distance and increasing the share of bulk orders
to increase direct distribution in the portfolio.

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round Case
Our client is the highways department of the government and have been making DPRs for various
projects. They want to scale up the process and handling of large number of DPRs.

Round Case solution

Summary Questions asked: What are DPRs, what are the main characteristics and purpose of them, why do you
(questions want to scale up and current methodology and issues associated with it.
asked and your First part of the problem revolved around what to include in the DPR viz. costs, construction and quality
responses) parameters were 3 major buckets and sub=points within each of them.
Second part is how to scale up the process. 3 major solutions that came out were templatize the DPRs
having basic details, then grouping them into various categories based on the details provided in the
template, then having a system like ITR filing where the system do basic checks and flag if there is a
suspicion/ lack of clarity which can be scrutinized by professional experts.

Result Selected

This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Round No. 3
Type of Round Case
Our client is a pharma company with an innovative cancer drug and is a market leader. Now a competitor is
going to launch the same drug at 30% lower price in coming 4-5 months, what to do?

Questions: Our current market share (100%), type of drug (prescription based) and for Breast Cancer.
While analyzing different aspects she was repeatedly listening to various solutions and their reasoning
and then negating in the end. Like decreasing price, but will harm our units in other countries, entering
new countries but already present in major countries, entering rural markets but don't have time to
asked and your create these channels and will increase demand for competitor as well, can't modify product or reduce
responses) its cost.
The only satisfactory aspect was to change existing distribution channels in collaboration with
government and private hospitals, advertising and promoting drug as a trusted brand and improving
doctor referral policy. Can also investigate increasing the margins by direct distribution.

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Nayanika Kulshreshtha
Company interviewing for BCG
Number of rounds 2

Round No. 1
Type of Round HR & Case
Why do you want to be a consultant? Do you have any questions for me? Why don't you give me a case?

A lightbulb manufacturer is losing profit s and we must investigate and provide recommendations.
It was a simple profitability case. Starting by applying the Revenue - Cost framework, I gathered
asked and your
information about the product, the company and competitors. Being guided to the product
specifications, I investigated the manufacturing process and discovered that there was a reduction in
the number of the integral filament parts that were supplied by a third party. I also noted that the
conclusion could have been reached much more quickly had I emphasized on the geography of their
operations and productions in the preliminary questions, as the supplier of only one region was being

Result Selected

This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
An international pharmaceutical brand wants to introduce a new chemotherapy medicine in the Indian

Round Solution
Summary It was a market entry case. I began with Questions regarding the competition (Indian local brand) the
(questions medicine (patent, formulation, course, production) the company's current operations and presence.
asked and your This was an actual case that BCG solved. I calculated the market size and expected returns with a quick
responses) guesstimate. The program was viable. For entry methods the interviewer informed me that they
wanted to self-start. Further structure that she wanted was centered around the value chain. We
arrived at that after I eliminated the financial and fiscal aspects. We finally concluded that they can
maintain their premium by providing superior after sales services and bundle packages with the
medicine which would include re-employment support, family support, therapy etc.

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Tell me about your strength and what differentiates you from the rest?
asked and your
3. How your skills and experience will benefit the Accenture?

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Priyanshi Srivastava
Company interviewing for BCG
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round HR & Case
Round HR:
Summary What was the most exciting project you got to work on? How was it different?
(questions Which quality of yours you feel made you excel at your cross-functional role between your team and
asked and your the Product team.

This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Your client is a tractor manufacturer in India, they want to expand internationally. What should be their
expansion strategy and which country would you recommend.

- Preliminary questions: Business intent, customer base served and product mix.
- Answer to preliminary questions:
o Business intent: Revenue Growth & International Expansion; no diversification
o Customer Base Served: Mid-sized farmers
o Product-mix: 1 type of tractor
- Solution:
o How to select the country - discussion on the type of customer base, current company
capabilities, possible synergies, current competition and finding a suitable country which
replicates the same customer base in terms of income & product utility
o Countries recommended - West-African nations like Nigeria & Ghana and nations bordering
India like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
o Expansion strategy - JV, Merger & Acquisition, Brownfield, green-field, franchisee model
and exporting

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round HR & Guesstimate
Very conversational questions about how online MBA is spanning out.
What was the motivation behind you pursuing for Classical Singing? (ECA)
Why MBA at the first place, and not continuing in the same role at the last organization.

Round Your client is a leading credit card company. You are planning to launch a new credit card in alliance
Summary with a famous airline operator. Estimate the market size for the same and the total revenue.
asked and your Solution: Focused on the urban population, sliced it based on income groups, age groups and
responses) professions. Calculated the yearly frequency of users travelling by flight, choosing that particular airline
and using that credit-card, since the credit card had an inbuilt reward system for each transaction on
air-tickets as well as created a miles’ repository.

Calculated expected revenues by calculating the fixed and variable components of cost and the expected
revenue generated via streams like commission, fixed credit card fee and others.

Result Selected

This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Round No. 3
Type of Round HR & Case
Tell me about your biggest achievement in life.
Talk about a time when you failed.
Your client is a leading QSR chain, operating out of India. They have seen a recent decline in the total
profits. They have approached you to diagnose the problem and find a solution for the same.

Round Preliminary questions: Business size, competitors, industry trend, timeline.
Summary Solution: Started by breaking down the value chain of the QSR and figuring out the cost side as well as
(questions the revenue side components of the pizza chain.
asked and your Was able to drill down to the exact cause, which was the competitor action in terms of giving out
responses) discounts, which lead to the share shift of the customer base.
Average order value of the pizzas did not change for the QSR chain, but the number of units sold had
dipped leading to a drop in overall revenues and hence the overall profits.
Was asked to come up with a new pricing strategy and execution plan for the QSR chain and calculate
the estimated profits with the provided costs. Recommended a pilot plan to test the elasticity of the
customer base with the discounts and basis the results, launch the new prices nationwide.

The interviewer was driving the case based on my responses, and asked to come up with a calculation
to support my final recommendation.

Result Selected

This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

10 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Madhav Malhotra
Company interviewing for Deloitte USI
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round Case & Guesstimate
Your client is an online food delivery platform operational in major cities across India. It has witnessed
a growth surge in the last couple of years and had hired a great number of customer relationship
executives. However, the client now wants to focus on the margin and wishes to reduce the number of
customer relationship executives making a replacement with an AI ChatBot. Kindly help your client
forward with this initiative.

Scoping questions
Preliminary Questions for Case: What is the scale of the operations? How many customer relationship
Round executives are currently there? What information do we have about the AI ChatBot?
Summary I was directed towards figuring out the factors to keep in mind while replacing the existing personnel
(questions with the chatbot.
asked and your
responses) Case Solution
Approach for the Case: Bucketing the factors into cost & benefit, technological (efficiency of the
technology), customer-related, etc.

Estimate the number of customer relationship executives required by the same client two years ago?

Figure out the average frequency of complaints, efficiency of an executive, work timings of an executive,
and do a cost-benefit analysis as a sanity check.

Result Selected for Round 2

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case

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guesstimate etc.

PI questions
Tell us something about yourself

You client is a Fortune 500 retail firm in the United States. For the last couple of years, it has been
trying to integrate IoT in its operations in the form of data analytics, supply chain management and
inventory management. However, it has not been completely successful. Its competitors Walmart,
BestBuy etc. have been the champions at the same. Suggest the client on how to analyze such a
situation and what should be the best way to be a Top 5 firm in the same space.

I was given data about the firm before and after IoT integration. There was another dataset
benchmarking the current IoT efficiency with that of the competitors.

Further, I was given a cost-benefit analysis table of developing the IoT capabilities in-house or
acquiring the same in the form of another company.
After this, the interview was directed towards general factors to consider during M&A transactions,
due diligence, cost & revenue synergies etc.
asked and your
Scoping questions
Preliminary Questions: Information about the operations of the firm; information about competitors;
asked about the clear objective of the firm

Case Solution
Approach for the Case: While I was clueless in the beginning, I was directed towards figuring out the
reasons why the competitors were successful in their IoT integrations and redirection of the client's
focus areas.

Then had to perform a cost-benefit analysis for two situations on a word document based on the data
and information provided by the recruiters. The situations were: Developing the Technology v/s
Acquisition of Another Firm

Then the discussion was around factors affecting M&A transactions, what is due diligence, what are
synergies etc.

Result Selected for Round 3

Round No. 3
Head, M&A
Type of Round PI & technical questions
PI questions
Questions about a valuation project done in college
Other technical questions
asked and your
What all factors should be considered by Google while acquiring a firm which doesn't have any
tangible assets, but patents and technology know-hows? How would you value such transactions?

12 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Pooja Jaiswal
Company interviewing for Deloitte USI
Number of rounds 1

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions
Why Deloitte USI?


1. Guestimate on monthly revenue of Swiggy

2. M&A Case study with questions on revenue Synergy
3. M&A case study based on financials provided

Case 1 - For guesstimate, took the approach of calculating daily sales, divided firstly in tier 1 and tier 2/3
cities, then found penetration of it based on population estimate. After that considered the market
share of swiggy and averaged the costs based on rich and middle-class population in urban and rural
asked and your
Case 2 - A company was entering into M&A so I mentioned firstly it will be the valuation of the firm
based on peers and company itself, then we can go for understanding the revenue and cost side ..Cost
includes manufacturing, financial cost and mentioned that if the geography of the target is near to
acquirer (say same country cost is reduced). When this synergy happens we can do cost-cutting by
reducing the number of employees as well. Rev synergy is whether after the acquisition the target offers
cross-selling opportunities. Also one needs to look for the regulatory framework of the new country and
culture integration

Case 3 - The third case Ebitda margin and EBITDA was provided calculated revenue and gave them the
spilt based on geography (the ratio was provided by them)

Result Selected

13 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Dr. Shreya Agrawal
Company interviewing for Deloitte USI
Number of rounds 1

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions
Walk me through your CV
Summary Guesstimate
(questions Swiggy revenue for a month in urban areas in India
asked and your
responses) Solution
Urban population- divided on the basis of socio-economic class, then family and bachelor's, frequency
of orders and revenue per order to come to the final answer.

Result Selected

14 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

15 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Shivang Shah
Company interviewing for Deloitte India
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
Take me through your CV
Summary Case
(questions 1. Calculate the petrol consumed in Mumbai today (leave out commercial vehicles)
asked and your
responses) Approach
1. Took the Demand approach - Population - Age wise distribution - Distance travelled - Type of
vehicles - Mileage and then final answer

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
Why not Investment Banking?
Summary Analyze the new farm bill 2020
asked and your Approach:
responses) 1. Followed Stakeholders approach.
2. Why the bill. What will change after implementation? Issues with the bill. How can we resolve the
issues? Possible implementation gaps

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
Tell me about yourself?
Why not Investment Banking?
Summary Case
(questions Client is planning to enter the Indian footwear Industry. How would you Analyze the Industry?
asked and your
responses) Solution
1. Asked preliminary questions about the Client. Experience in the field. Reasons to enter.
2. Asked certain Value chain questions. Details of the product.
3. Calculated the Market Size. Stated how the value chain would look like.

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guesstimate etc.

4. Performed Profit margin analysis. Further Analyzed the possible risks associated and gave a final

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Sohail Chumber
Company interviewing for Deloitte India
Number of rounds 4

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
Brief Introduction and why MBA?

Round Case
Summary Calculate the Market Size of Notebooks in India assuming that we're looking only at schools and
(questions colleges and only for academic purposes
asked and your
responses) Solution
1. Segmented into Urban Rural populations.
2. Assumed enrolment rate to be lower in Rural population.
3. Categorized as per Income and forecasted per person demand according to these

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
General questions from the CV. Wanted to know about my journey so far.


Your Client is a Garment Manufacturer of track suits which are currently sourced to sports teams as
well as to Sports Outlets. In addition to this, they supply these track suits to bigger sports brands as
white labeled products to be relabeled and sold. The Margins for this client have been stuck at 15%
since the past 15 years and they would like to see the margins increase to 20%-25% in the next 5 or so
asked and your

1. Handled it on a Profitability Framework.

2. Found out the company wasn't looking to expand out of India.
3. Price changes weren't possible due to intense competition

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4. Solutions were to - bring changes in the way the organization handled its logistics, Invest in efficient
machinery and to bring SOPs for workers to standardize their efforts.
5. Additional suggestion was to perhaps consider launching products under own label and pushing it to
the existing outlets that are existing customers.

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions & Case
Round Guesstimate - I'm an Entrepreneur who's about to setup a factory for making notebooks. How much of
Summary sales would we require to earn back 100 crores in 3 years.
asked and your Solution
responses) Started by estimating an MRP of notebook, calculated variable cost per notebook (Fixed is given)
adjusted for retailer's margin and gave the guestimate

Result Selected

Round No. 4
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
ABFRL is looking at acquiring shoppers stop. Gauge the benefits and upsides along with the risks that
might be involved.
asked and your
Guesstimate - No of Petrol Pumps in Delhi

Result Selected

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guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information

19 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Candidate Name Jayati Nandan

Company interviewing for PwC – Customer
Number of rounds 4

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Case + Guesstimate
PI questions
Elaborate on your work experience and internship

Case + Guesstimate
Decathlon has lost 40% of its revenue due to Covid 19. Suggest ways that it can make up for its losses.
Estimate the market size if Decathlon were to enter online gaming.
asked and your
Preliminary questions on distribution channels, products, competition. Suggestions on online sale,
collaborations with trainers, influencers, smaller fitness centers such as Soul to Sole, etc.
Population -> urban/rural + income level segmentation -> segment online gamers (consoles as well as
laptop/mobile apps) -> price elasticity of each segment

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case + Guesstimate
PI questions
Walk me through your CV

Round Case + Guesstimate

Summary If you were to open a home food business in Delhi, what would the market size be and what would be
(questions the profit per plate? State assumptions
asked and your
responses) Solution
Assumptions: catering to working class + labourers, therefore segment on this basis
Population -> segmentation according to the criterion above -> estimated number of meals -> price per

Result Selected

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guesstimate etc.

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions
Summary PI questions
(questions Why consulting, why PwC Customer over Strategy, why analytics (based on work experience), what do
asked and your you think is the scope of analytics and AI

Result Selected

Round No. 4
Type of Round HR questions
Summary HR questions
(questions Why PwC, instance when you showed leadership, an incident when there was a conflict that you
asked and your resolved

Result Selected

21 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Nirali Sampat
Company interviewing for PwC – Customer
Number of rounds 4

Round No. 1
Type of Round Telephonic Interview
Duration 30 minutes
Medium Telephonic
HR/PI questions:

1. Questions on past work experience in consulting

2. Questions on the new LSM program launched by the college

Round Summary
Problem Statement: How many ketchup sachets are used in a typical McDonald's outlet in a mall in 1
asked and your
1) Started by estimating the number of people coming to the mall and those who would actually go to
2) Then estimated the number of orders that are there in McDonald's and multiplying it by number of
ketchup packets that go per order (I took 2 as standard, and 3-4 for those who demand more)

The interview ended with exchanging pleasantries

Round No. 2
Type of Round Personal Interview
Duration 30 minutes
Medium Zoom


Problem Statements:

1) How does a consulting firm make revenue and how much it will make in a year?
Round Summary
1) Estimated it by assuming the number of people working in firm
asked and your
2) Divided the number of employees into levels as per typical hierarchy in consulting firm
3) Estimated average chargeability percentage and chargeability amount at different levels and
then multiplied them to get an estimate of amount charged by employees at different levels.

2) Are you familiar with Sales Funnel. How would the sales funnel be for a medical device company's
salesperson making a sale to a reputed and established hospital?

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guesstimate etc.

Sales funnel is part of the customer journey, it describes how the prospect goes through various
stages till a purchase is done.

i) First step relates to Product awareness

ii) In Second step, the sales person getting the leads and making contact
iii) Then, the sales person presents the product proposal
iv) Fourth is the negotiation stage of the contract
v) Finalizing the contract

Structured the answer around these stages and what the sales person will be doing in each stage and
who the stakeholders will be.

The interview ended with exchanging pleasantries

Round No. 3
Type of Round Personal Interview
Duration 30 minutes
Medium Zoom
Problem Statement: What are the steps you would take to assess the right digital solution for a
company that has come to us for advice on upgrading their tech solutions? (related to work
Round Summary
(questions 1) Sizing the company
asked and your 2) Checking which are the areas of improvement, if any
responses) - If there is no need for such solution, tell them no
- if yes, then how much can they afford, what is the cost benefit of doing so, and what will be
the long term cost to the client should be highlighted

Round No. 4
Type of Round HR Interview
Duration 30 minutes
Medium Zoom

Round Summary HR/PI questions

asked and your 1. Any time I had any developmental feedback regarding my work and how did I overcome that
responses) 2. Any time when there was a conflict in the team and how did we overcome it

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guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Javin Madaan
Company interviewing for PwC – Strategy
Number of rounds 2

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Case + Guesstimate

PI questions

Interviewer came from consumer durable industry with background in organization restructuring and
my previous project related to merger of two consumer goods MNC’s. So, questions were related to
integration issues faced while operationalizing the merger of the MNC’s. Questions :

1. Walk me through your CV, specifically what you did in your last project.
2. What was the hardest part during the whole integration process
3. Was there any right sizing involved the process? If yes, how did your team approach the same.
4. Did both the companies have a backend finance clearance team . How did you integrate the
teams. What problems did you face in finance integration process
5. How did you integrate the month end, quarter end and year end finance processes
6. What issues did you face in the integration process where the finance processes were
different (forecasting processes, payment processes etc)

Round Case + Guesstimate

Summary Your client is a US based tire manufacturer and he wants to enter into India. How will you advise him
(questions regarding the same. Interviewer told me to take a minute to jolt down preliminary questions and take
asked and your assumptions as required.

1. Followed the basic CPCC (Company, Product, Customer and Competition) framework by asking
basic preliminary questions about each of the factors.
Like the type of product, its USP (low cost or differentiated) , motive for entering the country,
target segments and gave my inputs regarding the current state and competition in the industry
in the country. Also added in the additional political and bureaucratic pain points of the country.
2. Interviewer then converted the case into a guesstimate and asked me to estimate the TAM
(target addressable market) for the company.
3. Started by dividing the tire market into commercial and personal use. The interviewer asked me
to focus on the personal use only.
4. Divided the tire market into two uses – tires used in new vehicles and replacement tires.
Interviewer told me to assume the TAM to be the tires used on new vehicles sold during the
year converting the problem into 2, 3 and 4 wheelers sold during the year.
5. Took the population approach, dividing it into urban and rural population (130 million divided
into 40 and 90 million), then calculated the no of families in rural and urban areas taking 4 and
6 as average family size respectively.

24 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

6. Divided the families into economic classes and estimated the number of families buying 2, 3 and
4 wheelers as per their economics and demographics.

A company, say HUL is going to launch a sanitizer for vegetables. Do the STP of the product, what should
be the considerations while deciding the price and SKU of the product?


1. Regarding the STP – The product would be mainly targeted towards the urban population who
are comfortable with use of sanitizer. Also, it’d help if the sanitizer is herbal as many households
would not be comfortable washing vegetables with alcohol based sanitizer.
2. SKU – The SKU will be dependent on number of servings the companies intend to per SKU.
Assuming per serving usage of 10 ml per kg of vegetables, 500 ml and 1000 ml SKU’s make the
most sense. Also, we can also provide the sanitizer in a spray bottle.
3. There are three methods to determine the pricing of a product, i.e. Cost based, Competition
based and Value based. Interviewer asked me to focus in Competition basis, which can be
further divided into prices of similar products in markets and price of substitutes. I answered
that the price can be based on price of liquid dishwasher and price of sanitizer in the market.

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round Personal Interview
PI questions
Walk me through your CV
Discussion on my last project

A electronic goods manufacturer from Korea wants to enter India. Advise.

It was a very open ended case.
1. Started with preliminary questions of about the Company, the products, it’s USP and motive for
entering India.
asked and your
2. Then asked about the constraints like Investment size the company is looking at and if the
company has any payback period in mind.
3. Then I did the country analysis by using PESTEL framework.
4. Then, started industry analysis by focusing on 3 aspects, i.e., Suppliers, Consumers and
5. Talked about the cut throat competition in consumer durable market in India in each segment.
6. Performed a basic market sizing guesstimate for the company about the units they can expect
to sell in the first year.
7. Then discussed the three frameworks for market entry – i.e., Greenfield entry, Acquisition of an
existing player or JV with an existing player.

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guesstimate etc.

No. of users doing intra day trading on Zerodha platform in a day


1. Took the population approach. Divided the population into rural and urban. Assumed that no
one is using Zerodha, especially for intra day trading in rural areas.
2. In urban, divided the population into 3 age brackets, i.e. 1-20, 20-50, 50 and above. Assumed,
no one is trading in the first bracket and assigned percentages to other two brackets.
3. Divided the investing population into 3 parts, Investors using their bank intermediaries for
trading, investors using stock brokers and investors using low cost platforms like Zerodha.
4. From the last bracket, assigned a percentage to the users to get an estimate to people using
zerodha. Since, Intra day trading is done only by a some 20% of the traders, assigned that value
to Zerodha users to get an estimate of people using Zerodha for intra day trading.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Firdous
Company interviewing for PwC – DDV IT
Number of rounds 2

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
1. Tell me not just about academics but what your really interested and passionate about ?
2. What you do apart from work? Tell me about the work you have done at deloitte, your major
role and the technology used ?
3. Did you have the opportunity to lead the team, how were you a team player What issues did
Round you face and how did you overcome it
Summary 4. Your doing quite well in Deloitte, good performer also then why did you choose to opt for
(questions MBA, what was your purpose of MBA
asked and your 5. Agile Methodology : what is your MVP, which agile framework did you use, hybrid agile,
responses) simple agile, scalable You have done courses in varied fields like strategy, Six sigma what is
your main domain of interest ?
6. How do you think AI, ML, IoT will shape up in the coming future How do you see the
technology being so intrusive in our lives How would you come up with a solution to curb i.
Don’t you read Business news HP and HPI divestiture and IBM latest news
7. Why PwC, Why M&A What do you know about the other side of M&A Any Questions for me

Result Selected

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guesstimate etc.

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
Why DDV IT, what is something you do outside work and academics
Summary Case
(questions There is one company who wants to improve their operations mechanisms and wants to invest into
asked and your some sophisticated technology, the finance team is not approving it, why?
There was a communication gap between the Ops and the Finance team

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Shreya Popli
Company interviewing for PwC – HIA
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
Take me through your CV

Round Case
Summary 1. A big US pharma is looking to promote their gene cell therapy - who will be the audience and how can
(questions the company go about it? Do you think you have a marketing framework?
asked and your 2. A big US Pharma is going to launch their drug, what all to keep in mind to have an effective pre-launch
responses) strategy?
3. A US Pharma company has an OTT drug that occupies high market share in India. The patent for it will
will expire in the next 2 years. You have to decide a strategy to retain the market share post patent
expiry. How will you go about your research and what all will you present to your client

Result Selected

27 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Why consulting / why HIA
3. If I offered you a position in Digital Marketing at Zara and that of a consultant at PwC, which one will
you take and why?
4. Convince me why you would make a good consultant
asked and your
A big US Pharma is looking to acquire a company, how can the client narrow the options and define an
acquisition strategy

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
1. Tell me something about yourself that is not on your CV
2. Short-term and long-term goals
3. An incident when you tried something new but failed
4. An incident when you tried something new and succeeded
5. Tell me about your childhood and family
6. 1 strength and weakness
asked and your
7. What will be a deal breaker for you to not join PwC
8. Why not Marketing but Consulting
8. What skills will you bring to my team
9. What are your hobbies and a discussion on that
10. How will PwC help in achieving your career goals

Result Selected

28 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Divyanshu Maheshwari
Company interviewing for PwC – Finance
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions
1. Questions around the JD - My understanding of the job and clarifications regarding that
2. Business Process related questions (P2P and O2C)

Guesstimates - No. of face masks used in India per day

1) Dividing the population into urban and rural
2) Urban
a) Dividing the population further into income groups
asked and your
b) For each income group, applying a factor (percentage) of people actually needed to go out i.e. for
work or other chores
c) For the people required to go out, depending on the income group, further applied a factor of
people actually using masks
3) Rural
a) Working population and non-working population
b) For the people required to go out, depending on the income group, further applied a factor of
people actually using masks (Considerably lower as compared to the urban population due to the
severity of the pandemic as well as education levels)

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions
1. Questions around the JD - My understanding of the job and clarifications regarding that
2. Business Process related questions (P2P and O2C)
Guesstimate - Revenue growth of video conferencing platforms like Zoom
asked and your
1. Dividing the population into working population - based on age groups
2. Estimating the number of subscriptions taken before the pandemic

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guesstimate etc.

3. The increase in the number of subscriptions taken by offices for the working population
4. Estimating the increase in the number of subscriptions for non-working populations
5. Estimating the impact of subscriptions taken by educational institutions as well

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
1. Why PwC
2. Tell me something interesting about yourself not on your CV
3. IPL related discussion (I had mentioned cricket as my passion)
asked and your
4. What do I mean by digitalization in finance
5. Discussion about the recent advertisements of White Hat

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Ishita Chaudhary
Company interviewing for PwC – Strategy
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions
1. Why consulting?
2. Detailed questions on my past projects in previous job role.

You have been asked to estimate the potential market size for implementation of robotics process
automation across India. Estimate the size. (Previous WorkEx related)
asked and your
1. Picked the major industries in India and used them as the buckets for my solution. Further classified
each bucket into the type of work (back office, front office etc.)
2. estimated the % automation potential by identifying the manual and repetitive tasks in each

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guesstimate etc.

3. Estimated the final market size using approximate industry wide size in US billion dollars and its
respective automation potential.

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions
1. Why do you want to work in strategy domain if you have an interest in technology?
2. Explain the end to end implementation of a project that you led at your previous workplace.

Case 1 - You are running a well-established family business. You are thinking of acquiring a startup which
has been providing a bucket of services in IT, Insurance, Customer service, Finance domains to various
businesses in past. You have to decide if you should go forward with the acquisition to utilize the
startup’s services in updating the current infrastructure. How would you go about making this decision?
asked and your
1. Began by asking a few questions to understand the business model of the startup.
2.Evaluated the cost and operational feasibility, risks involved (financial, operational and employees
related) for each domain.
3. Also looked at the possible synergies for growth options and the strategy fit- Combination of
entrepreneurial spirit of a startup with a family business.

Case 2 - Suggest digital transformation strategies for a logistics company.(Related to work ex)

1. Asked basic preliminary questions to understand the company, customers and competitors.
2. Suggested a few strategies in cloud, IOT and AI domain with a step-by -step implementation plan.

Result Selected

31 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions

PI questions
1. What is that one thing, which if offered to you can make you leave this job offer?
2. Which area in strategy would you like to work in if selected by PwC?

Case question
The client is a cab service company, facing a decline in profits (higher than the competitors) in the
current Covid scenario. Investigate the reason and provide recommendations.
asked and your
1. Asked a few clarifying questions to understand the company better. (Fare price was fixed at $10 for
5 kms and an additional $1 for each km afterwards)
2. Using the profitability framework, identified the cost and revenue drivers.
3. The case conclusion was that the revenue had declined more than the competitors due to:
a) an increase in number of long-distance trips and
b) rescinded partnership contracts with various restaurants which resulted in decrease in
miscellaneous revenue of the cab service company.

Result Selected

32 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

33 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Sakshi Maurya
Company interviewing for Everest
Number of rounds 1

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Cases
PI questions
Introduce yourself and why do you want to join this stream, few work-related questions.

Problem statement:
Case 1 - A service producer wants to expand business in a different city and has 3 options – Delhi,
Mumbai and Bangalore. How will you decide which city to choose?
Case 2 - The BPO industry is facing a high employee attrition rate. Identify the reasons and solutions to
address it.
Summary Scoping questions
asked and your Case 1 - I asked reasons for expansion and which segment they particularly want to expand, among
responses) other general questions.
Case 2 - I listed down possible industry-related issues and individual company-related problems from
employee, manager and HR aspect.

Case 1 - I broke down both revenue and cost (tangible and intangible) sides one by one in order to see
what will maximize their profits

Case 2 - As a solution, I gave recommendations as to what the HR can do to minimize the gap between
the mismatch of employee expectations and actual rewards they were getting.

Result Selected

34 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name KS Lahari
Company interviewing for Everest
Number of rounds 1

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Cases
PI questions
Introduce yourself and why do you want to join this stream.

Problem statement:
Case 1 - A grocery store chain is facing a loss of market share , need to find possible causes and
Round Case 2 - The HR team of a company has consulted you regarding an increase in their hiring time from 3
Summary months to 5 months. Is this an issue in the first place , and if it's an issue..what are the possible reasons
(questions for this ?
asked and your
responses) Solution
Case 1 - A basic profitability framework with scoping questions around the mode of delivery, geography
and competitors. Go deeper into the possible reasons why competitor could be gaining share at the
stores(like discounts, distribution methods, managing stock outs, etc)

Case 2 - Listing out various possible reasons for the delay by finding out details about the recruitment
process- was not expected to reach a conclusion, just looking for various possible options and causes
for the delay.

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Asritha
Company interviewing for Everest
Number of rounds 1

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Cases

Round Problem statement:
Summary Case 1 - A pharmaceutical company based out in US (retail outlets) has been losing out on its market
(questions share for the last two years. What could the reason be?
asked and your
responses) Solution
Case 1 - Started off with asking questions related to competitors, demand for the type of medicine they
sold, hospital and insurance company tie ups. The final solution that was arrived at is "Expansion into

35 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

online marketplace", where the company has still not done it and that is the potential reason for losing
out on market share.

Result Selected

36 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

37 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Deepika Mohta
Company interviewing for GEP
Number of rounds 1

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions
1. How has your day been going?
2. Tell me something about yourself.
3. Since you have stayed in so many places in India, describe your experience in each one.
4. How is MBA going during COVID-19?
5. Why GEP?
6. Do you have any questions?

Calculate prospective the market size if we build a swimming pool in Bangalore.
Quick questions like - Why are we building a swimming pool? Is it a part of school or society or an
asked and your
open for all pool?
1. Divided Bangalore into smaller areas by considering the Area of Bangalore/Population of the city. (As
a swimming pool will cater to people only in and around an area)
2. Calculated the number of households in an area by taking an average family size of 4.
3. Further created buckets on the basis of Income level (excluding lower class and lower-middle class)
4. Divided further on the basis of age groups (Children and young office goers might be more willing to

The discussion mostly went around what is the reason behind each level of division and what are the
assumptions that were taken.
Result Selected

38 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Shalini Agarwal
Company interviewing for GEP
Number of rounds 2

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions

1) Walk me through your resume

2) Why consulting?
3) Why GEP?
4) Questions regarding previous Job
5) What is known as a break-even point?
Summary Guesstimate
asked and your Guesstimate the cost of a Mumbai- Ahmedabad bullet train project and how many tickets would be
responses) needed to sold to reach a break even point.


I identified the major cost heads that would be there and then gave the Mumbai- Ahmedabad bullet
train project cost estimate that the government is planning and calculated the number of tickets based
on that. (There has already been a case study done on this in IIM-A and can be found online)

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Guesstimate
PI questions

1) Walk me through your resume

2) Why Consulting?
3) Why Supply chain consulting?
4) A hypothetical question based on probability
5) Which is the company you think should work on their logistics and how could you suggest them
asked and your
A company has 5 manufacturing plants and about 15 warehouses and uses 3PL. The company has
around 600 suppliers and they want to cut down on their logistics cost. Analyze and give suggestions
as to how can they do it

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guesstimate etc.


I asked various questions based on their means of transport, their route optimization, supplier locations,
how are the suppliers or warehouses for the products selected and others. Gave suggestions such as
route optimization, cutting down on suppliers and bulk ordering which would then may lead to discount
offerings by suppliers, Truck load planning as the major mode of transport was roadways.

Result Selected

40 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

41 | P a g e
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guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Jahnvi Tyagi
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 2

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
Introduce yourself

Case 1
Decreasing profits, constant revenue for a perfume manufacturer

Round Case 1 –
Summary 1. Basic introductory questions about the company, product, competitors.
(questions 2. Used profitability framework to arrive at the changes in variable costs due to company investing in
asked and your marketing
Case 2:
A medical consultation app has 50000 downloads, goal is to reach 5mn. How will you achieve that?

1. Questions about the application, POD, AIDA model to understand lack of awareness.
2. Focused on gaining new customers through SEO, banners, partnerships, recommendations etc.
Retaining customers - freemium, customization etc.

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
1. Introduce yourself, why consulting, CV related questions
2. how will you cope with the pressure given you are a fresher and have no corporate experience, why
Accenture and why not other companies (had to give reasons for both separately)

Round Case 1
Summary A family based manufacturing company is facing huge losses due to the pandemic, don’t pay much to
(questions employees but treat them well, management took a 15% salary cut, their is uncertainty and employee
asked and your morale is low
responses) You are hired to improve the morale and was asked not to do any quantitative analysis and not
suggest salary hikes or incentives for the employee

Provided a structure for the organization right from hiring to training to retirement that inculcates a
sense of belongings. Family owned business, so should have opportunities for outsiders to grow

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guesstimate etc.

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Jhanvi Gupta
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
1. Why are you pursuing an MBA after Chemical engineering?
2. What is Process Optimization?
3. Give two examples of process optimization from your previous work experience.

Round Case 1
Summary If you were hired as a consultant for your previous company, how would you analyze the gaps and
(questions what changes would you suggest?
asked and your
responses) Approach:
1. Although everyone tends to believe they know their previous company very well, but that also
means people tend to overlook essential gaps. I started by asking about the kind of suggestions
and the section in which the recommendations had to be implemented.
2. From prior knowledge I started with a few suggestions and explained their importance based on
cost, values of the company, and future prospects (I worked at Hindustan Zinc in the industrial

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
1. Why did you leave your previous job?
2. Why Accenture?
3. Apart from what you've already said, what all do you know about Accenture?
asked and your
4. Tell me something unique about Accenture that caught your eye?
5. Can you tell me a little about the disinvestment of Vedanta and HZL? (My previous work experience)

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions & Case

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guesstimate etc.

PI questions
Summary 1. Can you talk about what motivated and demotivated you in your previous work experience?
(questions 2. What is it that you look for and what really motivates you?
asked and your 3. How did you deal with challenges in your work place?
responses) 4. Are there any on-field challenges you want to talk about that in your opinion, are a reality and
have to be accepted? (Context: I worked as an on-field engineer for 2 years)

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Nidhi Nivedita
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
Summary 1.Tell me about yourself
(questions 2. Why do you want to join consultancy
asked and your 3. Tell me about a situation where you managed difference of opinion at workplace
responses) 4. Recently the company went through some important changes, are you aware of them.

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI question & Case
PI questions

1.Why do you want to join us?

2.Tell me about your strength and weakness
An oil refinery wants to optimize it's operational cost, how would you go about it?
asked and your
They just wanted to quickly know the approach. industry benchmarking of the operation activities is
the point where the discussion stopped.

Result Selected

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guesstimate etc.

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
Summary 1.Tell me something interesting about you.
(questions 2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
asked and your 3. What is the most important thing for you now?
responses) 4. Why do you want to join the company?

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Oindrila
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round Guesstimate
Round Estimate the number of dishwashers were sold in Karnataka in the year 2020?
Summary Solution
(questions Narrowed down from Karnataka to Bangalore (80-20). Took cognizance of 2020 (migration of labor).
asked and your Divided demand in months. Divided population according to socio-economic classes and assigned
responses) probable% of penetration. Also, calculated dishwashers already in use that need to be replaced.
Mentioned general cleaning behaviors of Indians and problem with Indian Food.

Result Selected for Round 2 – Partner round

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & question related to Strategy
PI questions
1. What is your weakness?
2. What are your hobbies?
asked and your
Strategy formulation question
How would you sell pianos, to whom, and what would be your strategy?

Result Selected for Round 3 – HR round

Round No. 3 – HR round

Type of Round PI questions

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guesstimate etc.

PI questions
1. How would you communicate better at your workplace?
2. What were the problems you faced in your previous workplace because of cross-functionality?
asked and your
3. What would be your preferred location?

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Ayushi Jain
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions
Round PI questions
Summary 1. Tell me about yourself?
(questions 2. Why Accenture strategy?
asked and your 3. 3 recents trends in technology followed by companies?
responses) 4. Work-ex related questions?
Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Why Accenture strategy?
3. Any questions for the interviewer?
Round Would you establish a semiconductor chipset fabrication industry in India? Why or why not.
Summary Solution
(questions India has attempted to establish fabrication industry in the past. Hyderabad had a large land allocated
asked and your just for fabrication and named it FabCity. But the cost of establishing is way too high now, and the
responses) technology and training required is also intense irrespective of the part of world. Hence it failed.

Given the anti-chinese sentiments, companies have been looking for alternative locations for
manufacturing and fabricating chipset and cheap prices. The most prominent options are Vietnam and
India, given the cheap labour. Hence, it's a huge opportunity to establish the industry now, because if
we don't some other country will get the advantage.

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions – HR round

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guesstimate etc.

PI questions
Round 1. Tell me about yourself?
Summary 2. Why Accenture strategy?
(questions 3. Why consulting?
asked and your 4. What do you bring to the table?
responses) 5. Which location would you prefer?
6. 2 weaknesses?

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Parshuram Khawle
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round Technical Questions & Guesstimate
Technical questions
Economics - What you mean by diminishing returns to scale?
Finance- What is NPV & IRR
GK- What are your comments on Vodafone & Idea merger
CV- Tell me 3 things from your CV which you want to highlight.

Round Estimate the number of purchases of computers in Maharashtra in the year 2020. Just tell the approach.
(questions Solution
asked and your 1. There are majorly 2 types of purchases. A. Purchase for personal use. B. Purchases by companies.
responses) 2. Purchases for personal use can be found out using data regarding income level and age. Divide this
figure by 4. (Assuming that the laptop is replaced after every 4 years)
3. For purchases by companies, the companies can be divided by industry types. And then, consider the
number of employees percentages can be assigned. For example, a higher percentage of the employee
will need a laptop in the IT sector, whereas a very less number of the laptop is required in the hospitality
service industry. Divide this figure by 3. (Assuming that the laptop is replaced after every 3 years)
4. Due to Covid, the number of purchases will increase due to work from home. On the contrary, there
will be a decrease in the number of purchases due to an increase in the capability of smartphones.

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
1. Tell me about yourself in 30 seconds?
2. What are your goals?

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guesstimate etc.

(questions Case
asked and your You are the owner of the CA coaching center. In Pandemic, will you launch online classes?
1. Due to time constraints, CA students prefer online classes, and the popularity of the classes is solely
based on the content and quality of teaching.
2. Revenue wise professors taking CA courses earn a lot per hour. I also read long back that the highest
taxpayer of Delhi was the owner of CA coaching classes.
3. There are four major reasons to start online coaching 1st. Continue the courses which were stopped
due to the lockdown. 2nd. The courses can be distributed across India which much additional cost.
3rd. Due to lockdown, the demand for and popularity of online courses has increased. 4th. The setup
cost is very less.
4. To conclude, CA online coaching should be launched.

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Tell me about your strength and what differentiates you from the rest?
asked and your
3. How your skills and experience will benefit the Accenture?

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Diksha Shresth
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 2

Round No. 1
Type of Round Technical Questions & Guesstimate
PI questions
Summary 1. Tell me something about yourself
(questions 2. Why Accenture
asked and your 3. Why Consulting
responses) 4. My hobbies, things I am passionate about
5. Explain various stages of the e-Commerce Value chain (I have e-Commerce work-ex)

48 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

I described the e-Commerce Value chain in detail and most of the discussion revolved around that. I
talked about the competitive advantage, the latest developments, technological advancements, Cost
factors, and Production Clusters

6. Explain various stages of the Telecom Value chain

7. What are the challenges faced by my team while implementing Big-Data based Insights for
8. Some questions on Amazon's last-mile delivery success in India
I talked about Amazon's success with the last-mile delivery operations model in India by focussing on
rural last-mile delivery. I also talked about FLEX program and how it is empowering part-time
employment in the country.

9. A basic discussion on Media and Telecom Industry

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions & Case
PI questions
1.) Why are Telecom players logging into the e-Commerce space in India and the US and how will
these benefit from one another(As I had e-Commerce work experience in a US-based Telecom firm)
asked and your
2.) What do I think of the Media and Telecom Industry in general

Result Selected

49 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Ayushi Saxena
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 2

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
Summary 1) Introduce yourself.
(questions 2) Tell me something about your family background.
asked and your 3) Why Accenture?
responses) 4) What would be your dream job?
5) Valuate Bechtel India Pvt Ltd (my UG intern company)

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
1) Introduce yourself.
2) Why Accenture?
3) How would be you of use to Accenture?
asked and your
4) How would Accenture be of use to you?
5) What is the most important thing while working in a group?
6) What are your weaknesses?

Result Selected

Candidate Information
Candidate Name Nisha Sabu
Company interviewing for Accenture Strategy
Number of rounds 3

Round No. 1
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
- Tell me about yourself
- Question based on stakeholder management and Scon work
asked and your
- what was your work in PwC

50 | P a g e
This document has been prepared for consolidating consulting interviews experience including cases,
guesstimate etc.

Result Selected

Round No. 2
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions
- Tell me about yourself in 30 seconds
- What do you like about Mumbai and Kerala
asked and your
- What do you think about privatisation of Mumbai local trains

Result Selected

Round No. 3
Type of Round PI questions
PI questions

- Tell me about yourself

- Since you have already worked with PwC and are familiar with their work culture, why not continue
working with them
- why Accenture Strategy?
asked and your
- why consulting?
- what do you not like about consulting?
- constant travel is an essential part of consulting, how will you manage?
- Location preference

Result Selected

51 | P a g e

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