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Lab Report Gas Turbine

MCE 4453 Desalination Engineering

Lab Report

Lab 6 – Experimental Study of Gas Turbine Engines.

Student Name Student ID Number

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Lab Report Gas Turbine

Table of Contents
1. Objective:................................................................................................................3
2. Introduction..............................................................................................................3
3. Safety......................................................................................................................3
4. Apparatus................................................................................................................3
5. Before Start.............................................................................................................3
6. Procedure................................................................................................................3
7. Start-up....................................................................................................................4
8. Power-down............................................................................................................6
9. Observations...........................................................................................................7
10. Discussion:...........................................................................................................7
11. Conclusion:..........................................................................................................8
12. References:..........................................................................................................8

List of Figures
Figure 1: ArmFiled Software (Sensors location)............................................................4
Figure 2: RPM Vs Time.................................................................................................5
Figure 3: Instructions of the Software Usage................................................................5
Figure 4:.........................................................................................................................6
Figure 5: Sample Selection............................................................................................6
Figure 6: Sampling of the data.......................................................................................6

List of Table

Table 1...........................................................................................................................7
Table 2...........................................................................................................................7
Table 3...........................................................................................................................8

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Lab Report Gas Turbine

Gas Turbine
1. Objective:
To start-up and power-down of the Gas Turbine engine and data logging and familiarize
with the engine and its controls.

2. Introduction
The CM-14 is a pure turbo jet that is a direct jet engine in the combustion industry that
provides an expanding gas that generates valuable work and propulsion. The CM-14 gas
generator core is identical to the gas generator core used in turbo-fan, turboprop and
turbocharged gas turbines for aircraft and sea propulsion as well as stationary and
industrial power-generation. The core is composed of a centric flow compressor, ring gas
fans and an axial flow-control turbine.

3. Safety
Keep in mind that you can deal around high temperatures and temperature regulation is a
mixture of the exact guidelines and common sense of the maker. Hold a 10 metre gap on
both sides when it's starting.

4. Apparatus
 Engine Module
 Electronic Console
 User PC with Arm field software

5. Before Start
Prepare and fill the fuel in a container as recommended by the arm field, Fuel ratio needs
to be exactly 22.5% which means 225ml of Aero shell (Turbine 500) in 1000ml of

6. Procedure
The Electronic Console master switch is activated. The arm field app is loaded to the
user's PC and you have chosen the view of the graphical panel. This shows an imitation
diagram of superimposed sensor readings of the engine. This panel monitors valuable
motor readings such as shaft speed, thrust, pressure and temperatures. The PC screen
diagram should look like the following figure

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Figure 1: ArmFiled Software (Sensors location)

Lab Report Gas Turbine

The 'zero keys' should be pressed on all sensor edit fields provided for this feature before
starting the motor and taking any data. This offsets any remaining sensor errors. The
Watchdog button should blink in the panel which is called 'Controls' in the imitation
diagram. This indicates the presence of the electronic Console is sensed by the machine.

7. Start-up
In order to start the engine properly the following actions need to be done in the right

 The ‘Power On’ button on the PC screen is clicked

 The ‘Enable’ button on the PC screen is clicked

 The ‘Start’ button on the PC screen is clicked

The start button is used to start the engine. In order to achieve the purpose of this
experimentation, the system must have to be started, otherwise noting can be gained
from the experimentation. The electric starter will try to start the engine when we click on
the start button. The required quantity of the propane is pumped into the combustor
chamber and it is ignited in the combustor. If the combustion chamber is sufficiently
propane, the engine starts and begins automatically in the following sequence:

Figure 2: RPM Vs Time

During the startup sequence the solenoid fuel valve is opened and the solenoid propane
valves are then closed. After 30 seconds, the initialization is finished and fuel is supplied
from the fuel cistern, so the valve on the top of the propane cistern can be shut down
manually by turning the torso cap upside down. In the 'Commandos Panel the 'Throttle' is
set to 0 percent, which is around 0.17L/min fuel flow and remains operating at about
37000 RPM.

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Lab Report Gas Turbine


The sampling manual is the easiest way to take samples, since it is labelled with the
green 'GO' icon in the main menu of Arm field applications. When the 'GO' button is
pressed, the embedded tablet will contain a sample of data that can be accessed through
the icon below, as seen on the following figure:

Figure 3: Instructions of the Software Usage

A digital sample functionality can be used in the area of the arm applications. The
imitative diagram shows a pull-down window as seen in the figure when you click on the
main menu item "Sample." The automated sampling parameters can then be set by
pressing 'Settings.'

Figure 4: Sampling of the data

Figure 5: Figure

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Lab Report Gas Turbine

The 'Automatic' alternative must be chosen for automatic sampling in the panel 'Sample
Surgery.' In the automatic sample parameters panel, the 'Sample Interval' edit box is set
to 1 second time amplitude of the samples. A value of 15 seconds has been set for the
'fixed duration' mode to be selected[1].
The machine samples at 1 second intervals for 15 seconds for these parameters which in
practice converts into 15 samples. After you select 'Yes' in the 'Example setup' windows,
it is critical that you press the green 'GO' button in the main diagram window. Then 15
samples and those taken manually will be added to the table[2].
It is vital to take samples before the tank is powered out, so keep an eye on the time the
engine goes. At the beginning of the experiment, when the 5-liter fuel tank is complete, it
is safe to infer that the fuel flow rate is about 0.81 l/min. Each run can also be restricted to
about 5-7 minutes.

8. Power-down
 After taking measurements, the engine must be turned off. Two buttons are labelled
'Power On' and 'Start' on the image diagram under the 'Controls' segment.
 The power on button does not switch off the engine until an emergency occurs. When
there is an emergency. To start and stop the engine, the 'Start' button is used
 When the engine is running and the "Start" button is pressed, the power down
process starts.
 This sequence is controlled by the engine control unit and a slow engine cooling is
possible in order to avoid undue thermal stress. By driving the engine at full speed for
a fleeting amount of time, the motor control unit triggers this chain. This is required to
provide adequate lubricant and fuel flow in the engine and ball rollers. In the next
start-up sequence this lubricant will be re-used, where only propane will be pumped
and no other lubricate will be used.
 Soon, the engine shuts down abruptly and stops. The electric starter is however
periodically activated by the ECU to allow cold air into the engine from the
atmosphere to go below 88°C in the nozzle.

 The samples are taken in the 'Bench' segment of the field programme of the Arm.

9. Observations
Table 1

S. Positi T T T T T T
P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 n l
N0 on 1 2 3 4 5

2 5 60 50 50 101. 1.2 24.6 18. 19. 3.7 1 382 0.1
1 34.00 7 4 4 3 4 30 5 6 31 04 9 2 03 7
2 8 54 50 50 101. 5.1 89.6 70. 70. 15. 4 679 0.3
2 24.00 7 2 0 4 1 30 2 0 80 56 55 8 10 4
2 9 50 48 48 101. 6.8 107. 93. 93. 21. 6 754 0.3
3 30.00 7 7 6 1 3 30 0 42 26 51 45 4 69 9

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Lab Report Gas Turbine

Corresponding data
Table 2

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
Rat H1 H2 H3 H4 H5

0.2 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 4. 6. 6. 6. 305. 332. 912. 801. 801.
6 00 01 12 09 09 00 06 58 42 44 43 13 03 10 60
0.5 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 4. 6. 6. 6. 305. 359. 841. 802. 798.
3 00 01 10 09 09 00 38 36 40 43 43 95 59 09 61
0.6 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 4. 6. 6. 6. 305. 375. 803. 776. 779.
2 00 01 09 09 09 00 52 25 33 39 18 33 37 80 27









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Table 3

T1 Inlet Temperature [°C] Cp1 Specific Heat at inlet [KJ/Kg K]

T2 Compressor Temperature [°C] Cp2 Specific Heat in compressor [KJ/Kg K]
T3 Combustor Temperature [°C] Cp3 Specific Heat at combustor [KJ/Kg K]

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Lab Report Gas Turbine

T4 Turbine Temperature [°C] Cp4 Specific Heat at Turbine [KJ/Kg K]

T5 Exhaust Temperature [°C] Cp5 Specific Heat at Exhaust [KJ/Kg K]
P0 Ambient Pressure [kPa] S1 Entropy at inlet [KJ/Kg K]
P1 Inlet Pressure [kPa] S1 Entropy in compressor [KJ/Kg K]
P2 Compressor Pressure [kPa] S1 Entropy at combustor [KJ/Kg K]
P3 Combustor Pressure [kPa] S1 Entropy at Turbine [KJ/Kg K]
P4 Exhaust Pressure [kPa] S1 Entropy at Exhaust [KJ/Kg K]
P5 Inlet Pressure [kPa] H1 Enthalpy at inlet [KJ/Kg K]
T Thrust [N] H2 Enthalpy in compressor [KJ/Kg K]
n Speed [RPM] H3 Enthalpy at combustor [KJ/Kg K]
l Fuel Flow [l/min] H4 Enthalpy at Turbine [KJ/Kg K]
Air mass flow rate [Kg/ sec] H5 Enthalpy at Exhaust [KJ/Kg K]

10. Discussion:
With the increase in the time it can be seen from the above graph that the Speed of the
system increases, moreover, the throttle of the system was reduced during this process.
The torque of the engine increases as the throttle of the machine is reduced. It can be
seen from the above data that as the throttle position is reduced, the air mass flow rate
increases. The basic hat capability at the inlet, the compressor, and the turbine all remain
unchanged as the throttle is decreased. At the combustor, however, the real heat power
reduces. Throughout the experiment, the entropy at the inlet remains constant. As the
throttle is reduced, the entropy at the compressor increases. The entropy of the
combustor, rotor, and exhaust reduces. With a shift of throttle, the enthalpy at the inlet
stays constant. The enthalpy increases at the compressor, as comped to decrease at the
combustor, turbine and at the exhaust of the system.

11. Conclusion:
 The experimentation was carried out on Gas Turbine engine. Arm field software was
used to monitor and measure the data.
 The experimentation for the throttle position of 34, 30 and 24 % shows that the
pressure, entropy and enthalpy of the turbine engine decreases at the inlet of the
 The pressure, entropy and pressure increases at the compressor due to high
compression of the fuel.
 All these parameters experience a decrease at the combustor, turbine and at the
exhaust of the gas turbine due to the expansion of the gases.

12. References:
1. Padture, N.P., M. Gell, and E.H.J.S. Jordan, Thermal barrier coatings for gas-
turbine engine applications. 2002. 296(5566): p. 280-284.
2. DeMasi-Marcin, J.T., D.K.J.S. Gupta, and C. Technology, Protective coatings
in the gas turbine engine. 1994. 68: p. 1-9.

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