Group 5 - DAR Project - Section B

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Data Analytics in R Group Project

By GROUP 5 (Section B)
Group Member Names Role No.
Vishaka Kumari 190102070
Abhishek Tripathi 190103007
Anantraman L.M. 190103023
Jaikumar A 190103061
Satyam Agarwal 190103126
Yash Anant Mahajan 190103169
Surbhi Mittal 190103227

Create a model using Logistic Regression on the Churn_Data whose
information is given below: (5 Marks)
Logistic Regression model on the Churn Data is as follows:

Model Output:

Check the accuracy of model and discuss the significance of each

Accuracy with p = 0.5 : 75.80%

Accuracy with p = optimum cutoff= 0.005522017

: 33.09%

Significance of the each feature:

customerID Not Significant (p>0.05)

gender Not Significant (p>0.05)
SeniorCitizen (Yes) Less Significant(*) p>0.01
Partner Not Significant (p>0.05)
Dependents Not Significant (p>0.05)
tenure Significant(p<0.05)
MultipleLines (Yes) Significant(p<0.05)
InternetService (Fibre Optic) Significant(p<0.05)
TechSupport Not Significant (p>0.05)
StreamingTV (Yes) Significant(p<0.05)
StreamingMovies (Yes) Significant(p<0.05)
Contract(One Year) Significant(p<0.05)
PaperlessBilling (Yes) Less Significant(**) p>0.001
MonthlyCharges Significant(p<0.05)
TotalCharges Significant(p<0.05)

Explain the impact of each feature on the churn attribute.

Independent Variable Coefficient odds increase/decrease

tenure -0.0772775 0.074367045%
MultipleLines (Yes) 0.6602771 0.93532854%
InternetService (Fibre Optic) 2.3593646 9.584224099%
StreamingTV (Yes) 0.7625714 1.143781659%
StreamingMovies (Yes) 0.6875557 0.988848245%
Contract(One Year) -0.7547297 0.529862324%
MonthlyCharges -0.0535663 0.052156903%
TotalCharges 0.00045 0.000450101%
(5 Marks)

 Tenure:
For 1 unit increase in tenure, odds of the churn rate decreases by 0.074367045%.
 MultipleLines:
When Multiple lines are chosen, odds of the churn rate increases by 0.93532854%.
 InternetService:
When fibre optic as a InternetService is chosen, odds of the churn rate increases by

 StreamingTV:
When StreamingTV is chosen as Yes, odds of the churn rate increases by 1.143781659%.

 StreamingMovies:
When StreamingMovies is chosen as Yes, odds of the churn rate increases by

 Contract:
When one year contract is chosen, odds of the churn rate decreases by 0.529862324%.

 MonthlyCharges:
For 1 unit increase in MonthlyCharges, odds of the churn rate decreases by

 TotalCharges:
For 1 unit increase in TotalCharges, odds of the churn rate increases by 0.000450101%.

Write Down the Final recommendations of the model.

 When internet service is fibre optic, it has highest impact on the churn rate. So,
we should focus on providing more fibre optics services to reduce the Churn
 Having multiple lines has positive impact on the churn rate. So, more focus on
multiple line should be given.
 The one year contracts should be preferred ahead of monthly contracts to
reduce the churn rate.
 The monthly charges should be reduced to decrease the Churn Rate.
 Providing quality movies and TV content would reduce the chances of Churn.


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