Femur Fracture Health Education

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femur fracture health education

There are many simple steps you can take to reduce the risk of falling –
and improve your overall health at the same time.

Exercise helps maintain muscle strength and balance (check with your

doctor before beginning any exercise program).

Vitamin D supports bone and muscle health, and thus reduces your
fall risk. Many people in the Northeastern United States are deficient in
Vitamin D. We recommend that all adults talk to their doctor about
getting a simple, inexpensive Vitamin D level check, and taking Vitamin
D supplements if levels are low.

Proper footwear with the right support aids walking stability and

reduces fall risk.

A safe home environment that’s clutter-free, well-lit, and has stairwell

railings and balance bars in baths and showers, can reduce tripping
hazards that lead to falls.

Appropriate use of assistive devices such as canes or walkers can

improve your stability when walking.

A safety alert button is a good idea for the elderly; if you do fall, you
will be able to summon help quickly.

Medication review with your physician can identify any medications

that may be adding to your falls risk.

Gait training will build your confidence and ensure more consistent

movement that’s less likely to bring about falls.

Name: Mohammad Saeed Jamaan AL Zahrani

No: 438004046

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