Creativity and Innovation

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Creativity and

word creativity came from the Latin term creō "to create". It also came from Latin. The word
"create" appeared as early as the 14th century

There is no reluctance that creativity and innovation are the indispensable elements for any
dynamic organization, but the bureaucratic practices like controlling, ruling and regulating
are equally important

Creativity and Innovation

Training and development T&D can be defined as an HR practice that organizations instrument
to advance performance through a variety of instructive methods and programs (Alba Manresa
2018). Continuous education and refining employee skills and productivity through T&D
practices are recognized as tremendously important factors that ensuring the long-term
achievement (Andrea Bikfalvi 2018).Alba Manresa, 2018 asked the question, “What factors
effect a company’s tendency to implementing training and development practices for creativity
and innovation?”, the results indorse that the relationship of creativity and innovation are related
to several conditional factors, for example, innovation capability for novel products and services.
Research should emphasis on the correlation between training and development for creativity
and innovation practices and firms’ performance (Andrea Bikfalvi -2018). Formalization has a
negative relation with employee creativity, demonstrating that high formalization in any
organizations leads to little generation of idea. The formalization conquers organizational
innovation signifying that formalization the idea implementation in firm. It influences the
employee creativity, which obstructs the organizational innovation (Atif Bilal, Faiza Majid
2018). The formalization should be synthesized, to the point relevant, suitable and pointless
controls should be impassive in order to inspire creativity and innovation (Hafiz Mushtaq Ahmad
2018). Supervisors should focus on the outcomes that employees are constructing in the form of
a unique idea (Faiza Majid 2018). When employee make a creative and effective idea, executive
should be left with the employees, and they should not be uttered or organized about how they
have do their work (Hafiz Mushtaq Ahmad 2018). Executives need to weed out the needless
formalization that may enable creativity and innovation (Atif Bilal, Faiza Majid 2018). The
administrative governor practices, like formalization are also the condition to sustain and
regulate the behavior of employees (Faiza Majid 2018). (Atif Bilal, Hafiz Mushtaq Ahmad, Faiza
Majid 2018) suggested that falling in formal rules to enable creativity and innovation that may
offer organizations as lasting competitive advantage. EOX(employee–organization exchange) is
confidently related to employee creativity(Wen Pan, Li-Yun Sun 2017).Satisfaction facilitates
the association between EOX and employee creativity and LMX (leader-member exchange)
augments the EOX-need satisfaction connection (Long W. Lam 2017)CSE (creative self-
efficacy) have relation with satisfaction and creativity, and EOX has solid influence on creativity
through need satisfaction when employees have greater LMX and lower CSE (Wen Pan, Li-Yun
Sun & Long W. Lam 2017). Employee and organization relationship itself and suggested that the
long-term concerned with social exchange-based EOX offers prosperous condition for human
need satisfaction and turn leads to be creativity. (Wen Pan, Li-Yun Sun & Long W. Lam 2017).
The perspective of SDT (self-determination theory) highlights the significance of the social
exchange environment of EOX in indorsing need satisfaction which is influence to creativity
(Long W. Lam 2017). Organizations must be adopt long-term concerned with social exchange.
relationships between employees and organization as well as built relation with employees and
their manager. If EOX or LMX is weed, employee will feel that their organization does not have
value of their well-beings and his job is just instrument to economic welfares and his financial
security. He does not enhance his new ideas. So his motivation is reserved as engaging in
creative activity (Wen Pan, Li-Yun Sun & Long W. Lam 2017). Individual initiative and ability
positively affect the creativity. Knowledge and creative possessions play moderating roles in
affecting the relationships (Chung-Jen Chen 2014). Ability variety provides the essential skills
for employees to do creative events, while creativity is significant characteristic to assisting them
to overcome existing constraints and transform elaborate thoughts into valuable and practical
ideas(Hsi-An Shih 2014) .The high nature of knowledge in the jobs facilitates low-initiative
workers to perform tasks properly and more smoothly. Low-initiative workers are additional able
to apply suitable knowledge to solve problems or generate practical solutions when the essential
knowledge is more exact than less specific solution (Ya-Ching Yeh) 2014.Individuals with high
creativity and ability variety would revelation more creativity when they have appropriate
creative resources, compare with those with little initiative and ability variety (Chung-Jen Chen a
, Hsi-An Shih b &– 2014).Employee creativity can be established through HRM practices. There
was no association between the performance appraisal and employee creativity. Performance
appraisals can be used to focus on what employee have done wrong, employees should gain a
clear view; how they can recover through progressive response that motivates them to recover in
impending performance and apply new ideas to improve batter performance (Jianwu Jiang a ,
Shuo Wang b & Shuming Zhao – 2012).HRM can raise the inclusive creativity of an
organization’s workforce through selecting employees with their creative potential and use
reward systems by appraisal to increase the employees’ motivation to be creative. Employees’
creativity entirely mediated the association between HRM practices and organizational
innovation. (Jianwu Jiang a , Shuo Wang b & Shuming Zhao – 2012).

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