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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Vivek Shrivastav Harsh dhimmar
Kamdhenu university
M.F.Sc. 1st year

Kamdhenu university

– Linkage between 2 or more agri system and major commodity is

fish called IFFs.
– Efficiency in resource utilization
– Additional income for small scale farmer
– Recycling of bioresources or byproducts
– Main objective is Increase the productivity of water, land and
associated resources while contributing to increased food fish

– First integrated aquaculture systems (rice-fish farming): China, 2000 years ago.
– India about 1500 years ago.
– In 1620s fish - livestock farming
– In the fifties of the 19th century integrated fish farming practices were
transferred from China to Japan.
– Russia since 1850.
– Madagascar since 1914.
Ecosystem of IFFs

– Primary producer produce nutrient use of solar energy

– It utilize by the phagotrophs
– That is decomposed by the saprotrophs
– Release nutrient for producer
– Photosynthesis – inorganic nutrient, light and temperature major component.
Types of IFFs

Agri – fish system Livestock – fish system

– Paddy – Cattle
– Horticulture – Pig
– Mushroom – Goat or sheep
– Seri
– Poultry
– vermicompost
– Duck
– Rabbit
Multi system approach

– More than two farming system

– This system mostly at Punjab, Haryana, up, hp etc.,
– To grow short term oil crop with low water than excess nutrient for which good
for fish pond productivity. Dyke use for apiculture.
Types of fish species in IFFs

– polyculture fingerling of Indian major carp and exotic carp.

– medium and minor carps (Labeo calbasu, L. gonius, Puntius sarana and Labeo
fimbriatus, L. bata) are identified as IFF polyculture system.
– The freshwater prawn or catfish magur (Clarius batrachus), singhi
(Heteropneustes fossillis) and murrels (Channa marulius, Channa striatus,
Channa punctatus), Ompok and Mystus species with proper composition and
ratio for optimum utilization of the organic important regional species
introduction to are also cultured under mixed system of or anabas (Anabas
testudinius) resources.
Paddy – fish system

– Simultaneous
– Rice and fish together in rice plots.
– 0.1 ha field 4 rice plots of 250 sq.m.
– Ditch 0.75m width & 0.5m depth is dug.
– Dyke 0.3m high & 0.3m wide.
– Water Depth of rice plot 5-25 cm depend on type of rice and fish species.
– After 5 days transplantation of rice , fish fry at 5000/ha and fingerling at 2000/ha
– Stocking density doubled if provide supplement feed.
Paddy – fish
Perimeter trench
Paddy – fish
Lateral trench
Paddy – fish
Central pond
Paddy – fish system

– Rotational culture
– fish and rice are alternately.
– The rice field is converted into a temporary fish pond after the harvest.
– permits the use of insecticides and herbicides
– water depth up to 60 cm can be maintained throughout the fish culture period.
– One or two weeks after rice harvest, the field is prepared for fish culture.
– Stocking densities of fry 20,000/ha or fingerlings 6,000/ha respectively.
Paddy – fish system

– Pre-stocking management.
– Feed 1:1 rice bran : groundnut ; 1:2 fish meal : rice bran rate of 5% body weight.
– 700 to 1000 kg/ha fish yield
– Survival rate 60%.
Horticulture – fish system

– Fish with fruits and vegetables on

the pond embankment.
– The nutrient-rich pond mud is used
as fertilizer for growing crops,
eliminating the cost of organic
– Fruit and vegetable residues are
used as feed for the fish.
– Plants on the embankment
strengthen the dikes.
Horticulture – fish system

– huge quantity of cabbage, cauliflower, turnip and radish leaves are thrown away
during harvest.
– utilised as supplementary feed for grass carp
– During winter feed as cabbage and cauliflower leaves
– In summer water bind weed on fed
– Stocking Density 1000/ ha, production 2 t/ ha/ year
– Grass with rohu, catla, mrigal (50:15:20:15) density 5000/ha, production
Mushroom – fish System

– Agaricus bisporus(white button), Voloriella spp.(paddy straw)

and Pleurotus spp.(oyster) Cultivated
– Env. Required humidity, oxygen, cooling which is fulfilled by aqua. Env.
– Cultivation paddy straw
– Chopped 1.2cm, soaked overnight, horsegram add, kept in polythene at 21-35 temp.
– Protein rich, enhance cattle milk production, excreta recycled as fertilizer.
– SMS(spent mushroom substrate) known as compost of mushroom contain
1.9%N, 0.4P, 2.4%K.
Mushroom –
fish system
Seri – fish system

– Mulberry to silkworm
– Silkworm faeces to phytoplankton to filter feeding fish
– Mulberry eat by silkworm; produced waste material and mulberry leaves
mixture add in pond.
– Mulberry yields leaves 30tonnne/ha/year fed silkworm waste is about 16-20
– 50% area of dyke and remaining water area in 1 ha field
– 2-3 tonnes/ha/year fish production
Vermicompost – fish system

– Prepared from earthworm

– Traditional system decomposition – decomposable organic material eaten by
earthworm and undigested excreted.
– Eisenia foetida, lampito maurita etc. it contain 1.6%N, 2.56%P, 0.8%K ; Ca, Mg,
Fe, Cu, Zn
– Worm contain 8-10% protein while dry worm 56-66% protein.
– Directly use for ornamental fish and chopped worm for magur, singhi, murrel.
– 1 Kg worm produced 10 kg compost in 60-70 days.
Aquatic weed – fish system

– Grass carp eat lemna, wolfia, Azolla; it is highly protein 30-40gm/100gm

– Polyculture grass carp 50% with catla, rohu, mrigal, silvercarp, common carp
each 10%.
– Stocking density 6000-8000 fry/ha.
– 5-6 tonnes/ha/year fish marketable size.
– Azolla as biofertilizer provide NPK
– Spirulina dry weight contain 62.5-71.0% protein contain.
Cattle – fish system

– the use of organic wastes; dung-

400 to 500kg , urine 3500 to 4000
– Benificial to filter-feeding and
omnivorous fishes.
– 5-6 cow ; 3000-4000 kg fish/ha.
– 9000 litres milk produced.
Biogas slurry – fish system

– Byproduct of biogas plant.

– It contain 1.5-2.5% N2, 0.82-1.5 %P2O5, 0.8-1.2% K2O
– Directly applied 30-45tonnes/ha/year
– Stocking density 6000/ha
– Fish production 3-4tonnes/ha/year
– Fry to fingerling rearing traditional method adavtageous.
Biogas slurry-
Poultry – fish system

– The space requirement in such a

system of poultry raising is about
0.3-0.4 sq.m. per bird. The
droppings of the birds fall on the
floor from where these are
collected and applied to the pond.
– 1000 birds/ha ;30-35 kg litter apply
to pond daily.
Poultry –fish
90000-100000 egg and 1500kg
meat/year. In boiler 5-6 batch/ year
each batch 1500kg meat.

3000-4000kg of fish /year

Duck – fish system

– A fish pond being semi-closed

biological system with aquatic
animals and plants provide disease
free environment for ducks
– Ducks consume juvenile frogs,
tadpoles, dragon fly making safe
environment to fish.
– Duck droppings – carbon,
phosphorous, potassium, nitrogen,
Duck – fish system

– Ducks move freely in screened

places above water.
– Stocking of fishes depend on size
of pond and no. of ducks.
– Fish Stocking 6000 fingerling/ha
production 3000 – 4000 kg/ha/yr
and duck eggs 6000 and meat 500-
750kg / year.
Pig – fish system

– Pig(40-45) dung(500-600kg/year)
and urine utilized as fertilizer
– Pig 60-70kg/ 6 month for ready
slaughter size.
– 8000-8500fingerling/ha/year; 3-4
tonnes/ha/year fish production.
Goat – fish system

– It is considered as poor man's cow

and a goat's excreta is considered
as a very good organic fertilizer
– The goat excreta contains organic
carbon-60%, N-2.7%, P-1.78%, K-
2.88% and its urine is also equally
rich in both N & P
– 50-60 goats are essential to
fertilize 1 ha pond.
Goat – fish system

– The goat breeds are Jamanapari,

Beetal, Barbari for milk and Bengal,
Sirihi, Deccani are used for meat
– This integration can provide 3500-
4000 kg fish/ha/year without
supplementary feeding and
– 750-900kg goat meat production.
Rabbit – fish system

– Rabbit meat is preferred by most of the health conscious consumers owing to

its low fat in comparison to other meats
– The important meat breeds are Soviet Chinchilla, Grey Giant, and White Giant
– Rabbit excreta contain organic carbon-50%, N-2%, P-1.33%, and K-1.2%.
– Its excreta is high in nitrogen content and low in moisture, thus quality manure
for sustained plankton production
– It is estimated that excreta from 300 rabbits would be enough for 1 ha pond

– produces large quantities of plant and animal residues to the tune of over 322
and 1,000 million metric tonnes/year.
– Country supports largest bovine population of over 222 million cattle heads,
along with 181 million sheep and goats, 16 million pigs and over 150 million
poultry and other livestock Other commodities like mushroom cultivation,
rabbit, sericulture and apiculture provide huge quantities of organic matter for

– The agro-based industries (sugar industries, distilleries, breweries, food

processing plants and dairy effluents) also produce biomaterials with nutrients
which could be recycled for fish farming in addition to the huge quantities of
domestic sewage generated from urban cities to the extent of 4,000 million
litres per day integrated fish farming (IFF).

– Sewage-fed fish culture and rice paddy-cum-fish culture are two important
culture systems practiced in certain areas of the country.
– Sewage-fed fish culture in bheries in West Bengal is an age-old practice. About
5,700 ha are currently being utilized for fish culture using the input of primary-
treated sewage and produce over 7,000 tonnes of fish per annum, mainly
consisting of the major and minor carps.
– Stocking densities of 7,000–10,000 of advanced fingerlings/ha.
– Reared for 3-5 months, marketable size of 250-400 g.
New innovation

– Models of IFS (Rice- fish) developed at NRRI (National Rice Research Institute)
– Rice–fish–livestock-horticulture-based farming system for rainfed lowland areas
– Multi-tier rice-fish-horticulture-agro-forestry-based farming system for deep water
– Rice-based farming system under irrigated lowlands
– Rice-fish-horticulture farming system for rainfed lowland rice ecology atRRLRRS,
Gerua, Assam

– Under reduction of cost of supplemental feed and fertilizers for fish farming.
– This system viable in state environment for employment generation and
concerned aspects.
– Produce more food from existing farming land in this context is integrated
farming offers a possible solution.
– These aquaculture farming systems and other technological innovations are
showing a positive impact on aquaculture success, productions, investment
and marketing potential. The development of these farming systems in
aquaculture should provide a means of producing healthy and fast growing
animals, through eco-friendly.

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