Third Quarter Las Week 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

Quarter 3 – Module 1
Gravitational Force
Lesson 1: Gravitational Force
On Earth, what goes up comes down. All objects are attracted toward the center of the earth due to
gravity. Gravity was observed by Isaac Newton. He recognized that an apple fell straight down because Earth
attracted it. He wondered whether this force might extend beyond the trees, to the clouds, to the moon, and even
beyond. He hypothesized that the force on the apple must be proportional to its mass.
Gravity is a force that all objects exert but you can really only feel it from big things. The moon pulls the
water from the oceans to make the tides. The sun keeps all the planets in orbit with its gravity. The bigger the
object’s mass, the more gravity it exerts.
Gravity is what makes you feel your weight. You would weigh less on the moon because it has less
gravity. You would be a lot heavier on Jupiter because it has more gravity (Castante-Padpad, 2017).
Isaac Newton proposed some ideas about gravity. According to him, gravity is a force or attraction
between any two objects or masses. You learned that gravity keeps you from falling off the Earth. Newton also
stated that gravity exists throughout the universe which includes the planets, stars, and other objects in outer
space. In addition to his theory about gravity, Newton proposed the three laws of motion to explain the behavior
of moving objects.
Gravity,weight, and mass are closely interrelated. Mass is the measure of how much matter there is in a
body or object. Mass is measured in kilograms. One kilogram is equal to 1000 grams. An object’s mass does not
change. Your mass on earth is the same as your mass on the moon or on Mars.
Many people are oftentimes confused in using the word weight when they mean mass. An object’s
weight is a measure of the force of attraction or gravity between the object and the Earth. In the metric system,
newton is the unit used to describe or measure the force of attraction. A mass of 1 kilogram weighs about 10
newtons. For example, an elephant with a mass of 300 kilograms has a weight of about 3000 newtons.
Isaac Newton stated that the pull of gravity depends not only on the masses of the two objects but also
on the distance between two objects. The greater the mass or the shorter the distance, the stronger gravity is.
Your weight on top of the mountain is less than your weight down the mountain. The distance between the
masses refers to the distance between you and the center of the Earth.
Many people use the bathroom scales or spring scales to measure their weights. When you step on the
scale, the spring inside changes shape. The amount of change in the spring depends on how much the Earth
attracts your body or mass. If the scale indicates 70 pounds, then that is how much the Earth attracts your body
(Castante-Padpad, 2017).
Why do you see pictures of astronauts bouncing around weightless in space? Is this because there is no gravity
in space? No! There is gravity in space. The astronauts appear to float because of weightlessness inside the
spaceship. The spacecraft and the astronauts are both moving together under the influence of gravity. This is
called free fall or weightlessness. Gravity exists whether stars, planets, and other big objects exist in space. As
the Earth’s gravity extends to millions of kilometers in space, it becomes lesser
and lesser as it goes farther into space, but it never ends (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016).
However, astronauts orbiting the Earth experience the effects of weightlessness. Objects seem to be
weightless in space because of gravity. As a result, astronauts, materials, supplies, and everything inside the
spacecraft are floating. The spacecraft must travel at very high speed to orbit the Earth. The speed of the shuttle
is not affected by gravity; however, it affects the direction in which the shuttle moves. Observe the path
of the space shuttle in the orbit; the long arrow is the “actual” straight line path of the shuttle, while the dark
downward arrow indicates the pull of gravity. Gravity pulls the spacecraft toward the Earth, thus, the shuttle
falls slightly as it travels along its orbit (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016).
Would air and mass affect falling objects?
When you drop a baseball and a billiard ball from the same height at the same time, the balls fall to the ground.
The force that acts on the objects is gravitational force. You observed that there is a difference in the falling
speed between the two balls. The ball with the greater mass falls at a greater speed while the ball with the lesser
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

mass falls with lesser speed. You concluded that heavy objects fall faster than the lighter ones (Castante-
Padpad, 2017).
Try to drop two pieces of paper of the same kind and mass - one is crumpled and the other one is
uncrumpled. Will it give the same result? You will observe that even the pieces of paper have the same mass,
the crumpled paper will land on the ground first.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

It is important to realize that objects falling on Earth must pass through air. When you drop the
crumpled paper at the same height. You will notice that the crumpled one lands on the ground first. Air offers
resistance to the motion of an object. Air resistance acts against the motion of the plain sheet of paper more than
it does against the crumpled paper. As the result, the air slows the plain sheet of paper more than it does with
the crumpled paper. The speed of falling objects will be different on Earth and on the moon. If the air is
removed, the air resistance will disappear. When the hammer and feather is dropped on Earth at the same time,
the hammer will fall faster than the feather. Air resistance acts against the feather, which slows down its falling
(Castante-Padpad, 2017).
The speed of falling objects will be different on Earth and on the moon. If the air is removed, the air
resistance will disappear. When the hammer and feather is dropped on Earth at the same time, the hammer will
fall faster than the feather. Air resistance acts against the feather, which slows down its falling (Castante-
Padpad, 2017).
But if you drop the feather and the hammer at the same time on the moon, the hammer and the feather
will fall at the same speed. The moon has no air; therefore, there is no resistance acting on the falling object
(CastantePadpad, 2017)
Lesson 2: Frictional Force
Newton’s First Law of Motion states that when an object is set in motion, it will remain in motion until
acted on by an outside force. Theoretically, this could mean you could travel at the same speed forever in one
direction. The reason you do not see this happen is because of friction. The force of friction is the resistance to
motion that is in the opposite direction of the traveling object. That is why if you roll a ball on the ground, it
eventually stops. Friction is also the reason why you can hold a notebook, and the reason why you do not slip
when walking. The ground and other solid surfaces can
cause friction called dry friction, but fluids (liquids and gases) like water and air can also causes frictional
forces called fluid friction. (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016).
Effects of Friction
You are capable to walk on the floor due to the force exerted by the floor adjacent to the force exerted
by your feet. You are able to push objects on a table due to friction.
Friction is a nuisance. It converts kinetic energy into heat and wastes it. This reduces the efficiency of
engines and other machines. (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016)
Reducing Friction
Friction wastes matter as well as energy. It causes wear in tires, soles of shoes, and the moving parts of
machinery. Materials that are worth millions of pesos are ruined each year by wear. Look around your home
and school for
things that have worn out because of friction.
Much energy in the gasoline burned in cars is wasted by friction. Electricity is wasted when an electric
motor heats up because of friction.
How can you reduce friction? Polishing the surface will smooth out the irregularities and the roughness
between the surfaces, which in turn, will reduce the coefficient of friction that the surfaces will generate.
Lubricants are slippery materials that reduce friction. Lubricating a surface with oil is another way to
reduce the friction on it. Ask a mechanic or perhaps your own father or driver to explain how a car is greased
and oiled. Ask about the spots in the car that are lubricated and how often. Sometimes, graphite, a flaky form of
carbon, is rubbed on spots where oil is liable to collect dust. (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016)
Friction produces heat energy. When you rub your palms against each other, how do you feel?
Using Rollers, Wheels, and Bearing
Have you observed your beds, sala set, and some big appliances at home? Why can you move them easily?
What do you think are the uses of balls and bearings in engines?
Life without friction
Is friction totally undesirable? Should it be eliminated? Ask your father how the breaks in his car work.
Imagine yourself walking on a road covered with grease. Can you walk easily on a greased surface?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

Friction plays an important role in your life. Without friction, you cannot walk, tie your shoelaces, pick
up things, raise things, or drive nails into boards. Friction also keeps lids on jars. Can you imagine how life
would be without friction? (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016). An ice-cream cart can be pushed easily because it has
wheels. The bearings in the wheels at the bicycle enable it to move easily. Rollers, wheels, and bearings reduce
friction. They are placed between two materials, making it possible for the surfaces of these materials to roll
over each other. Thus, friction is reduced.


Name: _________________________________________ Score: ________ Parent’s Signature: ________
Module 1: Gravitational Force
Analyze the sentences below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Your kite flies up in the air and then when the wind stops blowing, it goes down? Why?
A. The wind pulls the kite down to the ground.
B. There is no air around, so the kite goes down.
C. The force of gravity flies the kite up and moves it down.
D. Gravity pulls the kite down when the wind stops blowing.

2. If you throw a baseball up in the air at an angle, what will most likely to happen?
A. The ball will stop in the air.
B. The ball will go up and then fall.
C. The ball will fly up and go higher.
D. The ball will bounce back to your hand.

3. Dry leaves fall to the ground. Flying pieces of paper fall back on the grassy area. The dust in the air drops on the floor.
What conclusion can you give from these observations?
A. Gravity causes objects to fall on the ground.
B. Gravity pushes objects up and pulls them down.
C. The force of gravity moves the objects to another place.
D. The air blows harder to transfer the objects to another place.

4. Children are playing in the playground. Which movement in the playground is caused by the presence of gravity?
A. Two groups play tug-of-war.
B. Young boys slide from the top to the ground.
C. Small boys enjoy their ride in the merry-go-round.
D. The children run back and forth on the clear pavement.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

5. Why does a car travel faster going down than going up?
A. It is moving toward gravity.
B. It is moving against gravity.
C. It is being pushed by the wind.
D. It is being pulled by the weight of the car.

6. Why is it easy to slip when there is water on a smooth floor?

A. The water increases the friction between your feet and the floor.
B. The water is a lubricant and reduces the friction between your feet and the floor.
C. The friction between your feet and the floor changes from kinetic to static friction.
D. The friction between your feet and the floor changes from sliding kinetic friction to rolling kinetic friction.

7. Which type of friction is used when an object moves through a liquid or gas?
A. dry
B. sliding
C. fluid
D. static27

8. Which of the following situations show that friction is helpful?

A. brakes used on a bike
B. tires from a car on the road
C. tread on the bottom of your shoes
D. all of the above

9. How can friction be reduced? 10. Which is NOT a way of reducing friction?
A. use wax, grease or oil A. making rough surfaces
B. reduce the force acting between the 2 surfaces B. making the surfaces smoother
C. reduce the roughness of the 2 surfaces coming in contact C. using lubricants such as waxes, oils, or grease
D. All of the above are ways of reducing friction D. changing from sliding friction to rolling friction using
ball bearings
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Score: _________________

Module 7: Developing Plan for Expansion of Planting Trees and Seedling Production
I. Direction: Fill in the blanks the correct answer.
1________________________ This part of the nursery is essential for propagating young trees and seedling production.
2_________________________ Among the trees it is the most beneficial because all the part of it can be used and our
product mostly made from it.
3_________________________ A tree that can be produce houses, furniture and food.
4_________________________ It is used to produce fuel, paper and animal food and organic fertilizer
5_________________________ is a lot or garden where plants are grown and propagates for transplanting.
II.Directions: Write five (5) Lay-out Options for Plantation Expansion
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
Directions: Draw one (1) example of Lay-out Options for Plantation Expansion.


Criteria Excellent (5) Satisfactory (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Points
1-2 Instructions 3-4 instructions Most of the
All instructions
Quality of were not were not instruction were
were followed
Artworks followed followed not followed
correctly. correctly correctly
Artworks Artwork mostly Artwork did not
Relevance to the conveys the idea conveys the idea orderly convey
conveys the idea
topic and dimensions and dimensions the idea and
and dimensions
of art of art dimensions of art
of artwork
Artwork was Artwork Artwork was Artwork
Punctuality submitted on submitted 1 day submitted 2 days submitted 3 days
time late late late
Artwork Artwork
Artwork Artwork
presentation was presentation was
Neatness presentation was presentation was
mostly neat and somehow neat
neat and orderly disorderly
orderly and orderly
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija


Name: _________________________________________ Score: _____________________________
Grade/Section: _________________________________ Parent’s Signature___________________


Module 6 - Ecosystem: Tropical Rainforest, Coral Reefs and Mangrove Swamps

Directions: Complete the sentence below.Choose your answer from the words inside the box.
Crustaceans Canopy Emergent Ecosystem Coral Atolls

Coral Reefs Understory Barrier Reefs Mangrove Swamp Fringing Reef

1. __________________________ refers to trees that are 130 to 180 feet tall.

2. __________________________ has tall slender trees from a dense platform of vegetation with 60 to 129 feet of the
3. __________________________is about 59 feet below and consist of trunks of canopy, shrubs, trees and small plants.
4. __________________________ They are the breeding ground of the marine life.
5. __________________________ are reefs that hug the shore continents or islands.
6. A __________________________ is a home to a diverse living and non-living things.
7. __________________________ are reefs that stand between the open sea and a lagoon.
8. __________________________ are reefs that enclose a lagoon
9. __________________________ is composed mostly of mangrove plant and animals like 10. __________________ and
migratory birds.

Directions: Make a simple diorama of the different habitat of animals. Choose animals that may be placed in that
habitat. They may be picture of animals or toy animals. Be Creative.
Criteria Excellent (5) Satisfactory (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Points
Most of the
All instructions 1-2 Instructions 3-4 instructions
Quality of instruction were
were followed were not followed were not followed
Artworks not followed
correctly correctly. correctly
Artwork mostly Artwork did not
Artworks conveys somehow conveys
Relevance to the conveys the idea orderly convey
the idea and the idea and
topic and dimensions of the idea and
dimensions of art dimensions of
art dimensions of art
Artwork Artwork was Artwork
Artwork was
Punctuality submitted 1 day submitted 2 days submitted 3 days
submitted on time
late late late
Artwork Artwork
Artwork Artwork
presentation was presentation was
Neatness presentation was presentation was
mostly neat and somehow neat
neat and orderly disorderly
orderly and orderly
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija


Name: ____________________________________________________________ Score: _________________
Grade/Section: _________________________________ Parent’s Signature___________________

Module 7 - Protection and Conservation of Ecosystem
Directions: List down six (6) ways to protect and conserve natural resources.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Living components that can be found on coral reefs
7. _________________________________________________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Directions: Draw an example of tropical rainforest inside the box.

Criteria Excellent (5) Satisfactory (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Points
Most of the
All instructions 1-2 Instructions 3-4 instructions
Quality of instruction were
were followed were not followed were not followed
Artworks not followed
correctly correctly. correctly
Artwork mostly Artwork did not
Artworks conveys somehow conveys
Relevance to the conveys the idea orderly convey
the idea and the idea and
topic and dimensions of the idea and
dimensions of art dimensions of
art dimensions of art
Artwork Artwork was Artwork
Artwork was
Punctuality submitted 1 day submitted 2 days submitted 3 days
submitted on time
late late late
Artwork Artwork
Artwork Artwork
presentation was presentation was
Neatness presentation was presentation was
mostly neat and somehow neat
neat and orderly disorderly
orderly and orderly
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija


Name: _________________________________________ Score: _________________
Grade/Section: _________________________________ Parent’s Signature___________________


Module 2: Creating and Singing Simple Melodies

Directions: Complete the sentence below.Choose your answer from the words inside the box.

1. ____________________________ notes moves repeatedly in the same level.

2. ____________________________ a basic element of a music which consist of harmonious succession of notes and
rests in a musical composition.
3. ____________________________ the direction or tonal movement of the melody.
4. ____________________________ notes move in ascending and descending manner without skipping a line or space.
5. ____________________________ the distance of melody’s lowest and highest notes.
6. ____________________________some moves or skip lines or spaces.
7. ____________________________ is the distance between two given notes
8. ____________________________ can help in creating simple melody.
Some composers use their voices to create melody. But just 9. _________________ or 10. _________________ they can
make their own masterpiece.
Module 2: Creating Advertisement/Commercial or Announcement Poster Using Different Software
Directions: Write the Principles Applied in Layouting a Digital Poster
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________
Write the different Types of Poster
7. __________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

Performance Task: Draw/Make your own poster that symbolizes your personality inside the box.


Criteria Excellent (5) Satisfactory (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Points
Most of the
All instructions 1-2 Instructions 3-4 instructions
Quality of instruction were
were followed were not followed were not followed
Artworks not followed
correctly correctly. correctly
Artwork mostly Artwork did not
Artworks conveys somehow conveys
Relevance to the conveys the idea orderly convey
the idea and the idea and
topic and dimensions of the idea and
dimensions of art dimensions of
art dimensions of art
Artwork Artwork was Artwork
Artwork was
Punctuality submitted 1 day submitted 2 days submitted 3 days
submitted on time
late late late
Artwork Artwork
Artwork Artwork
presentation was presentation was
Neatness presentation was presentation was
mostly neat and somehow neat
neat and orderly disorderly
orderly and orderly


Module 6: Wastong Paggamit ng Aspekto at Pokus ng Pandiwa
Panuto: Piliin at salungguhitan sa loob ng panaklong ang angkop na pandiwa sa pangungusap.

1. Labis na (natuwa, natutuwa, matutuwa) ang magulang ni Gloria nang tumanggap siya ng medalya noong nakaraang

2. (Uminom, Umiinom, Iinom) ng gamot si Aling Aida gabi-gabi.

3. Ang aming pamilya ay (nagbakasyon, nagbabakasyon, magbabakasyon) sa Antipolo sa susunod na Linggo.

4. Ang lalawigan ng Quezon ang (itinuring, itinuturing, ituturing) na pinakamahabang lalawigan sa PIlipinas.

5. (Umawit, Umaawit, Aawit) ang mga kinatawan ng bawat Sangguniang Kabataan sa darating na pista ng bayan.

Paanuto: Piliin ang mga pandiwang ginagamit sa talata.Kumpletuhin ang tsart sa ibaba.

Minsan, isinama ako ni Lolo sa bukid. Masaya sa bukid habang nagtatanim ang mga tao. May tumutugtog ng
gitara at may umaawit.

Pandiwa Aspekto Panlapi

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose City
Zone 2, Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

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