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Aifiatur Rohmaniyah
Management of Islamic Education, IAIN Sunan Kudus

Abstract : The implementation of TQM culture at MA

Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar was carried out with
the aim of improving the quality of madrasas, starting
to frequently communicate actively with internal and
external customers in the form of regular monthly
meetings and light discussions, completing customer
facilities, issuing policies according to data, giving
trust full of internal customers in fulfilling duties,
action on improvement. Obstacles in implementing
TQM culture come from internal and external
customers in the form of rejection of the policies
issued, and student backgrounds that affect
motivation in learning. Then the result of the
application of the TQM culture is the issuance of an A
accreditation certificate by BAN SM, there is
recognition of pride from the guardians of students
and the community of graduate users of children or
madrasah graduates in society, the emergence of
solidarity and discipline from internal customers.
This proves that TQM can improve the quality of MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar.
Keywords: Quality Total Quality Management,
Madrasah, Aliah

The times are growing rapidly, the acceleration of development
makes humans have to extra learn to keep up with developments, so
that they can always meet their needs easily and not be left behind by
95 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

the times. Currently, human life is already in a period of disruption

or is known as the digital age. The period of disruption is a period
marked by the use of information and communication technology
objects in various fields of life.1 This period can have a good impact
if you can use it as an opportunity to fulfill needs, a period of
disruption can also have a bad impact when humans cannot use it
properly, so that technology will fool people.
The period of disruption makes education more qualified.
Quality education is a necessity in itself in every educational
institution so that graduates can compete outside both in terms of
opportunities for employment and other benefits from the results of
their education at school.
The quality of education is a point that must be realized if you
want quality future generations. With the target being the younger
generation, the quality of education that is expected is not only seen
from its academic achievement, but how the influence of the results
of education in these schools can be applied in daily life. 2 Students
can practice the learning points they get from school. So that way
external customers will be able to rate well the Educational
The measure of the quality of education in the view of internal
customers is related to how the principal can give freedom to
teachers and staff employees to develop both physically and
psychologically according to their respective fields.3 With this
freedom in the development of teachers and staff which will increase
the quality of education and independence, as well as a feeling of
well-being is guaranteed and will have an impact on improved
service to external customers.
The quality of education is usually called the quality of
education. Quality in education is focused on students and the
processes that exist within the educational institution. 4 With the
improvement and improvement of this process, Human Resources
can continue to make themselves better. And the results will be
inversely proportional when the process in education is not always
improved and there is no improvement.
Gunawan, Mencari Peluang di Revolusi Industri 4.0 untuk Melalui Era
Disrupsi 4.0, (Bandar Lampung: Queency Publisher, 2019), 9
Nurkolis, Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah: teori, model, dan aplikasi,
(Jakarta: Grasindo, 2003), 71
Ibid, 72
Aminatul Zahroh, Total Quality Managemment, (Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz
Media, 2016), 28
Total Quality Management..., Rohmaniyah 96

Facing an increasingly sophisticated era, schools are

increasingly competing in improving the quality of education. The
quality given to customers gives special attention to the community
to be able to entrust their children to be educated in that place, so that
they will not be left behind in the current development, and
customers will find their own satisfaction related to the service and
output that will be obtained. Customers who are diverse from various
potential students and environmental conditions that can affect the
development of an institution, make the institution must continue to
improve the quality of education.
One of the education management that can be used is to apply
the values of the TQM Education management program. TQM which
stands for Total Quality Management is an effort that can be made by
educational institutions to improve the quality of education.
TQM, which is commonly referred to as Integrated Quality
Management, elevates quality as a strategy and customer satisfaction
as a priority by involving all members of the organization or internal
customers.5 So here is the best way to make an institution that can
compete and excel by producing the best quality according to the
needs of the community. Producing the best quality is what requires
a continuous and continuous improvement, so that there will be no
gap for competitors to be able to outperform the quality of the
So the TQM management program is expected to improve the
quality of education in the quality of work productivity which has the
principles of meeting customer satisfaction, respecting every
employee, management based on facts and always making
continuous improvements.6 From these four principles, it becomes
the smooth way of implementing the Education management
program to become a quality educational institution. This principle is
firmly held by MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar in improving the
quality of madrasas. By holding a meeting with the guardians of
students to get information about the needs they want, so that the
madrasah gets an insight into the program of activities that are the
needs of the student guardian or the community.7
It will be aligned if a visionary leader who pays attention to the
quality of the organization to realize the vision of the organization
Juharni, Manajemen Mutu Terpadu (Total Quality Management),
(Makasar: CV Sah Media, 2017), 7
Ibid, 15
Quoted from the documentation of the meeting between madrasah and
student guardians on March 11, 2020
97 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

uses a management program that also puts forward the quality of the
products to be provided to customers. TQM, which is an integrated
education quality improvement management program, was used by
the Head of MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar in improving the
quality of education in his institution in the past 3 years after the
change of the head of the madrasa. In the past 3 years, the
achievement of improvement in madrasahs is considered to be good
with the proof of the issuance of an A accreditation certificate and
has produced many outstanding students by being proven to have
won the Mathematics Olympiad at the district level and representing
the districts in the province, not only in academic achievement, but
also in non-academic MA Mazro'atul. Huda also experienced an
increase, namely by winning second place in the district level portion
and 5 students becoming representatives of districts in the province. 8
This value is a special satisfaction, both from the madrasah
foundation, school principals, teachers, madrasah staff, students,
graduates and the surrounding community, this is evidenced by MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar students from the surrounding
community who trust MA Mazro'tul Huda alumni. Karanganyar
became a teacher at his educational institution 9 as well as a priest at a
village place of worship.10 Based on the foregoing, the researchers
are interested in researching in the form of research entitled
Improving the Quality of Education of MA Mazro'atul Huda
Karanganyar with the Implementation of Total Quality Management
(TQM) Values.

Total Quality Management (TQM)
The word 'Total' or called integrated affirms that every person
or member in an organization or institution is obliged to be involved
in efforts to improve quality improvement continuously or
continuously. No organizational actors are without assignments, all
The results of the interview with Mr. Kuswanto, S.Pd.I (Head of MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar), on Thursday, December 12, 2019, 11.00 until the
Results of the documentation of the management structure of PAUD
Tarbiyatul Athfal, on March 14, 2020
The results of the interview with Ms. Murdaseh (user who graduated from
MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar), on Sunday, March 15, 2020, 15.30 until
Total Quality Management..., Rohmaniyah 98

work in accordance with their respective fields. The word

'management' in TQM means that every actor in the organization all
becomes managers in their respective fields, because they all have to
be responsible in their own fields. 11 They must be given the
opportunity to be able to work, determine a decision. Furthermore,
the word "Quality" in TQM is an achievement of the right quality in
a way that is consistent in meeting customer needs and desires.
TQM is an extension and development of quality assurance.
Quality assurance is a form of production process that guarantees
defect-free product output by meeting pre-determined
specifications. The fulfillment of defect-free products to
specifications is done consistently from the start. When applied in the
world of education. Quality assurance can be done by providing
quality facilities and satisfying educational service processes to
Fulfillment of defect-free services is a contribution of Crosby's
thought, which is committed to always being successful and
eliminating failure. This idea places a system that is always done
right from start to finish. By always working on a flawless system in
an industry, it will have an impact on cost savings, it will have a
good impact on the company. The standard that Crosby uses is the
perfect system standard. The more perfect a system is, the more
difficult it will be to face failure. Quality assurance is always good
from the beginning to the process and ends in perfect results.
The fulfillment of defect-free goods eventually becomes one of
the specifications in the standard customer needs of a quality
product. As for the fulfillment of specifications or standards for
customer requirements for quality products, several points can be
met, including
a. Suitable for use. The product is in accordance with what
the customer needs.
b. Zero defect, the fulfillment of defect-free goods. Quality
assurance from the start has become a separate principle for
quality fulfillment.
Right first time every time, from the beginning until now it's
still good.13 Making the product always in good condition from the
Edward Sallis, Total Quality Management in Education, (Jogjakarta:
IRCiSoD, 2006),74
Edward Sallis, Total Quality Management in Education, (Jogjakarta:
IRCiSoD, 2006), 58
Aris Pongtuluran, Total Quality Management Manajemen Kualitas dalam
Pendidikan, (Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2017), 3
99 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

beginning to the present is the result of continuous and continuous

improvement. Likewise, making qualified graduates from the
beginning until they are needed in society is the result of continuous
service improvements by TQM implementers.
TQM is a concept that seeks to carry out a quality
organizational management process, so that the product to be
produced is a quality product. All components in the organization
can apply the four concepts in the TQM management program,
including quality, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement,
and comprehensive in every component of the organization. Then
more broadly, that TQM can be viewed from two aspects, namely; 14
First, TQM is used as an approach in running a business by
maximizing competitiveness through continuous, continuous
improvement of products, services, people, processes and the
organizational environment. Second, with regard to the delivery of
the TQM approach and with regard to the environment, that TQM
has characteristics consisting of;
1) Focus on internal and external customers.
2) High on quality.
3) Using a scientific approach.
4) Have a long term commitment.
5) Teamwork.
6) Improve quality on an ongoing basis.
7) Implementing controlled freedom.
8) Have unity of purpose.
9) Involving and empowering employees.
In fulfilling the concepts of TQM, organizational actors must
be able to present the four main principles of TQM. The four main
principles that must be present in TQM are:15
1) Customer satisfaction
2) Respect for everyone.
3) Management is worth fact.
4) Continuous improvement.
Organizations in implementing continuous improvement must
carry out their organizational processes systematically. The concept
of continuous improvement can be carried out using the PDCA cycle,
Muhammad Kristiawan dkk, Manajemen Pendidikan, (Yogyakarta:
Deepublish, 2017), 134
Juharni, Management Mutu Terpadu (Total Quality Management),
(Makasar: CV SAH Media, 2017), 15-16
Total Quality Management..., Rohmaniyah 100

which consists of planning steps, implementing plans, examining the

results of implementing plans, and evaluating the results obtained.
The PDCA cycle makes it easy for organizational actors to be able to
make continuous improvements.
In fulfilling customer satisfaction, TQM in the world of
education, there are several things that need to be considered,
1. There is continuous improvement.
2. The existence of quality standards.
3. There is a change in culture or culture.
4. There is a change in the organization.
5. Have a good relationship with customers.
TQM management program in the world of education will run
well when;17
1. Teamwork (TeamWork)
2. Leadership
3. There is communication.
The obstacles that occur in this management process are based
on its own internal parties. Such as barriers in the work culture of
members. The work culture of educators and education greatly affects
the running of this management program. The higher our culture and
discipline, it will greatly affect the effectiveness of the
implementation of this TQM management program. So the first thing
that needs to be improved in this management is the work culture,
work performance and work discipline of school administrators, both
from the school principal, educators and educational staff. Of all
these school actors must be able to make students and the community
as customers who must be served as well as possible so that they get
a self-satisfaction from them. The obsession of an advanced school
with always being passionate about service and improving the
abilities and skills that can be shown to students and the community.
With good quality shown to students and the community who are
actually customers of an institution, the institution will also get better
recognition in society, supported by graduates who can compete with
graduates of other institutions.18

Aminatul Zahroh, Total Quality Managemment in Education,
(Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2016), 93
Aminatu Zahroh, Total Quality Management in Education, 43-46
Arbangi dkk, Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2016),
101 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

The success of this TQM management program can be

measured from; first, the level of customer satisfaction. This level of
customer satisfaction has always been the main focus in TQM
because it is the customer who determines the control, the customer
determines the predicate of the quality of an institution. This
institution can be said to be successful by getting a quality title if it
can provide services in accordance with the specifications set by
customers. Second, the parents of students who are satisfied with the
Institute's service to their children. Third, the users of graduates who
are satisfied because they receive graduates who are of good quality
and as expected. Fourth, teachers and employees who are satisfied
with the services of the Institute. With the satisfaction of teachers and
employees with the services of this institution that will later grow
their total performance. Of the four concerns that arise, it can be
realized that it is the senior manager who must be able to determine
this institutional strategy, this means that the implementation of the
policy on the use of the TQM management program is discussed
between senior managers and their ranks (school principals and
representatives) and not at the staff work level or employees. So with
that the principal together with his representatives must have a full
commitment to be able to implement this TQM program smoothly
and successfully.19

Total Quality Management (TQM) di MA Mazro’atul Huda

Basically, TQM is related to a work culture that makes
customers king, by meeting customer needs and satisfaction or in
education itself, are teachers, employees, students, guardians of
students or the community. In this research, the data that the authors
collected related to the implementation of TQM culture in MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar included:
a. Methods of Meeting Customer Needs (Customer satisfaction)
In order to achieve satisfaction from both employee teachers
and the community, the principal always provides guidance and
motivation to teachers and employees to be able to meet student
needs. Attention is not limited to teachers and employees, but paying
attention to student discipline also needs to be done so that students
can fulfill their obligations. That way, the teacher employees and

Aminatul Zahroh, Total Quality Managemment, (Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz
Media, 2016), 97
Total Quality Management..., Rohmaniyah 102

students will run neatly in fulfilling their obligations and getting their
In an effort to fulfill the wishes of students or student
guardians, madrasahs hold activities at least 2 times a year to bring
together parents and the madrasah. This activity is carried out to be
able to provide information to student guardians related to student
achievement in academics and non-academics in madrasas as well as
to provide information about students' mental and spiritual
development, in this meeting not only the madrasahs provide
information related to student development, but student guardians
can give good aspirations about suggestions, complaints, and hopes
that madrasas can fulfill for their children. 20 In addition to paying
attention to the obligations of madrasah citizens, the head of
madrasah also holds meetings with student guardians both at the
beginning of the year and in the middle of the year so that both of
them get information about student progress. That way the madrasah
has information to be able to provide what students, guardians and
the surrounding community need.
Meetings conducted by the madrasah with the guardians of
students are conducted at the beginning of the new school year for
new student guardians for socialization related to the vision and
mission of the madrasah which are tailored to the needs of the
student guardians, meetings with student guardians are also held
when taking report cards each semester, with this meeting it will a
new knowledge arises, the madrasah knows what the guardian of the
student wants, the guardian of the student also knows how the
madrasah strives to fulfill the wishes of the guardian of the student,
so both parties have the same desire, then it can be expressed in a
mutually supportive collaboration by hoping that this wish can be
fulfilled. The satisfaction of guardians of students with madrasas is
supported by the output of the madrasah which makes their children
able to readily help village social activities, socialize in the
community politely, speak in polite language, and can help siblings
in learning. This is proof that madrasas have provided education to
students, both academic education needed in formal education
activities and non-academic education needed in everyday life in
society. This satisfaction is the goal of the madrasa. Children can

The results of the interview with Mr. Khomsatun, S. Ag (Waka Humas
MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar) on Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 09.05 until
finished, in the Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Multimedia Room
103 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

meet the needs of society, parents get satisfaction because their

children are useful.21
MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar administrative services are
carried out systematically, directed, according to the rules and make
it easy for students or student guardians to fulfill their obligations,
madrasas strive to provide services that do not make it difficult for
students and there are no complaints from students or student
guardians. This is done to make the madrasah administrative services
always neat, systematic and flawless.22
Student needs after administration are learning needs. Serving
students in learning at madrasah is the full responsibility of the
subject teacher. Teachers provide opportunities for students to be
able to master the class well. Student activeness in the classroom is
the teacher's main goal, with a variety of learning methods used.
The active students in the class will be more catchy and easier
to remember by students. By presenting teaching and learning
activities, it really supports students' creativity which is supported by
the use of learning facilities in the classroom such as LCD projectors,
LED TVs, loudspeakers, fans, CCTV and other practical learning
tools to make students understand their uses. So in organizational
activities independently students can take advantage of class facilities
when there are activities in class. Direct learning which requires
students to be more active becomes more necessary for students than
learning that makes students passive, monotonous following the
teacher's learning path, without any aspirations from students.23
The active students in the class will also have an impact on the
active students in the madrasa organization, so that students will be
embedded in themselves to continue to hone their independence and
courage in organization, so indirectly students will gradually be able
to hone their talents. Because talent doesn't just show up, there needs
to be a training and support from the environment. The development
of the talents of MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar students can be

The results of the interview with Ms. Nor Khomsiah (Guardian of MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar) on Friday, 13 March 2020 at 13.00 until finished, at
the informant's residence
The results of the interview with Ms. Muntamah, S.Pd.I (Ka. TU
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar) on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. until
finished, in the TU Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Room
The results of the interview with Aulia Rizqi (Class XId MA Mazro'atul
Huda Karanganyar) on Friday, March 11, 2020 at 18.30 until finished, at the
informant's residence
Total Quality Management..., Rohmaniyah 104

fostered in student organization activities and extracurricular

activities at madrasah.
Extracurricular activities as student talent development make
student achievement more channeled by being guided by a competent
trainer in it making MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar get 2nd
overall winner purely. Within this period of one year, the following
are the achievements of the talent development made by MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar which proves that there is an increase
in student achievement,
b. Management in the form of facts
Any policies issued by madrasah must be based on data or
facts, without data or facts the madrasah cannot circulate policies. As
an illustration of the management of education that takes place at
MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar, madrasas can streamline the
learning process by using a curriculum that has been regulated by the
Currently, the Indonesian Ministry of Religion is using the
2013 curriculum as a complement to the previous curriculum that can
be used for all educational institutions under the auspices of the
Indonesian Ministry of Religion. Likewise with MA Mazro'atul Huda
Karanganyar who can always keep up with changes in the
curriculum, both the current curriculum and the previous curriculum,
and still maintain the pre-existing religious subject matter. Because it
is a distinctive feature of madrasah educational institutions that they
still retain their religious subject matter.24
In this learning process the teachers strive to create a teaching
and learning process that is in accordance with the process standards
in the curriculum, such as the MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar
teacher using learning tools as a guide in the learning process, the
existence of learning devices that have received an evaluation from
the principal of the madrasah can be used by the teacher. to direct the
learning process more effectively. In it there is also an allocation of
time that is used as optimally as possible, both the allocation of the
number of face-to-face teachers in one semester and the amount of
time in one face-to-face, it can be shown by evidence of the
distribution of teaching hours and the teacher's face-to-face notes
journal This situation takes place in a disciplined manner in order to

The results of the interview with Ms. Erlina Wijayanti, S. Pd (Waka
Curriculum MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar) on Tuesday, March 10 2020 at
13.00 until finished, in the Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar teacher room
105 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

foster the disciplinary culture of teachers and students and each

teacher should have his own face-to-face journal entry.
The teacher is the initial milestone for student success, because
with the teacher the learning process will take place, with the teacher
students will be able to participate in learning actively. In order for
the learning process to run effectively, the teacher must have a plan
in advance. Planning is needed to be able to know the direction of the
learning process, starting from the material, learning methods,
learning evaluation, and assessment. This can be done by MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar with the existence of the syllabus,
RPP, PROTA, PROMES made by each teacher. This is evidenced by
the completeness of all learning tools owned by each teacher.25
Professional teachers are not complacent on teacher
administration alone, but with continuous learning to be able to make
teachers more honed in quality, in order to support teacher quality,
madrasas recommend teachers or employees to attend trainings or
training in accordance with their respective fields. This training is
recommended from madrasah for teachers and employees who are in
accordance with their fields.26
The training recommended by the madrasah is not only a
training for a few teachers according to their fields, but together with
the Madrasah Principal Foundation, they create activities to fill the
current teacher holiday time, namely by having rotating tadarus and
yellow book recitation which are carried out for four days a week.
This activity is carried out from 07.40-08.50 with a tadarus starting
according to the reading that has been distributed, followed by
learning the yellow book from several chaplains or appointed
teachers. This activity was attended by all MA Mazro'atul Huda
Karanganyar teachers who were divided according to their respective
groups while still paying attention to the current pandemic protocol.
In this activity, it has a very positive impact on teachers, broadens the
knowledge of teachers, fosters a sense of togetherness and tolerance
among others, and of course gets closer to God. The quality of the
teacher will have an impact on the quality of students.
The program is made to be carried out with rules that can make
the program run in an orderly manner. In madrassas, there are rules
that must be carried out by all students without exception, whether
they are organizational activists or not. They must obey as a form of
Quoted from the MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Teacher Learning
Tool Documentation on March 11, 2020.
Quoted from the Documentation of Teacher Learning Devices and the
MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Teacher Journal on March 11, 2020
Total Quality Management..., Rohmaniyah 106

self-learning for discipline, assisting with conditioning and shaping

their personality. For disciplined students with rules, they will get a
reward, and for students who break the rules, they will get panisman,
according to the points they have written. So this will later provide
lessons for students to be fair and motivate students to remain
disciplined in school. Ibu Evi Witanti as a counseling teacher at MA
Mazro'atul Hudapun always provides guidance and guidance to
students to always adhere to the rules that have been applied. With
the existence of programs and rules that are carried out in accordance
with the implementation provisions, it will enable an organization to
grow and develop systematically and with direction. And can
produce according to purpose. The environment will have a better
The environment is a matter that influences the development of
madrasas. The environment in MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar
has a big influence both from the physical environment of the
madrasah and the social environment in the madrasah and the
environment around the madrasah. MA Mazro'atul Huda
Karanganyar tries to complete all the needs related to the learning
process and the development of student activities.
The madrasah physical environment that directly and indirectly
affects the academic and non-academic development of students has
been fulfilled by the madrasah, the fulfillment of teacher facilities in
completing teacher administration and the learning process in the
classroom, the fulfillment of student facilities in the classroom and
other learning spaces such as libraries, labs, music studio, canteen,
UKS, bathroom. There are repairs and renovations of madrasah
facilities and infrastructure. So that it can always be used ”. MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar building is suitable in meeting the
needs of students, both inside and outside the building. Inside the
building, complete with learning facilities and talent development
programs, on the outside it looks very beautiful with the growth of
shady trees and flower plants that show the cool atmosphere of the
madrasa. A complete physical environment will make students have
no desire to find a substitute for their place in studying.
Apart from the physical environment, there is also a social
environment which includes the attitudes and behavior of madrasa
residents towards others and the local community. In MA Mazro'atul
Huda, the 4S custom is applied, which consists of smiling, greeting,
The results of the interview with Mr. Nurul Yaqin, S. Pd (Waka Sarana
dan Prasarana MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar) on Sunday, March 22, 2020 at
07.45 to finish, in the Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar teacher room
107 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

greeting and greeting everyone who meets them. Every madrasa

member who meets both within the madrasah and outside the
madrasa environment applies this habit so that mutual respect
between madrasah members is instilled and their sense of kinship is
very prominent. In addition to this habit, there is a student social
program in the form of social service held by OSIS MA Mazro'atul
Huda Karanganyar once a month to instill a sense of care and love
among the community and the environment for students. students
care for the environment by planting trees or cleaning the village,
cleaning places of worship. These activities are highly supported by
the madrasa because it indirectly fosters a sense of care and love for
fellow students, this too will help the surrounding community in their
work. This activity is more or less satisfying for the parents of
students or the community, because educated students are aware of
being sensitive to the environment, both madrasah and home or
c. Respect for everyone.
The head of the madrasah is good, there is concern and concern
for teachers or employees, always conducts discussions about
policies for improving madrasahs, as is often done at this time is
discussing with student staff regarding the coordination of new
student admissions both the registration path, the facilities provided
and the committee . Then with TU employees coordinate about the
student graduation service process. This discussion process can be
carried out formally in a meeting or carried out informally with
interactive dialogue between the two parties. In addition to active
discussions, the head of madrasah also motivated teachers and
employees to make high quality madrasahs. Either directly or
privately through social media. This will have a good impact on
improving the quality of madrasas. The existence of this attention
and direction is an important point of influence of the principal of
madrasah in improving the quality of teacher or employee
performance which has an impact on the quality of the institution.29
The performance of the head of the madrasah is in accordance
with their main duties, by always coordinating with the foundation or
waka first. The principal of madrasah is very concerned about
The results of the interview with Mrs. Ariyanti, S. Pd (Waka Kesiswaan
MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar) on Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 07.50 until
finished, in the Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar teacher room
Results of an interview with Mr. H. Anshori, M.H (Chairman of the MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Foundation) on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 10:00 to
finish, in the Living Room of the MTs Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Office
Total Quality Management..., Rohmaniyah 108

student facilities, both facilities in learning, and facilities for extra

student activities. That way students will be able to easily explore
their talents and creativity. The work that is carried out according to
their main duties and directives to members to work in accordance
with their fields makes an organization run in a structured manner.
Madrasah employees in their performance also get full trust
from the head of the madrasah, and there is freedom for teachers or
employees in the learning process and work in administration with
responsibility. The existence of trust and freedom that is controlled
by the responsibility report makes the teacher or employee feel that
there is a special recognition of their performance. Their work is not
merely a force from the leadership, teachers or employees can
explore their talents or ideas, there are no boundaries that make
obstacles to self-improvement that have an impact on the progress of
the madrasah. This recognition is supported by giving rewards to
exemplary categories including teacher attendance, teacher activity in
class, teacher creativity using learning methods and teacher care for
students and the environment. This was done by the head of
madrasah in order to discipline teachers and provide motivation to
teachers about how caring for students and the environment was
fostered. The existence of this reward makes teachers or employees
can be triggered to optimize their performance, imitating teachers or
employees who have received the reward.30
d. Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement program in the form of meetings and
discussions conducted by the head of madrasah internally (especially
waka with TU employees) and every month from all teachers and
other employees. This can be seen from the minutes of monthly
meetings conducted by the head of the madrasah. The meeting
activities carried out to discuss the evaluation of the last month and
preparation for the activities of the following month made teachers or
employees able to devote everything they could to the progress of the
madrasah. Through these meetings anything wrong can be corrected,
new solutions and ideas emerge, avoiding miscommunication, the
principal also often coordinates with related parties. From the results
of the meeting the head of the madrasah always motivates meeting
members to be able to carry out the results of the meeting properly.
So the meeting will not be wasted, and there must always be action.
The madrasa principal always coordinates through the WhatsApp
Results of interviews with Mr. Kuswanto, S.Pd. I (Head of MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar) on Tuesday, March 10 2020 at 09.00 until finish, in
the Chief Room of Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar
109 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

group or communicates independently with interested parties, from

the corrective actions of teachers or employees, the principal always
has feedback in the form of praise, correction, direction, and reward.
Indirectly, this makes teachers or employees more enthusiastic in
optimizing performance for the improvement of madrasah. An action
taken after a meeting is what counts.31

MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar uses the TQM culture
which seeks to become a quality madrasah with several madrasah
management programs as follows:
a. Customer Satisfaction Method, because customers in
Education consist of internal and external customers, both
must be fulfilled properly. MA Mazro'atul Huda
Karanganyar in fulfilling customer needs by frequently
conducting active communication, by activating
communication between organizational actors can lead to
the fulfillment of organizational goals. To attract interest
and trust from the community, MA Mazro'atul Huda
Karanganyar provides excellent service, both from
administration, learning process and student talent
development activities.
b. Management in the form of facts, In order to improve the
quality of MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar, it must use
data or facts in the field, such as the current curriculum is
the curriculum set by the government, teachers in giving
lessons use reference learning tools that are adjusted to the
curriculum used, all teachers who teach have a minimum
background S1 is according to their respective fields, non-
academic activities are adjusted to the vision of the
madrasah and the needs of the surrounding community, the
physical environment of the madrasah is in accordance
with the requirements and suitable for use.
c. Respect for everyone, MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar
by activating communication with guardians of students or
the community, making the madrasa get support and input
from outside in order to improve the quality of MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar. The aspirations of the
guardians of students always get a response which makes
The results of the interview with Mrs. Erlina Wijayanti, S.Pd (Waka
Kurikulum MA Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar) on Tuesday, March 10 2020 at
13.00 until finished, in the Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar teacher room
Total Quality Management..., Rohmaniyah 110

the trust of the guardians of students increase. Then the

existence of trust and controlled freedom from the head of
the madrasah towards the programs or activities of teachers
and employees makes employees more creative and
innovative in developing ideas for the advancement of the
madrasah. Coupled with a recognition or reward, teachers
and employees are increasingly valued. This will have an
impact on the quality of service for teachers or employees
to students or guardians.
d. Continuous improvement, this continuous improvement
step is an effective step to want a quality organization. MA
Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar provides an opportunity for
waka, teachers and employees to disclose their
performance reports for the past month, if there is
something that is not suitable then it will be discussed in
the meeting, in this meeting waka, teachers, and employees
can provide input to each other last month's performance
improvement and input for progress in the following
month. Furthermore, the existence of an action from the
meeting results is the most important.

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111 Edukasi, Volume 08, Nomor 02, November 2020 : 94-111

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