Offering Shift - Kelompok 1

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Lecturer: Nurun Lassara, S.Kep.,M.Kep

Arranged by:

1. Rini Fatmawati P07120218032

2. Vidya Eka Dwi Aswara A. P07120218028
3. Purwanti Nurindah Sari P07120218027


Vidya Eka Dwi : As head of the room

Rini Fatmawati : As the head of the night shift

Purwanti Nurindah : As the head of the morning shift

Morning on islam hospital ahmad yani shofa marwah surabaya in the room. Seen the
night shift, the team head nurse night shift, the room, the shift in the room, the shifts, morning
the team head of the morning. Assembled at the nurse. The nurse was preparing weigh well.

Vidya : “ Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good morning. Before we started this morning routine
let us pray for a moment, pray at the start”.

The nurses and the head of the room pray together

Vidya :” Rini please read the nursing action report last night. Nurses on duty in the morning
are expected to pay attention”

Rini : “Thank you, mam. Patients still consists of 5 patients. No new patients. pak, the drill
to come. 6. The patient's condition good no complaints whatsoever. The interventions
done anyway., still on the move. Oral or injection drugs are also still the same with
the given type and dose "

Vidya : “Anyone who visite doctor?"

Rini : “ Dr. cicik visite 8 a.m. night on A Tn and Tn fadin. Mr Fadin in plan came home
this morning. Mr Fadin is improving conditions. Also The Mrs. F in schedule for
physiotherapy during the later ”

Rini : “Action overnight, along with intervention given equal to shift lunch yesterday? And
Mrs F start schedule fisoterapi "

Brian : “ Yes”

Karu : "Well, I think the report is clear. We get around now"

The nurses go around to the patients, to greet and introduce

the morning shift nurse, who will replace the night shift nurse
Vidya : “Good morning, Mr. Fadin, how about your feeling?”

Fadin : “ Good morning, nurse , no shortness of breath from yesterday afternoon”

Vidya : “ I am very glad to hear it. Mr. Fadin also will go home this morning. Mr.fadin,on
my right is the nurse on duty this morning who will replace the nurse who has been on
duty at night for take care of Mr. Fadin”

Purwanti : “ Mr. Fadin, introduce me the Purwanti nurse on duty this morning, who will take
care of Mr. Fadin from this morning shift until the end of the morning shift.”
Rini : “Nurse Purwanti, please turn off the infusion, Mr. Fadin”

Purwanti : “Excuse me Mr. Fadin, I will remove the IV. because today you have been
allowed to go home”
After going around the morning nurses have started their activities and the night nurses have
returned to their respective homes
Vidya : “ Well then sir, we will treat other patients. Excuse me sir have a good rest, good
job nurse rini. Purwanti nurses immediately prepare nursing care documents,
please take Ms. F to do physiotherapy”
Purwanti : “Both Mrs. Vidya, I will immediately prepare the documents and escort Mrs. F to
do physiotherapy”
The purwanti nurse prepared documents and immediately escorted Mrs. F for physiotherapy
Purwanti : Good morning, Mrs. F. I am the purwanti nurse on duty today. This afternoon, you
will get physiotherapy, Madame F, to train your injured leg so that it can recover
quickly. I will take you carefully, Madame F
Mrs. F : Thank you, nurse.

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