Design of Spreading Sequences With Negative Auto-Correlations Realizable by Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers

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ISSSTA2004, Sydney, Australia, 30 Aug. - 2 Sep.


Design of Spreading Sequences with Negative

Auto-Correlations Realizable by Nonlinear
Feedback Shift Registers
Akio Tsuneda, Daisaburo Yoshioka, and Takashi Hadate
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kumamoto University
2–39–1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
Tel.: +81-96-342-3853, Fax.: +81-96-342-3630

Abstract— Spreading sequences with a negative auto- II. AVERAGE I NTERFERENCE PARAMETER (AIP) FOR
correlation for time-delay one are designed based on the Bernoulli C HAOTIC S EQUENCES
and tent maps which are well-known one-dimensional chaotic
maps. We also show that maximal-period binary sequences with In asynchronous DS/CDMA systems, the average interfer-
the negative auto-correlation based on such maps with finite bits ence parameter is defined by [1],[2]
can be generated by a class of nonlinear feedback shift registers N −1 N −1
(NFSRs). Furthermore, we perform computer simulations of  
asynchronous DS/CDMA communications using such negatively rk,i = 2N 2 +4 Ak ()Ai ()+ Ak ()Ai (+1), (1)
auto-correlated spreading sequences. l=1 l=1−N

where Ak () is an aperiodic auto-correlation function of the

I. I NTRODUCTION k-th user’s spreading sequence {Bn }N −1
n=0 with period N ,
defined by
In direct-sequence code division multiple access 

(DS/CDMA) systems, spreading sequences play an important 

Bn(k) Bn+ (0 ≤  ≤ N − 1)

role since they dominate the system performance such 
 n=0

as bit error rate (BER) [1],[2]. Spreading sequences with
Ak () = N−1+ (2)
exponentially vanishing negative auto-correlations can 
 (k)
Bn− Bn(k) (1 − N ≤  < 0)

reduce multiple access interference (MAI) in asynchronous 
 n=0

DS/CDMA systems compared with classical spreading codes 
0 (|| > N ).
such as M-sequences, Gold sequences and Kasami sequences
[3],[4]. Since such negatively auto-correlated sequences Using eq.(1), the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the
can be generated by one-dimensional chaotic maps, some output of a correlation receiver of the i-th user among K users
researchers try to use chaotic sequences with exponentially under additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) environment is
vanishing negative auto-correlations based on some special defined by
maps [4]–[8].  −1
 1 K
N0 
In this paper, we design binary sequences with a nega-
SNRi = rk,i + , (3)
tive (but not exponentially vanishing) auto-correlation based  6N 3 2Eb 
on the well-known Bernoulli and tent maps. Theoretically,
the performances of such sequences are slightly worse than where N0 /2 is two-sided spectrum density and Eb is data
the sequences with exponentially vanishing negative auto- bit energy. The average bit error√ probability for the i-th user
correlations with respect to MAI reduction. However, the is approximated by Pei = Q( SNRi ) under the assumption
proposed sequences can be generated by simpler chaotic maps that
∞ the distribution of MAI is Gaussian, where Q(x) =
−u2 /2
than the others, though our binary functions are somewhat x
e du [1].
complex. Such a design is useful for maximal-period se- Now we briefly introduce generation of chaotic sequences
quences generated by chaotic maps with finite bits, which and their statistical analyses. Using one-dimensional nonlinear
have been studied by us for the purpose of realizing simple difference equation defined by
generators of chaos-based sequences [9]–[11]. Namely, the
xn+1 = τ (xn ), xn ∈ I = [d, e], n = 0, 1, 2, · · · , (4)
Bernoulli and tent maps can be realized by a class of nonlinear
feedback shift registers (NFSRs) [9]. We also investigate BER we can generate a chaotic real-valued sequence {xn }∞
n=0 ,
performances of asynchronous DS/CDMA systems with such where xn = τ n (x0 ). We transform such a real-valued
sequences by computer simulations. sequence into a binary sequence {β(τ n (x))}∞
n=0 (β(x) ∈

0-7803-8408-3/04/$20.00 © 2004 IEEE 330

{−1, 1}. The theoretical auto-correlation of such a binary known [4]–[8],[12]. Most of them are piecewise linear Markov
sequence {β(τ n (x))}∞
n=0 is defined by maps. In this paper, we use the Bernoulli map τB (x) and the

tent map τT (x), respectively defined by
C(; β) = E[β(x)β(τ  (x))] = β(x)β(τ  (x))f ∗ (x)dx
I 2x (0 ≤ x < 12 )
(5) τB (x) = (12)
2x − 1 ( 12 ≤ x ≤ 1),
under the assumption that τ (·) has an invariant density
function f ∗ (x), where E[·] denotes the expectation. Assume 2x (0 ≤ x < 12 )
τT (x) = (13)
that K users use chaotic binary sequences {β(τ n (x(i) ))}N −1 2(1 − x) ( 12 ≤ x ≤ 1),
(i = 1, 2, · · · , N ) of length N as its spreading code, where each of which is one of the simplest piecewise linear chaotic
x(1) , x(2) , · · · , x(K) are statistically independent of each an- maps with the interval I = [0, 1] and f ∗ (x) = 1. Furthermore,
other. The AIP for a user in such a system is given by we define a binary function by
r̂ = 2N 2 + 4 (N − )2 C(; β)2 B(x) = Θ 18 (x) − Θ 38 (x) + Θ 34 (x), (14)
N −1 where Θt (x) is a threshold function defined by

+2 (N − )(N −  + 1)C(; β)C( − 1; β). (6)
−1 (x < t)
l=1 Θt (x) = (15)
1 (x ≤ t).
Note that eq.(6) is obtained by averaging eq.(1) with the
invariant density f ∗ (x). Furthermore, define a normalized AIP Thus we give the following theorem.
r̂ Theorem: The binary sequences {B(τBn (x))}∞ n=0 and
R = lim . (7)
N →∞ 2N 2 {B(τTn (x))}∞
n=0 generated by the Bernoulli map and the tent
Obviously, we have R = 1 for uncorrelated sequences with map have the auto-correlation function given by
C(; β) = 0 ( ≥ 1). 
 1 ( = 0)
First, consider the case C(; β) = λ (|λ| < 1), that C(; B) = − 1 ( = 1) (16)
is, chaotic sequences with exponentially vanishing auto-  4
0 ( ≥ 2).
correlations. In this case, we have
λ2 + λ + 1 Proof: See the appendix.
R= (8)
1 − λ2
√ √ The above theorem implies that the sequences
which takes the minimum value 23 when λ = −2 + 3 {B(τBn (x))}∞ n ∞
n=0 and {B(τT (x))}n=0 are optimal spreading
[3]. Thus such sequences have smaller AIPs than uncorrelated codes in a class of sequences with the auto-correlation
sequences with R = 1. function given by eq.(9).
Next consider the sequences whose auto-correlation func-
tion is given by B. Maximal-Period Sequence

 1 ( = 0) In order to realize simple hardware generators of chaos-
C(; β) = ε ( = 1) (9) based sequences, we have been studying maximal-period se-

0 ( ≥ 2), quences based on chaotic maps with finite bits [9]–[11]. The
concept is quite simple. First, quantize the chaotic map to some
where |ε| < 1. In this case, the calculation of AIP is much levels which usually correspond to integers {0, 1, · · · , N − 1}.
easier than the case C(; β) = λ and we have Next, iterate the quantized map f (x) from an integer seed,
r̂ = 2N 2 + 4(N − 1)2 ε2 + 2N (N − 1)ε (10) that is, calculate xn+1 = f (xn ) (n = 0, 1, 2, · · · ) to generate
R = 2ε2 + ε + 1 (11) a sequence. If the quantization of the map is appropriate, the
period of the sequence is equal to N . Such a sequence is
which take the minimum values 7N4 +1 and 78 when ε = − 14 , called a maximal-period sequence. Figure 1 (a) and (b) show
respectively. These minimum values are √ slightly larger than examples of quantized maps for the Bernoulli map and the tent
the case C(; β) = λ with λ = −2 + 3 but the differences map, both of which can generate a maximal-period sequence.
are quite small. Of course, the sequences of this case (ε = − 14 ) In these figures, N black points indicate the mapping function
also outperform the uncorrelated sequences with R = 1. f (x) which approximates the original mapping function τB (x)
or τT (x).
As described in [9], maximal-period sequences based on the
Bernoulli and the tent map can be generated by NFSRs with k
A. Chaotic Binary Sequence stages and their extended version, where the maximal-period
Several types of chaotic maps which can generate chaotic is N = 2k . Examples of such NFSRs are shown in Fig.2 (a)
sequences with exponentially vanishing auto-correlations are and (b), where the relation between an integer xn and a state

13 nonlinear feedback
12 (combinational logic circuit)
6 ak-1(n) ak-2(n) a 1 (n) a 0 (n)
4 (a) Conventional NFSR for de-Bruijn sequences
2 (Bernoulli-type map).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
nonlinear feedback
xn (combinational logic circuit)

(a) Bernoulli-type
15 output
14 ak-1(n) ak-2(n) a 1 (n) a 0 (n)
(b) Extended NFSR for tent-type maps.

6 Fig. 2. Known NFSRs [9].
2 integers, we define a binary function corresponding to eq.(14)
0 by
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
B̃(x) = Θ N (x) − Θ 3N (x) + Θ 3N (x), (18)
8 8 4

where we assume k ≥ 3, that is, N ≥ 2 . Thus the maximal-
(b) Tent-type period binary sequence {B̃(xn )}N −1
n=0 is an approximated one

to {B(xn )}n=0 , that is, it has a negative auto-correlation
Fig. 1. Examples of quantized chaotic maps (N = 16). similar to eq.(16). In this case, the binary function is realized
by a combinational logic circuit with the three inputs a0 (n),
a1 (n), a2 (n), as shown in Fig.3.
of the register at time n represented by {ak−1 (n), ak−2 (n),
· · · , a0 (n)} (ai (n) ∈ {0, 1}) is given by IV. C OMPUTER S IMULATIONS

xn = a0 (n) · 2k−1 + a1 (n) · 2k−2 + · · · + ak−1 (n) · 20 . (17) We performed computer simulations to investigate bit error
rate (BER) in baseband asynchronous DS-CDMA systems
Note that maximal-period sequences generated by the NFSR using the above maximal-period sequences {B̃(xn )}N −1
n=0 with
of Fig.2 (a) are well known as de-Bruijn sequences [13],[14]. a negative auto-correlation as spreading codes. In these simu-
Generation algorithms of maximal-period sequences including lations, the number of transmitted information bits per user is
de-Bruijn sequences have been proposed [10],[11],[15]. 10, 000 and there are random delays between each user. We
Furthermore, we usually transform a maximal-period integer also assume that there is no channel noise in order to focus on
sequence {xn }N −1
n=0 into a binary sequence {Θ N (xn )}N −1
n=0 for BER performances versus properties of spreading sequences.
its applications to CDMA. The threshold N2 corresponds to 12 The simulations were performed 100 times by changing initial
in the original chaotic maps with I = [0, 1]. For the Bernoulli values of random numbers and the averages of BERs were
map and the tent map, a binary sequence {Θ 12 (xn )}∞ n=0 is
computed. For comparison, we also used Gold sequences of
theoretically shown to be i.i.d. (independent and identically period N = 31, 63, and 127 as conventional spreading codes
distributed), that is, it is an uncorrelated sequence. Hence, a and chaotic binary sequences computed by sufficient precision
maximal-period binary sequence {Θ N (xn )}N −1
n=0 based on the
(64-bit floating point operation) with exponentially
√ vanishing
Bernoulli map and the tent map is an approximately uncor- optimum auto-correlations (λ = −2 + 3) and with the auto-
related sequence which can be obtained from the rightmost correlations given by eq.(16). Here we used a piecewise linear
box in the NFSRs, that is, Θ N (xn ) = 2a0 (n) − 1 under the map (PLM) defined by
relation given by eq.(17).

 |λ|−1 x + 1
 (0 ≤ x < 1−|λ|
2 )
Now consider another binary function for generating
maximal-period binary sequences with a negative auto- τ (x) = 1 1−λ
λ (x − 2 ) ( 2 ≤ x < 1+|λ|
2 )

 2 (x − 1) ( 1+|λ| ≤ x ≤ 1),
correlation given by eq.(16). For the quantized maps by N |λ|−1 2

nonlinear feedback
(combinational logic circuit)

maximal-period (Bernoulli)
ak-1(n) a 2 (n) a 1 (n) a 0 (n) 0.035 maximal-period (tent)
chaotic binary (Bernoulli)
output 0.03
combinational chaotic binary (tent)

logic circuit 0.025 chaotic binary (λ=−2+ 3)
(a) De-Bruijn (Bernoulli-type) 0.02


nonlinear feedback 0.01

(combinational logic circuit)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Number of Users
ak-1(n) a 2 (n) a 1 (n) a 0 (n) (a) N = 32

maximal-period (Bernoulli)
combinational 0.035 maximal-period (tent)
logic circuit chaotic binary (Bernoulli)
chaotic binary (tent)
(b) Tent-type 0.025 chaotic binary (λ=−2+ 3)


Fig. 3. NFSRs with a binary function for negative auto-correlations. 0.015


for generating sequences with the exponentially vanishing 0.005

auto-correlation λ [6],[7]. The results are shown in Fig.4. We 0
can find that the maximal-period sequences with a negative 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

auto-correlation are slightly better than Gold sequences. On Number of Users

the other hand, the maximal-period sequences are inferior to (b) N = 64
chaotic sequences computed by 64-bit floating point opera-
tion. However, it should be noted that the maximal-period maximal-period (Bernoulli)
sequences can be generated by NFSRs with 5 to 7 stages (bits) 0.04
maximal-period (tent)
which are much simpler than generators of chaotic sequences. 0.035 chaotic binary (Bernoulli)
Furthermore, we also note that the number of maximal-period chaotic binary (tent)
0.03 chaotic binary (λ=−2+ 3)
sequences is much greater than Gold sequences [9],[13],[14].

0.025 Gold
We have designed spreading sequences with a negative 0.015
auto-correlation for time-delay  = 1 and no correlation
for  ≥ 2 based on the Bernoulli and tent maps. Maximal- 0.01

period binary sequences based on such maps with finite bits 0.005
can be generated by use of conventional nonlinear feedback 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
shift registers with an additional combinational logic circuit.
Computer simulations have shown that such negatively auto- Number of Users
correlated spreading sequences are useful in asynchronous (c) N = 128
DS/CDMA communications. Note that for the Bernoulli map
and the tent map, there exist several other binary functions Fig. 4. BER versus the number of users in asynchronous DS/CDMA systems
giving the auto-correlation of eq.(16), which can also be in computer simulations.
realized by the NFSRs of Fig.3. The detailed evaluation of
hardware complexity of the NFSR-based generator is left to
future study.

A PPENDIX and τ  (t) is a right derivative of τ (t). Using eq.(A.9), we have
Pτ {b(x) − E[b]} = (θ 14 (x) − E[θ 14 ]) − (θ 34 (x) − E[θ 34 ])
 1 2 2
For simplicity of description, we denote both of τB (x) and

 + (θ 12 (x) − E[θ 12 ]) (Bernoulli map)
τT (x) by τ (x) and consider a binary {0, 1}-valued sequence 2
{b(τ n (x))}∞ (A.11)
n=0 , where b(x) is a binary function defined by 
 − 1 (θ 1 (x) − E[θ 1 ]) (Tent map),
b(x) = θ 18 (x) − θ 38 (x) + θ 34 (x) (A.1) 2 2 2
P τ {b(x) − E[b]} = 0. (A.12)
0 (x < t)
θt (x) = (A.2) Substituting eqs.(A.11) and (A.12) into eq.(A.8), we have
1 (x ≤ t),
that is, B(x) = 2b(x) − 1. We define the auto-covariance Ĉ(1; b) = − (A.13)
n ∞
function of {b(τ (x))}n=0 by Ĉ(; b) = 0 ( ≥ 2). (A.14)

Ĉ(; b) = (b(x) − E[b])(b(τ  ) − E[b])f ∗ (x)dx, (A.3) Thus using the relationship C(; B) = 4Ĉ(; b) for E[B]=0,
I we have eq.(16) in Theorem.

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