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Tasks on medical biology 04.05.2020 – 08.05.


1. Complete the table. Indicate English, Latin name and taxonomy position of a parasite.

Localization Name of the parasite (in English, in Latin, taxonomy

Mouth cavity 1-Entamoeba gingivalis ; on the gingival pockets
Brain 1- Meningitis ; inflammation of the membranes
(meninges) surrounding the brain 
Blood 1- Plasmodium falciparum ; blood plasma
Liver 1- liver fluke ; liver and bile duct
Red bone marrow 1-Nematoda ; free living form in the soil and fresh water
Urogenital tract 2- trichomanos vaginalis ;lives at the vagina at the
females and urethra and prostate of the males
Opened parts of skin 1-loiasis; lymphatics and subcutaneous tissues of humans
Small intestine 1-Cryptosporidium parvum ; the microvilli of the small
intestine of humans
Large intestine 1- Entomaeba coli ; lumen of the large antestine

2. Complete the table.

Routes of infection Name of the parasite Diagnostic features

(English, Latin, taxonomy
Alimentary (cyst Entamoeba histolytica, Stool examination, stool
ingestion) dysentery amoeba cyst with unucleus
Alimentary (oocyst Iaxoplasma gondii genus, Serodiagnosis DNA
ingestion) taxoplasm testing
Alimentary (vegetative Entamoeba gingivalis, Analysis of native smears
forms ingestion) stomatic amoeba from
Sex contacts Trichomonas vaginalis, Microscopic analysis of
uriniginital trichomonad vaginal discharge
Transmissive Wuchereria bancrofti Blood smear examination
(mosquito bite)
Transmissive(Triatom Trypanosome cruzi, Examination of patient’s
a bug bite) tympanosoma kruzi blood
Transmissive (tse-tse Trypanosoma brucei Demonstrate parasite in
fly bite) blood smear
Transmissive Plasmodium vivax, Demonstrate parasite in
(Anopheles mosquito plasmodium species blood
3. Write down protozoa cysts which are figured below:

1- Entamoeba histolytica 2- Entamoeba 3- Acanthamoeba

histolytica(stool cyst)

4- Balantidium coli 5- Entamoeba coli 6- Giardia lamblia

3. Solve situational problems and giveexplanationsof your answers:

1 Cystsin size15-25 mcm were indicated infecal extract scolored with
Lugol’s solution.The envelope was defined well. There are more than four
nucleuses inside. Which parasite are presented in this smear? Which
diagnostic features did help you to determine it?
*** Entamoeba coli. Diagnose by detectionof cysts in feces specimen.
2 Motile, pear-shaped with acerate posterio rend protists which are rotated
about longitudinal axis of their body were detected insubstance during
duodenal intubation. Determine the specie of this parasite.
*** Giardia duodenalis.Diagnos by giardiasis is antigen testing of the stool

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