PBANRDA Minister Inspects Maubin-Twantay Road Project: Yeywa Hydropower Plant, Showcase For Skills of National Experts

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Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 316 13th Waning of Tabodwe 1372 ME Thursday, 3 March, 2011

Four political objectives

PBANRDA Minister inspects * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquil-
lity, prevalence of law and order
* National reconsolidation

Maubin-Twantay Road Project *

Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution
Building of a new modern developed nation in accord
with the new State Constitution
Four economic objectives
NAY PYI TAW, 2 March—Minister for Progress inspected the facility. * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round
development of other sectors of the economy as well
of Border Areas and National Races and Develop- The one mile and three furlongs long and 10 * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic sys-
ment Affairs U Thein Nyunt on 27 February in- feet wide gravel road was built with the fund of the tem
* Development of the economy inviting participation in
spected Maubin-Twantay Roundabout being built Development Affairs Department by Maubin terms of technical know-how and investments from
by the Development Affairs Department near Township Development Affairs Committee in 2010- sources inside the country and abroad
Twantay Bridge on Yangon (Hlinethaya)-Twantay 2011. Thanks to the newly-built facility, local people * The initiative to shape the national economy must be
kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples
Road, arrangements for tarring the road at mile post of Lay-einzu, Kukkozu, Kanyin Thonbin, Tartabaw
No. (26/7), tasks for expansion of approach roads to and Thayetngu villages have easy access to Maubin- Four social objectives
Takahle Bridge at mile post No (25), and the building Twantay Road at any time, and local products can be * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire na-
of the 18 feet wide tarred road from Khattiya Bridge transported to Yangon through Maubin-Twantay- * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and pres-
at mile post No (13/2) to mile post No (5/1). Yangon (Hlinethaya) Road in a short time. ervation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and
Next, he attended the inauguration of the The minister attended the ceremony to hand national character
* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit
gravel road to Lay-einzu Village built to honour the over Toe Marlar building of the basic education high * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of
66th Anniversary Armed Forces Day by Maubin school in Lay-einzu Village, Maubin Township. the entire nation
Township Development Affairs Committee and (See page 8)

Yeywa Hydropower Plant, showcase for skills of national experts

Byline: Tin Htwe (MNA); Photos: Ko Htwe
The inauguration Yeywa Hydropower
Plant, a showcase for skills of national experts,
was held on a grand scale on 15 December 2010.
The scenic natural beauty adds the glory of the
RCC dam and the giant hydropower plant to form
an eye-catching view.
Now, Yeywa Hydropower Plant operates
at full capacity, generating 790 megawatts of
electricity. The project took nearly a decade from
2001-2002 to 2010. Its generator (1) was put into
service on 24 February 2010; generator (2), on 16
July 2010; generator (3), on 16 October 2010; and
generator (4), on 15 December 2010.

Dokhtawady Bridge (Yeywa) was con-

structed to carry mountains of construc-
tion materials and so many units of heavy
machinery for Yeywa Hydropower
The spillway of Yeywa Hydropower

The plant lies on the Myitnge River

(Dokhtawady River) near Yeyaman Village, 31
miles southeast of Mandalay. The project was
undertaken by Construction (2) of the Hydropower
Department under the Ministry of Electric Power
Building the plant was a great technological
challenge, calling for a massive investment. The
first-ever RCC (Roller Compacted Concrete Tech-
nology) Dam in Myanmar was constructed with
about 1500 staff from the Ministry of Electric
Power (1) and 12,000 staff from local and foreign
companies, thus ensuring technical transfer.
(See page 8)

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 1 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011

PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire

Thursday, 3 March, 2011 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views
* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation
Peasantry to participate in * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State
* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy
Myanmar is a land of crops as it is blessed
with all favourable conditions for agricultural
farming. The agricultural sector contributes
Western Command Commander
largely to national economic growth. The 2nd of
March was designated as Peasants Day to
inspects Sittway deepsea port
honour the peasantry dedicating themselves to NAY PYI TAW, 2 March—Chairman of Rakhine of embankment along Strand Road at ongoing
agricultural farming. State Peace and Development Council Commander deepsea port in the water way of Kalatan River,
The message sent by Chairman of the State of Western Command Brig-Gen Soe Thein met beautifying tasks along the ring road and town
Peace and Development Council Senior General those who will supervise matriculation exam centres centre of Sittway, progress of paving earth road and
Than Shwe on the occasion of Peasants Day in Sittway at No. 4 Basic Education High School of stockpiling of gravels along Ponnagyun-
says, “The State Peace and Development
Sittway on 27 February. The Commander called Yathaedaung Road, and Samantichaung Bridge,
Council is trying its utmost to transform the
them for providing tranquil encouraging atmosphere and construction of new Basic Education Primary
Republic of the Union of Myanmar into a
modern and developed discipline-flourishing for candidates and presented cash awards. School in Letwesadaing Village in Ponnagyun
democratic nation. At the core of the The Commander then oversaw construction Township.—MNA
achievement of the lofty goal lies better socio-
economic life of the people. To meet this national Aungtagon water supply station put into service
goal calls for improving the agricultural
farming, the major business of the people, with
all seriousness.”
Today, the government is harnessing land
and water sources to the best of its ability for
development of the agricultural sector. In
addition, highland farmlands are being
transformed from slash and burn system to
terrace farming. It is also encouraging use of
advanced agricultural methods, high-yield
strains of crops, fertilizers and farm machinery.
So, farmland utilization is improving
To supply sufficient irrigation water
essential for improvement of agriculture, the
government so far has constructed 233 dams
across the nation that benefit over 2 million Yangon Mayor U Aung Thein Lin and officials formally opens Aungtagon water
acres of farmlands. And over 300 river water supply station.—MNA
pumping stations irrigate some 500,000 acres YANGON, 2 March—Opening of Aungtagon Co., Ltd), U Kyaw Win (Chairman of Shwe Than
of agricultural farms.
water supply station built by Engineering Lwin Co., Ltd), U Tin Zaw Min (Board of Director,
Owing to all-round assistance rendered by
Department (Water and Sanitation) of Yangon City Nippo Construction) and
the government, farmers are on a position to
grow crops with mixed- and multiple-cropping Development Committee, took place at the centre U Zaw Zaw (Chairman of MAX Myanmar Co., Ltd),
patterns the whole year. The nation’s paddy in No.3 road near Tagondaing village in who gave hand in building the station, and cash
output has toughed about 1500 million baskets Mingaladon Township on 27 February. award to staff through the head of the department.
now. YCDC Chairman Mayor U Aung Thein Lin, Water supply of Hlawga Lake is about half of
Agricultural development has improved the Joint Secretary U Kyaw Soe and head of daily water supply. So, Aungtagon water supply
socio-economic status of the peasantry. Engineering Department (Water and Sanitation) station was built in order that Hlawga Lake can
Therefore, farmers, a strong force of the nation, U Than Htaik cut the ribbon to open it. After that, store more water and 40 million gallon of water can
on their part have to participate in building a the mayor unveiled the stone plaque and sprinkled be stored in it. Thanks to the Aungtagon water
democratic nation, working harder to boost the scented water on it. Then, the mayor looked supply station, more drinking water will be supplied
production of crops especially paddy. around supply of water and explained the purpose to townships in Yangon.—MNA
of building it and the head, construction of it.
Afterwards, the mayor presented the certificates
Shine Toothpaste selects third
Operation Management of honour to those—U Soe Win & Daw Than Nwe prize winner of lucky draw
Course at Wise family, U Win Naing (Chairman of Shwe Hein Htet YANGON, 2 March — Shine Toothpaste held
ceremony to select third prize (K 3m) winner of its
YANGON, 2 March—Wise International School project planning and strategic planning. lucky draw programme at Sedona Hotel here this
for Executive (ABE Accredited College) will open The course is suitable for business owners, morning.
a certificate course in operation management on 5 executives, admin managers, HR managers, BDM, It was attended by journalists, officials and
marketing managers, project managers, and those guests. Lots were drawn out to select the third prize
winner and other prizes. The winning ticket number
The 20-hour course includes operation and interested in management. For enrollment, contact,
for third prize is 0535773.
process, decisions on operation management, Wise International School for Executives (ABE
Winner of second prize (K 5m) will be selected
operation strategy, product planning and design, Accredited College) at Room No. 1009, 10th Floor, in May and for first prize in July.
process planning and design, OM techniques, Yuzana Tower, Junction of Kaba Aye Pagoda Shine toothpaste is distributing cavity
managing quality, management performance Road and Shwegondaing Street in Bahan Township, protection, menthol fresh and green fresh toothpastes
covering production, and service management and here, Ph: 01-556183, 09-5157032.—MNA and toothbrushes.—MNA

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 2 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011 3

India tries to get Indian hostages on Afghan soldiers frisk

local men near a police
board hijacked cargo ship released headquarter which was
NEW DELHI, 2 March—India has his efforts,” Rao wrote in “Twitter” attacked by Taleban in
said that it’s trying to secure release of late Tuesday night. Kandahar south of
six Indian sailors on board an Egyptian Meanwhile, Indian TV channel Kabul, Afghanistan
cargo ship hijacked last August in the Times Now reported that the Somali
Gulf of Aden by Somali pirates who pirates on board the hijacked ship have
have reportedly demanded a ransom demanded 4 million US dollars for the INTERNET
of 4 million US dollars. release of the Indian hostages and a
Indian Foreign Secretary week’s deadline has been given in this NATO force investigates new Afghan
Nirupama Rao said that the Director
General of Shipping was pursuing all
“Our demand is ransom money.
casualty claim
KABUL, 2 March—The quarters of civilian deaths investigation, it said.
such cases of Indians being taken We want 4 million US dollars. Last
NATO-led force in and injuries. “We take civilian
hostage by Somali pirates. time we called the company we
Afghanistan said on The NATO-led casualty allegations very
“Owner of MV Suez, owned by an demanded the ransom. He (owner) told
Tuesday it was investi- International Security seriously. We are here to
Egyptian company, had promised to us he did not want the ship or the crew.
gating new reports by Assistance Force (ISAF) protect the people of
take action to free hostages but nothing One week is the maximum time,” one
Afghan officials that its said it was looking into the Afghanistan,” ISAF
was done. The DG Shipping continues of the pirates told the channel.—Xinhua
troops may have killed up latest allegations after an spokesman Colonel
An Afghan
to nine children during an attack by insurgents on Charles Toplikar said in a
policeman An Afghan vendor attack on insurgents in the one of its bases in the statement. Earlier, Kunar
inspects a washes himself with country’s volatile east. Darreh-Ye Pesh District of police chief Khalilullah
car damaged Civilian casualties Kunar Province near the Zaiee said nine children
by a suicide stagnant water at a
caused by NATO-led and Pakistan border. It said aged under 14 had been
car bomb market on the Afghan forces hunting troops returned fire after killed in the town of Mano
attack in second day of the
Khost insurgents have become a two rocket attacks on the Gai in Darreh Ye-Pesh
Province on Muslim holiday of great source of friction base, using small arms and when a coalition aircraft
18 Feb, Eid al-Adha, or between the Afghan “aerial fire” and later responded to the rocket
2011. Government and its became aware of the attacks on the ISAF
Feast of the
Western backers, although civilian casualty claims forward operating base.
Sacrifice, in Kabul,
UN figures show that when contacted by the “They were collecting
14 girl students injured in Afghanistan recently. insurgents are responsible media. Afghan officials firewood,” Zaiee told
grenade attack in for more than three- would join the Reuters.—MNA/Xinhua

N-W Pakistan NATO soldier killed

ISLAMABAD, 2 March— Unidentified armed men
on Tuesday threw hand grenades at a girls college in in Afghanistan
northwest Pakistan, injuring 14 students, police said. KABUL, 2 March— A solider with the NATO-led
Police officer Jehanzeb Khan said that the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was
incident took place on the outskirts of Mardan, a city killed on Tuesday in an militants attack in
some 200 kilometres northwest of Capital Islamabad. Afghanistan’s troubled southern region bringing to
Khan said that unidentified men riding a seven the number of military alliance’s casualties
motorbike threw two hand grenades inside the Girls since Monday morning, the ISAF said in a statement.
Degree College and fled. The injured girls were “An International Security Assistance Force
transferred to a hospital in the area. Doctors said the service member died following an insurgent attack
injured are in stable condition. in southern Afghanistan today,”said the statement.
No group claimed responsibility for the attack. However, the statement did not reveal the
Taleban militants have carried out attacks on schools, nationally and position of the victim by saying it is
especially girls schools, in the tribal regions and ISAF policy to defer casualty identification
northwest in their campaign against the government. procedures to the relevant national authorities.
They are against girl’s education. Troops mainly from the United States, Britain,
This is the first time that a girls college was Canada and Australia have been stationed in the
attacked in day time when it was open. Taleban southern region within the framework of ISAF to
usually attack schools in the night time. fight Taleban militants.
MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua

US and allies kill, injure Casualties of Afghan people in invasion of

Iraqi people NATO troops led by US
KABUL, 2 March—The NATO troops led by the US have invaded
BAGHDAD, 2 March— There has been daily casualties in Iraq since the Afghanistan and they are there for a long time.
US and its allies have invaded the country. A number of Afghan people are killed and injured due to invasion of
Casualties of Iraqi people the NATO troops led by the US.
The total number of casualties as from the day they invaded the Casualties of Afghan people
country to 2 March reached 705118 and the total number of seriously According to the Internet news, a total of 33679 Afghan people were
injured people reached 1276700, according to the news on the Internet. killed and 41009 injured seriously as from the day when the NATO troops
No. Subject Number led by the US invaded Afghanistan to 2 March.

1. Death toll of Iraqi people 705118 No. Subject Number

1. Number of Afghan people killed 33679
2. The total number of seriously injured people 1276700 2. Seriously injured Afghan people 41009

Internet Internet

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 3 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011

Scientists book commercial spaceflights

BOULDER, 2 March—A Colorado research institute SpaceShipTwo as a flying laboratoury for
says it has booked tickets with two commercial experiments in weightlessness, biology, astronomy
spaceflight companies to take its scientists into and climate research, officials said.
suborbital space to work. “We’ve already designed and built three
The Southwest Research Institute has purchased experiments to fly on these flights,” SwRI scientist
two tickets from Virgin Galactic for flights aboard its Alan Stern said.
SpaceShipTwo commercial spaceliner and reserved The first passenger flights of SpaceShipTwo
six more, SPACE.com reported Monday. could occur by 2012, Virgin Galactic officials have
The agreement, worth a total of about $1.6 said. The mummy of an iceman named Otzi, discovered
million, is the first ticket sale by Virgin Galactic California-based spaceflight company XCOR on 1991 in the Italian Schnal Valley glacier, is
specifically aimed at flying scientists into suborbital Aerospace says it has also signed an agreement with displayed at the Archeological Museum of Bolzano
space. SwRI to take institute scientists and their experiments on 28 Feb, during an official presentation of the
The agreement will allow researchers to use on six flights in its two-seat Lynx vehicle.—Internet reconstrution.—INTERNET

Europe approves weather satellite plan Turtles, fishing collide in

BRUSSELS, 2 March—Europe will go ahead with a $4.7 billion Indian State
plan to build a next-generation weather satellite system, as
NEW DELHI, 2 March—Endangered sea turtles
participating nations say they’ve agreed to the financing. Eumetsat,
are being killed off eastern India’s Orissa State by
the international agency charged with looking after Europe’s
vessels ignoring a fishing ban in a large turtle
Meteosat weather satellites, said Friday all participating nations
sanctuary, environmentalists say.
had agreed to the programme, the BBC reported.
Government officials say “no more than 800”
The new system should guarantee European access to space-
acquired meteorological data until at least the late 2030s, Eumetsat turtles have been killed since November but animal
officials said. Full approval came after a decision by Belgium’s activists claim almost 5,000 of the tiny olive ridley
In this photograph released by the turtles have died, Inter Press Service reported
caretaker government to support the project financially. The
Kerinci Seblat National Park in Jambi Monday.
country has been without a ruling administration since a general
Province in 2010, forestry personnel Environmental and wildlife protection is a major
election in June, and was unable to commit the necessary funds
inspect a seized Sumatran tiger skin concern in India’s coastal states but so is creating a
a meeting of the 26-nation Eumetsat organization in December.
and bones during an operation against The caretaker government has indicated Belgium will honour sustainable livelihood for poor inhabitants of the
poachers in Kerinci Seblat National its committments. “It was not an easy process and the overall region, officials say.
Park in 2006. Indonesian police have financial situation in Europe certainly did not help but I am very “We are all for the safety of turtles but the
arrested a man for allegedly selling pleased to see that all member states have now approved a vital interests of the fishermen must also be kept in
body parts from protected species programme which will assure the future of Eumetsat’s mind,” said Narayan Haldar, president of the Orissa
online, including tiger skins and geostationary observations over Europe, Africa and the Atlantic Traditional Fish Workers’ Union.
crocodile genitals.—INTERNET Ocean over the next few decades,” he said.—Internet Internet

Cell phones expose younger Chinese children Barbara Barclay of Tobii

Technology, Inc, who is seen
to Internet reflected in a computer monitor,
BEIJING, 2 March—As cell phones parents and teachers also participated plays a video game in New York, on
provide a more convenient and in the survey. 28 Feb, 2011, using only her eyes on
inconspicuous alternative to net Further, some 1.9 percent had a prototype laptop that tracks and
surfing, Chinese minors are obtaining contact with the Internet at or below 3 can be controlled by the eye
access to the Internet at a much years old. This small fraction of movements.—INTERNET
younger age, triggering concerns Internet experiences usually resulted
about their healthy development, from being alongside with their net Google tries to resolve email service problem
according to a recent survey. surfing parents, most of whom are of SAN FRANCISCO, 2 March—Google Google said in a latest notice Monday
The survey, released Monday and the 80’s generation. But the survey said on Monday that it is continuing morning, adding that the remaining
focusing on Chinese minors’ use of warned that such passive net surfing to investigate a problem with its Gmail accounts are being restored on an
mobile phones and the Internet, experiences might gradually lead to service, which reportedly caused ongoing basis.
documented how nearly 60 percent children’s active Internet use. some users’ emails being all erased. “We expect the issue to be resolved
of the respondents got access to the According to the survey, about The issue popped up over the for everyone within 12 hours,” Google
Internet for the first time when they 46.6 percent of the minors surveyed weekend as users reported on online said.
were below 10 years old. owned a mobile phone and 39.5 forums that they had lost emails and Xinhua
The survey, which lasted more percent used it to go online. other information within their Gmail
than half a year, was conducted mainly The results show that most of the accounts.
among students aged between 10 and children use cell phones to chat, read Google confirmed the problem
18 years in 106 middle and elementary blogs, play games and search for Sunday on the company’s website
schools across the country. Some information on the Internet.—Internet that provides status reports of its Apps
services, initially saying that the issue
Young people play
affected less than 0.29 percent of
computer games at an Gmail users. The logo of internet search engine
It then twice revised downward company Google. Google said
Internet cafe in
estimates of the number of users Monday it expects to fully restore
Taiyuan, capital of affected to 0.08 percent and then to the Gmail accounts of users who
Shanxi Province. 0.02 percent. saw their emails deleted from their
“Access has been restored for inboxes over the weekend.
INTERNET one third of the affected users,” INTERNET

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 4 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011 5

Health Tip: Watch your diet if you

have an ulcer
Watching your diet can help manage a peptic ulcer, simply
by avoiding irritants and eating the foods that can help promote
The ADAM Encyclopedia suggests these dietary practices:
* Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
A gel shown to reduce the risk of HIV * Drink only moderate amounts of milk, and include yogurt
infection in women during vaginal sex in your diet.
is seen at the 18 International AIDS * Limit coffee to a maximum of three cups per day.
Conference in Vienna in July. The gel * Avoid large amounts of garlic, peppers or spices if they Firemen try to extinguish a forest fire in
has also shown promise toward irritate your stomach. Huangshan township of Lijiang City, southwest
preventing transmission during anal * Consume olive oil, which may be effective in combating China’s Yunnan Province, on 28 Feb, 2011. A
sex, US researchers have claimed. many strains of Hpylori bacteria, which have been shown wildfire broke out here in dawn on Monday.
INTERNET to be a major cause of peptic ulcers.—Internet XINHUA
Surgery can aid breasts, but not forever Employers often ignore healthcare benefits
DALLAS, 2 March—There are several surgery is to improve symmetry while ANN ARBOR, 2 March—Employers and the cost of lost time and medical
plastic surgery options to enhance a enhancing the natural breast contour should focus more on value, costs when determining healthcare
woman’s breasts, but no surgery and shape,” Saint-Cyr says in a improved health and increased work investment.
permanently counters the effects of statement. “It is important to have a productivity than just the expense of “Employers can contribute greatly
gravity, a US plastic surgeon says. Dr board-certified plastic surgeon evaluate insurance premiums, US researchers to the transformation of the health
Michel Saint-Cyr, who specializes in your breast tissue, skin elasticity and say. system by focusing on value and not
breast procedures at the University of chest-wall dimensions to determine what Dr A Mark Fendrick — co- simply on financing and who pays,”
Texas Southwestern Medical Centre in procedures and options will work director of the University of Michigan Fendrick says in a statement. “It is
Dallas, says pregnancy, nursing and the best.”Breast lift — mastopexy — can Centre for Value-Based Insurance imperative that we move beyond the
force of gravity take their toll over the raise and reshape sagging breasts, Design Centre — and Thomas Parry current paradigm of exclusively
years on a woman’s breasts. though no surgery can permanently and Kimberly Jinnett, both of the measuring medical offsets, and
As skin loses its elasticity, the breasts counter the effects of gravity, while Integrated Benefits Institute, say include measurement of the effects in
often lose their shape and firmness and breast implants also can be inserted in employers, as healthcare insurance increased productivity that
begin to sag, Saint-Cyr says. conjunction with mastopexy to help consumers, should understand the accompanies improvements in
“Whether restoring or enhancing increase firmness and size, Saint-Cyr full value of improved health, health.”
the female breasts, the key to breast says.—Internet improved workforce productivity, Internet

Shanghai is ranked top in economic competition Japan’s monetary base up 5.6% year-
It is followed by Beijing and
Jiangsu Province. on-year in February
The finding highlights Shanghai’s
TOKYO, 2 March—The monetary On a seasonally adjusted basis,
better infrastructure and great potential
base in Japan rose 5.6 percent in however, the monetary base dipped
despite recent moderation in the city’s
February from a year earlier, rising 2.1 percent on year in February to
economic growth rate, said Li Maoyu,
for the 30th consecutive month from a 100.906 trillion yen, following a 9.9
a Changjiang Securities Co analyst.
5.5 percent annual increase booked contraction on year logged in the
“The established infrastructure and
in the previous month, the Bank of previous month, coming in at 101.08
the great policy support to build
Photo taken on 22 Feb, 2011 show the Japan (BOJ) said in a report on trillion yen, the BOJ noted.
Shanghai into a global financial centre
view of advection fog in downtown Wednesday. Banknotes in circulation were up
are the city’s strength in economic
Shanghai, east China.—XINHUA The average daily balance of the 2.4 percent on year, although coins in
development,” Li said.
monetary base stood at 101.0039 circulation declined an annual 0.1
B EIJING , 2 March—Shanghai is Shanghai’s gross domestic product
trillion yen (1.23 trillion US dollars), percent in February from a year earlier,
ranked top in terms of comprehensive expanded 9.9 percent from a year
with the current account deposit the central banks’s data showed.
economic competitiveness among all earlier to 1.68 trillion yuan (256 billion
balance expanding 23.3 percent after Japan’s monetary base refers to
China’s Provinces and municipalities, US dollar) in 2010, the third
increasing 24. 5 percent in January, the amount of currency that is either
according to a survey released on consecutive year below the national
the central bank said. circulated in the hands of people living
Monday by the Chinese Academy of average, which was 10.3 percent last
The bank’s data also showed in Japan or in domestic commercial
Social Sciences. year.—Xinhua
reserve balances rose by 19.7 percent bank deposits held in the central bank’s
Chile-Turkey free trade agreement in the recording period. reserves.—Xinhua
A homeless man is
takes effect pictured in a park in
SANTIAGO, 2 March—The Chile-Turkey Free Trade Agreement (FTA) became central Tokyo. Japan’s
effective Tuesday, with 98 percent of bilateral trade now tax-free and the rest to unemployment rate
follow suit within six years. stood at 4.9 percent in
It is Chile’s 21st valid trade agreement described as a win-win deal, under
January, unchanged
which the South American country hopes to gain greater access to the vast markets
of oil-rich Middle East and Central Asia. Meanwhile, Turkey regards the from a month earlier in
agreement, its first FTA with a Western hemisphere country, as a way to explore line with market
the opportunities in the other side of the world. forecasts, government
Under the pact signed on 14 July, 2009, 92.6 percent of Chile’s exports to data showed Tuesday.
Turkey, or 26 percent of total Chilean exports, will get tax benefits.—Xinhua INTERNET

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 5 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011

Ex-Apple employee pleads guilty

in kickback scheme
S AN F RANCISCO , 2 March—A Devine. US prosecutors then obtained
former Apple Inc employee pleaded an indictment on 23 counts in August.
guilty to multiple criminal counts after Devine pleaded guilty on Monday
being accused of taking kickbacks to wire fraud, conspiracy and money
from Asian suppliers. laundering in a San Jose federal court,
Paul Devine, who worked at the the US Attorney’s office announced.
iPhone maker as a global supply He also agreed to forfeit about $2.28
manager, was accused of using his million in money and property.
position to pass confidential
“Mr Devine is a good man who
information to help suppliers negotiate
made a mistake, and now he’s trying
favorable contracts with Apple. He
worked there from 2005 until 2010. to make amends,” his attorney
Apple launched an internal Raphael Goldman said on Monday. Containers are seen stacked up at a terminal in South
investigation last year and found a A spokesman for the US Korean port of Busan. The country has posted a China more
cache of emails between Devine and Attorney’s office in San Francisco $2.85 billion trade surplus in February, the 13th
the suppliers, according to a civil declined to comment further. straight month that it has recorded a favourable energy
balance, official figures have shown.—INTERNET
lawsuit the company filed against Reuters efficient
Google, Khosla back weather insurance BEIJING, 2 March—
China’s energy effici-
startup ency improved by a
bigger margin in 2010
L O S A NGELES , 2 based on statistical Nations says.
partly because local
March—Silicon Valley analysis. A UN panel of
governments shut down
venture capitalist Vinod WeatherBill foun- climate change experts
some industrial capacity
Khosla and Google ded by ex-Google says weather is likely to
to meet year-end targets.
Ventures have invested employees David Fried- become more extreme
The energy intensity,
$42 million in a start-up berg and Siraj Khaliq in the 21 st century,
or energy use per unit of
The US has named leading Chinese search engine run by former Google argues that the $3 trillion affecting everything
the nation’s gross
Baidu and Swedish torrent download site Pirate Bay employees, which helps in annual global agricul- from food to water
domestic product, fell 4.1
in a list of the world’s top marketplaces for pirated insure farmers against ture production is increa- supplies, because of a
percent last year, the
and counterfeit goods.—INTERNET losses from increasingly singly at risk from wild build-up of heat-trapping
National Bureau of
volatile global weather. and unpredictable wea- gases from human use Statistics said Monday. It
Fish may eats through its skin Khosla Ventures and ther fluctuations. of fossil fuels. declined 3.61 percent in
B EIJING , 2 March—Scientists found Pacific Google Ventures join The year 2010, “More than 90 2009.
hagfishes can be fed through their skins and gills as Allen & Co, NEA and during which extreme percent of crop losses The National
well as their guts, according to a study published in other investors in weather caused devas- are due to unexpected Development and
“Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological WeatherBill, whose team tating floods in Pakistan, weather and climate Reform Commission,
Sciences” on Wednesday. of software engineers China and Australia and change is increasing the China’s top economic
By removing a bit of skin from the fish into the and clima-tologists a heatwave in Russia, frequency of extreme planner, said last month
amino acids’ solution, the researchers found the skin collates weather data was the warmest on weather events,” CEO that energy intensity fell
can made the nutrient concentration of its “inner” side from various sources, record alongside 1998 Friedberg said in a 19.06 percent in the five
increase and eventually stay at some certain level then sells insurance and 2005, the United statement.—Reuters years ending 2010 but
while the concentration outside was keeping increasing. Applicants sign up of the the drop was slightly
This character proved hagfish’s skin could actively entrance exams at China short of the government
intake nutrient, said fish physiologist Chris M Wood Central Academy of target of a 20 percent cut
of McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. Fine Arts, in Beijing, during the period.
This additional ability may help hagfish to survive capital of China, on 1 Though energy
over the difficult period without enough food, March, 2011. The intensity fell last year,
according to the lead researcher Chris Glover from the academy plans to recruit total energy used rose
University of Canterbury in New Zealand and Bamfield 800 undergraduates this
5.9 percent to 3.25 billion
year. Examination of
Marine Sciences Centre. tons of coal equivalent,
specialized courses will
Xinhua the bureau said. Coal
be held on 5 and 6
March.—XINHUA consumption gained 5.3
percent, crude oil demand
Patients say pain prevalent in hospitals rose 12.9 percent, and
gas consumption jumped
UPPSALA, 2 March—Sixty-five percent of patients in Swedish hospitals say 18.2 percent.
they had experienced pain during a 24-hour period before they were asked The energy intensity
about it, researchers found. was poor in 2009 because
Lead author Dr. Barbro Wadensten, associate professor at Uppsala the massive state stimulus
University, Sweden, studied 759 patients ages 6 weeks to 95 years, with package, introduced to
parents completing the surveys for younger children. The average age of the cope with the global
patients was 59, and 52 percent were female. financial crisis, boosted
The study, scheduled to be published in the March issue of the Journal of energy use. The intensity
An artist in costume performs Kunqu Opera Clinical Nursing, found 42 percent of those who had said they have experienced even rose 3.2 percent in
accompanied by a symphony orchestra in a pain in the past 24 hours rated their pain as more than seven out of 10, with the first quarter of last
concert in Hangzhou, capital of east China’s 10 was the worst pain imaginable. year, endangering the
Zhejiang Province, on 28 Feb, 2011. A concert Although eight out of 10 patients had been asked about their pain levels government’s effort to
combined both traditional east and west music by staff, less than half of those had been asked to rate their pain on a numeric trim energy use to meet
form was held here on Monday. scale, the study says. the 20 percent goal.
XINHUA Internet Xinhua

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 6 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011 7

Build capacity in public interests

Kyei Sin Tha
In the morning of 30 January 2011, to be exact:
at 9.30 am, Yangon International Airport was amidst
the mist, but it was not shrouded.
Among the passengers onboard TG-304 of Thai
Airways was a Myanmar delegation to the Republic
of India that would visit governmental departments in
New Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. The delegation led by
Member U Soe Oo of the Civil Service Selection and
Training Board was composed of 17 mid level public
officers from the State Peace and Development Council
Office, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of
Health, the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of
Cooperatives, the Ministry of Culture, the Civil
Service Selection and Training Board, the Central
Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi), the Central
Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar), the
University for Development of National Races, and Myanmar delegation together with IIPA Director Rakesh Hooja had a documentary photo taken in front of
Mandalay City Development Committee. Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA).
Our airplane landed Thuwunnabumi International understanding of the function of UPSC, as he found schedules; and that they also thanked Mr Vajay
Airport in Thailand at 11.15 am thelocal time. The much interest in main functions of UPSC; that he Sharma for the assistance along the trip.
Myanmar delegation was welcomed there by members knew that UPSC role was very important in terms of He went on to say that he thanked Sasakawa Peace
of Myanmar Embassy to Thailand led by Military selecting public service personnel; that when he arrived Foundation of Japan for its sponsorship for the
Attache Colonel Win Maung. We were temporarily back to his country, he would share and extend the invaluable trip; that they also met Dr Agrawal, the
accommodated at VIP-1 lounge of the airport, and knowledge he had gained from UPSC and other Chairman of UPSC, and Dean of Foreign Service
were hosted a lunch at an airport restaurant. institutions; and that he wished the hosts all happiness Institute where they exchanged views of interests;
We took a connecting flight by TG-315 at 8.45pm and prosperity. that in the following week, on their return to the
the same day and arrived at India Gandhi International At 1.30 pm, the Myanmar delegation left New Capital, they would brief their Chairman of CSSTB
Airport of the Republic of India at 1.15 pm the local Delhi to Jaipur. Along the way, we enjoyed the scenes U Kyaw Thu on their experience and learning from
time. At the airport, we received a welcome from of natural beauty which were added to by lush and that trip; that they would share the programme with
staff members of Myanmar Embassy to India led by green paddy fields and mustard plantations, the project other members of CSSTB; that it was the first
Charge d Affaires ai U Ba Hla Aye. We were given to upgrade the highway to a six-lane facility, programme of mid level public officers of Myanmar
a lift to the Indian Institute of Public Administration organizational set-up of the new town, cameral carts, visiting India; that if there would be such programme
(IIPA) where we would stay during our visit. tamed elephants, and traditional businesses of in the future, they could benefit it as according to
Our tour started on 31 January. It was my very residents. need base and other requirements; that on behalf of
first trip to India, so what I saw were all strange to We got to the State Institute of Public the group, he would like to thank all of the hosts and
me. At the outset, the itinerary brought up to the Administration in Jaipur designated as one of the hoped to see them again.
Indian Institute of Public Administration where world archaeological cities. We met Professor Mr At 1.15 am on 5 February, we left Indira Gandhi
Capacity Building Programme for civil services of Asha Singh at the institute who extended greetings to International Airport by TG-316 and arrived at
the Myanmar delegation was conducted from 31 the Myanmar delegation. Thuwunnabumi International Airport in Bangkok at
January to 4 February. We could not wait to visit two historic sites, 6.30 am. There, we were welcomed by staff of
In addition, we had an opportunity to visit the Ambar Palace and Ambar Fort in Jaipur on 2 February. Myanmar Embassy to Thailand and conveyed to the
Foreign Service Institute where we were briefed on After our breakfast, we enjoyed Indian archaeological Mya Buddha Institute. Then, Ambassador U Aung
constitution, academic matters, training programmes works in the two sites. Thein hosted us a lunch at the Byroke Sky Hotel,
and functions of the institution by the officials. They At 8.15 am on 3 February, we proceeded to Agra which is the highest of its kind in the capital.
also held a tea party for us. Then, we went sightseeing and visited Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. At 4.15 pm, we We went back home by TG-305. We felt all
in downtown New Delhi under the arrangements of left for New Delhi and arrived at the Indian Institute relaxed and refreshed just as we saw Yangon
the Myanmar Embassy to India. of Public Administration at 9.30 pm. International Airport.
We called on Secretary Mr Uban Tripathi of the On the morning of 4 February, the Myanmar During the seven-day trip, we had to work to a
Union Public Service Commision of India at 9.15 am Embassy arranged another package tour for the very tight schedule. Apart from subjects, we compared
the following day. The secretary extended greetings Myanmar delegation. That time, we visited Indian notes for capacity building with officials from Indian
to the Myanmar delegation. Gate and Red Fort in New Delhi. New Delhi is very institutes, and leant a lot.
The Myanmar delegation leader in his part said large and populous with grand buildings throughout In reality, our trip was very beneficial to us. We
that he would like to express their sincere appreciation the capital, whose systematic housings and natural had to learn and hold discussions at every site we had
to the Government of India, particularly Indian forests contribute to environmental conservation. visited in India. Throughout the visit, we were
Institute of Public Administration for hosting this At 8.30 pm, the Indian Institute of Public exhausted, but we gained invaluable experiences and
first “Capacity Building Programme for officers of Administration host a lovely dinner to us. Before knowledge.
the Myanmar Civil Services from 31 January to 4 dinner, Director Rakesh Hooja of the institute extended Now, the nation is being built into a modern,
February; that he also thanked their sponsor “the greetings to us. The Myanmar delegation leader in his developed discipline-flourishing democratic one. So,
Sasakawa Peace Foundation of Japan; that the part said that the programme had been for five days the people especially civil servants have to build their
programme was the result of IIPA of India and from 31January to 4 February; that they had covered capacity. Only then will the people enjoy higher
Myanmar’s Civil Service Selection and Training a lot both in important subjects relating to public socio-economic status. And the nation will enjoy
Board (CSSTB), visioned and initiated by His services as well as geographical sites; that they visited greater development. We have done a lot, but have
Excellency U Kyaw Thu, the Chairman of CSSTB, the State Institute of Public Administration in Jaipur, yet to work a lot. Civil servants of us have to continue
who came here and discussed facts about the the Union Public Service Commission, and Taj Mahal working hard with a sense of duty. Now, the people
programme with the leadership of the Civil Service in Agra; that they felt the warm welcome and kind can visualize the future of the nation which is marching
Institutions of India a few months ago; that the group hospitality of different public service institutions of towards a new system. All with positive attitude and
led by himself was a total of 18, chosen out of 60 India during their trip; that they would like to thank correct concept have noticed that our country has a
officials, who took part in the similar training Dr Rakesh Hooja for his kind coordination and prosperous future ahead of it.
programme in Myanmar in November 2010; that he Professor Sujata Singh for her good management and *****
believed that all of them would gain learning and coordination along the trip, despite her usual busy Translation: MS

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 7 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011

PBANRDA Minister inspects … mary School building in

Energy Minister honours prize winners of
Kawekkin Village the
(from page 1) over the related documents
Deputy Director- to Maubin Township Edu-
same township.
He inspected the
ASEAN Awards Programme Contests
General U Myo Nyunt of cation Officer U Soe Myint expanding of the 19 miles NAY PYI TAW, 2 der the ministry,members Afterwards, the
No (1) Basic Education Thaung. Schoolmistress and two furlongs long March—A ceremony to of National Committee for minister presented certifi-
Department, Deputy Di- Daw Myint Thein spoke Panthaput-Kyonthin road present certificates of hon- Selection and Scrutinizing cates of honour to prize
rector-General of the De- words of thanks. section of Thongwa Em- our to those who have won personnel of Myanmar En- winners of the contests,
velopment Affairs De- The minister bankment Road at mile awards in ASEAN Award gineering Society, respon- Deputy Minister U Than
partment U Than Kyaw touched upon matters for post No (16) in Maubin Programme 2010, best en- sible persons of respective Htay to responsible per-
Htoo and member of the development of the edu- Township. ergy management in fac- associations which have sons of organizations that
school board of trustees U cation and development The road is being tories and buildings, build- participated in ASEAN En- have participated in the
Shwe Win Hlaing formally of the region. built by the DAD for con- ings with effective energy ergy Awards Contests. contests, Director-General
opened the building.The The brick-foun- venience of 17 village- management, renewable The minister ad- U Soe Aung of Energy
minister and the guests dation building is 132 feet tracts and 17 villages in energy utilization project dressed the ceremony and Planning Department to
sprinkled the scented long and 21 feet wide. It Thongwagyun, Maubin contests, at the ministry Joint-Secretary of National those who have contrib-
water on it. was ravaged in the storm Township. The 29 miles yesterday afternoon. Committee for Selection uted a great deal to taking
The deputy direc- “Nargis”. It was built with and two furlongs long Present on the oc- of Contests Chairman of part in the contests. On
tor-general of No (1) Ba- contributions made by lo- road from Pantaput casion were Minister for MES U Win Khaing ex- behalf of the prize win-
sic Education Department cal people and regional Village to Kyonthin Vil- Energy U Lun Thi, Deputy plained performances of ners, U Tun Naing Aung
gave an account of aca- development funds. lage will be upgraded to a Minister U Than Htay, di- factories, buildings and re- of Kaungkyawse Com-
demic matters. Next, the minister 12 feet wide gravel one rectors-generals and man- newable energy utilization pany spoke words of
The DAD deputy attended the handing over by 2010-2011 fiscal year. aging-directors of depart- project that have com- thanks.
director-general handed of Basic Education Pri- MNA ments and enterprises un- peted in the contests. MNA

tion capacity of 1500

Yeywa Hydropower Plant, tons a day, thus creating
jobs for local people.
showcase for skills … Feasibility study
(from page 1) In order to carry was carried out in previ-
According to very large piles of con- ous successive periods
the statistics collected struction materials and to put Yeywa
in 2009, the 2264 feet so many units of heavy Hydropower Plant
long and 433 feet high machinery, a broad crest Project into reality. Only
RCC dam is the third type bridge spanning the in 2000 could the design
of its kind in mass; the Dokhtawady River. The for the project be drawn,
fifth of its kind in 707 feet long and 30 feet choosing the site near
height, and the ninth wide bridge can with- Yeyaman Village in
of its kind in laying stand 60 tons of loads Kyaukse Township. The
concrete in the world. per vehicle and contrib- project launched in
The enormous irriga- utes to regional trans- 2001-2002 is composed
tion facility cost port. The two approach of eight parts: diversion
569,400 bags of ce- roads: Shwesaryan- tunnel, intake structure,
ment, 393,400 tons of Yeywa and Belin— RCC dam, spillway, high-
pozoland, 1.644 mil- Yeywa roads stretching pressured steel pipelines, The switchyard of Yeywa Hydropower Plant.
lion cubic feet of rock, 59 miles in total form an hydropower plant,
21.14 million acre feet. can produce 3550 mil- Hydropower Plant, the
The spillway is 448 feet lion kilowatt hours a largest of its kind in
wide. The head of the year. Myanmar, for its dura-
water is 229 feet high. The people are bility.
With four 197.5-mega- therefore to maintain Translation: MS
watt generators, the plant world-class Yeywa Kyemon: 1-3-2011

The RCC dam and the outfall channel of the plant.

47.164 tons of steel artery for nearby outfall channel for the
rods, and about 14 mil- regions. To get enough plant, and switchyard.
lion gallons of diesel pozoland for the project, Either 33 feet di-
along with the use of a pozoland factory had ameter diversion tunnel
some 160 units of to be built in Popa is 3117 feet long. Its full
heavy machinery. Region with a produc- water storage capacity is Yeywa Hydropower Plant and RCC Dam.

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 8 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011 9

Commander addresses Basic Buddhist 100th Blood Donation

Culture Course YANGON, 2 March— couple of years to show expired regardless of
NAY PYI TAW, 2 March—Chairman by Yangon Command at its U San Maung Myint, IUJ his appreciation and religion. He has been
of Yangon Region Peace and headquarters yesterday. Alumni Ambassador, gratitude to the leading a group to
Development Council Commander of While visiting Mingaladon who worked for some Japanese people instead organize the students
Yangon Command Brig-Gen Tun Station, the commander inspected INGOs and an UN of the university and and staff to become
Than addressed the opening of Basic farms, library and barber of the station. agency as Senior Officer some Japanese blood donor at least
Buddhist Culture Course organized MNA has voluntarily donated companies, who once since he was a tutor
his blood as 100th time provided him at the Department of
Yonegyi tarred road at the National Blood
Centre here yesterday.
scholarship including Secretarial Practice in
stipend, which could not the Regional College No
commissioned into service He has been donating be measured in terms of (3) in Yangon in 1978.
his blood since he was a money and not be He is happy and enjoys
final year student in the expressed in words. He to help the people
Institute of Economics, is eager to do for the especially those, who
Yangon in 1976 as well benefits of others before are under the line in the
as he donated blood for he goes as he firmly evening of his life as
24 times during his believes that nobody can long as he still enables
study in Japan within a bring anything when to do so.—MNA

Glory to open engineering

diploma courses
YANGON, 2 March — is internationally at No (125-B), first floor,
Glory Engineering School recognized as “High at the corner of 38th and
will open new classes of Standard of Teaching and Maha Bandoola Streets,
engineering diploma and Training School.” Kyauktada Township,
Col Khaing Zaw, Township PDC Chairman U Nyunt Hlaing and an advanced diploma courses Those who enroll Yangon, (Ph: 01-373431,
official formally open Yonegyi road.—MNA on 18 March. before 18 March may 09-73121717, Website:
The Glory is an enjoy discount fees. www.glory-education.
TANGYAN, 2 March—Opening of Khaing Zaw from local battalion,
For more information, com).
Yonegyi tarred road was held at the Chairman of Township Peace and approved training centre
one may contact the school MNA
archway of the road in Tangyan Development Council U Nyunt of City & Guilds (UK) and
Township on 6 February. At the Hlaing and the executive officer cut
ceremony, executive officer of the ribbon to open the road. The Library building opened in Hlinethaya
Township Development Affairs road measuring 12-foot-wide and
Committee U Tin Maung Soe 1050-foot-long was built by Shan Township
explained facts about the road and State (North) Tangyan Township
townselder U Sai Hla Shwe spoke DAC.
words of thanks. After that, Col Township IPRD

KMD’s Spring Special Dr Tin Latt to give talk

Sale on 5 March at MFF
Y ANGON, 2 March —With the
YANGON, 2 March — KMD Sales & sponsorship of Myanmar Fishery
Service Centre will hold Spring Special Products Processors & Exporters
Sale at Strand Hotel on 5 March. Association, Dr Tin Latt (MAT
Prolink, Lenovo, Apple and NEC College) will give talk on Hazard
products will be put on show at the Analysis Critical Control Points Chairman of Township PDC U Htein Soe, Head of Township Information
sale. Discount fees will be applied for (HACCP) at Thiri Anawa Hall of and Public Relations Department U San Aye and Chairman of Village
courses conducted by KMD. For Myanmar Fisheries Federation in PDC U Aung Myint Oo formally open the new building.
further details, one may dial 245180, Insein Township here at 2 pm on 5 TOWNSHIP IPRD
385177, 381035 and 381776. March. The talk is open to all those
MNA interested.—MNA YANGON, 1 March— Township was held at clarified the purpose of
A ceremony to open the Village Peace and the opening of the
the new library Development Council facility.
building for Shwelawin Office on 18 January. Next, the head of
Library in Apyin Padan Chairman of Township Township IPRD
Village, Hlinethaya PDC U Htein Soe, Head donated publications
of Township worth K 25,000,
Deputy Minister for Information and Public Chairperson of the
Construction U Myint Relations Department Village Women Affairs
U San Aye and Committee Daw Thiri,
Thein looking into
Chairman of Village a cupboard worth K
heavy machinery at PDC U Aung Myint Oo 50,000 and wellwisher
work at Maubin- formally opened the U Nyi Nyi Oo,
Twantay road that is new building. Next, the publications worth
chairman of the K 25,000 for the library,
being upgraded.
Township PDC made a and officials accepted
(News reported) speech and the head of the donations.
MNA Township IPRD Township IPRD

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 9 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011

Guns stolen from Spanish Man tied to Mexico shooting

army base of US agent arrested
MADRID, 2 March — evidence indicates ASHINGTON, 2 March subsequently used by the
Rifles and handguns organised-crime groups — US authorities ar- drug cartels, according to
have been stolen from were behind the robbery. rested a Texas man who the Justice Department.
an army base in Spain’s The same base had had originally bought one Weapons and drug
southwestern city of earlier seen the attempted of the guns used in a trafficking as well as
Badajoz, military offi- stealing of an automatic shooting in Mexico that escalating violence along
cials said. teller machine (ATM) killed a US Immigration the US -Mexico border
The robbery took from the bank branch and Customs Enfor- has been a major concern
place after midnight located on the premises. cement agent and for both countries.
Sunday at the General The robbers tried to use a wounded a second agent, Mexican President
Menacho Base arsenal. military armed transport the Justice Department Felipe Calderon has made
The sounding of an alarm vehicle to drag it away. said on Tuesday. it a top priority to enhance
brought security perso- But they were surprised Otilio Osorio, 22, was cooperation with the
nnel rushing to the scene, by soldiers on guard duty arrested with his brother United States to crush the
where they discovered and ran off. Ranferi Osorio, 27, for drug cartels. More than
that weapons were The General Menacho illegally possessing firear- 34,000 deaths are blamed
missing. No one was, Base is the headquarters ms with obliterated serial on drug violence since he
however, found inside of the 11th Mechanised numbers, but no charges came into office in 2006.
the facility. Infantry Brigade. were included in the The criminal com-
Officials said the Internet complaint related to the plaint against Otilio
shooting of the agents in Osorio said he bought the
Mexico last month. gun used in the Mexico
They were arrested shooting on October 10
An Indigenous man dressed with traditional
near Dallas on Monday and ballistics testing had
clothing participates in the commemoration of
the 486 anniversary of the death of Aztec leader along with their neigh- indicated that it was used
Cuauhtemoc at the monument erected in his bour, Kelvin Morrison, in the 15 February
honour in Mexico City, capital of Mexico on charges that they were shooting in which ICE
on 28 Feb, 2011. illegally trafficking firear- agent Jaime Zapata was
A rainbow is formed as irrigation trucks spray water XINHUA ms to Mexico that were killed.—Reuters
over plants in an effort to keep them from freezing in
Homestead, Florida, in 2010. Google on Monday was Danish sailing ship taken hostage by
among investors pumping $42 million into a climate
change inspired technology startup that calculates the
chances of crops being ruined by weather.—INTERNET
pirates off Somalia Coast
C OPENHAGEN , 2 Operational Command closely, and we will do
Panamanian flagged vessel March — A Danish received a distress signal everything in our power
pirated in the North Arabian Sea sailing ship with seven from the sailing ship on to assist the Danes on
BRUSSELS, 2 March — A Panamanian flagged crew members aboard Thursday. board and their
vessel on Monday was pirated in the North Arabian has been captured by It is now confirmed relatives,” said Lene
Sea, the European Union Naval Force - Somalia (EU pirates off the coast of that the vessel has been Espersen, Den-mark’s
NAVFOR) confirmed. Somalia, Denmark’s captured by pirates, the Foreign Minister, adding
EU Naval Force spokesman Paddy O’Kennedy Foreign Ministry said Foreign Ministry said, in that relatives of the
said that the bulk cargo carrier MV Dover was pirated Monday evening. a statement posted on its hostages have been
approximately 260 nautical miles (481.5 kilometres) The captured sailing website. The Danish informed of the hijack- The fast pace and
North East of Salalah, the second largest city in Oman. ship is said to carry a authorities began an ing. According to Den- high pressure of big
The Greek owned vessel was on its way to Saleef, family of five, including immediate investigation mark’s TV2 News, the cities have made many
Yemen from Port Quasim, Pakistan, when it was three children aged 12 into the incident, the captured family hails white collars decide to
attacked. Further details of the attack are not known at to 16, their parents, and statement added. from Kalundborg, on the move back to their
this time as there is presently no communication with two other adult helpers. “The authorities are Danish Island of second- or third-tier
the vessel.—Internet The Danish Navy’s following this case very Sjaelland.— Xinhua cities.—INTERNET

Black market of arms moves over 5 mln

USD in Bogota, Colombia
BOGOTA, 2 March — The report from the Centre of Study and Analysis on
Citizen Security in Bogota said on Monday that in the last two years the
clandestine arms market in the city has moved more than 5 million US dollars.
According to the document, the 9-millimetre pistols and revolvers 38
caliber are the most common weapons sold in the city mainly among men
between 14 and 29 years. However, in the market are all sorts of weapons
such as grenades, mortars, rifles, submachine guns and missiles with prices
ranging between 53 and 20,000 dollars.
The report also said that during this period were seized more than 5,000
firearms especially in the southern suburbs and the centre of the city.
In other cities like Medellin and Cali, police has seized missiles from
Guatemala, Puerto Rico and Panama that make part of more than 45,000 Located in the northwest of Sichuan Province, Huanglong Scenic Resort is famed for
its colourful lakes, snow-clad mountains, valleys and virgin forests. The well-known
illegal guns that come to Colombia each year.
attraction features more than 3,000 colourful ponds, sizes of which vary from a few to
In Colombia are made about 17,000 homicides per year and 70 percent thousands of square metres. The water in these ponds is azure blue, pure and clear,
of these are committed by firearms and in Bogota during the last January were ranging from inky to shimmering. In winter, the beautiful ponds are blanketed with a
committed 129 murders of which 83 were committed with firearms, the vast white, thin veil, resembling an even purer and more charming wonderland.
majority of them without a permit.—Xinhua INTERNET

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 10 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011 11

Tigers, Myanmar pythons rescued

in Manila fire
MANILA, 2 March—Firefighters in no permit to transport them to Manila
the Philippines were shocked to find from a province south of the capital.
tigers and other wild animals living in a He says the house caretaker and
house that caught fire. one of the owners have been arrested
Officials say five tigers, three Indian while two others remain at large. A
star tortoises, two Myanmar pythons complaint has been filed against them
and several cats and dogs were rescued for violating the country’s Wildlife Act.
and unhurt. The house was gutted. They face up to a year in jail and fines.
Wildlife official Rey Villafuerte says Investigators said wood may have
the tigers are covered by a certificate of been accidentally set on fire.
Photo taken on 28 Feb, 2011 shows the theater of the National Museum of China in
wildlife registration but the owners had Internet Beijing, capital of China.—XINHUA

Residents clear snow Carrefour bomb extortionist jailed in

off the car in Qingdao,
east China’s Shandong
southwest China
KUNMING, 2 March — extortion demand that he abandoned, Yue’s
Province, on 1 March,
A man who planted a had placed explosive behavior had a huge social
2011. A snowfall hit bomb to extort money devices in three of the impact and caused much
the city from from a southwest China chain’s stores in Kunming, disruption, and he deserved
Monday night. outlet of French retail giant which led to the emergency imprisonment, the court
XINHUA Carrefour has been evacua-tions of customers ruled. A spokesman for
sentenced to seven years and staff. the law office said the
in prison. Realizing the gravity sentence was “a little
Texas fires Dick’s fitness resistance tubes recalled Yue Jinwei, 31, was of the situation, Yue called heavier than expected”
WASHINGTON, 2 March — Almost 230,000 fitness convicted of placing Carrefour later in the day to and they would talk with
scorch homes, Resistance Tubes sold by Dick’s Sporting Goods are explosives in one abort the extortion bid. Yue about an appeal to a
being recalled voluntarily for contusion and laceration Carrefour store and Although the extortion was higher court.—Xinhua
threaten to hazards, the government said on Tuesday. demanding 300,000 yuan
The Consumer Product Safety Commission said (45,630 US dollars) on 19
spread in a statement that the plastic clip that attaches the June last year, according
LUBBOCK, 2 March— resistance tube to the handle can break during use, to the written judgment
Calmer winds on causing the device to strike the user Four such handed down Tuesday at
Monday allowed an incidents causing contusions, abrasions and the Panlong District Court
airborne assault on West lacerations have been reported to the Pennsylvania- in Kunming, capital of
Texas wildfires that based firm. Yunnan Province.
destroyed dozens of The recall includes Fitness Gear and Fitness Police arrested him
homes and a dog kennel After 40 branded resistance tubes and adjustable that evening.
and forced hundreds of resistance tube kits and come in a range of colours. The Lingyun Law
residents to evacuate. The recalled model numbers, which can be found at Firm, which represented
The 50-mile-per-hour Sri Lankan personnels work at the site of jets clash
the bottom of the package, are: FAF00004, Yue in the case, received outside Colombo, on 1 March, 2011. The two Kfir jets
winds whipping up the STA00017, STA00018, STA00019, STA00020, the verdict Wednesday and clashed over Warana area in the western provincial
blazes that scorched STA00021, STA00022, STA00023, STA00063, faxed it to Xinhua. Yue Gampaha District while on a training exercise in
120,000 acres of bone- STA00064, STA00066.—Internet told Carrefour in his connection with the air force’s 60th anniversary
dry grasslands subsided celebrations, which are to begin on Wednesday. One of
and helicopters and tanker Call for med student healthcare the two pilots has been found dead.—XINHUA
planes supported firefig-
hters on the ground curriculum Pilots survive Sri Lanka
employing trucks and
bulldozers. But it may
March— University of
practicing medicine.
In an article
health policy for medical
students and residents.
jets clash
take days to gain control
Michigan physicians are published by the New “Without education COLOMBO, 2 March— Two pilots manning the
of the several separate
proposing changing England Journal of in health policy and the Sri Lankan air force fighter jets that collided Tuesday
fires, authorities said.
medical student and Medicine, Davis, were reportedly safe, defence officials said.
“It just takes so long healthcare system,
resident education to another University of Officials told local media that the pilots had
get around those larger physicians are missing
include instruction in Michigan physician and ejected from their planes at the time of collision
fires,” the Texas Forest critical tools in their
how healthcare systems a medical school and operations are underway to locate them. One
Service’s Tom Spencer professional toolbox,”
function. graduate propose a aircraft wreckage had been found in a paddy field.
said. Davis says in a statement.
Dr Matthew M Davis common national The two Kfir jets clashed over Warana Area
Fires destroyed 80
— an associate professor curriculum national in Internet
homes, many around near the capital Colombo, while on a training
at the University of exercise in connection with the air force’s 60th
Amarillo in the Texas
Michigan in Pediatrics
Panhandle, the Forest anniversary celebrations due to begin on
and Communicable
Service said. Evacuations Wednesday. The Israeli built Kfirs played a key
Disea-ses, Internal
emptied a nursing home role in Sri Lanka’s military defeat over the Tamil
Medicine and Public
in Colorado City and a Tiger rebels in 2009.—Xinhua
Policy — found that less
hospital in San Angelo,
than half of US graduating Farmers pick tea leaves at a green tea plantation on
and the town of Matador.
medical students say they Tangshan Mountain in Zhaoping County,
“It’s just overwhelm-
received adequate southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous
ing, I just panicked,” said
training in understanding Region, on 2 March, 2011. A total of 120,000 mu
a woman in the town of
healthcare systems and (8,000 hektares) of mountainous tea in Zhaoping
700 who lost her home to County is ready for picking recently. —XINHUA
the economics of
the flames.—Reuters

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 11 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011

Asian shares fall early on global oil fears

T OKYO , 2 March— 1.6 percent to 10,578.4, to 1,306.33.
Stocks in Asia fell broadly
while South Korea’s Investors were con-
in early trade on Wednes- Kospi slipped 0.35 per- cerned about higher fuel
day, following steep cent to 1,932.5. Austral- prices and their effect on
drops in the US on ia’s S&P/ASX 200 was the global economy, as
concerns unrest in Iran off 0.8 percent, and unrest in oil-producing
and Libya could cause shares in New Zealand countries continued. Iran
higher oil prices and were also lower. clamped down on anti-
South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine hinder the global eco- The falls came after government protesters
Engineering said on Wednesday it has won a 1.2 nomic recovery. big drops in the US, and forces loyal to Lib-
trillion won ($1.06 billion) order to build two drill Japan’s Nikkei 225 where the Dow Jones in- ya’s leader Moammar
ships for Norway’s Aker Drilling.—INTERNET stock average was down dustrial average lost 1.4 Gadhafi launched coun-
percent to 12,058.02, and ter-attacks against rebels
S Korean shipbuilder wins $1 bln Norway order the broader Standard & expanding control over
S EOUL , 2 March— metres long and 42 metres sea, fanning demand for Poor’s 500 index fell 1.6 the country.—Internet
South Korea’s Daewoo wide, are capable of drill- drill ships for deep-sea
Shipbuilding and Marine ing as deep as 12,000 me- drilling,” the company
Engineering said on tres (40,000 feet) below said.
Wednesday it has won a sea level, the country’s Daewoo last week won
1.2 trillion won ($1.06 bil- second-largest ship- a $1.8 billion order with
lion) order to build two builder said. Denmark’s AP Moller-
drill ships for Norway’s “High oil prices Maersk, the world’s larg-
Aker Drilling. prompted many projects est container carrier, to
Daewoo said in a around the world to de- build 10 giant container
statement it will deliver velop oil resources in the ships over the next three
the two vessels by late Arctic region and the deep years.—Internet
2013 and has an option
to build two more. Six dead in attack on
The vessels, each 238 NYSE Euronext and Tokyo Stock Exchange Sign Let-
helicopter cash in Colombia ter of Intent for Network Linkage - Atsushi Saito, Presi-
Galliano scandal overshadows B OGOTA , 2 March— western city of Caloto to dent and CEO of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE),
Paris fashion week More than a dozen attack- deliver the money, Cauca and Duncan Niederauer, CEO of NYSE Euronext
(NYX), at the New York Stock Exchange on 1 March
ers firing assault rifles provincial Gov.
PARIS , 2 March— Paris’ fall-winter 2011-12
killed four police officers Guillermo Gonzalez told sign a letter of intent to identify options to give
Emerging designers read-to-wear shows began
and two other people The Associated Press by customers of each exchange accessibility to the other’s
fought for the limelight as on Tuesday, but the sur-
Tuesday in robbing a telephone.—Internet markets through a network linkage.—INTERNET
prise sacking of Dior’s
cash shipment that had
longtime designer John
just arrived by helicopter, A police officer and a
Galliano stole their
officials said.
thunder. paramedic comfort
The regional police
Word of Galliano’s fir- the crying relatives of
chief blamed leftist rebels.
ing landed as Aganovich
In another attack a slain police officer
presented a fresh, offbeat
Tuesday in a different in front of the police
debut runway show —
region, presumed rebels
but many in the crowd station in Caloto,
killed a soldier and a
were transfixed by the
civilian motorcycle rider southwest Colombia,
news on their Blackberrys,
in an attack on a military on 1 March, 2011.
and got distracted from the
checkpoint just minutes
blue-themed collection. INTERNET
Models show creations before a convoy carrying
“It’s a tsunami,” Dana
by Turkish designer Thomas, a veteran fashion US and UN officials
Hakaan Yildirim as part critic and author of luxury passed by. Christchurch death toll stands at 160 as
of his Fall-Winter ready- industry expose “Deluxe: The robbery occurred
to-wear 2012 fashion How Luxury Lost its about 10 am after the ci- dust, wind hit city
collection, presented in Luster,” said after the news vilian aircraft landed on a
soccer field used as a C HRISTCHURCH , 2
Paris, on 1 March, broke.
landing pad in the south- March— The death toll
2011.—INTERNET Internet from the 22 Feb
Deportees from US struggle in quake-hit Haiti devastating 6.3 Christ-
church earthquake has
PORT-AU-PRINCE, 2 March—With his can, at least not to the US government,
risen to 160, New
gold teeth, shiny earrings and a life spent which deported him and 26 others back
Zealand police said on
mostly in Florida, Serge Michel Dorval to the country of their birth in January in
is afraid he looks like a rich American to the first wave of forced removals since
The final death toll
some of the desperate Haitians who live an earthquake last year destroyed much
near him in a shantytown alongside a of the Haitian capital. —Internet are expected to reach
trash-clogged drainage ditch. 240.
It’s a fear that keeps him up at night. Polcie have also
But the 25-year-old is not an Ameri- warned that the bodies A splitted road is seen in east suburb of
of some victims may Christchurch after the earthquake, on 1
In this photo taken on 25 Feb, 2011, never be recovered
Haitian citizen deported from US Serge March, 2011. Police began to evacuate
because they were
Michel Dorval poses for a photo in the residents in east suburb of Christchurch as
pulverized by the
tent where he lives at a refugee camp in buildings that collapsed cracks emerged in the hill at the area.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti. —INTERNET around them.—Xinhua XINHUA

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 12 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011 13

Four rare Javan rhinos Pa pizzeria

photographed in Indonesia owner left
Four of the world’s most rare rhinoceroses
were captured by camera traps installed in an mice at
Indonesian national park, an environmental group
said Monday. The footage from movement- rival shops
triggered hidden cameras showed two mother Javan A pizzeria owner
rhinos and two calves in Ujung Kulon National with mice problems he
Park in November and December last year, said a
blamed on competitors
release from the WWF-Indonesia.
Javan rhinos are one of the world’s most tried to sabotage two
A female Javan rhino walks with her calf in endangered species with an estimated population In this undated frame rival shops by dumping
Ujung Kulon National Park. of no more than 50 in Ujung Kulon. A few others grab released by mice in them Monday,
live in Vietnam’s Cat Tien National Park. WWF-Indonesia and authorities in suburban
“This is good news to ensure that the population Ujung Kulon National
Homeless Michigan man is viable,” said Adhi Hariyadi, WWF project leader Park Authority, a
Philadelphia said.
Upper Darby police
seeks donor of diamond ring in the park.
The first “video trap” footage recorded in
female Javan rhino said a man walked into
A homeless man in Secaur says he walks with her calf in Verona Pizza on
November showed a mother and calf, identified Ujung Kulon National
southeast Michigan says would recognize the Monday afternoon and
later as a male, walking steadily toward the camera. Park. Four of the
a woman accidentally woman if he saw her Several more videos of the family were obtained asked to use the
gave him a gold ring again. world’s most rare bathroom. After he left,
later. rhinoceroses were
laced with diamonds He says he quickly In December, another 30-second video showed the owner said he found
when she handed him a dismissed a plan to pawn captured by camera
a larger calf with its mother. It was later identified footprints on the toilet
handful of change. the ring. The owner of a traps installed in an
as a female about a year old. and noticed that the drop
Michael Secaur tells shelter where Secaur Indonesian national
park, an ceiling had been
The Oakland Press that often stays has locked it
environmental group disturbed, and he found
he was panhandling at in a safety deposit box.
an intersection in Secaur says he has said on 28 Feb, 2011. a bag tucked up above.
Pontiac on Monday lived on the streets of
when a woman pulled Pontiac for nearly two Uruguayan cowboys ride horses during the
up in a vehicle and years. commemoration of the “Grito de Asencio” in
handed him some Soriano, Uruguay, on 28 Feb, 2011. The
money. He says the ring
was among some coins,
News commemoration of the “Grito de Asencio”
marks the start of the Uruguayan bicentenary
and that he thinks she
“did an oops.” Album celebrations.

Hoping for an on-screen comeback A model

presents a
NEW YORK, 2 March— Lindsay Lohan says she fashion
wants to be identified with great films in the future, not creation
the personal problems that have stalled her career in during the
recent years. “I don’t want that to be what I’m known second phase
for anymore — the tabloid stuff,” she said Tuesday on of the 2011
the syndicated magazine show “Extra.” FUSE Fashion
The troubled starlet acknowledged that her Festival in
comeback won’t be easy. The crown is seen during a news Taipei,
“There’s going to be a lot of steps that I have to go conference of the Miss Russia southeast
through to kind of prove myself again,” she said. In 2011, in Moscow, capital of China’s
the latest of her off-screen woes, Lohan is charged Russia, on 1 March, 2011. The Taiwan, on 1
with the theft of a $2,500 necklace from an upscale beauty pageant will be held in March, 2011.
Actress Lindsay jewelry store. She has pleaded not guilty to that felony XINHUA
Moscow on 5 March.—XINHUA
Lohan. charge, which she did not discuss in the interview.
Brazilian filmmaker to direct
UK actor Nicholas Hoult “Robocop” remake
starring in zombie romance LOS ANGELES, 2 met with directors last week. distributed domestically by
LOS ANGELES, 2 March—Young British actor March—Jose Padilha, the Others on the list included the Weinstein Co. His 2010
Nicholas Hoult continues his Hollywood ascent. director of the violent Robert Rodriguez and follow-up is the highest-
Hoult, one of the stars of “X-Men First Class” and who Brazilian “Elite Squad” cop David Slade (“The Twilight grossing film in Brazil’s
is prepping to shoot “Jack the Giant Killer,” has been movies, is in talks to direct Saga: Eclipse”) — with box office history,
cast in a film described as “Twilight” meets “Shaun of a remake of “Robocop.” Padilha emerging a top surpassing even
the Dead.” The 1987 original, cop. No screenwriter is Hollywood fare. It played
“Warm Bodies” follows an existentially-tormented directed by Paul attached yet. at Sundance in January but
zombie named R who begins an unlikely friendship Verhoeven, featured a cop “Robocop” could act has yet to secure a domestic
with the human girlfriend of one of his victims. The who is brought back from as the Hollywood debut deal.
blossoming relationship starts a chain reaction that the brink of death in the for Padilha, whom the town Padilha was attached
will transform him, his fellow zombies and maybe the form of a cyborg with no has been high on since he at one stage to direct “The
whole lifeless world. The project is based on an UK actor Nicholas memories of his prior life. directed 2007’s “Elite Sigma Protocol,” an
upcoming Simon & Schuster book by Isaac Marion. It spawned two sequels. Squad,” a Berlin Film adaptation of a Robert
The film will be directed for “Twilight” studio Summit Hoult. The remake is a big Festival winner set on the Ludlum novel, but has
Entertainment by Jonathan Levin. Production is slated priority at the newly mean streets of Rio de since moved on.
to begin this summer.—Reuters reconstituted MGM, which Janeiro. The film was Reuters

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 13 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011
Euro 2012 a crucial boost for Polish clubs Lampard slows
W ARSAW , 2 March—As Lech business experts see the Euro 2012 host United’s title charge
Poznan become Poland’s latest club to nation as fertile turf. LONDON , 2 March— It was a hammer blow
crash out of Europe, some may bemoan Lech’s defeat last Thursday by Por- Frank Lampard breathed for United, who suffered
failings in the domestic game, but many tugal’s Sporting Braga in the Europa fresh life into the Premier just their second league
League round of 32 snuffed out Polish League title race as the defeat this season despite
hopes in this season’s continental com- Chelsea midfielder’s con- taking the lead through
petitions. troversial late penalty Wayne Rooney’s first-half
With 38 million people and a long clinched a 2-1 victory over strike. Chelsea’s Frank
footballing tradition, Poland have been leaders Manchester United Brazilian defender Lampard (C) celebrates
serious under-achievers at club level, on Tuesday. David Luiz equalised with after scoring a penalty
especially in recent years. Lampard’s dramatic his first goal for Chelsea against Manchester
Legia Warsaw made it to the 1991 winner came after referee soon after half-time and United during their
Cup Winners’ Cup semi-finals and the Martin Atkinson ruled that Lampard sealed the points English Premier
1996 Champions League quarter-finals. United defender Chris before captain Nemanja League football match
Lech Pozna’s defeat last Thursday But the days when the likes of Smalling had brought Vidic was sent off for a at Stamford Bridge in
by Portugal’s Sporting Braga in the Gornik Zabrze could reach a final — down Chelsea substitute second booking in stop- London. Chelsea won
Europa League round of 32 snuffed they lost the 1970 Cup Winners’ Cup to Yuri Zhirkov with 10 min- page time.—Internet 2-1.—INTERNET
out Polish hopes in this season’s England’s Manchester City — are long utes to go at Stamford
continental competitions.—INTERNET gone.—Internet Bridge. Moyes ‘massive disappointment’
UEFA kicks off Euro 2012 ticket sales after Everton FA Cup KO
WARSAW, 2 March—UEFA on Tuesday kicked off ticket sales for LIVERPOOL, 2 March— previous round, Everton
the 2012 European Championship, marking the moment by hand- Everton manager David had entertained hopes of
ing over free seats to a fan of co-hosts Poland. Moyes admitted his side a lengthy run in the FA
At a ceremony in Warsaw the president of European football’s deserved to lose after the Cup and were expected to
governing body, Michel Platini, presented Pawel Michalczak, a 34- Toffees were sent tum- progress safely to the quar-
year-old forester who lives near the Polish capital, with his prize of a bling out of the FA Cup ter-finals against Reading.
ticket for Poland’s three first-round matches. by Championship side But a first-half goal
“Of course I can’t guarantee you’ll get to see them in the second Reading here on Tuesday. from Reading defender
round too,” Frenchman Platini joked, speaking in Italian as his former UEFA President Michel Platini ad- After stunning Chelsea Matt Mills stunned
Juventus team-mate and ex-Poland icon Zbigniew Boniek translated. dresses the official launch of the ticket at Stamford Bridge in the Goodison Park into silence
Michalczak won a competition organised by UEFA for Polish sales for the 2012 UEFA Champions and ultimately sent the
fans.—Internet League in Warsaw.—INTERNET Royals into a last eight tie
against either Manchester
Match Play offers UEFA wants five officials at Euro 2012 City or Aston Villa.
It was a bitterly disap-
snapshot of golf scene WARSAW, 2 March— 2012 European champi- ing five officials has
pointing exit for Everton,
UEFA wants to have five onships along with neigh- worked in the Champions
MARANA, 2 March—
officials on hand for bour Ukraine, Platini said League and Europa Reading’s Antiguan who left the field to a cho-
The PGA Tour could have rus of boos as Reading’s
matches at Euro 2012, its adding officials to the tra- League,” he told report- midfielder Mikele
skipped the West Coast players celebrated a fa-
swing and gone straight to chief Michel Platini said ditional trio of a referee ers. Leigertwood (L) vies with
mous win.—Internet
the Match Play Champi- on Tuesday, in a renewed and two linesmen had “The results have Everton’s French for-
drive to deal with disputed proven its mettle in conti- been great, and the
onship, which provided a ward Louis Saha during Injured Xavi
perfect snapshot of every- on-pitch decisions. nental club competitions. referees are really happy their English FA Cup fifth
thing going in the world Speaking during a visit “I’m 500 percent sat- to have two colleagues to round football match in returns to training
of golf. Europe looked as to Poland, co-host of the isfied with the way hav- help them out,” he added. Liverpool. Reading won M ADRID , 2 March—
strong as ever. Internet 1-0.—INTERNET Barcelona midfielder Xavi
Martin Kaymer showed before a Hernandez, who has been
why he is No. 1 in the world UEFA
Combustible Kombouare keeps struggling with a left calf
muscle injury for the past
ranking. Lee Westwood
made people wonder why
Europa PSG on their toes 10 days, returned to train-
he was. Bubba Watson and PARIS, 2 March—His Tuesday’s edition of ing on Tuesday, the Span-
Rickie Fowler, when side may be flying high in L’Equipe sport daily ish league leaders an-
match in
they’re not making videos the French top flight and claimed the 47-year-old nounced.
for Twitter, offered more fighting for glory in both lost his temper with goal- He will be among the
evidence that their home- the French Cup and the keeper Apoula Edel after 18 players travelling to
made golf swings are just Europa League, but Paris PSG’s 2-1 victory at home Valencia for Wednesday’s
as compelling as their fash-
ion accessories.—Internet
S P O R T S Saint-Germain coach to Toulouse on Sunday.
Antoine Kombouare re-
Spanish league match
Edel was involved in along with Brazilian de-
mains difficult to please. a mix-up with centre-back fender Dani Alves who
Chile’s top cyclist facing doping test battle Sylvain Armand that led has served his one-match
SANTIAGO, 2 March—Chile’s top cyclist to Franck Tabanou pull- suspension, it said in a
Marco Arriagada announced he has tested ing a goal back for the statement. Hernandez, 31,
positive for banned substances but has visitors in the 62nd suffered the injury during
pledged to prove his innocence. minute and Kombouare Barcelona’s 2-1 win over
Arriagada tested positive during the Tour was reportedly still Athletic Bilbao on 20 Feb-
of Chile, a race he has won three times, in With 13 league games to fuming at the final whistle. ruary.—Internet
February. According to press reports the 35- go, fourth-place Paris L’Equipe alleged that
year-old’s sample tested positive for ana- Saint-Germain trail lead- Kombouare criticised
Chile’s top cyclist Marco Arriagada, bolic steroids. “The Federation told me the ers Lille by just two points Edel for the error as the
seen here in 2010, announced he has news and now I have to discuss it with my and will meet Portuguese two men made their way
tested positive for banned substances lawyers,” Arriagada told the website of Chil- giants Benfica in the towards the home chang-
but has pledged to prove his ean daily El Mercurio from the Europa League last ing room. Barcelona’s midfielder
innocence.—INTERNET Dominican Republic.—Internet 16.—INTERNET Internet Xavi Hernandez

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 14 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 3 March, 2011 15
Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas was (8.9) hours (Approx).
WEATHER Rainfall on 2-3-2011 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, Kaba-
Wednesday, 2nd March, 2011 Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2011 was (1.97)
inches at Mingaladon , (1.89) inches at Kaba-Aye and (3.54)
Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr. M.S.T.
inches at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon
During the past 24 hours, rain have been sacttered In Kayin State,
(Kaba-Aye) was (5) mph from Northwest at (09:30) hours MST
isolated in Taninthayi Region and weather has been partly cloudy
on 1-3-2011.
over Sagaing, Mandalay and Yangon Regions, Kachin, Shan,
Bay Inference: Weather is partly cloudy over the Andaman
Chin, Rakhine, Mon and Kayin States and generally fair in the
Sea and Bay of Bengal.
remaining Regions and States . Day temperatures were (3°C) to
Forecast valid until evening of the 3rd March 2011: Rain
(4°C) above March average temperature in Upper Sagaing,
Mandalay and Magway Regions, Shan, Kayah, Kayin and Mon or thundershowers are possible to be isolated in Mandalay,
States, (5°C) to (6°C) above March average temperatures in Magway and Taninthayi Regions, Kayin and Mon States, weather
Taninthayi Region and Kachin State and about March average will be partly cloudy over Sagaing, Bago, Yangon and
temperatures in the remaning Regions and States. The significant Ayeyawady Regions, Kachin, Shan, Chin and Rakhine States,
night temperatures were Chauk (40°C), Minbu, Aunglan and generally fair in the remaining Regions and States. Degree of
Shwegyin (39°C) each. The noteworthy amount of rainfall recorded certainty is (40%).
were Kawkareik (1.22) inches and Myawady (0.20) inch. State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar waters.
Nay Pyi Taw Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of
Maximum temperature on 1-3-2011 was 100°F. Minimum continutation of isolated rain in the Southern Myanmar areas.
temperature on 2-3-2011 was 63°F. Relative humidity at Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for
(09:30) hours MST on 2-3-2011 was (54%). Rainfall on 2- 3-3-2011: Partly cloudy.
3-2011 was (Nil). Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for
Yangon (Kaba-Aye) 3-3-2011: Partly cloudy.
Maximum temperature on 1-3-2011 was 101°F. Minimum Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for
temperature on 2-3-2011 was 72°F. Relative humidity at (09:30) hours 3-3-2011: Possibility of isolated light rain. Degree of certainty
MST on 2-3-2011 was (70%). Total sunshine hours on 1-3-2011 is (40%).

US firms interested in N-power MYANMAR INTERNATIONAL

Programme Schedule
plant project in Slovakia
(3-3-2011) (Thursday)
BRATISLAVA, 2 March—Some US companies are
interested in taking part in nuclear power plant project in
Transmissions Times
Slovakia, Slovakia’s Economy Ministry said on Tuesday.
The announcement was made one day after talks between Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MST
visiting Slovak Economy Minister Juraj Miskov and US Oversea Transmission - (3-3-11 09:30 am ~
deputy under secretary for international trade Michelle 4-3-11 09:30 am) MST
O’Neill in Washington. Local Transmission
The US side has expressed interest in the project of a * Opening
nuclear power plant in the village of Jaslovske Bohunice * News
in Trnava region, and in whether American suppliers * Ancient Shwe-San-Taw Pagoda (Toungoo)
could have a share in implementing the project, the Job seeker wait to enter the venue of a job * News
* Sightseeing Around Taunggyi, Inlay
ministry said. fair for female college students held in * Topic on Journal ‘‘Significant Tourist Sights
During the talks, Miskov promised good business in Myanmar’’
environment for the US companies, while Washington Beijing, capital of China, on 2 March, 2011.
* News
hailed existing cooperation between the two countries A job fair specially organized for 2011 * Live Concert
such as US Steel Kosice, a profitable integrated steel female graduates was held here on Tuesday, * Preserve invaluable Myanmar Traditional
company located in eastern Slovakia. where training courses on job interview Medicine
The company was described by O’Neill as a successful * Introduction of Eternal Light Magazine
manners and law knowledges were also * News
combination of Slovak technical skills and US management
and market-oriented business experience.—MNA/Xinhua given.—XINHUA * A Fountain of Joy for Every Visitor
(Hninzigon home for the aged) (Part-II)
Oversea Transmission
8:00 am 4:20 pm Environment
* Opening
6. Health Programme 3. Cute Little Dancers 5:45 pm
* News
8:05 am 4:30 pm 10. Songs in honour of * Ancient ShweSan-Taw Pagoda (Toungoo)
7. Dance Of National 4. Songs in honour of (66) th Annivesary * News
Races (66) th Anniversary Armed Forces Day * Sightseeing Around Taunggyi, Inaly
Armed Forces Day 6:00 pm * Topic on Journal ‘‘Significant Tourist Sights
8:15 am
4:35 pm 11. Evening News in Myanmar’’
8. Dance Variety 5. Documentary 6:15 pm
Thursday, * News
8:25 am (Biodiversities) 12. Weather Report
3 March * Live Concert
9. Songs in honour of 4:50 pm 6:20 pm * Preserve invaluable Myanmar Traditional
View on today
123456789012 (66)th Anniversary 3. University Of 13. Myanmar Series Medicine
Armed Forces Day Distance 6:40 pm * Introduction of Eternal Light Magazine
7:00 am 8:35 am Education 14. Approaching * News
1. Paritta By Hill Region 10. International News (TV Lectures) Science * A Fountain of Joy for Every Visitor
Missionary Sayadaw 8:40 am -First Year Discovery (Hninzigon home for the aged) (Part-II)
7:25 am 11. Myanmar Traditional (Myanmar) World * News
2. To Be Healthy 5:00 pm 7:00 pm * Youth & Education ‘‘Engineering Day’’
Cultural Performing
Exercise 7. Songs For 15. TV Drama Series * News
Arts Competitions * Surprising Myanmar (Gifts)
7:30 am Upholding 8:00 pm
8:45 am * Music Gallery
3. Morning News National Spirit 16. News
12. Musical Programme 17. International News * News
7:40 am 5:05 pm
4:00 pm 18. Weather Report * MI People’s Celebrities
4. Dhamma Puja Song 1. Martial Song 8. Singing In Different ‘‘Ye Taik, Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein’’
Versions 19. Documentary
7:50 am 4:10 pm 20. TV Drama Series * News
5:35 pm * ON THE LEDO ROAD (Part-III)
5. Nice & Sweet Song 2. Musical Programme 21. TV Drama Series
9. Science and * Myanmar Movie “The Director”

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 15 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

13th Waning of Tabodwe 1372 ME Thursday, 3 March, 2011

Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy

Riots beget riots, not democracy
Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire VOA, BBC-sowing hatred

among the people
We favour peace and stability
RFA, DVB-generating public
We favour development outrage
We oppose unrest and violence Do not allow ourselves to be
Wipe out those inciting unrest swayed by killer broadcasts
and violence designed to cause troubles
Educative talks on traffic
rules and fire prevention
given in Toungoo
NAY PYI TAW, 2 March — An educative talks
on traffic rules and fire prevention were given at
Road Administration Department Toungoo District
Office on 28 February.
Toungoo District Peace and Development
Council Secretary U Thein Swe addressed the talk
and officials gave talks on traffic rules and fire
prevention. It was attended by departmental per-
sonnel, village/ward PDC chairmen and guests,
totaling about 200.—MNA

Encouraging radish plantation near Hsinthay Creek in Tatkon Township, Nay Pyi Taw
District meets the horizon.—MNA

Apple set to unveil new iPad, with or without Jobs

SAN FRANCISCO, 2 March—More than a year after and style that reflect his eye for detail and design. But he
igniting the tablet computing craze, Apple Inc prepares to took indefinite medical leave last month and Apple has
unveil the second version of its blockbuster iPad on not given details of the cancer survivor’s medical condition. A train carrying members of the 11th National
Wednesday — possibly minus lead showman Steve Jobs. His absence is bound to spark a fresh round of Committee of the Chinese People’s Political
Plenty has changed over the course of the year. The speculation on his condition. And his presence will be Consultative Conference
iPad became a bona fide smash, essentially creating the scrutinized equally closely for any signals on his health.
tablet category and triggering a wave of me-too products Many in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street doubt he (CPPCC) from northeast China’s Jilin
that are just starting to hit the market. Now, as rivals will return to the company he co-founded in 1976. Province arrives in Beijing, capital of China,
Motorola and Research in Motion race to catch up, Apple In his absence, it is a good bet that Tim Cook, the
on 1 March, 2011. The Fourth Session of
itself is going through a transformation. company’s operations chief and Jobs’ heir apparent, or
There is as much speculation about whether iconic marketing head Phil Schiller, will lead Wednesday’s the 11th CPPCC National Committee will
Chief Executive Jobs will take the stage at Wednesday’s show. open on 3 March.
event in San Francisco as there is about the new device. If Cook does appear, investors will scrutinize his
Jobs traditionally launches major products with a pizzazz

3-3-2011 NL.pmd 16 3/3/2011, 4:26 AM

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