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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8
Part 1
This is Chu WanNing's second birthday after his retirement.

The one from last year was unfortunate and absurd.

Because last year, it was Taxian Jun’s turn in control of Mo Ran’s body. Although he could not
fully remember what he had done under Mo-zongshi's condition, he could still occasionally
remember part of it.

The immortals, who are honest men that think "gold represents my heart", will never do
anything right. There are no such things as wind, flowers, snow and moon for him. He simply
believes that there are only two ways to express love:

First, bed him repeatedly.

Second, give him money.

There was nothing wrong with him. Sleeping repeatedly with him meant that only Chu
WanNing could ignite his desire in this world, and spending money on him meant that Chu
WanNing could move his purse. Although the soil is a bit earthy, the emperor can’t think of any
other elegant ideas, but he can make do.

However, the problem lies in the timing when Taxian jun gave him gold. He held him again and
again his whole birthday night. The next day, he came back with nine baskets of gold bars and
put them in front of his house like a rainbow. He waved his hand bravely and beautifully: "Chu
WanNing! This is this venerable one’s gift for you! Are you satisfied with everything you see? If
you are satisfied with it—”

What's he was about to say was unknown. TaXian Jun had been pulled down on the ground by
Tianwen together with his gold bars.

Poor TaXian Jun could not understand why he would be beaten like this after they finished
sleeping together. He really had no other intention. He just wanted to prove his good will.
What's wrong with giving money after sleeping? Should it be given before bed? Should it be
given while sleeping?

Should we charge once, fifty little things and eighty big things?

Eighty-eight eighty...
He sat on the stump in silence, wondering what he would do if he was another man. After
thinking about it for a long time, he thought he shouldn’t gift someone gold directly in that
case, but change it into soft and comfortable clothes, delicate and delicious dishes, new and
interesting instruments... Perhaps then, on the day of Chu WanNing's birthday, he will be
delighted gain Chu WanNing’s praise.

It's too much.

TaXian Jun thought indignantly and beat his legs secretly in anger: how cunning! How
despicable! What a dog-legs!

Chu WanNing also felt that Mo-zongshi was honest.


Only he knows what he really is!

Mo-zongshi's seemingly gentleman-like behavior, full of flowers and sweetness, really makes
him shameless!! What's wrong with gifting gold? Is it not good to gift gold? How real! How

How can these people not see his heart of gold!

He turned his back to the hut where he lived with Chu WanNing and held his cheeks and legs on
the stump of the tree. After a long day of silent anger, Chu WanNing planned to come out and
talk to him. There were signs of reconciliation. However, right at that moment, the Sect Leader
of Ma in Sect Mt. Taobao unexpectedly came crying and climbing up the mountain, crossed the
border, embraced Chu WanNing's thighs and began to complain:

"Chu-zongshi, it’s not fair! Mo-xianjun inexplicably went down the hill and emptied the money
of my two warehouses at Taobao. He said that a smile of praise is worth a thousand gold.”

Chu WanNing's face was green again just as he was about to relax.

That evening, Chu WanNing did not allow him to enter the house until Mo Ran changed his
personality. Mo Ran later wrote 3,000 times: "I will never steal chickens from the hills to get
credit for crimes." It was a piece of work.

With last year's painful lesson, this year's Mo Ran was no longer willing to be careless.

Fortunately, on the day of shizun's birthday this year, the more normal consciousness will be in
control of the body, so he should not make any mistakes.
Although, from his memory of TaXian Jun, it seemed he still wanted to prepare something for
his shizun this year as well. But Taxian Jun’s personality could not appear on that day, so it was
unlikely he will cause trouble. Maybe it's just because he was cold-shouldered last year, fearing
that Mo-zongshi’s gift will surpass him this year, he wanted to win favor.

Fight for it.

Mo-zongshi was thinking that everyone's most difficult opponent was themselves, and he had
nothing to fear.

And to tell the truth, he really wanted to see what kind of gift he prepared this year, the best
way to win the approval and joy of shizun.

"Birthday gift?"

In his bedroom at the SiSheng Peak, Xue Meng stared unexpectedly at his quiet visit, Mo Ran.
The latter is sitting in front of the yellow pear table, fiddling with the tea cups in front of him,
and laughing, "Yes, what do you think would be the most satisfying gift?"

"Who are you going to give it to?"

"A person close to me."

Because Chu WanNing was cold, he had never celebrated his birthday at the SiSheng Peak
before, and he did not talk to his disciples about his birthday. Later, Chu WanNing and Mo Ran
went to live in hiding, and Mo Ran relentlessly pestered him several times. Only then did he
finally relax and tell him, but he also asked Mo Ran not to tell others about it, especially Xue

So Xue Meng naturally did not realize it was about him.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of another person who got such painstaking
consideration from Mo Ran. Xue Meng thought about it, and suddenly realized that his birthday
was approaching— ah, maybe not.——

Xue Meng was startled, and then a warm current came to his heart. His eyes, which were
staring at Mo Ran, suddenly warmed up.

Mo Ran: "???"
Xue Meng coughed softly. Although he was happy in his heart, he maintained the coldness and
reserve of his own head. He calmly said, "When it comes to birthdays, it's good to put your
heart into it. The ritual is not the most important thing."

Mo Ran said, "I still have to give him something. The relationship between him and me is
extraordinary. I don’t just want to give him something, it also has to be the best.”

"What a shame. I don't lack anything either.”

Mo Ran startled slightly: "What?"

"Cough! I mean, they probably don't necessarily lack anything."

"It's one thing whether he's lacking or not. It's another thing whether I give him something or

Xue Meng's heart became even more touched, Mo Ran’s secret is now really on the road. He
was unexpectedly such a considerate brother. It was really touching. He put a lot of calm effort
on his face, pretended to be indifferent, and murmured: "... So, then... Let me think about it.”


"How about the new set of golden and silver silk green feather armor in Jiangdong Tang?"


That suit of clothes glitters like a peacock's screen, but the effect of Chu WanNing's upper body
was hard to imagine. Mo Ran was silent for a moment, deliberated and said to Xue Meng
euphemistically, "That would suit you.” Not him.

Xue Meng said, "That's settled. That's it."

"...Think again." Mo Ran could not bear to attack his taste, so he tried to be subtle about it.
"Although Jiangdong Tang's clothes are good, they are not good enough. Help me think of a
more precious one?"

Xue Meng Ran opened his eyes and snapped, "How embarrassing is this?"


"Cough... I mean, it's almost all right. You don't have to spend so much.”

"A birthday only happens once a year, there’s no need to save money."
Xue Meng was so excited that he lowered his head and endured for a while. He raised his hand
and patted Mo Ran shoulder vigorously. "Don't say anything, brother. I'll remember what you
said today."

Mo Ran: "...???"

When Mo Ran left the SiSheng Peak in his cloak, he still didn't get any inspiration from Xue

On the contrary, he also felt that Xue Meng was very puzzling today, and acted even a little
strange, often showing joy, excitement, emotion and so on. Despite the great restraint, it did
little to hide it.

Was it so stressful to be a sect leader?

He would write a letter to remind elder TanLang to give Xue Meng a check in time to stop the
illness. Xue Meng is really not easy, alas.

In the next few days, Mo Ran visited famous buildings and shops in Xiuzhen Secretly and
checked all kinds of exotic treasures. Not that the treasures were bad, but he thought they
were too vulgar, too gorgeous, or too ordinary to rival his loving heart. He wanted to make all
his feelings tangible and dedicate them to Chu WanNing's eyes, but he didn't know what could
be loaded with his affection. There was a sea in his heart, but only a spoon in the red dust.

How can there be nothing in the world that can be good enough to give it to Chu WanNing?

He was a little anxious.

He even managed to get a copy of the mending list from the black market. The little dwarf
boasted that it contained a detailed list of gifts given to them by the distinguished figures in the
mending circle over the past 30 years.

Whether the bookseller was boasting or not, Mo Ran read the list. He held the book and
studied it for a long time.

"Nangong Si once gave Ye WangXi a handkerchief with a side corner embroidery with `Ru'."

"Rong Yan once gave an arrow bag to Nangong Si, which was made by Mrs. Rong herself."


Seeing the records of these old people, he could not help sighing and his eyes became slightly
Ye WangXi spent all the past years wandering around the world by herself. After traveling all
over the world, she planned to save some money and then reopen a small school palace in Linyi
Ru Fengmen.

It is said that many years before Changying founded the school in Nangong, there was a noble
lady in Linyi who opened the school and taught the apprentices six virtues, six lines and six arts.
Changying Nangong was the last disciple of the school. Later, because of the decline of
Xuegong, Changying of Nangong merged with each other. Based on the Tao taught by the
teacher, he sprouted his idea of "seven precepts of Ru Feng sect", which created the Ru Feng
sect and opened the glory of Linyi Xiaoaoxiu for hundreds of years.

Today, a circle around, Ru Feng sect collapsed, that brilliance is not there anymore, but Ye
WangXi at least retained the kindling of Ru Feng gentlemen, in the form of the original learning
Palace inherited.

Perhaps thousands of years later, it will be recovered.

Mo Ran shook his head and read on.—

"Nangong Liu once gave Qi Liangji a gift. Phoenix wear seven pieces of peony, silk belly pockets,
and embroidered with golden thread at the corners to ward off evil spirits: 'Why are you
wearing beautiful clothes?'”


When he finished reading word by word, Mo Ran was stiffly, and then aroused a strong nausea.
He disliked it so he quickly turned over the list of "Ru Feng sect rituals".

"A gift on Gu Yue Ye."

"Female disciple Zhao Tiantian gave a pair of jadeite buckles to Jiang Yecheng."

"Female disciple Zhou Yanyan gave Jiang Yechen Fengyu a folding fan."

"Female disciple Zhang Chunzhen gave Jiang a golden ear stove at night."

There were more than forty pages of this kind.

When Jiang Xi was not in charge at that time, his female disciples gave him records of things,
including some very thoughtful brothers and sisters.

Mo Ran can't help but sink into meditation... Jiang Xi didn't make his fortune by beauty, did he?
He turned the pages again.

"All the above 40 pages of gifts were thrown away by Jiang Xi."

That's ok.

... He misunderstood him.

Jiang Xi is really a wonderful person.

After reading for a long time, Mo Ran still couldn’t find any inspiration for the gift. Instead, he
found out that Mei Hanxue recently sent Xue Meng a superb Tianshan snow lotus with brain-
tonifying effects.

Snow Lotus is a good thing but Shizun is too smart. Although there is no need to make up for it,
it would be very appropriate to adopt it for a pond.

Unfortunately, after Chu WanNing's retirement, he liked to hear dogs barking in Chai Men and
return to people on snowy nights. He did not like extravagance. Otherwise, the whole Nanping
Mountain would have been uprooted now according to TaXian jun’s ideas. Where would there
be two small houses and one yard?

Mo Ran sighed and closed the book.

It happened that the sunset had also sunk, and the soft orange-yellow light was shining through
the silk paper of the windows. Today, Shizun temporarily rose up and wrapped up some
handwriting. By this time, it had been cooked. From the kitchen came the clashing sound of
porcelain and jade: "Mo Ran, come and help me."

"Here I am."

Mo Ran echoes, the deep bamboo forest in Nanping is now flowing with the taste of his favorite
food. It is not as strong as hot pot, but it can iron people's inner peace and gentleness every
time, just like water stopping.

In the kitchen, a small yellow-and-white dog they adopted last year came out bumping and
helped Chu WanNing to urge Mo Ran. He circled around him twice, spitting out his tongue and
turning around, all the way to lead Mo Ran.

"Move the table to the yard, wipe it, and hold a small jar of wine."

Chu WanNing stood in front of the stove, the wooden pot cover had been uncovered, the inside
was rolling full and round dragon handwriting, thin and crystal handwriting skin wrapped in
delicate meat stuffing, waiting to be fished into the bowl, sprinkled with red and bright spices.
Chu WanNing in the transpiration of the fog and casually asked: "What books do you read
outside, so absorbed reading?"

"Idle books." Mo Ran laughed and rolled up his sleeves to move the wooden table.

As soon as the arm is exerted, the muscles and meridians become prominent and distinct.

Chu WanNing frowned and said, "Read more good books. I heard that a lot of absurd words
have come out recently. Don't bring them back to Nanping Mountain. There are many wooden
spirits visiting here. Some wooden spirits are still young. It is not helpful to read them and teach
them badly later.”

Mo Ran laughed and said, "Yes."

Moving the table, he went out with the jubilant cry of the puppy Wangwang.

During the meal, Mo Ran ate and bite the chopsticks.

And the puppy squatted at the table of the two, gripping a meat bone without salt.

Chu WanNing looked at him and at the dog. He thought that the man and the dog were like
each other, just a wooden stick and a bone. "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

Mo Rans came back to his mind: "Ah... Shizun. I'm thinking…”


Mo Ran didn’t find the words.

Of course, he could not ask Chu WanNing what he wanted. First, Shizun would not tell him.
Second, even if Shizun did, the point of the surprise would disappear. He’s afraid the effect
would be worse than the nine baskets of gold from TaXian Jun.

So Mo Ran thought of a more tactful way and asked carefully, "I don't know about our home...
What else is missing? Does Shizun feel that there is anything else to be added?”

"No. It's quite complete." Chu WanNing said, "Ever since we have Goutou 1, I even feel that
there is some noise here, so I don't need to add any more things."

The Goutou was a puppy. After it finished biting the bones, he came upside down to bite the
horns of Chu WanNing’s robes.

1 狗头 Goutou
It's naughty by nature. When it came back, it was dying. Chu WanNing saved it, and ever since
then it lives with them. For a long time, it liked to go to the house to expose tiles and skip
around, Chu WanNing always dislikes it, but in the end, it was still spoiled. The corners of his
robes had been gnawed, but even if he scolded it, he would not pull out.

The dog only wagged its tail happily.

Mo Ran asked, "Would you like to expand the house a little?"

"It takes a lot of work and it's boring."


"I'll do it all by myself?"

"It's noisy enough, and you'll add to it." Chu WanNing raised his eyes slightly and stared at him
and said, "It's better to have free money than to spread it down the hill and build any house.
Dog one, you one, me one?”

"It’s fine with Shizun and me, Goutou lives by himself."

"Then it may wander to the point where it doesn't know who it is."

"Pooh." Mo Ran looked down and smiled and asked, "Dog, do you think I'm okay with you? I
squeeze a room with Shizun and build one for you alone. Where can you find such a master to
hurt you?”

The yellow-and-white Goutou slanted across his eyes and looked at him in a human-like
manner. As if to say “why do you want to squeeze Chu WanNing into a room where you have no
compulsion in your heart? You have some face.”


There was no result.

Counting the days before the approaching birthday, there were just a few left. Mo Ran couldn’t
sleep that night. After Chu WanNing went to sleep, he put his hands behind his head and stared
at the roof beam for half a day.

It was a good idea to renovate their cottage to be more beautiful and comfortable. But that
needs more land, houses, it's better to search around for some exotic treasures, armor maps,
build a library, build a machine armor room, build a treasure house...
Alas, let's get over it. Thinking about it, he knew that Shizun will be unhappy. He feels that he
hasn't used his money to the right place, and that he will also feel troubled to take care of it.

Feeling sad, he suddenly heard a strange noise coming from outside.

Mo Ran was caught in a flash.


Wrong. He turned his eyes and saw the sleeping yellow and white puppy curled up in the
corner. He immediately dismissed the idea.

... Is it a burglar?

But the place where they went to hide was surrounded by a barrier. Except for Xue Meng and
Ma Yun, who had received the message and could go in and out at will, no one else could enter

Unless it's not human.

It was very quiet, but it could not escape his senses. It seemed that something was quietly
approaching their residence. Mo Ran held his breath and sat up quietly and went to look out
through the window. He could hear the thing near the cabin, which knocked three times in a
low voice.


In the middle of the night, who would come up Nanping Mountain and knock on their door at
this time?
Part 2
Mo Ran quietly got out of bed and squeaked open the door, just saw the yard's wooden door
open slightly, the wooden door shaking gently, a white fat soft waxy up-warped tail burning a
small blue light flashing past.

He thought for a moment that he was mistaken. After all, he had stayed in Nanping Mountain
for so long and had never seen anything like that.

A monster?

He wanted to catch up, but before he stepped out, he noticed a tender green lotus leaf outside
the bedding threshold and a wooden box of palm size in the middle of the lotus leaf.

"This is..."

He picked up the lotus leaf in dismay. Somehow, the lotus leaf emitted a faint scent of
Osmanthus fragrance. On it were a few words written in a very chubby and childish calligraphy.

Gifts for the birthday of Shenmu xianjun2.

Come on. I can help you.

A ricecake spirit with the hope of his village

Mo Ran opened his eyes and almost fell to the ground: "What? Is there such a monster called
ricecake in this world????”

So, wasn't that what he had invented years ago to deceive Xue Meng?! It really existed?!

He could not help touching his lips. Did the demon forget to tell him that there was a hidden
talent in their special beauty race, such as magic lips or something? Otherwise, how could there
really be such a white, fat little monster with a little blue light on its tail?

Mo Ran stood in place for a while, although the ricecake ran too fast, and Mo Ran did not see
its whole body, he had an intuition, its whole body should be as he was fabricated, round, waxy
head with a large lotus leaf...

After a long delay, he returned to the house with the box.

2 God-wood Lord Celestial

The room was quiet, Chu WanNing and Goutou were still asleep, undisturbed by the
unexpected visitors that night. Mo Ran walked close to Chu WanNing, who was curled up
asleep, covered him with the quilt gently, went to the dog's kennel, touched it comfortably
twice, then sat down at the table and began to look carefully at the small wooden box.

There was no killing or evil intent.

The spirit was quite heavy, but it is also had some kind of friendliness.

He tried to open the box, but unfortunately he couldn't find any keyhole openings, and the rice
cake essence didn't leave any hints to tell him what to do.

Mo Ran couldn’t help but frown and wonder: What on earth is this box for? Is it just an

The problem is that it was tattered and it didn’t look good.

As if responding to his inquiries, soon after he came up with the question, two lines of
goldenseal letters appeared on the top of the small wooden box, sparkling:

"Master, I'm a magic weapon from the demon world. I'm a box of thoughts."

Mo Ran was startled and almost fell off the chair.

What a ghost! How can it have the ability to read people's minds?!

"I'm not a ghost, I'm a good thing." New words continued to emerge on top of the box, and the
golden handwriting slowly covered the old words. "In addition, I can only read the mind of the
owner. I can't see anyone else’s."

Too, too scary.

Mo Ran exhaled a few deep breaths and barely stabilized himself. He looked back at Chu
WanNing, who was sleeping with his face covered by the quilt, and Goutou, who was sleeping
under its paws. After several deliberations, he lowered his voice and asked carefully, "So, I... I
am your master?"

"Yes, master, I've been given to you."

Mo Ran slowed down for a while, but there was still some confusion: "Aren't you a gift from the
little monster to my shizun?"
"That is to be reformed by you." The small wooden box continued to fade away old words and
emerge new ones, "We feel your strong desire to surprise the God-wood celestial lord on his
birthday, but we also see that you are not able to give full play to your limitations due to many
restrictions. But you don't have to worry anymore. So long as I'm here, you can make your
dreams come true and achieve everything you want."

Mo Ran pondered on its underlying meaning and slowly came to the realization.

Yes... It was his sincerity that touched the mountain spirits. They came to help him prepare his

"Yes, that's it." The small wooden box lost no time to display two lines of shining words, "Rest
assured, master, with me, he will surely have a better birthday this year than last year, come

Mo Ran recalled the nine baskets of gold from last year, and didn’t know whether to laugh or

"... It's a bit promising, but don't compare it with last year.”

After his doubts were dispelled, Mo Ran began to use this box of thoughts. According to the
requirements of the box, in order to prevent it from being inadvertently activated by Chu
WanNing or others before his birthday, Mo Ran needed to set a password for it. Only when the
password is pronounced can it react. Otherwise, it will be like the most common box, and won’t
attract much attention.

"Let's set it up as shizun."

"No, it's too simple to be opened by mistake."

The little wooden box paused. "I suggest you set five to ten words here."

"So..." Mo Ran thought for a moment and said, "It would be foolish to gift gold."

"All right." The little wooden box said, "It would be foolish to gift gold is the password to open
the box. Shall Mo-zongshi use it now?”

Mo Ran naturally couldn’t wait to nod and agree.

In the instant he accepted, a dazzling white light flashed in front of him, forcing him to close his
eyes instantly. When he opened them again, he found himself in a vast new world.

This is a place similar to an otherworldly fairyland.

In the mountains, there were flowing water and quiet springs. He was situated in a large open
space with some wood piled up. In addition, there were clouds, light red smoke, the flourishing
crabapple flowers were light and hazy, flying flowers fell red to chase the running water, quiet
and beautiful.

A round ricecake spirit sat on a wooden stake, swept his tail with a blue fireball jumping, and
was playing with his soft sticky left paw sticking to his right paw. Unexpectedly, it played too
hard, accidentally glueing its claws together, and it couldn’t help but panic, two fat claws pulled
in the opposite direction, but it couldn’t pull them apart.

Mo Ran went over and cast a separation spell. With a loud cry, the two claws of the ricecake
spirit were free again.

It rolled round and fell on its tender belly, sighed heavily in relief, and then raised a pair of
mungbean eyes from under the lotus leaf: "Huh… I was saved! Thank you, thank you! "

"You're welcome. Is this the inside of the box? You're in charge of the box... Uh..." He wanted to
ask if he was a monster, but he thought it was impolite, so he laughed and said,

"I'm not a housekeeper." The voice of the ricecake spirit was soft and smooth, but it could be
said that it was very contrasting with the tone and color of the tyrannical words, "I, four
landlord, you this… Sa, Sagua!"

"?” Mo Ran was startled. “How do you swear at people?"

"I, four, the coolest of our village, the most… most simmering ricecake! If I want to swear, I will
swear. Deal with it!"


A good ricecake, not only could swear, but also articulate.

This spirit is not the same as the shy and lovely ricecake spirit that gave him the box before. It
seems that it was indeed the village cake bully. No wonder it was sealed in a box by the
villagers, and other ricecakes didn’t hang out with it.

The lonely cake bully stubbornly raised his head and waist, stared at Mo Ran, as if ready to
meet his counterattack.

It was meant to be a frightening gesture, but Mo Ran looked at its small arms and legs, soft and
white, paused for a moment, and could not help laughing out loud.
"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Mo Ran reached out and touched his little head. "You're so cute!"

The ricecake straightened out the lotus leaf on his head which Mo Ran had poked askew, and
became even angrier: "Don't laugh! Be serious! You will pay for this!!”

"What did you say? I'm sorry, haha-"

"Stop… Stop laughing! I’m warning you! Your destiny is now in the hands of my search."

Mo Ran: "..."

He really didn't know that his destiny was dirty in the palm of a ricecake spirit. He had to spend
all his self-control to stop himself from laughing again.

"Well, well... Cough... Pfft."

"Don't laugh!"

After some difficult negotiations, the cake tyrant and Mo Ran finally reached a consensus.

Mo Ran mustn’t laugh at it anymore, but it had to talk to Mo Ran about the current situation.

During their conversation, he emphasized that there are many cakes in their ricecake village
and their personalities are different, but it was not because of his aggressive personality that he
was locked in the box.—

"I, Four of our Village, the best ricecake spoken in human Mandarin, have a clear pronunciation
and a clear distinction between death and death. So, I am the messenger who was chosen to
communicate roughly with the humans!"

"... You’re the messenger?"

"Yes! You shrink right! The messenger!”

Mo Ran stared at it with his head held high and his chest hung up with infinite pride. He held
back his chin and couldn't help but laugh again.

"Ah! Why are you laughing again?! Don't laugh at me! I have been learning verbiage for one or
a hundred years! Don't laugh! Laugh again and I'll throw you away!"

In order not to let the cake tyrant murder him, Mo Ran used the perseverance he had to resist
Tianwen, and once again forcefully held back his laughter.

"Well, I won't laugh. The messenger will tell me how to use this box of thoughts?"
The tyrant cake hong twinkled his mouth, claws hugged his arms, mung beans squinted at Mo
Ran for a while. After seeing that he really stopped laughing, he said, "Simple and verbose, just
because the space in the four boxes is different from the outside, don't you want to build a
bigger house for Shenmu xianjun, even some beautiful flowers and plants?"

Mo Ran nodded his head and said, "Yes, but my Shizun thought it was too extravagant and
noisy, so he was not willing to do it."

"Never mind. In this box, you will not occupy the outside place, nor will you fuck your Shizun..."

Mo Ran immediately interrupted it and said seriously, "It doesn't matter if you say something
else is not standard. You must pronounce the word ‘noise3’ correctly."

Tyrant Cake's small eyes turned around and tried his best to read, "Fuck4-"



"You roll up your tongue say ‘noise’."

The cake tyrant heavenly restraint small face more and more white, head up, trying to spit out a
tortuous voice: "grass5 -"

"Nevermind, let’s move on."

Tyrant Cake: "Where was I?"

"You were saying that I'm not going to take up space in this box, and I'm not going to make
noise to Shizun. But if I'm here to quietly prepare a birthday banquet for my Shizun and
renovate my house and countryside, I also need those precious seeds, flowers, ingredients and

He grinned bitterly and said, "If shizun finds out, I’m afraid it’ll be a waste."

"Don't worry." The tyrant cake said, "The things here are different from those outside. You can
build a house, dig a pond, plant flowers and respect food materials... You don’t need money to
buy them, all you have to do is exchange with me, Four!"

Mo Ran opened his eyes in surprise: "exchange?"

3 吵(Chǎo) Noise/noisy.
4 操 (Cāo) Fuck.
5 草 (Cǎo) Grass.
"Yes." The tyrant Cake pointed to his stomach. Mo Ran found that there was a natural pocket
on his white belly. It was only because the bag and stomach were too white that it did not
attract people's attention.

"The houses and plants of your people are not good or beautiful! Shenmu xianjun is in harmony
with our family's elements! You bring in the outside things and give them to me, such as cloth,
flowers, clay figurines... I'll change them for you.”

"But how do I know what to exchange?"

"Well, it depends on your luck. But I'm very generous and kind, and I won’t usually treat you
badly. If you don't believe it, you can die."

Just give it a try.

But when Mo Ran entered the box, he was unprepared, wearing underwear and nothing
outside. Think about it, he could just take off his underwear and pass it.

"I have this on me. What can you give me for it?"

The tyrant cake took a look over Mo Ran clothes and took them with small claws: "Four pieces
of clothes with four reasons, it has experienced a lot."

After that, he looked back and forth several times, aiming at the blackened upper body.
Needless to say, Mo Ran's figure was naturally excellent, with a straight back, thin waist and
limbs, and a solid chest, though with an old scar that will never disappear, but the lines of
muscles contain very wild tension, which, with the breathing of one volt, seemed to suppress
the body's potential to develop lava.

Tyrant Cake said, "You have good wood."

After that, he raised his underwear and looked at it. "I think it's possible to change the clothes
made by Mo-zongshi, which are of good wood quality..."

He muttered and his voice faded. He stuffed his clothes into his white pocket and took them out
again and again. "Ah! Yes! Four!"

Mo Ran stood up to look, saw its small soft claws lying in a glittering light golden particles.

"What is this?"

"Heshou flower of the monster clan. I think you can exchange your clothes for these seeds with
the flower demon embryo. Here you are. You take it or die."

Although the baker always tells him to die, Mo Ran was not going to laugh at him. He was very
curious. He took the seeds and went to the open space in front of him, and the cake tyrant
followed him with a whistle.

"How do you grow it?"

"Just drop it on the ground at will!"

Mo Ran did as told. The demon flower in the demon territory was indeed extraordinary. As he
sprinkled the seeds, without even blinking, the open space gave birth to a large sea of light gold
and silver convergence. Those flowers were golden like pole peony, silver like clove, rich and
flourishing and elegantly melting into waves, to the night in the light of stars and dots of

What's more surprising is that in the center of each peony sits a female flower demon holding a
golden pipa, and between the stamens of each lilac is a boy playing a silver flute. These little
demons, who are not big enough to reach the nail cap, all have glittering and translucent wings.
They play the light wings between them, dyeing the flower field which is carrying melodious
songs with dream-like luster.

"One— one dress can be exchanged for these?" Mo Ran was startled.

"Four ah, all wordy me, I'm generous." The cake tyrant proudly pushed the lotus leaf on his
head. "I'm the most beautiful and nice baby in our ricecake Village!"

Mo Ran felt only a ray of hope shining into his heart, and he immediately excitedly said, "Just
you wait! I'll be here a lot these days. I'll go out and think about what I can exchange with you."

And he couldn't wait to go back.

But then he realized he didn't know where the exit was.

The cake tyrant turned his eyes white and pointed to the path where he came. "Run there, run
for a while, don't stop, you'll get thicker, but four—"

Mo Ran did not let him finish.

He was so happy that he was anxious to figure out what could be brought in and replaced with
the cake tyrant. And the more urgent the Tyrant Cake was, the more it stuttered, "but four" for
half a day, even if it's stuck there, it can't say a word. After holding up for a long time, he tried
hard to utter the second half of the speech:

"But four! Not every exchange is so cost-effective... You, you pick something better and bring it
in! Our ricecake village especially likes the objects used by the Shenmu xianjun. I just gave you
four uses and lost. Next time, there's no such a big bargain to pick up, and I'm not going to
scatter it!”

Huffing and panting, he tried to say so much and looked up.

Mo Ran has disappeared.

"..." The tyrant cake stood in the middle of the flower field, stayed for a long time, scratched his
head, " What a way to run so fast! Next time he'll bring—bring sen! Sa, Sa!"

When Mo Ran opened his eyes, he found himself bounced back to the table.

But he did not sit still for a moment, coupled with the agitation, and fell to the ground.


The movement immediately woke up the dog lying by the hearth. It suddenly stood up and
began to bark at all conditions: "Wan Wan Wan!"

"Shh! Don't get me in trouble, Goutou!" Mo Ran quickly climbed over to hold the dog and
touched it's head. "Don't make noise, another noise will wake up WanNing."

"Woo... Wan Wan Wan!"


Mo Ran was trying to shut the dog's mouth with his head when he heard a gentle noise behind
him, and then a slightly tired and impatient voice lazily sounded in the quiet night.

Chu WanNing lay between the pillows, with half closed phoenix eyes, frowning at him, voice
also with some special hoarseness from being just woken up: "... What are you fooling around
with instead of sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Mo Ran Busily Back: "WanNing..."

Chu WanNing sleepily lying on his stomach, looking at him from the small chaotic forehead,
without saying a word, as if completely awake.
But looking at it, a bright light suddenly fell into those misty eyes. Chu WanNing was very
serious, and his eyes were wide open. "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"
Part 3
Chu WanNing was very serious, and his eyes were wide open. "Why aren't your wearing

"Ah?" Mo Ran startled, looked down, saw his bare upper body, raised his hand and touched
himself, but for a moment he didn't know how to explain, "Er..."

Chu WanNing looked at his guilty actions, and felt suspicious, so he said seriously, "Mo Ran."

Mo Ran raised his hand: "Yes!"

"... Goutou is still small. It may grow to be a demon in the future. Didn’t I told you before? Do
you want to set an example and not teach it bad things?"

"Yes, yes."

Chu WanNing narrowed his eyes dangerously: "What are you doing then?"


"That’s... That's right." Mo Ran whispered, but can this fat dog really become fine? He's afraid
it’d be no use even if he recited Buddha in his ear every day. Besides, what can a dog
understand? Even if he slept in front of Goutou every day, the dog probably would probably not
understand the true meaning of dog's life.

But what Shizun said could not be rebutted. Mo Ran had to say euphemistically: "WanNing,
listen to my explanation, it’s not what it looks like. I didn't mean to do anything in secret..."

Unexpectedly, Goutou, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, interrupted him suddenly
and began to bark "Wan Wan Wan" in his arms with the head up.

Chu WanNing put his forehead and gritted his teeth and said, "You let it go."

"All right." Mo Ran open Goutou. "Actually, I..."

"Why are you still naked? Put on your clothes and explain!"

Mo Ran froze.
Chu WanNing saw his strange expression, looked around, and found that Mo Ran was not just
undressed, but his underwear simply disappeared. He couldn't help but be shocked: "... Where
did your clothes go?"

In this embarrassing atmosphere, the yellow and white dog squinted and began to look at Mo
Ran with that dirty expression. His expression looked like a sneer: Ha ha! Stupid?

I see how you explain it!

Mo Ran touched his nose, his throat gathered. He hesitated and said, "WanNing, WanNing, if...
If I say my clothes have turned into a sea of flowers, you... would you believe it?"

Chu WanNing: "........."

In their cottage at Nanping Mountain, came the angry reproach of Chu-zongshi: "Mo Weiyu, do
you think your shizun has become stupid because he hasn't come down in a long time?"

"No, no, no, no, no! Shizun is the smartest, how can you scatter!!!”

"You talk properly! Learn what to stand and how to stutter!"

Mo Ran was really angry with Goutou, really.

He felt that the dog always had some ideas that he shouldn't have, especially when he looked
sideways at people, it was more like a demonstration to him.

Well, it wasn't like this when Mingming picked it up from the haystack.

Now it's all right. Chu WanNing, a five-month-old dog, likes it very much. He also says that he's
not mature. Therefore, Mo Ran is forbidden to do anything that is harmful to customs and bad
for children in the last month.

Mo Ran asked himself that he had done well under Mo-zongshik's condition. He had adopted
Goutou for more than half a month. He had tolerated it. Even the state of TaXian Jun had
converged a lot. At least after a runaway accident, Chu WanNing taught him severely, and he
did not go ridiculous again, nor did he mention it quietly. The Goutou went to the kitchen and
stewed it into dog broth.

But now it seems that he has made a very unsuccessful choice.

—— He should have snuffed the dog in the cradle from the beginning!
Qi returns to Qi, Chu WanNing's birthday celebration can not be delayed, so the next morning,
Mo Ran decided, or hurry to collect something to bring things into the box.

"Fresh fish, millet, sugar cans... Bamboo dragonflies, paper butterflies, silk handkerchiefs..."

Taking advantage of Chu WanNing to go out and collect fresh fruits in the depths of Nanping
Mountain, Mo Ran searches every grain and every inch of rags at home, and can pick up and
carry the whole collection into the pocket of the heavens and the earth.

Goutou looked at him with a frightening look on his face. It seemed uncertain whether he was
the owner or a burglar posing as the owner. If he could speak at the moment, he would say,
"No brothers, why don't you even let my dog bowl go?"

Ah! Incorrect! Pocket-portable dog bowl!

How can we grab its bowl?

Goutou reacted sharply, and a spirit rushed up, clapping its teeth and biting the edge of its own
job, and launched a class struggle with the stinky scrape of ink.

Don't snatch my bowl! Wang Wang Wang!

Mo Ran also does not let go, joking, this bowl is Kunlun blue glaze, food placed in it for three
days is like fresh out of the pot. Before meeting Goutou, Mo Ran had planned to keep a cat,
that kind of soft, white, quiet and sensible white cat. The cat had a small amount of food.
Considering that he and Chu WanNing sometimes sworded around and would not go home for
two or three days, he wanted the cat to eat fresh food, so he entrusted Mei Hanxue to find
such a bowl.

Unexpectedly, the cat has not yet been raised. It's all cheap for this silly dog.

Is this glass bowl good for keeping food fresh and tender for dogs? Food is poured in, not to
mention three days, blink three times, it guarantees to eat to the bottom!

"Loose mouth, this is the bowl I bought originally!"

"Wang Wang Wang!" But you gave it to me!

"I borrowed it from you! Now it's due to be recovered!"

"Wang Wang Wang!" You fart!

"Wang Wang!" Not loose!


"Wow!" Roll!

A man and a dog were sawing hard when the yard door creaked.

Chu WanNing held a basket of sweet and delicate fruits, maintains the posture of pushing the
door, stands in the doorway and looks down at Mo-zongshi kneeling in the yard and grabbing
bowls with Goutou.

"..." After a long silence, Chu WanNing put the bamboo basket on the stone table in the
courtyard, took a fruit, thought about it, and took several more.

Baiyi xianjun drooped his eyes and said to Mo Ran, "You just stay here and I'll wash you two

Mo Ran in the moment he turned into the kitchen, heard Chu WanNing sigh, murmuring to
himself: "Alas... The porridge I cooked for him in the morning was too bad. Why is he so hungry
that he grabs food with the dog?"

Mo Ran: "...???"

"Shizun! Wait! It’s not what you think! Ouch!—”

While he was eager to explain, Goutou snapped at the back of his hand with a whine, and Mo
Ran screamed and suddenly released his hand. The yellow-white dog ran out of the door with
its glass bowl and ran away without smoke.

Mo Ran clenched his teeth, covered his hands and scolded, "This silly dog..."

After lunch, Mo Ran put down his chopsticks and said that he wanted to buy some medicine for
injuries in a Lin’an nearby city. So he went out with his mind in the box.

As soon as he left the yard, he quickly found a deserted place, recited the mantra "It's foolish to
gift gold" and went into the box again.

Tyrant Cake was basking in the sunshine near the flower field from yesterday. When he saw
Mo Ran, he hummed and said, "Come on, come on - come on?"

"Wait a long time."

Cake Tyrant waved his hand to show his disapproval, but his eyes turned to the Mo Ran
treasure of heaven and earth: "Have you brought some, some forest?"

Mo Ran is not urgent, first laughed and handed it a fresh peach: "This for you, WanNing’s

The small eyes of the mungbean Cake Tyrant suddenly lit up, one claw waved, turned his head,
and honestly refused to say, "Death is impossible, death is impossible!" A small claw pulled
open its front pocket.

Mo Ran laughed and said, "How can we not do it, just a fresh peach?"

Said it stuffed into its pocket.

The baker who was bribed by peaches coughed a few times and his face slowed down. "Hey,
you, look at you, come on, and be polite!"

After that, he coughed a few more times, moved his little buttocks to the stump and sat upright.

"Come on, let me Kangkang. You've brought something with you."

The witty Mo-zongshi laughed and said, "Okay, Mr. Lao Fan Cake has changed some materials."

"No, no problem!"

Mo Ran handed all the bits and pieces that had been searching all day to its little claws. Cake
Tyrant opened the brocade bag and roughly doubled it inside, sighing.

Mo Ran’s heart tightened: "What's wrong?"

Cake Tyrant raised his eyes and said, "Sao Nian, you are really poor."

Mo Ran down the curtains, some helpless way:"... I don't know what you want. There are better
things, but they are all for our daily use. If you don't think it's appropriate, I'll…”

"Come on." Batiao Tian interrupted him. "Nourish that you are always scattering money to help
the world, first, first make up for it."

But in my heart, I said: For the sake of the peach you gave me, let's make it up first.

"What I give and give you won't be the best, because you can give me so much. But our
monster's utensils are amazing! Even if broken, broken, violet to play your imagination and
hard work, but also four can make a very satisfactory drop effect!"
Mo Ran turned from worry to joy and laughed, "Really? Thank you very much.”

Cake Tyrant waved his hand again, and then began to replace the things brought by Mo Ran
with the monster instruments in the box one by one.

"Fresh fish - you can change this!"

Cake Tyrant pulled out a pile of soft felt fabric from his pocket.

"What is this?"

"This cloth made of four or four kinds of cat hair!"

Mo Ran opened his eyes in surprise and took the bundle of cloth. "Cat hair can also weave

"Nine big cats and demons." Cake Tyrant explained, and then pulled out another thing from his
pocket, "Bamboo dragonflies can be replaced by another one!"

Mo Ran looked at the pile of plain sticks and said, "What is this?"

"Take one, put it in the funeral, spit, and you can turn it into the best wood, although not the
best, but it's quite good."

Next, Batian Cake added to him a series of strange things, such as bigger shells, bells drifting
down snow when the wind blows, swallows who are good at nesting, green bricks that can pave
their own roads, and a fire that understands people's words. And so on.

The most valuable one is actually a bag of coke made by Chu WanNing. Batiao Tian loved it very
much. He said that it was the favorite food for ricecakes. Mo Ran found it both surprising and

He thought that if it weren't for WanNing, you would not cook everyday, you would have to eat
coke, and I could bring you a lot.

He asked, "What can I change for coke?"

"You wait and see." Batian Gagaba chews a piece of coke and flicks his paws.

Soon, Mo Ran saw a golden lotus pond sinking beside the flower field. The water in the pond
was like melted gold, and there were many beautiful snow lotus flowers in it.
"Everything comes to mind." The cake-maker, with his tongue still boasting, said, "If you want
to read the fish twice by the river, you will have lotus leaves floating to send you mulberry, as
well as fresh lotus root and tender rhombus, you can ask for it. Enough, enough for your
birthday feast... Well, four no four is great!"

Mo Ran stared at the pond for a moment, then turned his head and cut the railroad at Batian
Cake. "I'll bring you a sack of coke next time!"

"Zeng, Zeng! You were great!" he stammered as soon as he was excited.

Mo Ran said sincerely, "No, you are the best."

With these materials from the Cake Tyrant, Mo Ran rolled up his sleeves and began to work.

Shizun's birthday is the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is TaXian Jun's turn. He must work
faster. As long as he works in this box all day today, and the day after tomorrow, he should be
able to lead his shizun in the evening after eating longevity noodles and give him a surprise.

While thinking like this, he quickly set up the cloth, shiju, timber of those demons... Start to
build an idyllic fairyland beyond the world for shizun. Neither extravagant and wasteful nor
disturbing others, it is quite gratifying to move wooden rafters in a smart way with Mo Ran
hands and feet:

Kungfu pays no attention. This year's birthday banquet, shizun will have a happier day than last

However, Mo-zongshi was still naive.

He did not intend to compete for favor with himself, but TaXian Jun is different. TaXian Jun is a
person who can knock himself to death. How can he be willing to be oppressed by him?

He should know that after the retirement to Nanping Mountain, TaXian Jun was always holding
his breath with himself, always fighting with himself.

The daily memory of the two personalities is not entirely in common, but shared along with
each other. In fact, this situation is worse than thorough knowledge and thorough ignorance. It
is like scratching people's hearts through a layer of yarn. It is easier to cause a single moth.

For example, a few days ago, TaXian Jun stared at Chu WanNing porridge, staring at it, and
suddenly said, "this venerable one remembers that yesterday you did not cook porridge."

"Yes." Chu WanNing light, "What's wrong?"

"But this venerable one does not remember what you did yesterday."

"Without cooking, I went to the village and bought some steamed buns."

TaXian Jun quit, stared at the black and purple eyes, and said with great force, "this venerable
one should also eat steamed buns!"

"... Didn't you wake up in the morning and say you wanted porridge?"

"No. The steamed bun is also needed in this venerable one's diet. You can't just buy it for him
but not for this venerable one.”

"... You might as well take some medicine.”

"Steamed buns!"

"Only porridge."

"Porridge and steamed buns!"

Chu WanNing was too lazy to talk to him: "You can eat whatever you like, but you can't eat

TaXian Jun almost fainted in anger. He grabbed Chu WanNing's wrist, brought him over,
pressed him against the kitchen table, and drooped his eyelashes to look down. "What's with
your attitude? Why can he eat solid steamed buns while this venerable one can only drink
porridge? You say, do you think he is better than this venerable one?”

"... I just think you were less ill yesterday than you are today.”

TaXian Jun was silent for a while, seemingly trying to get angry, but at last he was still sad and
said, "Okay... Very good. Chu WanNing, what you said before is deceptive, what I have always
been a person - is that how you treat the same person? You can't do the same dishes. Why do
you favor him?”

Chu WanNing said silently: "The same person will not eat the same meal every morning, you
quickly stop making noise, the porridge will turn cold."

"I won’t drink it!" said TaXian Jun.


Chu WanNing nodded and said: "OK, then I will serve it to Goutou. It's just a pity since the legs
of clouds were your favorite last time.”


That's it. Taxian Jun is always in such a state of contending with himself for favor and merit.

As Mo-zongshi, who has experienced two worldly sophistications and the presence of old gods,
he can't understand this foolish behavior at all.

At this moment, Mo Ran, who is working hard, has no idea at all. In a few more hours, he will
switch to the character of TaXian Jun, and what kind of despondent action will he make...
Part 4
The next morning.

Taxian Jun squinted and sat under the loquat tree in the courtyard, peeling loquats for himself
to eat while squinting at what he was thinking.

After switching over, he could not remember anything else in the past three days. He vaguely
remembered that he had got a wooden box, a ricecake. ricecake Monster sent it as if it had
something to do with Chu WanNing's birthday gift.

But more than that, he can't recall it.

Taxian Jun dared not take it lightly. After all, he thought Mo-zongshi was a bird with deep
intention. He seemed loyal and honest, but he was honest and respectful. He had a lot of
flowers and intestines.

Where like myself, handsome, honest, domineering, powerful, treat people sincerely.

The honest man like himself is really at a disadvantage.

TaXian Jun sighed, a deep light shining in purple and black eyes. The loquat juice was very
sticky. He raised his hand and licked his fingertips to taste the delicate sweetness. He said to
himself, "You can't lose!" this venerable one is from the emperor's family. For the emperor's
court, this venerable one knows much more than the other one. The so-called "know one's
friend and know the other" can win a hundred battles. As long as this venerable one sees Mo-
zongshi's congratulations in advance, this venerable one can fight back and force him!

But longing to know Mo-zongshi's gift is one thing. How to know it is another profound

He did not expect to be able to communicate with his own soul. Mo-zongshi had no ghost until
he understood him.

Well, if not... Trying to get Chu WanNing to talk like a routine?

No, No.

This idea was quickly rejected by TaXian Jun himself.

Looking back on his past life, Song Qiutong always dressed up for every festival and tried her
best to please him. He came knocking around to find out if his sister Chu had prepared any gifts
for him.

At that time, he was holding an evil fire in his heart. Looking at Song Qiutong's seemingly
shrewd but silly head melon seeds, he spent his whole life of self-cultivation to not shout abuse
- what to do! Ask what! Chu WanNing was not to give this venerable one festival gifts you are

But each time they did not roar out, but suppressed their anger, grinned and chanted the
gloom, slowly and orderly way: "unexpectedly, the Queen was so concerned about Princess
Chu, give him a gift to see him alike."

Song Qiutong's beautiful face flashed with apprehension. She showed more submissiveness and
charm because of fear, hoping to win the emperor's pity.

So she busily said, "Concubines just can't make up their minds. They want to know about the
wishes of Chu's sister..."

"Oh... Want to know the mind of Chu Fei.” TaXian Jun slowly immersed these words in his lips
for a while. He sneered and looked like a cold sword out of the box.

"So, you want to show that you, the queen, should have no opinions. You want to be a
concubine like him, or you want to be a concubine at all?"

She was so frightened that Song Qiutong staggered and fell to her knees, knocking her head in

At that time, he only felt disgusted and angry at the same time in his heart, dragon and tiger,
bite and fight. Gong'e, who had witnessed the incident, said that the emperor was moody, but
nobody knew it. Even if Song Qiutong herself did not know it, he was really touched by her. He
had been under house arrest for so long and had only won people, but it seemed that he had
never received hearts.

As for the obedience, obedience and love he longed for, it was more like a nine-day cold moon,
beyond reach.

Even these years, he has not received any Festival ceremony from Chu WanNing. Even when
the snow is deep on New Year's Eve, his secret wish of "Happy New Year" was delusional.
In this way, Song Qiutong pricked his self-esteem and poked at his troubles. To mock him for
having nothing, for receiving nothing, to mock him for being a lonely widow, a poor wretch who
seems to aspire to get what he really wants.——

How dare she... How dare she!!!

The emperor's face turned blue with anger, and Song Qiutong's face turned white with fear. He
looked at her sadly. The truth could not be said quickly, and she had no idea what fault she had

Neither the emperors nor the empress realized that, in fact, her struggle for favor was lost from
the very beginning.


You can't ask Chu WanNing.

After the end of this memory, TaXian Jun became more and more firm in his thinking.

The essence of the competition for favor lies in the light clouds and breeze, which seems to be
indifferent. In fact, it is the most undesirable to jump out and expose your concern at the

However, how can we find out Mo-zongshi's actions lightly and indifferently?

There is not much time left for him. Tomorrow will be Chu WanNing's birthday. He has only the
last few hours to win the war of defeat.

In meditation, TaXian Jun saw Goutou running past him chasing a butterfly. The dog perceived
his eyes, and made a sudden stop, tilted over his head, with its usual oblique and oblique eyes
on the former Emperor who was trapped in trouble. Dogs' eyes are full of wisdom and care.

TaXian Jun had a good idea.


"Good dog, good dog, come on." Taking advantage of Chu's WanNing to go out to explore the
soul of plants in Nanping Mountain, TaXian Jun took Goutou in his arms, put it on his leg, and
then rubbed his dog's paws with a laugh that he thought was very kind and frightening. "This
venerable one knows that you are the smartest. What this venerable one said should be

Goutou: "..."
"This venerable one asks you, do you know that a wooden box was found here a few days ago?"

Goutou: "Whoop..."

"Do you obey me and bring the box to this venerable one? Can you do that?"

"Whoop..." It can't be done.

TaXian Jun's face sank a little, but he still laughed and said, "How about rewarding you with a
meat bone?"

"Wang Wang!" Two!

"Yes, two it is."

As a matter of fact, the man-like dog-like immortal monarch was better at communicating with
his peers than the man-like Mo-zongshi. One man, one dog, could have reached the consensus
of adultery so quickly without being able to speak at all.


The dog wagged its tail and jumped out of the arms of Taxian Jun. It ran to the depth of some
humble grass. In a short time, it became a traitor of Mo-zongshi. It pulled out the thoughts of
Mo-zongshi into boxes, and sent them to Taxian Jun with mud.

"So fast?"

"Wang Wang Wang!" That's right. You don't want to see who I am.

TaXian Jun was very satisfied, smiling and touching Goutou: "Aiqing is really a good dog, this
venerable one will call you -"

Why didn't Feng think of it? Suddenly he heard familiar footsteps outside the courtyard door.
As soon as TaXian Jun's face changed, he immediately raised his hand and boxed his thoughts
into boxes and received them in his arms in a flash of thunder.

Then he looked back calmly with nothing happening: "Wan Ning is back."

Goutou wagged his tail calmly with nothing happening, flatteringly spitting his tongue at Chu
Chu WanNing, who came back from the mountain tour, looked at the man and the dog, and
always felt that there was a kind of mysterious conspiracy breath running between them: "...
What are you doing?

TaXian Jun quickly turned to the topic: "How was the harem of this venerable one?"

Chu WanNing said, "Your Xiao Cui and Xiao Hong are dead."

"!!!" Taxian Jun was shocked, "What?!"

"In the storm last night, your planted Xiangfei bamboo and red crabapple on the south hillside
were blown down. I told you before that you should not plant them in the windward part of the
rock wall. If you refuse to listen, you can only learn from this lesson."

Taxian Jun was instantly sad, and he quit.

When he arrived to Nanping Mountain, he rushed to pull the grass planted by Chu WanNing
together. Although he had been playing tricks on Wan Ning by calling the flowers and plants his
harem, there were not only concubines in the empress palace, but in fact he was quietly trying
to seal the trees they planted together as princesses and princes.

Now that their children have died, that will he do?

"No! This venerable one is going to take a look!”

"Look at what." Chu WanNing was amused that he was taken seriously. He immediately pulled
him over and said to him, "I have applied magic, and I have connected all the broken flowers
and plants back."

"All ready?"

"It's all ready."

Taxian Jun stared at him, and after a moment, Chu WanNing did not respond, when he
suddenly opened his arms, and firmly embraced him.

"..." Chu WanNing was unexpectedly surrounded by arms embracing his waist embraced. He
gave a sad and helpless laugh, "What are you doing...?"

TaXian jun sat, Chu WanNing stood, and TaXian Jun's head rested on Chu WanNing's abdomen,
wanting to rub against it, but didn't have the face, and finally only muffled: "this venerable
one... Is happy."
This was Chu WanNing's heart. He will be distressed. He expects that all the plants and trees
planted will be destroyed by the wind and rain. He will save them without saying a word. The
withered wood is still in the spring, and his once withered heart, accompanied by Chu
WanNing, gradually has a bright red color, with blood, love and love.

At last he was able to walk carefully into the light.

In order to let the light shine a little more for himself and a little less for Mo-zongshi, TaXian Jun
became more and more firm in his determination to solve the mystery of Mo-zongshi's gift.
Unlike Mo-zongshi, who was very conscious, he refused to admit that they were one, so Mo-
zongshi was not hostile to the other, but he blushed and fought with Mo-zongshi roughly every

TaXian Jun took "the venerable one is in a good mood today, this venerable one cooks in
person" as the reason to shut himself quietly in the kitchen and began to study this idea in the

The emperor's experience told him that as long as he could open the box, Mo-zongshi's secret
would be exposed under his eyes.

But the problem is that the box is seamless. How on earth can it be opened?

"Open the box!"


"You want it!"

It's still closed.

"Show you this handsome face."

The box stayed motionless.

Taxian Jun tried all kinds of statements, all of which were incomprehensible. At last, he was a
little manic. He planned to harden his palm and split one in two.

He slammed down, only to hear a crash!

The bench under the box was broken.

But the box was still in good condition.

"Funny, this venerable one doesn't believe this evil..." Taxian Jun was angry and called out the
blade to cut it horizontally and vertically for more than twenty knives. But he could not freely
release his spiritual power in the kitchen to prevent the house from being destroyed, so he
could not exert one-tenth of his strength. After half a day of splitting, the box was still safe and

On the contrary, Chu WanNing knocked on the door: "Mo Ran? What are you doing? Why are
there so much noise in it?"

"... Cut stuffing!" TaXian Jun casually said, "I'm making pies!"

Chu WanNing waited for a while: "Bingjian in the day before yesterday's remaining, I had not
used up the wrapping hands."

"Yes, I see."

After answering the voice, TaXian Jun reacted sensibly afterwards - no! Chu WanNing wrapped
hands for Mo-zongshi again?!

Why didn't he!!!

This thought, more angry, feel more unable to let go of Mo-zongshi, never let the other party
invite a contribution on his birthday! That hypocrite, villain!

Strive for favor with him? Why don't you try your best?

Taxian Jun's eyes were covered with a layer of darkness. He stared at the box. His slender and
smooth fingers were rubbing the rough texture on his head. Bad water rose in his heart. He
thought, otherwise... Why don't you just drop this box at the bottom of the cliff?

Isn't it a birthday gift? He could have found a better one for Chu WanNing before sunset today.

He is the emperor of the cultivation world. What can he not do if he wants something unique in
heaven and earth?

Although he was tired of the days when he was a noble king and loved the warmth of returning
to the world again, he always liked to dress up and sniff the fireworks in the mountains. He
even felt that he secretly disguised himself as a "Gou Master" to collect the miscellaneous
money, which was worse than that in the silent and cold palace at that time. The rare treasures
presented should be much more precious and meaningful.

Such a vulgar sweetness is good, but he is reluctant to show his love.

Taxian Jun has a face, especially in order to distinguish himself from the poor Mo-zongshi. Even
if he secretly loved the cabbage and boiled tofu of the farmer's family, he would hum and
pretend that his favorite food is still the grand parade, which is a precious seafood.

This kind of swollen face and fat man's prestige is also good occasionally.

For example, TaXian Jun firmly believes that as long as he risks the risk of being sucked to death
by Chu WanNing, arrogantly returns to the rivers and lakes, and searches for treasures
everywhere, he will be able to quickly find the kind of luxurious and exquisite on the stage,
novel and meaningful congratulations!


After this idea had taken root in his mind, Taxian Jun stood up, intending to put away the
wooden box and take it out to throw it away in the afternoon.

But in retrospect, if he really wanted to do so, his recovery conscience was somewhat

...Well, that's one less gift for Chu WanNing. What if we can't find a better one? Should Chu
WanNing really like this box and be destroyed by this venerable one, isn't it? Er... Aren't you
coming to make trouble with this venerable one? This venerable one is now his favorite, he will
really make trouble, then what should be done? How to coax? Would it be useless to cajole?

In this way of thinking, he felt a little sad.

Since ancient times, the ruthless emperor's family, once the emperor is in love, he can only fall
into the family with his lover.

Even such a trivial matter, thought Chu WanNing may not be happy, his heart hardened.

This venerable one is not promising!

TaXian Jun sighed in his heart.

But at that moment, he suddenly found a white figure passing by the small window of the
wooden grate. He knew something different and immediately grabbed it, but it ran so fast that
he could only see a small blue lamp held by a white tail. Without seeing its whole picture, it had
disappeared into the grass.

A rolled green lotus leaf was stuffed between the cracks of the window-only wooden fence.

... a ricecake spirit!!

A sudden flash of inspiration in the mind of Taxian Jun suddenly aroused the memory of
another adventure that belonged to him two days ago.

He immediately raised his hand to pull out the lotus leaves left by the rice cake essence, and
smoothed them out by the sunshine sprinkled outside the window. He could not help but be
overjoyed, but then he immediately became angry.

TaXian Jun scolded himself angrily: "Mo Weiyu, how daring you are! How dare you mock this
venerable one!"

Seen only on the lotus leaf, writes a few lines askew:

Good Emperor! I'm the ricecake of the Emperor's personality. I sneaked out of the village to
report to the Emperor. It's a box of thoughts. There's a fairyland in it. Mo-zongshi's personality
is the key to opening the curse. It's called "It's foolish to send gold." I can only help you here!
Come on. You can do it!

Although TaXian Jun did not know what "jigger" meant, he felt that the demon had not learned
the common people's Mandarin well, and there were also some demon words in his speech,
but he understood that the other must be praising himself with his witty mind and context.

This ricecake is very good! He knew the current affairs very well! He intends to make it a master
of Nanping Mountain after it has been accomplished.

Taxian Jun finished thinking like this and paused. In order to accomplish great things, he
suppressed the humiliation which was despised by another man himself and gnashed his teeth
at the wooden box.

"It would be foolish to gift gold."

A golden light flashed and TaXian Jun disappeared in the kitchen.

He was sent into the box too.

Part 5
When Taxian Jun came in, Cake Tyrant was sitting in the hills and rivers that had been built by
Mo Ran, chasing butterflies with his short legs.

When he heard the sound of his arrival, he turned his head at once, almost fell to the ground
for moving too fast, and finally staggered back to his feet. The cake tyrant put out his paws to
straighten out the lotus leaves on his head and shouted, "Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah— small male harvest,
you finally came. I was dying of boredom!"

TaXian Jun stared at it for a moment, and came to the conclusion that it was a foolish ricecake

So he turned his eyes away.

Then, with his sharp eyes, he looked back and forth at the house thoroughly.

The paradise had not been completed yet, but it was close to. TaXian Jun could fully appreciate
its elegance, flying sparkling flower fields, dwelling between the flower stamens playing piano
and flute, golden flowing lotus pond, tree house twined by vines, shell summer couch in the

The look of the gentleman's face became gloomy.

He knows Chu WanNing. Chu WanNing looks serious but, in fact, he is very curious. He certainly
likes this kind of strange place which does not belong to the mortal world.

The only possible cause of Chu WanNing's dislike is that of Chu WanNing.——

He turned his head and stared at the Tyrant Cake.

When the thin lips were opened and buttoned, Mo Ran asked, "How much is the price here?"

At this time, Tyrant Cake has not responded to the current temperament has changed greatly,
some confused: "silly, silly..."

TaXian Jun wrinkled his long eyebrows and suddenly lifted them up in his palm.


"Who are you scolding for being silly?"

The net pockets for catching butterflies in the hands of the baker heaven dropped, and his eyes
turned white under the stranglehold of the emperor Taxian. He shook his calves sadly and gave
his substandard Mandarin to the standard: "What, what's the situation?"

TaXian Jun: "........."

It was a misunderstanding. With a cold hum, he loosened his five fingers and threw the monster
back on the ground. Cake Tyrant touched his neck, exhaled heavily, looked up at the man's
apparently hazy face, and suddenly felt the taste.

Ouch?! This is not Mo-zongshi!

They all know that Mo Ran’s personality changes every three days. It has been in exile for a long
time, so they forgot about it. In front of him, this vicious and violent version of Mo-zongshi,
who was kind two days ago, is clearly...

"Ah!" Cake Tyrant uttered a scream and got up and was ready to flee. "Help! He's here!!! He's
not coming back with him!!!!”

He was too scared to stutter.

The two soft ricecake legs of the Cake Tyrant strode hard, closed their eyes and ran hard for
half a day. When they opened a gap and looked out, they realized that they were still there.


I don't know when, TaXian Jun has turned into a spiritual cage, like a roller water car, which
runs like a hamster for half a day, but has not gone anywhere.

Cake Tyrant swallowed his saliva and turned back trembling, embarrassed and frightened.

"Brother, Brother..."

"Are you looking for death?" "Who is your brother?"

"Emperor, emperor, good!"

TaXian Jun once again: "........."

In order to survive, Cake Tyrant soon succumbed to the lewd authority of TaXian Jun. It tells the
emperor everything about boxes of thoughts in great detail, and tells him the answer he least
wants to know.——
"No, no, no, no, no, no, it's cheap here!"

TaXian Jun fell into silence.

It's not expensive, it's not wasteful, and it's intentional.

How can you compare yourself with a gift like this?

... Damn, luckily he found out earlier, otherwise the birth of WanNing would be in front of him.
If Mo-zongshi really played this card, he would lose.

TaXian Jun's heart way, the opportunity can not be lost no longer come, he must take
advantage of the time is still early, to remove the cover of the field!

His handsome face flickered with blurred shadows. He stared at the landscape dwelling built by
Mo-zongshi and listened to Cake Tyrant nagging.

Cake Tyrant explained, "Everything outside can be used to exchange materials with me, but it's
beautiful inside. Fourth, these building materials are not the best now. You sent them two days
ago to exchange items, all four of them are not worth much money."

"Oh? Really?" TaXian Jun Road, "But this sea of flowers looks very valuable."

"Those four gifts."

TaXian Jun pointed to the pond again: "This pond does not look cheap either."

"The four were exchanged for the best thing you sent."

TaXian Jun raised his ears: "The best thing?"


"What is it?" He can afford it, and so can this venerable one, if you will.

When the baker heard his words, his small eyes lit up: "Give me a drop?... Well, then, we like
the coke made by Taxian-jun!”


He is wrong.

There is one thing in the world that he is almost paranoid and doomed not to be able to afford.

That's what Chu WanNing cooked.

In this respect, Mo-zongshi is different from him. He has not experienced the life and death
years of the Wushan Palace in his previous life, nor in the suffocating loneliness, so madly
missed the dishes that are not delicious but steaming with the heat of the world. Therefore,
Mo-zongshi's craftsmanship of Chu WanNing was never a morbid possession.

On the contrary, Mo-zongshi always wanted to make his cooking recognized by more people, or
by the monsters of mountains and forests, so that Chu WanNing would be happy, and he would
be happy too.

So he heard that Cake Tyrant liked to eat the coke made by Chu WanNing. In fact, he was very
willing to share it.

But TaXian Jun is different.

TaXian Jun is like a person who has been hungry for ten years and poor for ten years. He
occupies all the cooking food of Chu WanNing in revenge. Even if it is unpalatable, he will
swallow it hungrily and thirstily. He has a stomachache and is unwilling to share it with others.
The most exaggerated thing is that once Chu WanNing had nothing to do to wrap five pieces of
bamboo flat handwriting, originally thought of putting them away and eating slowly, enough to
eat for half a month.

As a result, TaXian Jun knew that he was going to cut back to another state the next day. In
order to avoid cheapening another himself, he really ate half a month's handwriting before the
time of his son arrived.

Then Master Jimo lay in bed for three days.

So when he heard that the Baker was so covetous, he immediately angrily said, "Don't even
think about it!" Chu WanNing made coke can only be eaten in this venerable one! "

Cake Tyrant looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"It's no use crying!"

Cake Tyrant sadly wiped his eyes with his paws and claws: "Whoop..."

The emperor is indeed a bad, bad thing!

Since coke could not be replaced, TaXian Jun began to make other ideas.

"Tell this venerable one, besides coke, what else can I give you for more exquisite and valuable
monster utensils?"
Cake Tyrant choked, did not want to answer, but had to answer: "... The emperor and the
emperor can first grope for themselves and try four things for a change.

TaXian Jun frowned: "Mo-zongshi tried it like this?"

"Well." Ba Tian bowed grievantly. "You used your clothes the first two days and changed into a
flower field."

"So... So he took off his clothes... He murmured, pinched his chin and thought for a while,
feeling that he could not lose to himself.

So he also took off his robe and handed it to Cake Tyrant.

"This is the dress of this venerable one. Take a good look at it and see what you can change?"

Cake Tyrant held up his clothes and looked up and down for half a day, but he did not speak for
half a day. Just when TaXian Jun was a little impatient, he hesitated to poke half of his head
against the lotus leaf from behind his clothes.

"Emperor, change, change the forest is not my own decision, four rules, if the exchange of
rough things is not your intention, can you stop pinching my neck..."

"Say less nonsense, what on earth can I change?!"

The voice of cakes and bullies is like mosquitoes singing: "... Keep natural, pollution-free and
pollution-free... Wash, wash water..."

TaXian Jun thought he had misheard, "Foot wash water?"

"Four... Four washes of hanging water..." Cake tyrant looked like a weeping day, and then he
said, "three days in a wash, in March, nourish the essence of natural herbs. You, you will be
more powerful, stronger and more powerful than now."

When he was stiff, he looked like the bottom of a pot and said angrily, "I'm sorry to hear that."
Do you want to die?!"

"Whoop no! I don't want to!!!! Batiao Tian shook his head and burst into tears.

"Why can he change the sea of flowers? My change is washing water! Do I look like I need this
kind of thing? Ah??!"

"Whoop you don't need!"

"Think of something else! Can you change for another one?'


On TaXian Jun's horrible eyes, Cake Tyrant cried out repeatedly: "No. 4 I can decide, we also
have rules of the demon clan!"

"What rules cannot be changed? You are so absurd, believe it or not, this venerable one killed

"It's useless for you to throw me away. You've also gone around my guide!"


TaXian Jun choked and suppressed his anger.

"All right, forget it!" In the face of great events, endure the sea and the sky for a while.

He also pointed to this cake to defeat his opponent Mo-zongshi.

So he swallowed a lot of dirty words and tried to be calm, but he gritted his teeth and asked,
"Then tell this venerable one immediately what you want to get in order to change it." He
pointed to the field that had been built almost. "Better materials than these?"

"I, I can't be wordy..." the baker choked.

The emperor of Taxian jumped violently and broke through his muscles. He said angrily, "Never
say that this venerable one really cuts you!"


No way out.

In order not to be knocked flat to make sweet-scented osmanthus candy ricecake and eat out,
the Cake Tyrant had to sit on the stump, choking, and began to reveal the replacement tips to
TaXian Jun.

It took half a day in its pocket with its plump little short hand, pulled out a tattered little book of
bark, and handed it to TaXian Jun grievantly. Where else was there a little swaggering in front of
Mo-zongshi? TaXian Jun was not polite either. He took the book and turned two pages.

"Goddess of the Flower... This is not good. You can't be glad at Chu WanNing."
"Supreme cook... It's not interesting either. The craftsmanship of this venerable one is much
better than that of the cook. No one else has to do it."

Frowning disdainfully for half a day, TaXian Jun was suddenly attracted by one of them.

"Flowering rain - a cloud, will float over the pastoral courtyard after acquisition, constantly
sprinkle petals down."

TaXian Jun, who has a delicious taste, read the praise of the festival and said, "Okay, this is
good, how can I change this?"

The cake tyrant stretched out his paws weakly and turned a page for him.

Behind it was written the following words:

Exchange terms: living people.

TaXian Jun suddenly opened his eyes: "Living people? Live sacrifice?"

"... Don't think, think so bloodily.” The cake tyrant buzzed and said, "Just grab someone and
shut them inside the box... Close in, it rains, let go, it rains, it stops. Very literary and civilized!"

"Then why shut people in?"

Cake Tyrant poked his soft little finger with some embarrassment: "Because there is no other
person in the box, in fact, the fourth year cake in our village can run around with the door, grab
and catch them, so that everyone can visit."

"You demons, visitors?"

Cake Tyrant continued to rub his hands with embarrassment: "Four or four ah."

"That's a great story! How could this venerable one do such absurd things! "

Cake Tyrant: "You can also not change these, these things for living people, are the highest, but
you can also change a level of..."

"Wait a minute."

As soon as TaXian Jun heard the highest level, he raised his hand and interrupted it. "Are all the
living people the best?"

"Yes, yes."
TaXian Jun snapped shut the bark book and embraced his arms with righteousness and

"Whom are you going to catch?"

Chu WanNing thought Mo Ran was abnormal these days.

First it was Mo-zongshi, staying awake in the middle of the night, lying naked on the ground and
pressing Goutou.

Then it was Taxian Jun. He confined himself mysteriously in the kitchen for half a day, saying
that he was going to make pie, but when lunch time came, he didn't even send out the flour.
When he asked him what he had been doing for so long, he answered that he was thinking
about life.

What is more odd is that TaXian Jun only appears once in three days. He likes to be entangled
with him most on weekdays. Although he occasionally goes downhill in the daytime and makes
some secrets of his own, he will come before dinner, and he always carries a jar of good wine or
a box of snacks in his hand. Don't be embarrassed and hand them to him.

But today is different. They did not eat the pie at noon, boiled some noodles, and then Taxian
Jun said he had to go out.

Chu WanNing asked, "What do you want to eat in the evening? Let me do it."

TaXian Jun hesitated for a moment. It seemed that he was engaged in a fierce ideological
struggle. At last, he said abnormally, "No, this venerable one will come back very late tonight.
You don't have to wait. Go to bed earlier."

Chu WanNing open his phoenix eyes wide.

This is...

Seven years itch?

But seven years don't seem to have arrived, or has it passed?

—— That's it. Chu WanNing completely forgot that his birthday was coming.

But in fact, for the former Chu WanNing, birthdays were not a particularly beautiful thing.
When he was a child and was with Huai Zhiu in Wubei Temple, in the first few years, he would
deliberately give him some small things to play with and pastries on this day. Every time, he was
very happy, holding a wooden sword or a sweet snack, looking at the monk, smiling and saying
“thank you, shizun. Shizun treats me very well.”

Huai Zhui’s look at that time seemed to be pricked somewhere.

But at that time, Chu WanNing did not know that he was bearing the pain of guilt inside.

Later, from a certain year on, the Huai Zhui suddenly stopped giving him birthday gifts. Of
course, snacks and other things often happened. The monk would pull them out by magic from
his broad and elegant sleeves, but not necessarily stick to the day of his birthday.

Chu WanNing thought that if he grew up, he would not celebrate his birthday every year.

He asked if it was true to cherish sin. After a while, he looked at the evergreen giant cypress in
the Zen Temple all the year round and touched the head of Tanning. He said, "Yes, Tanning is
very big. In a few years, it will be a weak crown."

At that time, he did not look into his eyes. When he said these words, he kept looking at the
twilight sun.

A bright red reflection on the horizon was in the monk's eyes.

Like blood.

Chu WanNing had no reason to feel guilty. His face was very complex. He was not deep in the
world. He had seen many words only in books, but he never found concrete expression in his
life. At that moment, he seemed to realize that his guilty face was half cruel and half sad.

He didn't know why Master had such an expression when he mentioned his weak crown, but he
just felt blocked and saddened by the sorrow of being guilty.

He stood up, while the guilty man was still sitting next to him. He had the courage to touch the
guilty man's bald head and coax the great monk in front of him clumsily.

"Master, don't be unhappy. When I am weak, I will give you my birthday."

There was a stiffness of guilt and then a drop in the head.

Chu did not see his face in the shadows at that time.

Half a time with guilt, he laughed hoarsely and said, "No grown-up man can live this day... It's
only a child.“ After a pause, Chu WanNing got up before he could say more.
The broad monk's robes and gowns floated in the evening breeze. At that time, the monk's
figure was so tall. When he stood up, he covered all the oblique sunshine bloodstains that fell
on Chu WanNing.

"It's not too early. There's something to go out for the teacher. You... Hello, late study."

He left without looking back.

Later, after a long period of more than 20 years, Chu WanNing never received a sentence of
"Happy Birthday". No one ever wished him another year, wishing him well for the rest of his

Until returning to Nanping.

Until this time, he finally had his own life stability, Mo Ran will sincerely read his birthday, want
to make up for the past years. Unfortunately, this concern is too late. Chu WanNing has been
used to being forgotten in the loneliness of the past.

He was used to forgetting himself.

Yuheng elder, who can't remember the "birthday" at all, frowned in the courtyard and fell into
deep thought. What happened to Mo Ran?

Is there anything he's been unhappy about lately?

Or is there something big going on outside?

Otherwise, no matter whether it was Mo-zongshi or Taxian Jun, they were both very strange
these days...
Part 6
Not yet.

Four hours before Chu WanNing's birthday.

Taxian Jun steadily landed on the beams of the study on the lonely moonlit night, and could not
help shouting cheers for himself in his heart. Time is so tight that only he can move freely
between heaven and earth. After all, Royal Sword can not be so fast, and can not travel around
the world in a short time, but he is different, he will be able to space teleportation.

Taxian Jun was too proud of himself.

"All over the sky, rain and clouds, need to capture the level of human beings `Esais'- ginger,
evening Cen, ginger Tibetan Gate, in order to exchange." Tyrant Cake’s words were still in his

And I was very vigilant and serious at that time and asked, "What is the level of 'Essex'?"

"Then there are four demons." "Cake Ba Heavenly Way," on the four verbose, not hard to catch,
four by our demon clan labeled as the thinning of human beings.

Hard to catch?

Taxian Jun gave a cold hum in his heart.

It depends on who gets out of the horse. For him, it's not difficult to catch Jiang's night sinking.

He looked down from the girders painted with gold and vermilion. Jiang was so happy and quiet
at night that he hated being in contact with people. Therefore, there was no boy in the room.
He was alone, sitting by the window, reading books.

Jiang Xi has been badly injured since the war and has been in poor health. He was originally a
man of manly stature and dignity, but he spent months on his bed and lost a lot of weight. Now
he is still very thin, but his appearance is so pale that he is somewhat lacking in authority and
shows some morbid decadence and beauty.

But beauty is beautiful. Although Taxian Jun's aesthetics is not faulty, he knows that Jiang
Yechen is a rare beauty, but what's more, he has seen more beautiful people in his life, and he
has not learned to pity the jade.
Taxian Jun, who did not know how to pity Xianyu, looked at Jiang Yechen for a while, finally
found an angle, took out the box in his arms, and clicked open the wooden box.——

"Go ahead, you'll have everything in your mind!"

He threw it down like a rainbow and hit the melon seeds in the back of Jiang Xi's head.

In his imagination, the moment the box touches Jiang Xi's head, Jiang Xi should send out a
white light, then the "whip" is absorbed by the box quickly, the lid "bang" is closed quickly, the
box vibrates and struggles, and finally ends in calm.

Then he recaptured Essex's level of ginger nightfall and could get the clouds.

Unfortunately, when the wooden box was about to touch Jiang Xi, the seemingly sick door of
Jiang Zhang suddenly disappeared and swept away. The broad blue and gold clothes on the
door flowed with silk and satin, and instantly flashed into the middle of the study.

Perfect evasion!

Things fell to the ground in a box, and Jiang Xi stared at it and raised her head gloomily. "What
are you doing?" she said.

Before the word "man" was spoken, Taxian Jun walked down from the beams and waved his
palm. He summoned a scarlet chain of spiritual power and swept straight towards Jiangxi.

Jiang Xi's face changed and her sleeves swept back to avoid the second attack.

Taxian Jun sneered and said, "Okay, one or two but three. The third time I see you can still run

The so-called "twelve but three" is actually the first recovery of Jiang Zhangmen's serious
illness, who was bullied by Xianjun. Jiang Xi had dealt with him in his last life, and he did a lot of
tricks under his hands. Finally, he was subdued to violence. But at the moment, Jiang Xi was
caught off guard, never killed her breath, and she was still very weak.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to avoid the third attack of Taxian Jun.

When the scarlet chain struck again, Jiang Xi could have flicked away, but there was a sudden
sweetness in his throat, which just flickered so fast that his sickness surged up and he couldn't
help choking.

A master will lose if he makes a mistake.

Jiang nightfall was instantly locked in a chain, lost his center of gravity, and suddenly fell to the

He gasped, raised his apricot eyes, stared at the past fiercely, but when he saw the face of
Taxian Jun, he was shocked: "... Is it you?

"Don't worry, this venerable one won't kill— "

Before he had finished speaking, he heard Jiang Xi angrily say, "Who sent you to humiliate me?"

"How did this venerable one humiliate you?" Taxian Jun said curiously.

Jiang Xi couldn't break the rope and turned blue with anger. "Did Xue Meng send you here?"

Taxian Jun was even more surprised: "What is the relationship with Xue Meng? What festivals
do you have with him? Why does he humiliate you?"

Jiang Xi bit her thin lips and stopped talking. A few slightly disordered forehead hair hung over
his icy pale face. A pair of apricot eyes stared at him in the dark light in the corner of the study.

"... Pop, wait a minute." Taxian Jun frowned and found that things were not simple. "Why did
this venerable one suddenly feel that your eyes are a little familiar with ah?" It seems that
there's somebody like you..."

Jiang Xi was stiff. She immediately turned her face, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Taxian Jun habitually stretched out his hand to break off his face, but before his fingertips
touched Jiang Xi's chin, he suddenly thought that it was not appropriate. This action was
somewhat ambiguous. Although he had no other intention but to observe Jiang Yechen's eyes
again, he would probably be unhappy if he wished to know in the evening.

So he quickly took back his hand and wiped his fingertips exaggeratedly on his clothes to prove
his innocence.

Forget it, who does Jiang Xi look like? Anyway, he is not interested in Jiang Yesheng's affairs.

Grab it and grab it! Put Jiang Xi in a sack and add color clouds to it!

With this in mind, Taxian Jun turned his suspicion into joy, raised his fingertips and directed
Jiang Xi across the chain of spiritual power, drifting in the direction of thinking things into

How did Jiang Xi ever receive such treatment? "Let me down!" he said angrily.
Taxian Jun did not listen at all. After commanding the chain, he put his arms around him and
laughed playfully. "When you go in, let you go down. The space inside is very wide. You can rest
assured that this venerable one is not interested in you. Tomorrow, you finish your task, and
the day after tomorrow, this venerable one will set you free."

"You look for death!!!"

Jiang Xi's nose was so angry that she wanted to scold again, but she was chained to the wooden
box. The chain circled behind him and poked him on the back.

"Come in, you."

"You...!" Jiang Xi scolded half, suddenly turned the whole into a ray of light, and was absorbed
into a box of thoughts by the instantaneous powerful evil spirit.

Taxian Jun was so proud that he bent over and picked up the wooden box and snorted, "Revolt
against this venerable one? It's not like you have to put your hands together.

Just after saying this, he suddenly heard footsteps outside the study, Taxian Jun for a meal.


Come and stop at the door, tap softly two times, gentle way: "Father, decoction is ready, you
should drink medicine."

Oh... Is it Jiang Yechen's cheap son? Taxian Jun restrained to smile, which can be a little
troublesome, to let dry son see that he tied his father, not to fight with himself?

Although he was happy to fight, it was important to prepare gifts for Chu Wanning's birth. If we
can't fight, we should take the best course.

Taxian Jun thought that before the other party came in, he opened the transmission array and
sent himself to the nearby Yangzhou Port.

Outside the study on the lonely moonlit night, Jiang Xi's adopted son knocked on the door for
half a day without a response, frowned for a moment, hesitated, and coughed softly. "Please
forgive the presumption of the younger generation." Raise your hand and squeak open the

After entering the door, he opened his gentle eyes in astonishment and said, "My righteous
I saw only an empty room, a volume of books lying in front of the window, marking the ink was
not dry, and Jiang Xi did not know where to go.

No time

There are still three hours to go before Chu Wanning's birthday.

Because of the crowding of people in the streets and alleys, he grabbed the roof of Yangzhou
City and took a nap beside the lofty top of Wenfeng Pagoda, where he leaped to the top of
Wenfeng Pagoda with golden pink and fluttered clothes.

Down here, you can see the streets far away. It's near evening, pedestrians are knitting on the
road, but the top of the tower is very clear.

He yawned, put his arm behind his head, fell on the tile top and looked at the gradually burning
clouds in the sky. Very well, Jiang Xi had caught them, and there were flying flowers in the box.
Chu Wanning must have liked them.

It's too early for him to catch a few more so-called "Essex" people.

With this in mind, Taxian Jun reached into his skirt and found an old bark pamphlet of Baba,
with a few twisted words on the title page, "Outline of Ethnic Observation". He turned it over
and squinted at a few.

"Esais is quite a lot." As he watched, he touched his chin and murmured to himself, "But the
writing is too incomplete. It only shows the monks who want to observe Nian Cake, but it
doesn't say what they can change if they catch it."

But then he thought, that's okay. Anyway, the cake tyrant said that all these high-level people
can get is good stuff. They have energy. They just keep people in cages. This business is not bad.

"Jiang Xi, Ma Yun, Xuan Ji elder..." Looking at each other, I suddenly saw myself and Chu
Wanning were among them.

Taxian Jun was a little angry. He thought that these rogue officials and thieves dared to observe
the emperor and the Beidou immortal. What a bold man! But on second thought, if there were
no two of them, they would be looked down upon.

With this in mind, Taxian Jun was angry again.

He roughly read all the people in the booklet "Es Ais", and thought, "This is the nearest Peach
Bud Villa. It's better to grab Ma Yun in first and see what can be changed."
As soon as he said that he would do it, he flew down the pagoda immediately, intending to
capture the second rare people at Taobao Villa.

But before he opened the space transmission array, he heard a familiar voice behind him:
"Hey? Isn't this Mo-xiong?

Taxian Jun was shocked. He went out in a cloak. Who was so eyesore that a blurred figure could
tell his identity?

He suddenly turned around and saw a handsome man with long pale golden hair and Jasper
eyes standing outside the painted yellow courtyard wall of Wenfeng Monastery. His skin was a
pale ivory color, whiter than the magnolia tree out of the courtyard wall.

A blonde man with deep facial features, lips and hands on his back, leaned against the temple
wall and looked at him with a smile.

"Coincidentally, I didn't expect to find Mo-xiong in Yangzhou."

"Snow in plum?"

Mei Hanxue smiled and said, "Well, long time no see."

Taxian Jun did not like Mei Hanxue. He was stabbed by Xue Meng in his last life. Xue Meng
could ignore it, but he was still unhappy with Mei Hanxue, a fellow who was angry with Xue

But besides Chu Wanning, he was not very interested in other people, and did not understand
Mei Hanxue brothers. He could not immediately distinguish the twins from their expressions
and gestures.

So he wrinkled his brows and swept his eyes. When he saw that there was only a blonde man
here, he asked, "Are you big or small?"

"..." Mei Hanxue is very clever. Naturally, he is different from Taxian Jun. In a word, with a few
expressions, he knows that he has mistaken his personality.

I am afraid this is the personality of Emperor Taxian in his previous life, not the personality of
Mo-zongshi, which he is familiar with.

If I knew it, I would not say hello.

But now that the voice has come out, Mei Hanxue has to smile, but the enthusiasm in his eyes
has faded a lot. He answered, "I haven't asked Mo-xiong whether he is old or young. Why did
Mo-xiong first ask me whether I am big or small?"

"What's old? You are the old one!" said the emperor.

Mei Hanxue shook his head and laughed, "How can you be alone in Yangzhou? What about
Chu-zongshi, is he not with you?”

This reminds him of a meal of TaXian Jun.

He came to Yangzhou to catch Jiangxi.

Jiangxi is Ais. It can turn clouds into clouds.

Hey... Wait a minute. Mei Hanxue is Essex too!

Taxian Jun's eyes are bright. It seems that before he goes to catch Ma Yun, he can catch
another rare one first.

"..." Mei Hanxue is very good at observing his words and looks. When he sees his different
appearance, he can't help stepping back and vigilantly wanted to take out his weapons.
However, Taxian Jun moved faster than he did, like a black flash of illumination coming close to

"Mo-xiong, you --!"

Before Mei Hanxue could say more, he could see that Taxian Jun opened an ugly wooden box
and pressed it against his head.

"What is it?"

Taxian Jun said, "Put your sack on!"

"Mo-xiong --!"

A golden flash flashed.

Mei Hanxue disappeared.

Taxian Jun quickly covered the box, the handsome face showed a malicious smile, purple and
black eyes flashed the light of ambition, triumphantly said: "Grab another one."

Where can Mo-zongshi's small wood, small shells and small flowers compare with his Ais ethnic
group? Only when Mo-zongshi wins his favor this time can he be a ghost!

He shook the box satisfactorily, opened the transmission array and went to Taobao Villa to
catch the third person, Ma Yun.

At the same time, inside the box of thoughts.

Mei Hanxue was suddenly snatched in and fell on his knees unsteadily. He got up from the
ground, coughed, dusted his robe and looked around with blue eyes.

As far as he can see, there were mountains and rivers, fairylands, trees and grass are different
from the rest of the world. Flowers are floating in the sky, lotus ponds are flowing with gold,
houses are exquisite and magnificent, and there is also a large field of flowers with the sound of
tinkling elegant music.

This place... is... Where?

He looked at it suspiciously, and suddenly saw a man lying on the ground, shackled by chains,
humiliated on the ground, stained with dust and unable to move. However, Mei Hanxue had
been with numerous people and was very sensitive to good looks. Even though he was very
confused and far away at the moment, he still knew that he was a very beautiful person by
looking at his silhouette alone.


This beauty… is... Who?

Part 7
At present, Mei Hanxue always pays attention to her appearance. He brushed the dust off his
body, raised his hand and tied up some messy blonde hair, pulled up a neater ponytail behind
him to make sure he was not so messy, so he cautiously went to the unfortunate ghost lying on
the ground in the distance.

It's not that Mei Hanxue is too calm to be sent to a strange place and cares so indifferently
about whether his clothes are wrinkled, his hair is untidy and his partner is beautiful.

It is because he knows that Mo Ran is now under the control of Chu Wanning. It is impossible
for him to do anything harmful to nature and reason. Besides, there is no evil and murderous
spirit in this place - except for the sad lady lying there.

However, as he approached, he could see more clearly the face of the "beauty" and suddenly
opened his blue eyes.

Although it’s dull again, Mei Hanxue was somewhat surprised: "Jiang... Lord?"

Jiang Xi was tightly bound and frowned. He was really a pig. He was so glad to have thrown him
in. He forgot to spell it out for him.

Mei Hanxue was speechless for a moment. She quickly walked over and half knelt down to
check Jiangxi's condition.

Taxian Jun's chain is the kind that the other side struggles and gets tighter. Jiang Xi's noble
person, of course, has never suffered such humiliation, and has been trying to break it, but the
result is extremely tight. Mei Hanxue noticed that his wrist, which is tied back, has been worn
even skin, deep red marks.

"... Lord Jiang?

More disturbing is that Jiang Xi may have been ill and failed to take medicine in time, so at this
time he had already passed out. Ren Meihan-xue called him several times, and he did not show
any signs of waking up.

Mei Hanxue can't help feeling frustrated. Alas, when I went out today, I really didn't see the
Huang Calendar. How could I encounter such troubles?

To be honest, Mei Hanxue is somewhat hostile to Jiangxi. At the foot of the SiSheng Peak,
because he could not bear to see Jiang Xi's willingness to accompany those who condemned
the summit of death and life, he sneered at Jiang Xi. Mei Hanxue had always been light and
breezy. He could not understand Jiang Xi's persistence in power, let alone the way that Jiang Xi
was restrained and put up in a high cabinet when he became the Lord of the Ten Gates School.

What's more, Xue Meng and Jiang Xi have always been out of line, and the relationship always
seems to be somewhat delicate.

Mei Hanxue is naturally close to Xue Meng, so I don't like Jiang Xi more and more. Otherwise,
how could a person with exquisite heart like him before give a cold face to the world's richest
man and respectful master so clearly?

Mei Hanxue has some headaches.

Why did Jiang Xi fall unconscious?

No way, no one left or right, he had to take care of it.

Mei Hanxue raised her hand and probed the neck of Jiangxi's collar, which was overlapping. She
felt that the pulsation was extremely disordered, and the skin touched was burning fiercely.

Mei Hanxue's heart is not good. He stops and calls out:

"Wake up."


"Lord Jiang, wake up soon!"

There was no movement.

Mei Hanxue was not optimistic, so he had to sit down on his knees and take his wrist pulse to
give him the Kunlun Snow-treading Therapy for a while to ease, but once his spiritual power
was lost, Mei Hanxue felt the chaotic Yanyang bumping in Jiangxi's body, which was a kind of
fierce magic gas running around him.

Jiang Zunzhu was seriously injured during the war. Although he barely recovered his life, his
body gradually became abnormal.

That's what I think.

Fortunately, Mei Hanxue was able to heal the water system. After pressing his dry fire for a
while, Jiang Xi finally slowed down a little.
He frowned slightly, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and slowly opened his apricot eyes.

The eyes looked very loose, everything inside was chaotic, and seemed to be suppressing
something. Jiang Xi half opened for a moment, closed her eyes again, and in his high voice, tired
and tired, "Medicine..."

Mei Hanxue said helplessly, "There is no medicine."

Hearing his voice, Jiang Xi was still drowsy at the beginning, but after a while, he suddenly came
to his senses. He suddenly opened his eyes and coughed in a hurry.

"You... Why are you?

"Otherwise who do you think it is?"

When Mei Hanxue asked this question, he realized it first. He looked at Jiang Xi's appearance
when she was just awakened, and his tone of command was taken for granted. Ninety-nine
times out of ten, she burned her head and regarded herself as someone on his lonely moonlit

"I thought you were..." Jiang Xi's dry and pale lips moved, trying to say something, but a wave
of evil fire came up, forcing him to shiver slightly, and cold sweat soaked his underwear.
Suddenly he closed his eyes, snapped his lower lip, and tried to suppress something.

Mei Hanxue knows that he always loves the limelight, likes face and does not want to be

He must be very uncomfortable to look like that in front of his younger generation.

Although Mei Hanxue did not like him, he did not hate him. Besides, Mei Hanxue was always
kind-hearted and did not like to see people suffer, especially beauty suffer.

In her heart, Jiang Xi hates it.

But good looks are really good.

Mei Hanxue sighed and asked, "Lord Jiang, can you sit up?" I'll get you through the cold. You
should be more comfortable."

He wanted to help him.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xi's shoulder had not been touched before he was violently torn away.
Jiang Xi gasped and raised her eyes at once. The apricot eyes were bright and moist. They were
like beasts trapped in cages. They were painful and vigilant. He said hoarsely:"... Don't touch


"Get out of my way... Ten feet away... No, the farther the better."

Mei Hanxue said silently, "But you are sick..."

Jiang Xi's forehead was wet and sweaty, and her neck and carotid arteries were beating
suddenly. She said angrily, "Do you have any medicine?"

"... No."

"That's not going to go yet?!"


Mei Hanxue had nothing to say. He thought Jiang Xi was really a wonderful flower. After a
while, he talked rationally and not at all. Before that, he also talked to Xue Meng. After a while,
he was very fierce and after a while, he was okay. This man was really... Somehow...

The atmosphere of plum snow and Jiangxi is stiff here. On the roof, Cake Butian Cola blossoms,
hiding under lotus leaves and peeping. Good wife! Yes, there are two Es to watch! It needs to
look quietly to see if they can fight or not!

Yeah, look in the dark!

As long as it is silent, no one can find it, BAHA ha ha ha!!

Not yet.

There are still two hours to go before Chu Wanning's birth.

Xue Meng sat in the palace of Danxin Hall and stared at the unexpected rain.

"What do you mean? I don't understand you."

Taxianjun also turned a wicker which had just been broken from Taobao Villa - when it was
really cheap to pick up passengers, he went to catch people, but rushed to empty, the owner of
the villa went out to swim in the clouds, not in the villa.
Taxian Jun thought for a moment, the rest of the "Es Ah", or Xue Meng had better catch, or
even do not catch, deception can be.

So he turned around and came to the SiSheng Peak.

Xue Meng stared at him. "What is it that you invite me to play in the box? Are there any
mistakes? I have a lot of things on hand. How can I play with you?

Taxianjun mysteriously said, "this venerable one guarantees that you will be surprised when
you go in."

Xue Meng was upset when he was approving the files. He had no good way to say, "Mo Ran, do
you have -"

Before the word "sickness" was uttered, Xue Meng thought unexpectedly, oh, no!

His birthday is approaching. Mo Ran asked him what gift he wanted before.

So is this ugly box just like...


Xue Meng looked down at the wooden box on the table between them and turned angry.

Mo Ran said, after entering there is a surprise, that must be his birthday gift! It's too bad that I
didn't react immediately and I didn't have a good temper towards ink.

With this in mind, Xue Meng could not help feeling embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Cough..." He coughed softly and said, "You're too... It's too early."

"Morning?" Taxianjun was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what he was talking about,
but he responded quickly and kindly, "No sooner, no sooner. It's too late. Get in now."

Xue Mengba made a couple of mouths, peered at the box secretly and tried to refuse it again
with restraint, but his curiosity was strong and he still had the upper hand in hesitation.

Xue Meng, who couldn't help smiling, said, "Xie Lao Ge, then I'll go in."


Although Taxianjun does not know why, as long as Xue Meng can go in, it is good.

He immediately blushed and said, "You're welcome, please!"

When Xue Meng also turned into a golden light and disappeared, Taxian Jun clicked on the lid
of the box and was very happy -- "the third one."

Only a few hours later, he caught the rare people Jiangxi, Meihanxue, Xue Meng, and the
emperor Taxian was still young.

In two hours, he can catch it again!

Xuan Ji and the corrupt wolf on the top of death and life are also the people of "Es Ais". These
two can't be let go either!

With great ambition, Taxianjun gathered the wooden boxes into the skirts of his robes, put on
his cloak and headed for the residence of the elders.

At this time, the mind is in the box.

Xue Meng stared at everything in front of him, the golden running water, the Yale fields, the
rain and the ice crystal windmill.

However, all the wonderful scenery can not shake the two people in the courtyard.

Mei Hanxue, the elder brother of Kunlun Taxue Palace, kneels half in front of Jiang Yechen,
Jiang Zhangmen, on the lonely moon night in Yangzhou. He is frowning and talking to him. Jiang

Xue Meng took a cool breath.

Mei Hanxue actually locked Jiangxi with a chain!

Jiang Xi seems to have been cruelly tortured! His face looks so ugly, his forehead is messy, his
cheeks are sweaty and his eyes are flushed. That's what it is.——

Xue Meng suddenly shouted, "Mei Hanxue! What are you doing?!"

Mei Hanxue looked back blankly. When he saw Xue Meng striding towards himself, he felt his
nose. Before he was surprised and greeted Xue Meng, he was picked up by Xue Meng with one
hand and his skirt on the ground.

Xue Meng pointed at Jiang Xi with another finger, pushed his nose and face, and said to Mei
Hanxue, "Who made you do this? You let him go!!!!

Mei Hanxue: "???"

"No, Xue Zhangmen, don't be so excited..."

"Although Jiang Yechen is not a human being, it's not your turn to clean up! Why did you tie
him up?"

Mei Hanxue was shocked for a moment and thought it over. He couldn't help laughing and
pulling his sleeve: "Xue Ziming... You are really... Well, what are you thinking about? What am I
doing with him?"

In response to him was Xue Meng's angry punch: "How do I know what you tied him up to do?"
I'm not as perverted as you are! You still don't let go?!"

"..." Mei Hanxue was scolded for pervert without any reason, and felt very wronged.

Brother, he wants to let it go. Question chain is tied by the immortal monarch, who can untie

Just now, Xue Meng and Mei Hanxue were quarrelling with each other, while Jiang Xi closed her
eyes and didn't want to look at them. Suddenly, outside the courtyard, there were two loud

Xue Meng turned his head and was shocked again. "Elder Xuan Ji, elder corrupt wolf?"

It was Xuan Ji with a blank face and the angry wolf who appeared in the box of thoughts.

"Why did you come in?"

Tan Lang scolded angrily, "It's not the man who burns the ink. Without saying a word, take a
broken box and press it on the forehead of both of us. He's looking for death!"

Xuan Ji sighed, "Then we are here."

Xue Meng: "..."

Xuan Ji looked around and asked, "Where is this?" Lord, why are you here? And Mei Xianjun
and Jiang..." Seeing Jiang Xi bound by chains, Xuan Ji's face suddenly changed and he was
surprised and said, "Ah, Lord Jiang?!"

That's all right. The head of the world's largest faction was tied up in such a humiliating way and
thrown between the fields. There are still people on top of death and life around. What should
we do with this account?
Mei Hanxue, the only one who is not at the SiSheng Peak, touched his nose and said, "I was also
transported by my brother Mohist. Although this Lord Jiang Zunzhong was reluctant to talk to
me, he should have been captured here by his brother Mohist. That's right." Suddenly he
looked at the corrupt wolf elder and said, "Your excellency is the elder who is healed at the top
of death and life."

Tan Lang said angrily, "What's the matter?"

Mei Hanxue said, "Lord Jiang seems to be in a bad condition. I am an amateur. I only slowed
down a little. Please help him to heal his wounds."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xi's face turned pale and immediately stopped, "No need."

"But you..."

"Take another time to simmer the fragrance." Jiang Xi closed her eyes, slightly moved her
throat knot and slowly breathed in the wet air. "I'll be fine by myself... Not Raul and so on."

Since Jiang Xi had to persist in this way and refused to let anyone touch him, others had no
choice but to let him go.

Mei Hanxue and Xue Meng walked through the world created by boxes of thoughts. Mei
Hanxue asked, "Why did you come in?"

Xue Mengganba said, "Because this is a birthday gift from Mo Ran to me."

Mei Hanxue was surprised: "Birthday Congratulations?... But your birthday hasn't arrived yet?"

"Send it off early." Xue Mengdao, looking at the landscape and pastoral. Since Xuan Ji and Tan
Lang came in, there suddenly appeared stars shining all over the sky. Although it was dusk, the
nebulae formed by these magic powers were still shining. In the field, there are also many
fragrant flowers, sniffing at the tip of the nose, sweet and pleasant, unlike the common flavor.

"The place is a good place." Xue Meng said, "I don't know why he wants to catch you all."

Mei Hanxue thought for a moment, "Maybe I want to be lively and celebrate your birthday?"

Xue Meng, tired of walking, sat on the ridges of the fields and watched the rolling golden wheat
waves, the flying willow catkins and the vast sky.

Xue Zhengyong started from scratch. When Xue Meng was very young, he was very
embarrassed at the top of his life and death for some time, but even so, his parents never made
up for his birthday.
Almost every year, he is surrounded by praise, favor and congratulations. Xue Zhengyong
always gives him the best things he can. Mrs. Wang will cook him a bowl of longevity noodles
with full color, fragrance and flavor.

He spent more than twenty years like this, and he was infinitely happy.

Until he had no parents.

For a long time, Xue Zhengyong and Wang Chuqing are like two mountains, across Xue Meng's
life, so that he can not see the horror of death and aging, so that he has always maintained a
fearless innocence and brilliance.

After they left, Xue Meng's heart lost its shelter, and his pain and cruelty hit his flesh and blood.
Suddenly, he understood what is impossible, what is helpless and what is death.

However, because of their unreserved love, Xue Meng, though overconfident and arrogant,
always has a heart of gold. In the small phoenix's jumping and shouting body, it is always loaded
with kindness, gentleness and compassion belonging to Wang Chuqing, and with integrity,
strength and magnanimity belonging to Xue Zhengyong.

This is the fire they left in Shu, which will follow the road of the SiSheng Peak.

Mei Hanxue walked up to him and sat down. The wind blew through his long, pale blond hair.
He pushed it to his ear and turned to Xue Meng and said, "That's all... I wish you a happy
birthday in advance.


Xue Meng crushed the earth with his toes meaninglessly and hummed, "Don't care."

"Brother Mo is very careful to make such a beautiful world for you." Mei Hanxue's arms
stretched back and a line of geese flew across the sky. He laughed. "If it weren't for his brother,
I would think you were his sweetheart. He took so much trouble to prepare gifts for you and
surprise you."

Xue Meng hummed again, "Take you in for the birthday celebration. I think it's almost

Mei Hanxue didn't mind. He laughed and said, "But he's prepared so well that it's better to give
you gifts from my brother than to go down..."

When you find yourself losing your voice, shut up immediately.

Xue Meng, the gift-taking maniac, immediately raised his ears. "Mei Hanxue is ready for me,

"... Yeah." That's terrible. I missed my word.

"What did he prepare for me?"

"... I won't tell you."

Xue Meng stared at him, stared for a moment, and felt that it was impossible to pull anything
out of Meihan's snowy mouth. He had to turn his face away sadly. He pretended not to be
curious and looked at the scenery for a while.

Mei Hanxue asked, "But then again... Why did Brother Mok grab Jiang Yesheng into the box for
you? Is Jiang Zhangmen familiar with you?

Xue Meng stiffened for a moment and said, "No. Not at all."

What is Jiang Xi? He is indifferent and ungrateful. He can't compare with his father, Xue
Zhengyong. He can't match his mother.

At this time, the elder Xuan Ji shouted at them in the far yard. It seemed that someone had
been caught by the ink and thrown in. With the man's entry, a fairy mist was floating in the box.

Xue Meng did not need to discuss Jiang Xi's affairs with Mei Hanxue. He got up and dusted the
ashes and strode toward the courtyard.

The evening breeze blew the wheat waves to him, and he paused for a moment, suddenly a
slight sour gush came from the bottom of his heart.

He felt that the breeze was like the hands of Mrs. Wang and Xue Zhengyong, gently touching his
brows, eyes and forehead.

There will be no more birthday wishes from them.

Xue Meng couldn't help looking down, and his long eyelashes covered the gloom in his eyes.

Mei Hanxue walked up to him and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"... Nothing. Xue Meng whispered.

But he thought that he had at least such a warm home, a pair of parents who loved him and
spoiled him. They sheltered him from the rain for more than 20 years. They loved him,
respected him and protected him every moment of every day. We spent so many unforgettable
birthdays with him.
Part 8
When Xue Meng thought like this, Chu Wanning sneezed in Nanping Mountain.

Not yet.

There is still one last hour before his birthday.

But Chu didn't realize that. He and Mo Ran had been in Nanping Mountain for only two years.
In the previous two lives, the tens of millions of years, it was too difficult for him to live. Those
who are accustomed to bitterness and suddenly taste sweetness are not so stable or used to it.

—— He is Xue Meng's eye, the kind of person who has never been spoiled.

At least in the past.

It's late at night, and it's going to be midnight soon, but the ink hasn't come back yet.

Chu WanNing stood in front of the green bamboo wood, put on a single dress, held Goutou and
looked for a while, but he could not see the Mo Ran. In the evening, when he was dewy, he
rolled up his hands, coughed a few times, frowned, and the dog raised his head and patted his
side face, making a "whine" pleasant sound.

Chu WanNing looked down and asked, "Are you sleepy?"


He put it down and said, "Go back to the house and sleep. I'll wait a little longer."


Pagoda lanterns woven from bamboo sticks are covered with silk paper, swaying gently under
the eaves of the courtyard door. Bright yellow candlelight spreads on Chu's elegant and smooth
face, and glitters on his brows, eyes and shoulders, making him look more sharp and gentle
than plain. Goutou went to the corner of his robe and barked around him.

"Don't want to go back?"


Chu WanNing then lifted it up again, pointing its small, wet and cool black nose at the tip of his
nose: "Okay, then you can continue to wait with me."

But Goutou is not reluctant, Chu Wanning and its communication is not so comfortable, I do not
know why each time Mo Ran and Goutou can quickly understand each other's meaning, he is
much slower.

He pondered for a while before he realized, "You want me to go to bed, don't stand here?"


Goutou was happy because the owner finally understood what he meant. He wagged his tail
and jumped in place.

"Wait a little longer."

"Wang Wang Wang!" It's been a long time!

"Don't you want to go back to bed alone?"

"Wang Wang!"

Chu WanNing saw it shaking its head and tail, can not help but think of the day, Mo Ran before
leaving with his own words - early rest, do not care about him.

"... Night does not end, when the wings are really hard. Chu WanNing sighed, looking
somewhat unhappy. Seeing Goutou pleading eagerly, he finally looked back at the path up the
hill, closed his hands behind the yard door, and took Goutou back to the house.

Who knows that sleepiness is not so easy to fall asleep.

Chu Wanning left a lamp for Mo to light up and shake. He curled up in bed with his eyes closed
and began to dream dimly. In spite of his usual calm and plain appearance, his body, which
bears the souls and memories of two generations, is uneasy in the end.

In the first few months of his retirement from Nanping Mountain, he woke up almost every

After a while, I dreamed of the pale face of the emperor Taxian Jun who was assassinated by
Xue Meng in Wushan Hall. It was ghostly and gloomy against the thunderstorm outside the hall.

After a while, I dreamed that outside Tianyin Pavilion, Mo Ran knelt on the ground, blood
poured out from my chest and asked him with a choke, saying, Master, have I paid off? Have I
been clean?
He dreamed of the death of the SiSheng Peak, of the silence of guilt.

In his dream, he said to him, Chu Wanning, this venerable one hates you very much.

In my dream, it was Nanping Mountain. On that snowy night, Mo Ran said, "WanNing, I will
always love you."

But after Mo Ran said this sentence, he slowly lost his heartbeat, leaving him with only one
night of sadness and despair. He could not forget the unspeakable feeling at that time. Every
time he dreamed about it, he would wake up with his grieving pain. He could not even
recognize the geometry of the years. He could not help but rely on the past, repeatedly
confirming that the sleepers around him had breathing and heartbeat, and that pain would
gradually fade away.

But in the latter half of the night, they no longer slept soundly. From time to time, they wanted
to open their eyes, look at their Mo Ran faces, and look at the peaceful sleeping faces of young
people today.

Later, he was found so strange by Mo Ran.

That day was the personality of Taxianjun, a lonely man who wandered in the empty Wushan
Palace for many years. At a glance, he could understand why Chu Wanning was suffering and
why he did not sleep at night. So Taxian Jun said nothing, opened his arms and held him tightly
in his arms.

Over the years, across the flesh and blood, the heartbeat is strong and powerful to pass on to
the people in the arms.

Dispel the shadow of nightmare.

Taxian Jun kissed the top of his hair and coaxed him in a low voice: "... All right. Late Ning, it's all

Chu WanNing did not say a word, Xu is dead face, do not want to lose face.

But Taxianjun could feel the wet skirts of his obscene clothes, with warm tears in his heart.
Clearly not a hot thing, but let his whole heart are hot, trembling fiercely.

He was in great pain and love, but he didn't know what to do.

He used to possess it roughly and make it difficult.

He clumsily patted Chu's shoulder and back, rubbed his lips against the top of his hair and ears,
and finally lowered down to hold his cool lips.

"WanNing, I will always love you."

During the kiss, he murmured to him vaguely. He felt the obvious tremor of the man who had
never been cruel in his palm. He could not help it. Then he went to sink with him again with the
tender rhyme of the past.

And every day after that, no matter what kind of consciousness, Mo Ran is sleeping with Chu
WanNing. Every time before going to bed, I will say once, I will always love you.

Today's sweet will slowly wash away the bitterness of the past.

This sentence, also finally in the ink incapable of repeating, from the other words of death, has
become a promise to keep.

For two years, no matter what reason Mo Ran went out alone, he would always come back
before dark, because he knew Chu Wanning did not say it, but he did not love the cold night of
Nanping Mountain. His brother-in-law needed his company. It's the first time like tonight.

Mo Ran did not go home before sunset for the first time.

Chu WanNing calm good face, will not cross-examine that, but his mouth does not ask, face to
be strong, does not mean that he will feel better.

So after such a long time, he fell asleep and fell into a nightmare again.

He returned to that year's Nanping Mountain, the day Mo Ran died.

He dreamed that no matter how he wakes up the Mo Ran, the scar left by Tianyin Pavilion on
his lover's chest is so fierce and shocking that he watches over him and chokes...

He kept repeating his lover's name: "Mo Ran..."

Mo Ran.

And in this cold dream, it seems that someone suddenly took his hand and caught it and kissed
it gently on his lips.

The man said to him, "Master, it's all right. It's all over."

It's all over...

Chu WanNing felt his eyelashes moist, and when he woke up, he sighed low, calm in his heart,
and wanted to sleep again, but suddenly found himself leaning on a familiar warm chest.

He was startled, the blurred point of sleepiness disappeared, the wet curtain suddenly lifted,
Feng eyes on the last pair of purple and black eyes.

"Mo, Mo Ran...?"

Mo Ran unexpectedly did not know when it had returned, with some deep night dew on his
body, lying beside him. In order not to disturb him, Mo Ran did not hold him tight to sleep, only
carefully grasped his hand, close to him.

When Chu WanNing woke up, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Well? Is this venerable one still waking you up?

Chu WanNing also when he wanted to apologize, unexpectedly Taxianjun put his arm around
him forcefully: "Wake up just right, simply let this venerable one hold well."

"... Get out of here."

Taxianjun knows that he has not much time left today. He has to fight with Chu Wanning on
weekdays. But this time, after he hugged, he went straight in, leaned over Chu Wanning's ear
and said with a deep smile, "Roll what, this venerable one has prepared a surprise for you, for
fear that you will hurt me too late."


This man's face is growing with each passing day.

Chu WanNingben nightmare wake up at the beginning, get up heavy, at the moment he was
hot and heavy body pressure, not from the sword eyebrows raised, Feng Mou still with the wet
and sad dream, but with a sense of sleepiness and anger: "do not sleep in the evening?"

"No sleep."

Chu WanNing more angry: "What do not sleep?"

Taxian Jun lifted his chin, rubbed it carefully, and his eyes wandered from his eyebrows to his
slightly opened lips.

The man in his bosom is obviously somewhat fierce and imperfect, but for two lifetimes, every
time he looks at him, he feels hot and secretly happy. Once upon a time, he refused to admit it,
but in fact, he always knew in his heart that only this person could make him feel like a fire in
an instant.

Want to hold him, kiss him, want him. It hurts to bully him, but it hurts him terribly.

Nowadays, I feel that although there are many beautiful people in the world like clouds, all the
clouds gathered together are less than half an inch of the glory of his evening tranquility. He
looks good when he's murderous, but he looks good when he's angry, and he looks good when
he's angry.

Taxian Jun then laughed and said, "There are still many things to do if you don't sleep in the
middle of the night. Didn't all of you have been taught by this venerable one?"

Chu Wanning: "........."

Seeing that he was sleepless, angry and helpless, he stepped in the heart of the Immortal
Emperor and couldn't help bowing his head and kissing him.

"Mo Ran-!"

"You're kidding." After a kiss, Taxian Jun touched the tip of his nose intimately. "The time for
this venerable one is coming, today you owe this venerable one, and ask you to come back in
three days."


"Tonight the only thing we want to say is..." Taxianjun paused for a moment, laughed, dimples
deep on the cheek side, three points of evil and seven points of pity:

"Happy Birthday, WanNing."

Chu Wanning was suddenly stunned.

At this time, the distant Jingci Temple bell sounded leisurely. It was the alternation of childhood
and bamboo leaves.

At the end of 1911.

At the beginning of the year.

Mo Ran pupils still have Taxian Jun’s pride, but can not say anything, and has changed into the
gentleness of Mo-zongshi. Mo-zongshi slowed down and adapted to the memory of yesterday
shared with him by fate. He felt puzzled and did not know what he had done under the
condition of Taxian Jun for a moment.

But seeing the person in front of me is my sweetheart, after the Mo Ran slightly, my heart is full
of joy, so I lean against Chu's forehead and whisper, "Ning."


"Happy Birthday."

After thinking about it, he said, "I have prepared a gift for you."

He had planned to do some repairs in the daytime tomorrow, and then led Chu Wanning to
think things into boxes. But he did not think that when he switched back, Chu WanNing had not
fallen asleep, nor did he think that he would naturally say this sentence.

He had too much sweetness for Chu Wanning, as if he couldn't bear it for a moment or at all.

It is clear that he has lived for two generations. He has married twice in real and false. His past
life lasts for eight years day and night, and his present life has been accompanied for two years.
But at this time, he is like a rash young man who shows his heart by offering treasures to his
beloved for the first time. He is impatient, even sweating at his fingertips and trembling slightly.

"I... I haven't finished all of it yet, but... Shall I show you around first?

Chu Wanning then thoroughly reflected that today was his birthday.

In fact, Mo Ran was busy in the daytime for congratulations and did not go home.

When he lost his confusion, he was amused and guilty. He couldn't help raising his hand and
holding his Mo Ran face, and his heart was soft.

"You've been busy for so long. You're busy with this."

Smile when Mo Ran.

"Does Master want to see it now?"

Chu WanNing sat up, gathered his long black hair, and followed his meaning: "Okay, what are
you prepared for?"

"An extraordinary surprise."

Mo Ran said, led Chu to their courtyard, dog head sleeping soundly, face buried under his paws
did not wake up. Mo Ran dived into the grass, intending to dig out his thoughts before hiding
here into a box.


A scream pierced the silent night of Nanping: "Come on! Where's my box?!!!!!!

The dog continued to sleep peacefully.

Nothing happens, the head of the dog says, you can never wake up a sleeping dog, bah ha ha

It took me a long time to close my eyes and try to recall what happened when I was a stepper.
After thinking about it for a while, it finally reminded me of some memory fragments.——

Set a sack for Jiang Xi.

Cover Xue Meng with sacks.

Give Mei Hanxue a sack of hemp...

It's over, it's all fucking over!

Chu WanNingwei frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Mo Ran embraced his head: "I... It seems that I did some very absurd things yesterday..." He
said he was looking around the house, and finally he found a box of ideas from his own pocket.

"Are you going to give this to me?"

"Originally, it was..."


Now... Now I'm afraid I don't know what's going on inside.

Mo Ran throat is gathering, want to leave Chu WanNing outside, oneself go to see first. But the
helpless words have been spoken out, and it is not appropriate to leave the Master and enter
the box alone at this time, so I have to pray in my heart that I did not make the box overturn
yesterday. He was hard-headed.

"Now I can't explain it for a while... Anyway, let's go in and have a look first.
When Mo Ran and Chu Wanning entered the box of thoughts, they were both shocked by the
present situation. Especially Mo Ran, when he left the day before yesterday, the box was still a
normal place, but at the moment, his house was rebuilt and repaired, and there were many
more glittering and magnificent ornaments.

In addition, the sky is flying, clouds and mists are dim, wheat waves are rolling, and nebulae are
scattered in the sky... Originally, it was very interesting and there were white mountains and
rivers in the countryside. It was filled with colors stiffly, and it was too dazzling to teach people
how to cope with them.

Where is the Pillow Water Family?

It's the style of the local landlord!!

What's more, five wooden shelves were erected in the flower fields of the small courtyard.
They were tied up by Jiangxi, Meihanxue, Xue Meng, corrupt wolf and Xuan Ji, like five

Chu WanNing looked at the five sacrificial-like people, some frozen: "... This is... You're going to
give me... Gifts?"

Mo Ran was shocked. He turned to peep at Chu's face. After reading it, his heart was beating
like a drum. He hurried and said, "Master, no, it's not what you saw!" That's not what I did!"

Before the words fell, a soft rice cake jumped from the roof.

Tyrant cake flickered his small tail with bright blue lights, came out clattering, looked up at his
head, flashed stars, and stretched out two small claws towards Chu Wanning. "God, God
Muxian Jun!"

However, before embracing Chu Wanning, he was lifted up by Mo Ran's hands around the
creaking nest. Mo Ran almost collapsed, shaking it hard: "Batian cake! What the hell's going on

"Huh?" Tyrant cake did not respond to the Mo Ran personality has been switched again, very
confused, "Then, then, you seized four of your own Es Ah-level people? Come and exchange the
idyllic landscapes! "


Mo Ran his forehead and jumped suddenly. After a long silence, he finally understood.
Suddenly he closed his eyes and wished he could not lift his hand to kill himself.

—— What on earth did he do all day yesterday!!!

Taxianjun is fighting for favor with himself again!

There was nothing to say to him. Xue Meng, who was tied up on the wooden frame, was mad
and shouted, "Mo Ran!" You dog! What the hell are you doing? You're going to let me down! "

Tyrant cake twinkled his eyes and looked at Xue Meng and them for a moment. He explained to
Mocifier, "This is what you did an hour ago. You caught five Ais in total. I'm afraid they would
make trouble in it. So you just tied them up after the capture."

Mo Ran: "..."

Xue Meng was still shouting, "Master! Teacher saves me! _____________

Chu WanNing Fu sleeve: "... Look at what you've done!"

After that, he immediately went forward and untied them one by one from the bondage of the
immortal monarch.

After everyone was released, Xue Meng rubbed his red-tied wrist, which was very grieving and
very inexplicable: "Mo Ran!" You, you and you, what the hell are you doing?!"

"Yes." The corrupt wolf elder was not very angry. "Why do you want us to come to this box?"
Say and glance at the ricecake essence, "What is this tofu ghost thing?"

The cakes overlord protruded furiously and said, "Save, Save! Lao Tzu's Four Years Cake!! Not
four beancurds!"

Mei Hanxue and Xuan Ji did not say a word, but their eyes were also inquiring about the
intentions of Chu and Mo.

Jiang Xi's face was so gloomy that he tidied up his expensive and delicate sleeves, smoothed out
the wrinkles one by one, then raised his eyes, and said, "You'd better give Jiang an explanation."

Mo Ran wants to pass by, raises his hand and laughs, "Er, this is just a misunderstanding,

"Excuse me?" Jiang Xi sneered. "I'm sorry it's worth money."

He narrowed his apricot eyes and said rudely, "Mo-zongshi, do you know that I have a business
to discuss with Huohuangge today?"

"I, I compensate..."

"Ninety million Golden leaves, you compensate?"

Mo Ran: "..."

Xue Meng was also angry. "Didn't you say you wanted to surprise me?" I thought it was... Yes..."
It's a birthday gift for me - it's embarrassing to say it again anyway, even in retrospect.

Xue Meng finally said angrily, "What on earth are you doing?"

Mo Ran was questioned by a group of people around Xingshi. Gradually, it became

overwhelming and had to apologize. But these people themselves have no bad relations with
them, but they are provoked to seek an explanation, which is inexplicable, and naturally
endless. Mo Ran just don't know what to do. Suddenly I heard Chu's Wanning Road beside me.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't manage another kind of spleen."

The mountains and rivers were quiet in the countryside.

Only Tyrant cake was excitedly clacking and clapping his feet around Chu Wanning.

Mo Ran back and said, "Master..."

"I will try to compensate for the delay, and I hope you will forgive me."

Xue Meng waved his hand and said, "Teacher, Master, I don't mean that... I just wonder...

After that, he turned to Jiangxi and said, "Hello! You and your ninety million golden leaves can't
rest on my master. I and my master have no money..."

Jiang Xi: "..."

The world's richest man seems to have ignored Xue Meng's words and stared at Mo Ran for a
while. His sharp eyes turned to Chu Wanning again.

As soon as he wanted to say something, he saw the Mo Ran blocked in front of Chu Wanning
and said in a hurry, "Lord Jiang, I will try to make up for it. I also ask you not to embarrass my
teacher today, first and foremost. Because... Because..."
Mo Ran hesitated, the voice gradually faded down, and finally whispered, "Because today...
Today... In fact, it's my teacher's birthday..."

Jiang Xi: "..."

"He never had a good birthday, so... Jiang Zunzhu's loss, I will try to make up for, personally go
to Huohuangge to apologize for anything, you can."

The youth blocked between him and Jiang Xi, almost pitifully: "Just ask Jiang Zunzhu Haihan
tonight, will you?"

Today is Chu Wanning's birthday?!

That's why everyone here was shocked. Xue Meng was particularly shocked, his face was like
gold paper, his lips were open and closed for half a day, but he couldn't say a word. Chu
WanNing did not expect Mo Ran to tell the story, but for a moment did not know what to do.

Finally, Tan Lang, who was not quite in line with Chu Wanning, broke the silence. He heard the
words and held his chest with both hands. "Yuheng, no, what did you send your apprentices to
catch us all for your birthday?"

"No, no!" Tyrant cake explained that the little claw pointed to the Mo Ran. "He grasped and
grasped you, four or four because you four Esais class people can change very good instruments
to decorate the idyllic mountain dwellings in Zeli!"

Xue Meng was shocked and said, "Take us for a changer?"

Mei Hanxue touched her chin and responded: "... No wonder every time a person comes in, the
effect here will add one more weight. It was because of this."

Only Jiang Xi felt incredible, angry and flicked his sleeve: "... It's really sick to talk about love!"
Looking at the Mo Ran again, he made a diagnosis without hesitation. "Mo-zongshi, you are so
ill that you may be hopeless and hopeless!"

Mo Ran laughed and went to Lachu's hands. "There's no cure for it."

Jiang Xi could hardly bear it. She turned her head and held her hand. She was silent for a
moment. She caught a glimpse of Xue Meng staring at Chu Wanning. She seemed to be
embarrassed that she, as a disciple, had almost missed her teacher's birthday, and was blaming
herself for not being able to give Chu WanNing salute.
Jiang Xi's eldest brother was impatient. He thought Xue Meng was really disgraceful, but he was
not easy to attack. He also took Xue Meng for a moment and was silent. Finally, he said, "Forget
it. But ninety million Golden leaves."

Mo Ran: "???"

Xue Meng: "???"

"There's no need to pay for it. It's not enough to shine shoes."

Mei Hanxue: "..."

Chu Wanning: "..."

Xue Meng: How dirty are your shoes?

Jiang Xi turned around and looked like a sudden flash of electricity. He sneered and said, "Xue
Jianmen does not speak. Nobody treats you like a dumb man."

"You --!"

In the midst of the uproar, the whole story of this absurd farce was explained clearly, and the
birth of Chu Wanning was eventually known by these people. Although in the end they all said
they would not tell the story, nor tell others when the birthday of Beidou Xianzun was, now
that they have gathered, they will naturally stay to celebrate.

According to Xuan Ji, this is also fate.

When the baker saw the people in a harmonious atmosphere, he felt that he had completed
the appointment in the ricecake Village. He moved over happily and wanted to make a lively
gathering. But Xue Meng turned around and stared at it.

"Mo Ran, this is the little monster you said you caught in the back hill?"

Mo Ran laughed and said, "Yes."

Xue Meng felt his chin and looked at it carefully. "It's really made of sweet osmanthus sugar

"I, I and I are the prettiest babies in our village!" The Baker flicked his blue tail lamp.

"Coincidentally, I am the most beautiful kid in the lower repair circle."

Tyrant cake: Let's make friends then.

Xue Meng: Then I'll cook you and eat you.

One man, one demon and one demon at the same time speak out, the cake tyrant is stiff, the
little foot Ya quickly retreats two steps, pauses for a moment, turns around and runs: "Xue
Meng is not four people ah!" Help! Monk Monster!! Ouch ah ah!!!

Xue Meng burst into laughter and finally revenged himself for being caught and tied up as a

In this silent night, there are many old friends gathered in the box. On intimacy, it is not all
intimate with Chu Wanning, but as Xuan Ji said, it is probably a kind of fate.

In this case, all of us have come, and we are not tired of making such a noise. We simply boiled
a night in the Happy Mountain Residence, set off fireworks, and sat around a table in a lively
way for a drink next month.

The golden pond picks up the fish, the rice wind blows away the late smoke, and the millet is
washed like pearls, and boiled in a pot. Sweet meal fragrance drifted away between the ridges.
Mo Ran down the kitchen. The pot was hot and the stir-frying was very sharp. The fire under
the stove lit up when the pot was turned, reflecting his bright face.

When he looked back, he saw Xue Meng and Xuan Ji talking outside in the evening. Xuan Ji and
the corrupt wolf were helping to pick the fresh fruit of the demon race. Jiang Xi was walking in
the field waiting for dinner. Mei Hanxue was teasing the demon playing the piano among the
flowers to teach them Kunlun melody.

Mo Ran in a sudden good mood.

Although he wanted to monopolize everything in Chu's evening, his teacher was so good, he
wanted to make him get a few more wishes, three or two company. Yesterday's own
miscalculation of Yin and Yang, thus fulfilled his wish.

Think of things into a box, peach blossom flowing water eel fat, Mo Ran smooth fingers will be
white tender and plump shoots on the desk, fine cut into silk, and fern with the overheated
soup boiled, is patiently handling fresh fish and shrimp, bamboo curtain behind a fall, Chu
WanNing came in.

"The Master waited a little longer and soon finished."

"No hurry. I'll bring them some melons and fruits to the yard."

Mo Ran laughed and said, "OK."

Chu Wanning went to the corner of the kitchen to pick up a pile of fresh and sweet fruits in a
small basket of bamboo baskets. When I got there, I suddenly found that there was also a
porcelain jar with a seal on it. It was not embarrassing to write "Happy Birthday".

He pinched it down and looked at the brush strokes, which were obviously left under the
personality of Taxianjun.

Chu WanNing opened the sealed pottery altar and could not tell what was in it. Qidao said,
"This is...?"

Mo Ran to see, "ah" a sound, laughing: "Carmine pear flower goose preserve, really made a

"What is that?"

"It's a dish I've worked out under another personality. It takes quite a lot of time to make it.
First, we need to marinate goose meat with salt, then wrap it in lotus leaves and steam it in the
kettle, and then the spring water is colder and put it into the well water ice. After the ice is
finished, it is sealed in the altar and brewed with pear blossoms. He said, take out the goose
meat from the jar, and end it with the fragrance of wine, cool and drunk.

"Looks like it's all in one's mind and ready to go." Mo Ran weighed the degree of goose curing
and laughed, "Not all bad things."

Said the fat and rich goose meat on the ginkgo cutting board, fingertips pointed to the full
goose breast, sliced the meat, only to see that soaked pear blossom white and salt salted goose
color like rouge, flesh rich and tender.

Mo Ran thought for a moment and said to Chu Wanning, "Master, look in the sauce cabinet
again, there should be another sauce jar."

Chu WanNing went and found a yellow glazed pot with seals on it. It was still not embarrassing
and awkward to write five words.

"I have my seat for the rest of my life."

Chu WanNing shook his head, but felt infinitely quiet and gentle in his heart.

He handed the pot to Mo Ran and watched him ladle out a pickle sauce carefully prepared by
Xiaobamboo ladle and Taxian Jun yesterday. The sauce was carefully poured on the carmine
goose which had been packed. The sauce opened along the texture of goose meat and collided
with the wine, which produced a strong peculiar fragrance.
Chu Wanning said, "How did you come up with such a dish?"

"You don't feel hot in the summer. Once you didn't take a few bites of what I cooked... Do you

He said that Chu WanNing remembered that not long ago, Taxian Jun patted his head and
cooked a table of delicacies. But he was tired of the heat and did not eat much. Although Taxian
Jun did not say anything in the end, he did look disappointed that day.

"I think it's sad that I can't even take care of the taste of the people I like." Mo Ran smiled and
turned around, sleeves pulled around the elbow. "So I thought about it day and night, and went
outside to steal a restaurant teacher, and finally came up with such a dish."

He looked at the roll of carmine pear blossoms brewed goose preserves, with some treasure-
giving fears, and with some meritorious expectations, carefully asked:

"Would WanNing like it?"

Chu WanNing was quiet for a while, and then laughed.

He put away the two notes left by yesterday's Mo Ran. He picked up the plate of carmine goose
with clear sebum, fresh meat and thick sauce and went to the kitchen hall. Before serving out
the dishes, he turned to the handsome young man standing at the kitchen counter and said, "...
Thank you, Mo Ran."

Thank you for your past life, for your personality and for your soul. Thank you for being here.

Thank you for giving me the best birthday of my life.

I used to have a teacher, but the celebration at that time was not sincere. In the past, you had a
wife, but the days were too bitter to eat even a full meal.

Now that all this is over, I will always remember the day when you were born, the day when I
was still in the Zen Temple, and I don't know what the world is like, nor do I know that there are
people who will spend their lives with me.

But every year after that, I will accompany you.

From now on, with you.

The banquet was not luxurious, but Mo Ran craftsmanship was rarely tasted by others. He was
good at cooking. This table was made for Chu's birthday banquet. It was delicious and unusual.
Even Jiang Xi, who was accustomed to the delicacies of mountains and seafood, opened his
apricot eyes slightly and looked a little surprised across the wine table.

It seems that Jiang Xi would like to ask Ink-burn whether he would like to go back to cook with
him on a lonely moonlit night, accompanied by a frightening salary price.

However, Jiangxi was a smart man. He took a look at Chu Wanning and swallowed the invitation
back. He was a little nauseous, and thought that in his lifetime it was necessary to develop a
medicine that could completely cut the roots of human relations.

It's really sick to talk about love. Looking at the case of Mo Ran, you know that a good cook
delays love.

Forget it, eat a few more pieces of meat, there will be no chance in the future.

Jiang Xi lowered her eyes quietly, and her chopsticks stretched gracefully and quickly.

At the banquet, Xue Meng suddenly caught a glimpse of small white shadows flashing in the
fields. He thought he was dazzled, rubbed his eyes and looked closely, so that he could not
make a sound of "ah".——

"Years of cakes!"

They ran very fast, peeping among the grasses, fields, ridges and rocks, doing their interesting
"human observation", but they were reluctant to let them see their own features, only shaking
the little blue light on their tails, making a slight creak. Only the most beautiful cub, Batian,
stood on a tree that Xue Meng could not grasp easily, and translated the evil words between
the grass and the grass into words.

Although, its Mandarin is also very miserable.

"Shenmu xianjun, Sen Censen Day Joy!"

Xue Meng stared at it: "Is it birthday?"

"Do you want a gift? I am proficient in human language! Verbose words are not wrong, very

Mei Hanxue laughed and held on to Xue Meng, who was also shouting at the baker, "You don't
understand. It's really hard to practise mandarin. Don't laugh at it. It's a lovely ricecake."

Xue Meng looked back at him again and said, "If you have something to say, don't pull me!"
In the midst of the bustle, there are Nian Cake geniuses on the opposite hill that ignite the
fireworks of the devil tribe. The brilliant fireworks explode in the night. In the starry sky, the
colorful flowers are really scattered all over the mountains.

Xuan Ji saw the situation and felt that the atmosphere was just right. He raised his wine and
laughed at Chu Wanning and said, "Yuheng, happy birthday."

Chu WanNing first responded to such battles, do not know how to answer, stiff under the
unexpectedly answered: "You are the same."

Xuan Ji stared, opened his eyes wide, wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

"Happy Birthday." Tan Lang grunted.

"... Thank you very much.

Mei Hanxue wanted to follow his wishes and was dragged to the back by Xue Meng. He rushed
to say, "I'll come first, I'll come first!" Shizun! Wish you a happy life, peace and joy, always come
to see me at the SiSheng Peak! _____________

"Naturally, it will come. I miss your birthday for a long time. He prepared it for you a month

Before the word "gift" was uttered, he was interrupted by Mo Ran coughing.

Chu Wanning: "... Nothing was prepared."

As a matter of fact, the Master of Mind and Taoism would not lie, so it would be better not to
say so.

Jiang Xi also bowed his hand and said lightly, "Master Chu, Xianfu Yongheng, congratulations."

Xue Meng pouted his mouth and hugged his chest and said, "What congratulations do you
offer? You give money."

Everyone said good wishes, Chu WanNing embarrassed, he is not used to - no, should say do
not know how to face such a blessing.

After all, I never got it.

At this moment, Mo Ran quietly grasped his sweaty hand under the table, which was slightly
wet due to nervousness. Mo Ran laughed in his heart. Sure enough, the Master was calm and
calm on his face. In fact, his fingertips trembled slightly.
He clasped Chu's hand tightly, clasped ten fingers with it, and delivered the tenderness in this
grasp, slowly smoothing Chu's uneasiness.

Mo Ran looked at him, in the wind and wheat waves, under the starry night, in the drifting rain
and magnificent fireworks, solemnly said: "Ningxia."


The ink burst into laughter, and the dark purple eyes carried the deep feelings of the two

This time, in the brilliant stars and rivers.

"I wish you... Happy Birthday, and good for the rest of my life."

For thirty years, the two worlds are intertwined.

In the brilliance of the spark tree and the silver flower, Mo Ran eyes are bright and moist. His
face was filled with the sincerity of Mo-zongshi, the paranoia of Taxianjun, and the gentleness
and obedience of the young man who was standing in front of the Tower.

They walked for two lifetimes, and finally came to this idyllic fairy house, pillow water in the
south of the Yangtze River. There are Chan sounds in Nanping, bells in the evening temple, and
the two generations are crossing. Their robbery has gone through, but their fate is still deeply
entangled and they are inseparable.

He and he eventually calmed down.

In that year, I regretted that I was late to realize your kingdom and that I had a peaceful life for
the rest of my life.

This voice "Happy Birthday, Happy Remaining Life". Mo Ran knows that he will tell Chu
Wanning all his life.

Till it's snowy and frosty.

He will keep his fire. He keeps him, and so does he.

They may not be the best people in the world, the most beautiful people, the richest people,
the greatest, the most powerful and broad-minded people, but for Mo Ran, Chu Wanning is no
The same is true for Chu Wanning. No matter what fragment the Mo Ran, what kind of
personality, what kind of life, there is no need to argue. Those are the souls that have gone
through two ups and downs together with him. They are the wounded and fragmented lover
who wants to protect him. He will always love him deeply, illuminate him, love him and spoil

A lifetime.

I have given all I have, and I will give all I have.——

Love you.

—— The End of the Extra Competing for someone’s favour ——

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