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Approach for the development of the

ASPRIE - Kesehatan

Technical Proposal

July 2020

(Version 1)

The information contained in this document is strictly confidential and is

intended for the addressee only.
The unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, alteration or distribution of this
document is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.

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Table of contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................... 2

INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 3

TECHNICAL PROPOSAL........................................................................................................ 4
ALLOCATED RESOURCES......................................................................................................... 4
Profile of appointed team.................................................................................................. 4
Organizational chart.......................................................................................................... 4
PROJECT MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................................... 5
Project approach............................................................................................................... 5
Project timeframe.............................................................................................................. 7
Web Application................................................................................................................ 8
PROJECT SERVICE DELIVERABLES............................................................................................ 8
Services............................................................................................................................ 8
HOSTING................................................................................................................................ 8
SIMILAR APPLICATIONS............................................................................................................ 8

TEAM & PROJECT MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................9

METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................... 9
Project managing methodology......................................................................................... 9
Development methodology.............................................................................................. 10
Tools............................................................................................................................... 11

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Proposes to ensure the design, the realization and the deployment of the new ASPRIE Kesehatan
for Puskesmas Lembang.

This document presents the evaluation of the workload, based on the technical specifications of
Puskesmas Lembang.

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We propose to be the web agency that will accompany Puskesmas Lembang in the development of
ASPRIE Kesehatan.

The objective of the present chapter is to address the resources we propose to allocate, the solution
we would plan to develop and our approach to achieve it.

Allocated Resources

The development of the ASPRIE Kesehatan would be entrusted to our team in Bandung.

Profile of appointed team

Our experts and consultants, who will be a part of the project team and responsible for the successful
implementation and support, have the requisite qualifications and substantial technical experience in
implementing and supporting systems of a similar nature.

The man-days for each resource/role would be broken down as follows:

 Product Manager : 1 Person

 Backend Developer : 2 Person
 Frontend Developer : 1 Person
 Android Developer : 1 Person
 QA & Documentation : 1 Person

Would there be any amendment in the composition of this team while the project is ongoing, we
commit ourselves to inform Puskesmas Lembang.

Project Management

Project approach
For each project, we pursue a stepwise procedure for the management, the development and
deployment of the solution – all based on Scrum methodology; the development of the Company
Profile would hence use the of the work flow:

1. The Product Manager make an analysis based on the customer requirements.

The analysis covers the reasonable request, the availability of the infrastructures, the amount
of resources needed, the skills of the resources.

2. Product Manager meet to check the availability of the resources and their competences for the
3. The analyst creates a new project in the Project Management software (Trello)
4. The designated Product Manager identifies the team members who will handle the project in
The Product Manager gathers the team and explains the project and the role of each member.
The Developers and Designer collect the information about the project and prepare the tools.
5. The Product Manager make a deeper analysis for a mock-up demo.

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6. The Product Manager prepare proposal and presentation sheets.
7. The developers and designer develop a mock-up demo that has been assigned to them in
8. The Product Manager check the mock-up demo if meets the requirements.
9. The Product Manager submit the proposal and make a presentation to customer.
10. After getting the approval from the Customer, the Analyst make more precise analysis of each
development task and sends it to the Project Manager with a detailed description.
11. The Project Manager splits tasks and assigns them to the developers and the designers
12. The Developers and Designers work on the tasks given, and write a progress report in Asana.
Tasks that are already done are placed in staging.
13. The Project Manager do some Quality Controllers to test the tasks in staging. The Quality
Control aspects to be checked are: design, function, security and compatibility.
14. The Customer tests the project progress periodically.
15. Once all tasks are done, with approval of customer, the Project Manager asks the Technical
Support to put the application in the production server.
16. The final tests are made by an internal QC team in the production server.
17. The final tests are made by the Customer in the production server.
18. The Application goes live.

This project management approach can be illustrated in the following manner:

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Project timeframe

The development of this project requires from 14 weeks between the start of the analysis and the
deployment of the application.

The man-days for each resource/role would be broken down as follows:

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 Product Manager : 5 days
 Backend Developer : 8 days
 Frontend Developer : 8 days
 Android Developer : 8 days
 QA & Documentation : 8 days

We proposed a detailed planning like on the table below:

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User Stories
Person I want to So that
BR# EPIC Features Sub-Features
a <requiremen <reason/objecti
t> ve>
I can register my
BR00 Strange Sign up using account using
1 Register Sign Up Email r my email Email account
Sign up using I can register my
BR00 Strange Google account using
2 Register Sign Up Google r Account Google account
account I can activate my
BR00 Strange through from Sell on Account
3 Login Activate Account r email sign up from my Gmail
Login using I can log in using
BR00 Strange email & Email and
4 Login Sign In Email r password Password
Login using
BR00 Strange Google I can log in using
5 Login Sign In Google r Account Google account
Password I can reset my
BR00 Strange Reset to My password by my
6 Login Reset Password r Email email
Patient Agree or not I can continue to
BR00 Managemen Home Check Term and the term and the apps or back
7 t Page Condition Patient condition to the login
BR00 Home View history I can check my
8 Page History Disease Patient disease historical disease
BR00 Home View last I can check my last
9 Page Last Medication Patient medication medication
View I can view the
BR01 Home Announcment announcment news on the
0 Page Upcoming Patient upcoming announcment
Vital (Tensi,
My Tekanan darah, I can view my last
BR01 Measurem nadi, respirasi sama View My Vital vital function
1 ent suhu) Patient Function checkup
I can view all
My View My Vital detail history vital
BR01 Measurem Function function one by
2 ent Vital Function Detail Patient Detail one
BR01 My Health Diagnose Patient View all I can view the
3 diagnose diagnose that i

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have threaten
I can view all the
View all medicine and
BR01 Medication/Therap medicine & theraphy that i
4 My Health hy Patient threaphy have eaten
I can view all lab
BR01 View lab result that i have
5 My Health Lab Result Patient result checked
BR01 View history I can view all
6 My Health Treatments Patient treatments history treatments
BR01 View I can view
7 My Health Vaccinations Patient Vaccinations vaccinations
8 My Health Diets Patient View diets I can view diets
I can view all the
BR01 View my historical of the
9 My Health Complaint Patient complaint complaint
Service Menu (Poli
Gigi, Umum, Lansia,
MTBS < 5 thn, KIA & I can choose the
BR02 Queue KB, Pemeriksaan View place for service for
0 Online jamaah haji) Patient outpatient outpatient
Click the
BR02 Queue available I can get a digital
1 Online Service Menu Detail Patient services card queue ticket
Get I can know 30
notification minutes before
BR02 Queue from my the estimated
2 Online Ticket Notification Patient ticket serving time
Get my digital I can get real
queue ticket digital queue
by scan the ticket and commit
BR02 Queue barcode at to take the
3 Online Scan Barcode Patient Puskesmas inhealth service
Book a I can book a
schedule from certain service
BR02 Queue Schedule the available with a specific
4 Online Appointment Patient services date and time
I can know the
BR02 Queue Queue Digital Ticket See my digital estimated serving
5 Online Information Patient queue ticket time
See my
booking I can know the
BR02 Queue Booking Schedule schedule detail of my
6 Online Ticket Patient ticket booking. Eg: status
BR02 Queue Calendar Reminder Patient Get a I know my
7 Online calendar booking schedule

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from my
Get a
notification of
BR02 Queue my current I know the current
8 Online Queue Notification Patient queue number
I confident to get
BR02 Thank You Booking Success Get succesfull another
9 Page Page Patient booked page information
I confident to
Get succesfull continue for
BR03 Thank You Booking Success booked another
0 Page Notif Patient notification information
Get all
Showing appointment
BR03 appointment information I can prepare for
1 Agenda schedule Patient on the date the appointment
Get all
Showing medication intake I can prepare for
BR03 intake and information the medication
2 Agenda threatment Patient on the date intake
BR03 My Account Account Add patient's I can add patient's
3 Form Patient's Email Patient email email
Add patient's
BR03 Account Patient's Phone phone I can add patient's
4 Form Number Patient number phone number
BR03 Account Add patient's I can add patient's
5 Form Patient's Address Patient addresses addresses
BR03 Account Add patient's I can add patient's
6 Form Patient's Birth Date Patient email email
Add patient's
BR03 Account Patient's Profile phone I can add patient's
7 Form Picture Patient number phone number
BR03 Account Add patient's I can add patient's
8 Form Patient's Religion Patient religion religion
I can get
Setting the medication
notification notification
for depend on the
BR03 Notificatio Medication medication setting that i have
9 ns Schedules Patient schedules set
BR04 Notificatio Vital Functies Patient Setting the I can get vital
0 ns Schedule notification functies
for vital notification

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depend on the
functies setting that i have
schedules set
I can get
Setting the appointment
notification notification
for depend on the
BR04 Notificatio Appointment appointment setting that i have
1 ns Schedule Patient schedules set
I can ask
BR04 Informatio Call the something that i
2 ns Call Us Patient hospital want to ask
I can ask
BR04 Informatio Email the something that i
3 ns Email Us Patient hospital want to ask
BR04 Informatio View the I can get more
4 ns Visit our WebSite Patient official web information
BR04 Informatio View term I can read term
5 ns Term and condition Patient and condition and condition
Center Click on the I can see the detail
BR04 Informatio Health Center health center of the health
6 n Maps/Menu Patient card center
I can know the
Health place photo,
Center phone number,
operational hours,
Health phone number,
Center See the health and distance from
BR04 Informatio Health Center center my current
7 n Profile Patient information location
I can get
Give signal to emergency call
BR04 Emergenc nearest health from nearest
8 y Signal Emergency Button Patient center health center
I can get notice for
Get kind help and
notification some action from
BR04 Emergenc from health the nearest helath
9 y Signal Emergency Button Patient center center
Corona Early be able early I can know what is
BR05 Covid 19 Detection detection the status of
0 (Corona) Questioner Patient questioner corona for me
BR05 Early Result (Free Patient be able see I can know the
1 Detection Corona/OTG/TDP/O the result of result and I can
(Corona) DP) the corona know what should
questioner I do in the future

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I can motivated to
live healthy and
be able get fixing the relation
Early PHBS and with Allah (Pray
BR05 Detection Notification (All Religius and Effort must be
2 (Corona) User) Patient information balance)
I can realize the
Early be able get treatment and
BR05 Detection Notification ODP/PDP what should i do
3 (Corona) (TDP/ODP) Patient information in the future
I can get
motivation and
be able get realize about the
BR05 Home Motivation/sosialize motivation how to fight with
4 Page Image Patient Image list Corona
I can realize my
be able to total points at
view total home page and I
BR05 Home points that i can go to the
5 Page Total points Patient got reward page
be able to see
all the
(object or I can redeem my
BR05 Poin food & points into the
6 Rewards Poin rewards page Patient beverage) merchendise
be able see
and result of I can know the
the result and I will be
BR05 Swab/Rapi rapid/swab treated by the
7 d Test Swab/Rapid Test Patient questioner exist protocol

Web Application

We recommend the use of the framework .NET & react js for Web & Backend and for Android
we use native language with pattern MVVM.

Additional screenshots of the web application’s & android interface are provided on Figma

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The following screens were proposed as a prototype. It does not yet reflect the final product. We'll
submit to Puskesmas Lembang a complete graphical user interface in Photoshop. A designer will
be available at the beginning of the project to define all UI.

Prototype / wireframe

Project service deliverables

In the scope of the present project, we are committed to providing the following deliverables:

 Training of the trainer with both a detailed technical and non-technical approach.
 Post go-live support that corresponds to a standard warranty period of 1 months.


For the hosting of the stagging/development, we will use public hosting by Digital Ocean. And this
staging/development does not contain confidential data.

Similar Applications

We as team/individual already developed a high number of Web, Web Application or Mobile

Application using many technologies.

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Team & Project management


Project managing methodology

We use PMI methodology. This methodology is adapted to the size of the project and of the teams.

Those standards are internationally recognized and considered as references in many professions.

The PMI has a dozen standards, the most known being the PMBOK® (A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge).

This method ensures the followings:

Scope management
This step is the establishment of a path project simple, including:
 The definition of the scope
 The planning
 Communication and reception procedures
 Guarantees
Budget and planning management
The budget and the planning are managed on the basis of Trello. This tool allows comparing the
realized to the estimated, issue by issue.

Risk management
Without going into a lengthy process, usually reserved for large projects, we provide risk
management to avoid cost or schedule over turns.

A particular attention will be paid to the developers’ availability. Measures will be taken to assure
the continuity of the project, in case of failure of one of the members of the development team.

Regular meetings (usually weekly) will allow you to follow the advance of the project and to take,
together, the needed decision. There will be a report for each meeting, which will be a basis for the
implementation of the decisions.

Development methodology
We uses the Agile development methodology. This methodology allows the project to be
developed by successive steps.

Among Agile methodology, we has chosen to use 2 complementary methods:

« Scrum »

 Scrum is a process allowing the greatest business value in shortest time

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 An application working is a product on each sprint (each 2 to 4 weeks)
 The business defines the priorities. The team organizes itself to determine the best manner
to produce the priority requests.
 At the end of each sprint, everybody can see how the current product works and decide
either to deliver it in that state or to continue to improve it during one more sprint.

« Kanban »

There are 6 core properties that for the successful implementation of the Kanban method:

 Visualize: Visualising workflows supports proper understanding of changes planned and

helps to implement them according to this plan.
 Limit WIP: Limiting work-in-process for continuous, incremental and evolutionary changes
to the system.
 Manage flow: Each transition between states in the workflow is monitored, measured and
 Make policies explicit: With an explicit understanding it is possible to move to a more
rational, empirical, objective discussion of issues.
 Implement feedback loops: Organizations that have not implemented the second level of
feedback - the operations review - generally do not see process improvements beyond a
localized team level.
 Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally: When teams have a shared
understanding of theories about work, workflow, process and risk, they are more likely to
be able to build a shared comprehension of a problem and suggest improvements which
can be agreed to by consensus.

A project is better done in a transparent framework. We have different tools to communicate
between ourselves and with the client.

Gantt Diagram
First, the planning management goes through the realization of a Gantt diagram. It has the
advantage to give a framework to the project. Its elaboration gives the opportunity to think about
the project itself. Our tool to make this diagram is Microsoft Project.

Then, the composing elements of this planning are split in Features, User Stories and Tasks. They
are debated, evaluated in points (depending on the relative effort to be provided and the time
needed) and assigned either to the project manager or the competent collaborator. The monitoring
is done by the project manager who informs the client. Each task has a specific workflow.

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To do this work of repartition / estimation / assignation, monitoring, we use an internal project
management tool: Asana / Google SpreadSheet

The traceability is an essential aspect of an IT project’s good conduct. This traceability is done
through the use of Version Control System, for example GIT.

Those systems are management software allowing to stock the information for one or more IT
resource and to recover previous versions. Hence:

 To know who is doing what when

 To managed “versions”
 To manage the collaborative work
 To go backward in case of problem

This means for example, that the project is deployed on different environments:

 Development
 Production (with access restricted to the sole client sometimes)

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