Research Paper Outline

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Research Paper Pattern 4 Outline

THESIS: Students should be back in school due to the increase in mental health illness, the equity gap, and the decrease
of students’ learning abilities.

I. First Main Point: Increase in mental health illnesses

A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Opposers believe that the increase in mental health illnesses was not caused due to virtual
learning and adapting to virtual learning
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Mental health factors
(2) COVID-19 pandemic effects
(3) Adapting to virtual learning
B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. Through numerous studies, many researchers have discovered that mental health issues have
been increasing rapidly based on the amount of people diagnosed with students who have been
part of virtual learning.
a) Supporting details
(1) Isolation
(2) Depression
(a) Increase in suicides
(3) Stress
C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. There are other factors brought on by online learning that have negatively impacted mental
health and those factors would be decreased if kids were in school.
a) Supporting details
(1) Increase in lack of support
(2) Increase number of uncomprehending students
(3) Increase in vanishing students/students not showing up to class
D. Supporting detail 3 topic sentence
1. Not only is there an increase in mental health issues in students, but also in educators, adults,
and other people involved in school districts impacted by the pandemic.
a) Supporting details
(1) Parents feeling useless
(2) Educators not being able to fully help students
(3) Other adults
II. Second Main Point: The equity gap
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Opposers claim that there has always been an equity gap in students and it’s not just caused due
to the pandemic
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Cause of student equity gap
(2) Every student is different
(3) How teachers can help
B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. The equity gap has been increased due to students’ requirement to learn virtual amidst the
COVID-19 pandemic.
a) Supporting details
(1) Children of color
(2) Inaccessible to technology families
C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. Virtual learning has increased the equity gap
a) Supporting details
(1) Financially Insecure Families
(2) Families who live in poverty
III. Third Main Point: The decrease in students’ learning abilities
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Some students aren’t able to learn like other students and this would be true regardless of the
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Disability
(2) Home Life
(3) Stressors
B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many school districts changed their grading scale due to
students adapting to so many different styles of learning.
a) Supporting details
(1) How the grading policy changed
(2) How the students were impacted
C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. Virtual learning has decreased students’ learning because it’s so new that several improvements
need to be made.
a) Supporting details
(1) Work outside of the computer
(2) Teach more/ help students understand it better

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