Approach, Method or Technique Targets Strengths Weaknesses Applicability

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Jay-Rald Sinampaga

Cesar John Taguilan

Approach, Method or Targets Strengths Weaknesses Applicability


1. Grammar Translation -easiest for -students lack of GTM focuses on the

Method teachers to use comprehension -onlt application of
translating word-to- grammar and correct
-does not require
word sentence structure.
teachers to speak
This is especially
good English or - does not allow
helpful in teaching
good lesson students to create
students how to write
preparation meaninh in English
and read in another
-only uses - extensive language, allowing
textbooks memorization them to explore
interchangeable words
-least stressful for -very little interaction and phrases (i.e.,
student-teaching between students different words for
occurs in the first and teachers different tenses) more
langugae effectively than a
verbal teaching
-students learn the
new language
without cintact
with native

2. Direct Method - This method is - There is no attention It can be very effective

focused on to some areas like at creating fluent
question-answer reading and writing. speakers of the target
patterns. language who can
-It is not convenient
actually use it to get by
-Grammar is for large classes.
in day-to-day
taught inductively.
-For people that are situations.Teachers
-The most accustomed to teach may also ask the
important aspect or to be taught with students questions,
is spoken the Grammar have them fill in the
language, so that Translation Method, blanks in an example
pronunciation and Direct Method may sentence, or have
grammar are not hold well them read from a work
taken into of literature. All of
account. these techniques
emphasize the Direct
-STT should be Method's core
more than TTT on strength---teaching
the time during students to be able to
the lesson. speak the target
language rather than
-Instructions are
merely be able to
given in the target
translate it.

3. Audio-Lingual Approach -Automatic -Too much repetition Students pay attention

learning without and carry a sequence
stopping. -Errors were not of what they are
necessarily to be doing, but despite of
-It is emphasized
avoided at all costs. learn it in class,
in sentence
teachers can make
production -No meaningful
activities to be
performed at home so
they can practice
writing and reading. It
sounds really boring
the fact that students
have to repeat only.
Teachers might find
the way to make it
interesting and look
for different and funny

4. Silent Way -It helps reading -Uses of charts will be Silent Way has had its
skills. only with small share of criticism. In
groups. one sense, the Silent
-More interaction
Way was too harsh a
between students. -Teaching guide is not
method, and the
-Students improve teacher too distant, to
their vocabulary. encourage a
atmosphere. Students
often needed more
guidance and
overcorrection than
the Silent Way
premitted. Teachers
had to resist their
instinct to spell
everything out in black
and white, to come to
the aid of student at
the slighttest downfall.

5. Suggestopedia -Suggestopedia - It doesn´t Using suggestopedia is

encourages the mentioned anything very interesting but
students to apply about homework challenging to do. It
language assingnments, so can be seen from
independently. homework is limited. some considerations.
In one side it has some
-It make students -I read there should
benefits, but on the
feel relaxed. be 12 students in the
other side it also has
class, so there´s a
-It gives the some weaknesses.
kind of environment
opportunity to the With this method, we
teacher of creating learnt to believe in the
situations in which -Music will be a power of the human
learners are most distractor. brain, We learned that
suggestible. deliberately induced
states of relaxation
-Comfortable may be beneficial in
environment the classroom, and
many teachers have at
times experimented
with various forms of
music as a way to get
students to sit back
and relax.

6. Community Language -Works well with -Writing the language I consider that this
Learning lower levels is not important. method must be taken
students who are into account for the
struggling in ones who teaches a
spoken English. -The teacher can new language because
become too non it creates a good
directive. Students environment as a
-it creates a warm, often need directions. community and is a
sympathetic and good method to
trusting improve the skill of
relationship speaking. I like this
- Fluency is more
between teacher method because it
important than
and learners. makes the learners
independent since
-The method is they decided what
centered on the they want to talk
learner about in certain class.
Moreover, this
method does not need
a lot of materials to
give the class.
However, it can have
some disadvantages
like the lack of writing,
but I consider this a
good method of
teaching a second

7. Total Physique Responsr -Students learn by -TPR deals with only This method is
doing what the the beginning stages excellent to work in
teacher says of language learning. junior High School. It is
excellent for Basic
English classes and
-Learning highly -It is most useful for elementary school
benefits from beginners level because we can
TPR’s emphasis on use it to teach
stress reduction. vocabulary, and as it is
known junior High
-Students are not
School students in our
generally given the
country” El Salvador
- classes are more opportunity to
“have a low level of
practical. express their own
English, and this
thought in as creative
method is perfect for
us to teach them. By
doing movements TPR
method is comfortable
for learners because
they learn easily
8. Communicative Approach

9. Language Experience

10. Basal Reader Approach

11. Individual Reading


12. Management Systems


13. Program Instruction

14. Whole Language


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