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Instructional Learning Guide on Accounting Research Methodology
Second Semester F.Y. 2020-2021
Ryan C. Fontanilla (Course Facilitator)


In general, research is finding out things that we did not know or no –one else knew either but in
a more academic language, research is about advancing the frontier of knowledge in specific discipline or
area of specialization. Research is a combination of two word joined together to form a single word
(Re+search) which means to say, “searching again” ,meaning research is continues process of looking into
information and investigating new and useful knowledge to benefit mankind. The later origin of the word
research can give us an understanding that research therefore is a systematic activity of investigating a
certain phenomenon to collect data and information to new knowledge to already existing facts.

In addition, due to man’s quest to knowledge and understanding of their nature and environment,
research came into being which they used their experiences and reasoning ability to hypothesize something
because those are a rich source of data. Their experiences and their reasoning abilities paves way of
discovering the truth. To further intensify your understanding of the concept, figure 01 will show the
research flow chart.

Body of Existing Knowledge/ Problem

Technique Hypothesis

Evidence Testable Consequences

Evaluation of Hypothesis

New Body of Knowledge/ Problem

Figure 01: Research Flow Chart

To better understand its definition, the following authors has defined research in their own way.
The following are the most important definition of research.

“Research is an endeavor / attempt to discover, develop and verify knowledge. It is an intellectual

process that has developed over hundreds of years ever changing in purpose and form and always
researching to truth.”
- J. Francis Rummel

“Research is an honest, exhaustive, intelligent searching for facts and their meanings or implications with
reference to a given problem. The product or findings of a given piece of research should be an
authentic, verifiable contribution to knowledge in the field studied.” P.M. Cook
Instructional Learning Guide on Accounting Research Methodology
Second Semester F.Y. 2020-2021
Ryan C. Fontanilla (Course Facilitator)

“Research may be defined as a method of studying problems whose solutions are to be derived partly or
wholly from facts.”
- W.S. Monroes
“Research is considered to be the more formal, systematic intensive process of carrying on the scientific
method of analysis. It involves a more systematic structure of investigation, usually resulting in some sort
of formal record of procedures and a report of results or conclusion.”
- John W. Best

“Research comprises defining and redefining problems ,formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions,
collecting ,organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusions and at last
careful testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypothesis .”
- Clifford Woody

“Research is a systematic effort to gain new knowledge.”

- Redman & Mori

“Social research may be defined as a scientific undertaking which by means of logical and systematized
techniques aims to discover new facts or verify and test old facts, analyses their sequences,
interrelationships and casual explanation which were derived within an appropriate theoretical frame of
reference, develop new scientific tools, concepts and theories which would facilitate reliable and valid
study of human behavior.”
- P.V. Younge

To easily understand their ideas and to amalgamate the above definition of the different authors,
it will be summarized on the following concepts.

Research is an intellectual activity. It is the way of formulating new and fresh knowledge
based from facts for the consumers so that present wrong practices can be rectified, misconceptions can
be corrected and it will be a contribution to the existing body of knowledge. It is an intellectual activity also
because it is pursued by those person who are since and gifted to pursuit knowledge and use it for their
day to day life. Furthermore, research needs a lot of intellectual patience as you need to read a lot of
literature to enhance your study. Mind and critical thinking skills can be a vital ingredients to do the whole
study. Research is also considered as the application of scientific method in solving the problems .
An intensive process is carried out to the process in doing it so as to come new knowledge and
understanding of the existing problem or phenomenon to come up with a reliable data to solve the existing

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