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Read the questions below, please choose the best option to complete the sentence.

1. When can we meet again?

a. When are you free?

b. It was two days ago.
c. Can you help me?

2. My aunt is going to stay with me.

a. How do you do?

b. How long for?
c. How was it?

3. When do you study?

a. at school
b. in the evenings
c. in the library

4. The snow was __________ heavily when I left the house.

a. dropping
b. landing
c. falling
d. descending

5. I can't find my keys anywhere - I __________ have left them at work.

a. can
b. must
c. ought
d. would

6. The builders are __________ good progress with the new house.

a. getting
b. doing
c. making
d. taking

7. My father __________ his new car for two weeks now.

a. has had
b. has
c. is having
d. had
8. What differences are there __________ the English spoken in the UK and the English
spoken in the US?

a. among
b. between
c. beside
d. with

9. __________ you get your father's permission, I'll take you skiing next weekend.

a. Although
b. Provided
c. As
d. Unless

10. Anyone __________ after the start of the play is not allowed in until the interval.

a. arrives
b. has arrived
c. arriving
d. arrived

11. I __________ tennis every Sunday morning

a. playing
b. play
c. am playing
d. am play

12. Don't make so much noise. Noriko __________ to study for her ESL test!

a. try
b. tries
c. tried
d. is trying

13. Jun-Sik __________ his teeth before breakfast every morning.

a. will cleaned
b. is cleaning
c. cleans
d. clean

14. Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She __________ a bath!

a. is having
b. having
c. have
d. has
15. __________ many times every winter in Frankfurt.

a. It snows
b. It snowed
c. It is snowing
d. It is snow

16. How many students in your class __________ from Korea?

a. comes
b. come
c. came
d. are coming

17. Weather report: "It's seven o'clock in Frankfurt and __________."

a. there is snow
b. it`s snowing
c. it snows
d. it snowed

18. Babies __________ when they are hungry.

a. cry
b. cries
c. cried
d. are crying

19. Jane: "What __________ in the evenings?"

Mary: "Usually I watch TV or read a book."

a. you doing
b. you do
c. do you do
d. are you doing

20. Jane: "What __________?"

Mary: "I'm trying to fix my calculator."

a. you doing
b. you do
c. do you do
d. are you doing

21. Jane __________ her blue jeans today, but usually she wears a skirt or a dress.

a. wears
b. wearing
c. wear
d. is wearing
22. I think I __________ a new calculator. This one does not work properly any more.

a. needs
b. needed
c. need
d. am needing

23. Sorry, you can't borrow my pencil. I __________ it myself.

a. was using
b. using
c. use
d. am using

24. At a school dance:

Jane: " __________ yourself?"
Mary: "Yes, I'm having a great time!"

a. You enjoying
b. Enjoy you
c. Do you enjoy
d. Are you enjoying

25. I've just finished reading a story called Dangerous Game. It's about a man who
__________ his wife because he doesn't want to lose her.

a. kills
b. killed
c. kill
d. is killing

26. What time __________

a. the train leaves?

b. leaves the train?
c. is the train leaving?
d. does the train leave?

27. I __________ for my pen. Have you seen it?

a. will look
b. looking
c. look
d. am looking

28. You can keep my iPod if you like. I __________ it any more.

a. don`t use
b. doesn`t use
c. didn`t use
d. am not using
29. The phone __________ Can you answer it, please?

a. rings
b. ring
c. rang
d. is ringing

Put in the correct verb forms.
1. If Alice ________ (to have) more money, she would go to Africa.

2. John's mother ________ (to have) more time for him if he does the washing up.

3. If you were older, you ________ (to go) to the party.


Choose the correct prepositions

1. ____ September
2. ____ 12 o'clock
3. ____ winter
4. ____ Easter monday
5. ____ 4th July, 1776
6. ____ Christmas
7. ____ Tuesday
8. ____ the weekend
9. ____ my birthday
10. ____ the end of the week

Choose the correct word

1. Have you got __________ tomatoes?

2. There are __________ exercise books on the floor.

3. Did you get the ketchup? No, they didn't have __________.

4. You should eat __________fresh fruit.

5. We had to wait for __________ minutes.

6. Is there __________ lemonade left?

7. They didn't sing __________ songs.

8. Here are _________ cornflakes, but there isn't __________ milk.

9. I'm looking for __________ good music.

10. There is no butter in the fridge. Let's go and get __________ .

Mark the correct answer.
Many people have tried (putting down/to put down/giving up/to give up) smoking at some point in
their lives, and these days many of us (had attempted/attempt/are attempting/attempted) to stop
taking (the other/another/other/others) substance which is not cigarettes, but which (
might/should/can/is able to) be killing the same number of people (as/so/that/than) tobacco, or even
more. I am talking about sugar.

When I went to the doctor five years ago, he told me that sugar (will/shall/was/would) kill me one day
if I didn’t avoid (to eating/eat/eating/to eat) it. My only chance of long-term survival, said the doctor,
was (putting out/setting down/cutting out/cutting down) all sugar from my diet. Before that day, I (have
never tried/was never trying/had never tried/don’t tried) to quit anything; (even
though/however/although/so), I didn’t think it would be too difficult. “I have achieved difficult things

in my life, much more difficult than that,” I thought. It wasn't true.

I didn't know how difficult it was to stop smoking, or drinking alcohol, because I (wasn’t ever/had never
been/was never) addicted to anything, but when I stopped eating sugar, I realised that sugar is a very
powerful drug. I think it (must be/would have been/had been) easier if I had been addicted to nicotine,
for example, instead of sugar. The first few weeks or months I (used to dream/was dreaming/used to
dreaming) that I was eating chocolate or cakes, and then I woke up in the morning and my body was
crying for sugar.

It's been 3 months now, and I (have been eating/ate/have eaten) very, very little sugar in that time; only
the added sugar that food manufacturers put in some of their processed products, like bread, tinned
tomato, etc. I am very happy because I don't crave sweet things any more, and i feel (much/many/very)
healthier and energetic than a few months ago.

Read the text and choose the correct word for each space, mark the letter next to the correct
word – A, B, C or D.
Rain, clouds, sunshine, wind – what (0) __________ them? And why are they important to us? The
weather influences farming, fishing and every part of our daily life, and so we (1) __________ to know
in advance (2) __________ i twill be like. Weather forecasters try to (3) __________ us with details of
weather conditions for at (4) __________ 24 hours ahead, and often for up to a week. To do this they
depend (5) __________ thousands of separate (6) __________ of information about the weather, which
are (7) __________ from all over the world. But the weather not only changes what people do every day,
it can (8) __________ change the way they feel. (9) __________ example, the warm, dusty wind of the
Mediterranean is famous for (10) __________ people feel annoyed. And it’s true that we feel better when
it’s sunny rather than when it’s raining!

0 causes does goes gets
1 must can should need
2 how what where when
3 give show provide tell
4 last once least first
5 on with at from
6 pieces words numbers facts
7 made moved told collected
8 again also too so
9 As In For By
10 making having seeing doing

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