E Commerce Business Term Revision Final Version Janaury 2019 PDF

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‫ كليوباترا‬- ‫ شارع إسماعيل عيد‬10

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 0
Matching – Based Questions
 It is the standard method for exchanging information on the Internet.
World-Wide Web
 It supports a wide range of formatting and offers several hyperlinks.
Web Servers  It stores and presents the web pages.
Web Browsers  It helps accessing and viewing information stored as web documents.
 It is a set of user-centered social – media applications that let people
Web 2.0 collaborate and share information online in new ways.
 It refers to the transition from static web pages to a more dynamic Web.
 It is a web-feed, which allows users to access updates to online
Really Simple
content in a standardized, computer-readable format to keep track of many
different websites in a single news aggregator.
 It is a specialized software on a separate server used to protect a
company's website at the point where it is connected to the internet.
 It is referred to as a Perimeter Network.
 It is a physical or logical sub-network that contains and exposes an
Demilitarized Zone
organization's external – facing services to an un-trusted network.
 It adds an additional layer of security to an organization's.
Graphics Interchange  It refers to the graphics format best used for simple graphics.
Joint Photographics  It involves the graphics format best used for photographs.
Experts Group
 It involves the sound and video experienced within a web browser before
Streaming Media
the whole clip is downloaded.
Transmission Control  It refers to the suite of communication protocols used to interconnect
Protocol networked devices on the internet.
File Transfer  It is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer
Protocol files between a client and server on a computer network.
Electronic Data  It refers to the computer-to-computer structured exchange of business
Interchange documents in a standard electronic format between partners.
Internet Service  It refers to the organization that provides services for accessing, using or
Provider participating in the internet.
 It is the foundation of data communication for the worldwide web.
Hyper Text
 It is an application protocol for (1)distributed, (2)collaborative (3)hypermedia
Transfer Protocol
information system.
 It refers to the standard markup language format used to define the text
Hyper Text Markup
and layout for creating web pages and web applications.
 It is purely presentational.
 It defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is
Extensible Markup
both human-readable and machine-readable.
 It is used for transferring structured data.
Voice Over Internet  It refers to the methodology for delivering voice communications over the
Protocol internet.
IP Address It is a unique address that allows communication between end stations.
Uniform Resources
 It refers to the specific location of a resource to be accessed.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 1
 It refers to the architecture of (1)hardware, (2)software applications,
E-Commerce (3)content, and (4)network and (5)data used to deliver e-business services to
workers, partners and customers.
 It refers to the world-wide / global system of computer networks.
 It refers to the network of networks.
 It refers to the internal private corporate or government network that
uses internet tools and standards to enable employees to share information.
 It refers to the external network that uses the internet to link multiple
Extranet intranets. It is formed by extending an intranet beyond a company to
customers, suppliers and collaborators.
 It refers to the attempts to explain a wide range of consumer behaviors or
Consumer Behavior decisions based on 1)demographic factors, (2)marketing stimuli, (3)social
Models network factors and (4)community factors to explain (1)what consumers
purchase and (2)where, (3)when, (4)how much and (5)why they buy.
Recommendation It is a subclass of information filtering systems that seek to predict the
Systems rating or preference that users would give to an item.
Neighborhood Effects It refers to the idea that individuals buy certain cultural products in order
(Social Emulation) to imitate their superiors or those in the higher-social classes.
It refers to the transaction log that consumers establish as they move
Clickstream Behavior
from (1)search engine to (2)websites to (3)pages to the (4)decision to buy.
It provides (1)comparison shopping services, (2)independent financial
Financial Portals advice and (3)financial planning. It obtains its revenues from advertising,
referrals, and subscriptions.
It pulls together all of a customer's financial data at a personalized
Account Aggregation website. It involves several privacy concerns including control of personal
data, security, … etc.
It refers to all activities of obtaining items from a supplier including
purchasing, inbound logistics, transportation, warehousing, … etc.
It refers to the electronic integration and management of all procurement
activities including purchase request, authorization, ordering, delivery, and
payment between a purchaser and a supplier.
It refers to the electronic acquisition of raw materials for organizations.
Strategic / Systematic  It refers to the purchases involving long-term relationships and contracts
Sourcing based on private negotiations with qualified suppliers.
 It refers to the fulfillment of an immediate need usually at the prevailing
Spot Buying
market prices.
It is an e-procurement application with a special ability to communicate
directly with the supplier's website and return any pending / unsatisfied
orders back to the system.
Private Marketplace  It refers to the online markets owned by a single company.
(Company – Centric)
Public Marketplace  It refers to online B2B markets owned and managed by independent
(Trading Communities) third parties (Market Makers).
(Neutral Exchanges)

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 2
 It refers to a private e-marketplace in which one company sells products
Sell-Side (standardized / customized) from its private website through catalogues to many
qualified companies.
Buy-Side  It refers to a private e-marketplace in which one company buys from
(Many-To-One) invited suppliers (E-Procurement).
It refers to the management process responsible for identifying,
anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.
It refers to achieving marketing objectives through using electronic
E-Marketing communications tools such as the Web, e-mail, databases, wireless smart
(Digital Marketing)
phones, and digital television.
It involves monitoring the firm's current and future external environment to
Situation Analysis determine the available Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) as a basis for
defining objectives, strategies and tactics.
It involves analyzing the available resources (financial, physical, human and organizational)
based on Barney's VRIO Model, which states that resources should be
Resource Analysis (1)
Valuable, (2)Rare, (3)Inimitable and (4)Organized for the company to achieve
a competitive advantage.
 It refers to the ability of firms to survive as profitable business firms
Economic Viability
during specified periods (1 -3 years).
Online  It refers to the measure of the extent to which a company's online
Revenue Contribution presence directly impacts on the sales revenue of the organization.
Web  It involves the automatic passing of a new content from one website to
Syndication another.
 Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a
ICANN non-profit organization responsible for coordinating and regulating domain
 It refers to a type of pop-up ad that appears after a user clicks a link and
Interstitial remains while content is loading to capture the user's attention for a short

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 3
Drawings – Based Questions

1) Relation between Intranet, Extranet and Internet:

2) Consumer Decision Process and Supporting Communications:

Alternatives Post
Awareness  Search   Purchase 
(Need Recognition) Evaluation Purchase

3) Online Consumer Behavior Model:

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 4
4) Different Information Systems / Different Fulfillment Cycle:

5) E-Procurement Systems and Catalogue Data:

6) E-Marketing Plan:

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 5
7) SOSTAC Framework:

8) Inputs to E-Marketing Plan:

9) Target Marketing Strategy Development Stages:

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 6
10) Summary of Individualization Degree:

11) E-Marketing Channel Integration:

12) Barney's Model for Resources Analysis:


Valuable Rarity Inimitability Organized

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 7
Abbreviations – Based Questions
API Application Programming Interface
B2B Business – To – Business
B2C Business – To – Consumers
C2C Consumers – To – Consumers
COBS Corporate Online Booking Solutions
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
ERP Enterprise Resources Planning
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
GUI Graphical User Interface
HTML Hyper-Text Markup Language
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
ISOC Internet Society
ISPs Internet Service Providers
JPEG Joint Photographics Experts Group
LAN Local Area Network
LINX London Internet Exchange
MOTO Mail Order / Telephone Order
OS Operating System
P2P Peer-To-Peer
PCs Personal Computers
RSS Rich Site Summary / Really Simple Syndication
SLEPT Societal Environment  (Social – Legal – Economical – Political – Technological)
SMART Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic – Time Constrained
SOSTAC Situation Analysis – Objectives – Strategy – Tactics – Actions - Controls
SWOT Strengths – Weakness – Opportunities - Threats
TCP / IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TINA-C Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture Consortium.
URL Uniform Resources Locator
VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol
VRIO Barney's Model  (Valuable – Rare – Inimitable – Organized)
WAN Wide-Area Network
WWW World-Wide Web
XML Extensible Markup Language
7Ps Marketing Mix  (Product – Price – Place – Promotion – People – Process – Physical Evidence)

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 8
‫إختصار الندوة‬
‫قام الدكتور‪ /‬أحمد حمدي زكً (مدٌر إدارة تكنولوجٌا المعلومات ببنك اإلستثمار العربً) بالتحدث عن اآلتً‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬العمل البنكً التقلٌدي إشتمل على تلقً األموال و اإلقراض فقط ‪ ...‬إال أنه تطور لٌشمل تقدٌم ال عدٌد من الخدمات المتطورة‬
‫منها إدارة األموال و إدارة محافظ األورق المالٌة و خالفه مما ٌستلزم إدارة تكنولوجٌا معلومات متطورة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬زاد إهتمام البنوك فً مصر بتكنولوجٌا المعلومات بعد ما تعرض له بنك ‪ Misr Exterior‬من إختراق و تالعب بحسابات‬
‫العمالء من قبل أحد موظفٌهم بإستغالل تكنولوجٌا المعلومات‪ ،‬مما أدى إلى تصفٌة البنك بالكامل‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬اإلستثمار فً تكنولوجٌا المعلومات لم ٌعد مجرد رقم فً حسابات األصول‪ ،‬بل أصبح أحد مقومات تحقٌق مٌزة تنافسٌة‬
‫بمبالبغ تتجاور الملٌارات‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬النظام البنكً الحالً لم ٌعد ٌعتمد على نظام الـ ‪ Batch File‬الذي إشتمل على ‪ 3‬مراحل تبدأ بإدخال البٌانات‪ ،‬ثم المراجعة‪،‬‬
‫ثم اإلدخال على النظام مما أعاق عملٌة الحصول على معلومات فورٌة ‪ ...‬حٌث تم التحول إلى نظام الـ ‪ Online File‬و الذي‬
‫ٌقوم بتسجٌل أي معالمات بنكٌة فور حدوثها ‪ ... ...‬كما لم ٌعد اإلعتماد على تسجٌل كل حركة ٌقوم بها العمٌل بالدفاتر‪ ،‬حٌث تم‬
‫إستخدام أدوات أفضل تكنولوجٌا تقوم بعمل دفتر لكل عمٌل بشكل إلٌكترونً يربط جمٌع الفروع و يوضح أي معامالت ٌقوم بها‬
‫العمٌل على الفور فً كل الفروع‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬الـ ‪ Data Center‬الخاصة بالبنوك مختلفة تماما عن تلك الموجودة فً الـ ‪ PCs‬العاجٌة سواء من ناحٌة األجهزة أو‬
‫‪ CDs‬و الـ‬ ‫الشبكات أو نظم الحماٌة الخاصة بها‪ ،‬حٌث تم البعد عن حفظ المعلومات علً الوسائل الخارجٌة المتنقلة كالـ‬
‫‪ ،Flash Drives‬حٌث ٌعتمد النظام البنكً حالٌا على أجهزة ‪ Mainframes‬قوٌة و على وجود نظام ‪ Backup‬قوي‬
‫مراقب بعناٌة بوجود عدد (‪ Servers )2‬بكل منها مجموعة من الـ ‪ Hard Disks‬و الـ ‪ Switches‬تقوم بحفظ كل البٌانات‬
‫فً نفس الوقت‪ ،‬إال أن تلك األجهزة تكون فً مكانٌن مختلفٌن لزٌادة الحماٌة ‪ ... ...‬كما تتغٌر الـ ‪ Passwords‬الخاصة بهذه‬
‫األجهزة و المسئولٌن عنها بشكل دوري‪.‬‬
‫‪ٌ -‬حتفظ البنك أٌضا بما ٌدعى الـ ‪ Journal and History Files‬و التً توضح أي معاملة أو محاولة إختراق ٌقوم بها أي‬
‫من المتعاملٌن مع البنك سواء داخل أو خارج البنك‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬الـ ‪ E-Banking‬ساعدت الشركات الصغٌرة فً منافسة الشركات الكبٌرة‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬قٌادات البنك العلٌا لم تعد تحتاج إلى التقارٌر المفصلة التً كانت تصدر من النظم مثل الـ ‪ TPS‬و الـ ‪ MIS‬و الـ ‪... DSS‬‬
‫بل تحتاج مثل هذه القٌادات إلى تقارٌر مختصرة و شاملة و التً تصدر األن من النظم مثل الـ ‪.Expert Systems‬‬

‫‪ -‬التحوٌالت البنكٌة ما زالت تؤرق النظام البنكً فً مصر خشٌة عملٌات غسٌل األموال‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬كلما ٌزٌد تدفق المعلومات‪ ،‬كلما زادت الحاجة إلى نظم حماٌة متطورة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬البنك ٌحتوي على أقسام عدٌدة لزٌادة الحماٌة و منها إدارات الـ ‪ Risk Management‬والـ ‪ Risk Control‬و الـ ‪Risk‬‬
‫‪ Operations‬لتحدٌد حجم المخاطر التي ٌتعرض لها البنك داخلٌا أو خارجٌا‪ ،‬و التً تهتم أٌضا بالـ ‪ IT Risks‬و الـ ‪IT‬‬
‫‪ Security‬و الـ ‪ ... IT Governance‬إلخ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬تحدٌد جدوي إقراض أي عمٌل أو أي مؤسسة كان ٌعتمد على أنظمة ٌدوٌة و جسدٌة لإلستعالم‪ ،‬إال أنه ٌعتمد اآلن على نظم‬
‫الـ ‪ I-Score‬و هو رقم كودي ٌعدل من قبل البنك المركزي مربوط بالرقم القومً للعمٌل ٌكشف عن جمٌع المعامالت البنكٌة‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬المركز المالً للبنك ٌعتمد على وجود شبكة مراسلٌن قوٌة بٌن الدول تسمح بالتعامل مع مبالغ مالٌة كبٌرة‪ ،‬و التً تعتمد على‬
‫وجود شبكة معلومات قوٌة ‪ ...‬مما ٌسمح أٌضا بتقلٌل عدد العمالة المطلوبة فً كل فروع البنك‪.‬‬
‫‪ٌ -‬عتمد نظام الحماٌة الداخلً على منع الموظفٌن من رؤٌة العملٌة البنكٌة كاملة‪ ،‬حٌث ٌمنح كل قسم حق الدخول إلى بعض‬
‫المعلومات المسموح بها من قبل مسئولً حماٌة النظم‪ ،‬كما أٌضا ال ٌمنح أي من المستخدمٌن و المتعاملٌن مع خدمات البنوك‬
‫حق تعدٌل أو تحمٌل أو نسخ أي معلومات على أنظمة الحاسب األلً‪ ،‬حٌث ٌمنح كل منهم حق إسترجاع المعلومات أو اإلستفهام‬
‫فقط )‪ ،(Query‬و كل عمٌل ٌمنح ‪ٌ Digital Signature‬تم مطابقته عند أي معاملة تجارٌة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬تطور الموقع الخاص بالبنك من كونه موقع لعرض المعلومات فقط‪ ،‬إلى موقع للتواصل‪ ،‬ثم تطور بشكل أكثر حرفٌة إلى‬
‫مواقع تبادلٌة تتٌح للعمٌل متابعة حسابه بشكل دوري‪.‬‬

‫‪Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬
Chapter (3)
IT Infrastructure

1) The architecture of hardware, software, content and data is known as:

a) E-business infrastructure c) E-business web structure
b) E-commerce infrastructure d) None of the above

2) Which could be accepted as a component of an e-business infrastructure?

a) E-business services applications layer c) E-business content and data layer
b) E-business transport or network layer d) All of the above

3) E-business infrastructure refers to:

a) E-business networking. d) E-business client / server environment.
b) E-business applications. e) All of the above.
c) E-business content hosting.

4) The level of infrastructure which refers to information processed and displayed is:
a) Storage/physical b) Application content c) Infrastructure d) Processing

5) The level of e-business infrastructure which refers to computation and logic is:
a) Storage/physical b) Application content c) Infrastructure d) Processing

6) The level of E-business infrastructure which refers to memory and hard-disks components:
a) Storage/physical b) Application content c) Infrastructure d) Processing

7) The level of infrastructure which refers to information stored is the … … … level:

a) First. b) Second. c) Third. d) Fourth. e) Fifth.

8) The level of e-business infrastructure which refers to information computation and logic is
the … … … level:
a) First. b) Second. c) Third. d) Fourth. e) Fifth.

9) The website for a company is hosted on a Web … … … :

a) Server b) Client c) Infrastructure d) Page

10) The website content of a company is accessed by an end-user through using a Web … … :
a) Client / Server b) Server c) E-mail d) Browser

11) What are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome
examples of?
a) Web servers b) Application servers c) Web browsers d) All of the above

12) A provider enabling home or business users access and web hosting services for the
Internet is referred to as:
a) Online Solutions Providers (OSPs). c) Internet Solutions Providers (ISPs).
b) Internet Service Providers (ISPs). d) Application Service Providers (ISPs).

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 10
13) Access and web hosting services for the internet are provided through:
a) Application Service Providers (ASPs). d) Online Solutions Providers (OSPs).
b) Internet Service Providers (ISPs). e) None of the above.
c) Internet Solutions Providers (ISPs).

14) It is easy to take the Internet for granted as it seamlessly connects millions of computers
worldwide but where do local Internet service providers come into the picture?
a) They filter out erroneous data to avoid the Internet slowing down
b) They provide home and business users with a connection to access the Internet
c) They form part of a country's infrastructure
d) They relay messages to speed up transmission

15) Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be organized in all of the following forms, except:
a) Commercial. c) Governmental. e) Privately-owned.
b) Community-owned. d) Non-profit.

16) The most common way of publishing information on the Internet accessed through web
browsers may surprise some but it is known as:
a) Usenet Newsgroups c) World Wide Web (WWW).
b) Web application servers d) Web application frameworks

17) A private network within a company used to provide shared content for staff is known as:
a) Internet b) Intranet c) Open source d) Extranet

18) Which of the following could be seen as business benefits of an extranet?

a) Improved levels of customer service d) All of the above
b) Information sharing in secure environment e) None of the above
c) Cost reduction

19) Skype offers free calls or video-conferencing between internet connected computers and
is an example of:
a) Instant Messaging (IM) c) Really Simple Syndication (RSS).
b) iPTV d) Voice Over IP (VOIP).

20) Which of the following is the most correct regarding Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)?
a) It is the foundation of data communication for the worldwide web.
b) It is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative and hypermedia information system.
c) It includes hyperlinks to other resources that the user can easily access, by a mouse click or by
tapping the screen. d) All of the above.

21) Which is the most correct regarding Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)?
a) It refers to the standard markup language format used to define the text and layout of web pages.
b) It is used for creating web pages and web applications with a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
and JavaScript.
c) It is purely presentational.
d) It forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the WWW.
e) All of the above.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 11
22) XML, which is used for exchanging data between different systems, stands for:
a) Extensible Markup Language c) Extensible Machine Language
b) X-programming Markup Language d) Extensible Micro-format Language

23) The protocol which allows the file transfer between computers is
a. TCP/IP b. FTP c. HTTP d. SOA

24) Which one of the following is not an advantage for a marketing intranet?
a) Distribution of information through remote offices nationally and globally
b) Better customer service that is more responsive and personalized
c) Lengthened product life cycles
d) Reduced costs through higher productivity and savings on hard copy

25) Which is NOT a business benefit of using an extranet?

a) Greater order processing and distribution c) Improved customer service
b) Significant cost increases d) Information sharing in a secure environment

26) Which of the following are key questions to investigate when creating a new extranet?
a) Is the quality of the information adequate and up to date
b) Will the levels of usage be sufficient to justify investment
c) Is it effective and efficacious d) All of the above

27) … … … is a software to prevent unauthorized access to company data from outsiders?

a) Firewall c) Web analytics system
b) Middleware d) Enterprise application integration - EAI

28) Many start-ups don't buy new networking and storage hardware or software. The facilities
are hosted externally but can be accessed from any location. This is known as … … … :
a) Cloud computing c) Utility computing
b) On-demand hosting d) Application service provision

29) A transaction log file stores details:

a) E-mail address of all visitors. d) The dates & times of files accessed on server.
b) Details of all databases of all visitors. e) All of the above.
c) About the name and address of every visitor.

30) A company … … … can be used to provide shared content for staff only:
a) Internet. b) Opranet. c) Intranet. d) Extranet. e) None.

31) A company … … … can be used to provide specialized content such as sales histories to
key account customers.
a) Opranet. b) Internet. c) Intranet. d) Extranet. e) None.

32) A company … … … site can be used to proved access to all the interested users.
a) Intranet. c) Internet. e) None of the above.
b) Opranet. d) Extranet.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 12
33) Information Islands result from: (!!!)
a) Separate applications in different functional areas.
b) An integrated application architecture.
c) Separate databases in different functional areas.
d) Both (a) and (c). e) None of the above.

34) An application of this is making streaming video media available to PC users:

a) Instant Messaging (IM). c) Really Simple Syndication (RSS).
b) Voice Over IP (VOIP). d) iPTV.

35) The address component of a TCP/IP Packet delivered across HTTP is provided by the:
a) IP Component. c) TCP Component. e) None of the above.
b) HTTP Component. d) Both (A) and (C).

36) A key management issue with extranets is:

a) Managing content revision. c) Achieving continued usage.
b) Encouraging initial usage. d) All of the above.

37) The main standard used for structured data transfer is:
a) Extensible markup language (XML). d) Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).
b) Graphic Interchange Format (GIF). e) All of the above.
c) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

38) Firewalls are used to:

a) Identify & exclude unwanted visitors to a site. b) Detect denial of service attacks.
c) Prevent access to corporate data not stored on the website.
d) Detect malicious application entering an organization. e) All of the above.

39) Decisions in e-business infrastructure related to application support priorities include:

a) PC – Based Versus Mobile – Based Devices. b) Internet hosting or external ASP hosting.
c) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) versus Supply Chain Management (SCM).
d) Performance versus Availability.

40) Decisions in e-business infrastructure related to access platform include:

a) PC – Based Versus Mobile – Based Devices. b) Internet hosting or external ASP hosting.
c) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) versus Supply Chain Management (SCM).
d) Performance versus Availability.

41) A key benefit of deploying an application-based server solution for email is: (!!!)
a) Always cheaper than internal email management.
b) Security can be monitored before emails enter organizations.
c) Reduced hardware costs. d) Both (A) and (C). e) None of the above.

42) Which of the following applications has most increased business usage of the internet?
a) Extensible Markup Language (XML). d) WWW.
b) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). e) None of the above.
c) Usenet Newsgroups.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 13
43) The main standard used for banner ad display is:
a) GIF. b) HTML. c) XML. d) JPEG. e) All.

44) The main standard used for static page creation is:
a) GIF. b) HTML. c) JPEG. d) XML. e) All.

45) The main standard used for photo-realistic page creation is:
a) HTML. b) GIF. c) JPEG. d) XML. e) None.

46) When a web-client requests information from a web server, the standard it uses is:
a) XML. b) HTML. c) ABCE. d) HTTP

47) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI use

a. requires an extranet c. can be done on internet
b. requires value added network d. requires a corporate intranet

48) A manufacturing company that wanted to be able to place material orders more efficiently
most likely would utilize which of the following?
a. Electronic data interchange. c. Electronic check presentment.
b. Electronic funds transfer. d. Automated clearinghouse.

49) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) over internet uses

a. MIME to EDI forms to e-mail messages c. HTTP to send business forms
b. FTP to send business forms d. SGML to send business forms

50) A firewall is a
a. wall built to prevent fires from damaging a corporate intranet
b. security device deployed at the boundary of a company to prevent unauthorized physical access
c. security device deployed at the a corporate intranet boundary to protect from unauthorized access
d. device to prevent all accesses from the internet to the corporate intranet

51) A firewall may be implemented in

a. routers which connect intranet to internet c. expensive modem
b. bridges used in an intranet d. users application programs

52) Firewall as part of a router program

a. filters only packets coming from internet b. filters only packets going to internet
c. filters packets travelling from and to the intranet from the internet
d. ensures rapid traffic of packets for speedy e-Commerce

53) When 2 companies are linked together by computers and they send business transactions
through these computers, they are probably using _____.
a. Digital wallets c. B2C
b. Electronic data interchange (EDI) d. Smart cards

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54) Which of the following is the most recent Information - Dissemination Advances Stage?
a) Mass Publication enabled by the Gutenburg Press.
b) Mass Interaction enabled by the Microprocessors and Personal Computers.
c) Automation enabled by the electric power and switching technologies.
d) Mass Communication enabled by the Internet, WWW and Java Applets.
e) Infrastructuralization enabled by the LAN, WAN and GUIs.
f) Documentation enabled by the written language and the development of the clay tablets.

55) Which sequence of Information - Dissemination Advances Stages is the most correct?
a) Mass Interaction, Documentation, Mass Publication, Automation, Infrastructuralization and Mass
b) Documentation, Mass Publication, Automation, Mass Interaction, Infrastructuralization and Mass
c) Mass Publication, Documentation, Automation, Mass Interaction, Infrastructuralization and Mass
d) Mass Communication, Documentation, Mass Publication, Automation, Mass Interaction, and

56) Which of the following isn't correct regarding Web 2.0?

a) It is a set of user-centered social – media applications.
b) It enables people collaborate and share information online in new ways.
c) It involves the transition from dynamic web pages to a more static Web.
d) It isn’t a new web standard, where it involves interactive applications hosted on the Web, Ad
funding of neutral sites. e) It enables rating of content.

57) Which of the following is correct regarding Really Simple Syndication (RSS)?
a) It is a type of web-feed, which allows users to access updates to online content in a standardized,
computer-readable format.
b) It allows a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator.
c) The news aggregator will automatically check the RSS feed for new content, allowing the content
to be automatically passed from website to website.
d) The passing of content is called "web syndication". e) All of the above.

58) Which of the following is the most correct regarding Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)?
a) It is referred to as a Perimeter Network.
b) It is a physical or logical sub-network that contains and exposes an organization's external – facing
services to an un-trusted network.
c) It adds an additional layer of security to an organization's
d) The external network node only has direct access to what is exposed in the DMZ.
e) All of the above.

59) Who controls the Internet?

a)Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which is a non-profit organization
responsible for coordinating and regulating domain names. b) Internet Society.
c) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). d) World Wide Web Consortium.
e)Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture Consortium TINA-C.
f) All of the above.

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60) Which of the following is the most correct regarding the following Media Standards?
a) Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) refers to the graphics format and compression algorithm best
used for simple graphics.
b) Joint Photographics Experts Group (JPEG) involves the graphics format and compression
algorithm best used for photographs.
c) Streaming MediaIt involves the sound and video experienced within a web browser before the
whole clip is downloaded.
d) Video StandardsIt includes extensions such as (MPEG) and (AVI) and Sound Standards includes
extensions such as (MP3) and (WMA).
e) All of the above.

61) Which of the following is not correct regarding Extensible Markup Language (XML)?
a) It is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is
both human-readable and machine-readable
b) It is used for exchanging structured data between different systems
c) It is purely presentational. d) None of the above.

62) Which of the following isn't an E-Commerce Infrastructure Problem?

a) Website isn't available or communications are too slow.
b) Bugs on site. d) E-mails not replied to.
c) Ordered products are delivered on time. e) Customers’ privacy or trust is broken.

63) Which of the following is the most correct?

a) IP Address is a unique address that allows communication between end stations.
b) Uniform Resources Locator (URL) refers to the specific location of a resource to be accessed
through 2 main parts: Protocol and Domain Name.
c) Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) refers to the suite of communication
protocols used to interconnect networked devices on the internet. It can also be used as a
communication protocol in a private network.
d) All of the above.

64) Key Management Issues of E-Business Infrastructure involve:

a) Applications Type and Technologies Used.
b) Quality of Service Achieved. c) Applications Hosting and Integration.
d) Access Platform Used and managing Employees Access. e) All of the above.

65) Which of the following statements is the most correct?

a) An RSS Document is called "feed", "web feed", or "channel".
b) London Internet Exchange "LINX" is a mutually governed internet exchange point (IXP).
c) The Online Retail and Services growth rate has slowed. However the intensity and scope of use
both increasing.
d) Some demographic groups have much higher percentages of online usage than others.
e) Online traffic is also influenced by offline brands and shopping.
f) All of the above.

66) Which one is not a layer of E-Commerce infrastructure?

a) Physical layer b) Product layer c) Service layer d) None

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67) The body that regulates domain names is:
b) The World Wide Web Consortium d) The Internet Society

68) Which of the following is a characteristic of Web 2.0?

a) Interactive applications hosted on the Web. d) Enabling rating of content.
b) Ad funding of neutral sites. e) All of the above.
c) Encourage creating user-generated content.

69) A firewall is
A) An established network performance reference point.
B) Software or hardware used to isolate a private network from a public network.
C) A virus that infects macros.
D) A predefined encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt data transmissions.

70) Firewalls operate by:

a) Pre-purchase phase. c) Screening packets to / from the network.
b) Isolating Intranet from Extranet. d) None of the above.

71) Mechanism to protect private networks from outside attack is

A) Firewall B) Antivirus C) Digital signature D) Formatting

72) Tool that is used to transfer data / files among computers on the Internet
A) FTP B) Archie C) TCP D) Gopher

73) HTML is a
A) Programming Language C) Web Browser
B) Scripting Language D) Network Protocol

74) … … … refers to the second-generation of the internet services that let people collaborate
and share information online in new ways, such as social networks and wikis.
a) Web 2.0. c) Virtual Web. e) None of the above.
b) Media Web. d) Social Web.

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Chapter (6)
Consumer Behavior
1) Which of the following is true regarding Consumer Behavior Models?
a) It refers to the attempts to predict or explain a wide range of consumer behaviors or decisions.
b) It is based on background (1)demographic factors, (2)marketing stimuli (Intervening Factor), (3)social
network factors and (4)community factors.
c) It helps explain (1)what consumers purchase and (2)where, (3)when, (4)how much and (5)why they
d) All of the above.

2) Which of the following is not true regarding Neighborhood Effects?

a) It refers to the role of social emulation in consumption decisions.
b) It involves the idea that individuals buy certain cultural products in order to emulate or ‘imitate’ their
superiors or those in the higher-class sections of the social hierarchy.
c) It is a subset of the information filtering systems.
d) None of the above.

3) Consumer Decision Process flows in which of the following sequences?

a) Search, Alternatives Evaluation, Awareness, Post Purchase and Purchase.
b) Awareness, Search, Alternatives Evaluation, Purchase and Post Purchase.
c) Post Purchase, Awareness, Alternatives Evaluation, Search and Purchase.
d) None of the above.

4) Loyalty arises in which of the following stages?

a) Awareness. c) Alternatives Evaluation. e) Post Purchase.
b) Search. d) Purchase.

5) Mass Media is highly needed in which of the following stages?

a) Awareness. c) Alternatives Evaluation. e) Post Purchase.
b) Search. d) Purchase.

6) Independent Factors include all of the following except:

a) Culture. c) Psychological Factors. e) Purchasing Attitudes.
b) Social Norms. d) Demographic Factors.

7) Intervening Factors include all of the following except:

a) Product Characteristics. c) Website Features. e) Marketing Stimuli.
b) Consumer Skills. d) Firm Capabilities. f) None of the above.

8) Consumer behavior can be defined as:

a. a field of study focusing on marketing activities
b. a field of study focusing on consumer activities
c. a study of pricing
d. the study of decision rules e. None of the above.

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9) Consumption analysis refers to:
a. why and how people use products. b. why and how people make products.
c. when and where people dispose of products.
d. A and B e. A, B, and C

10) Many firms are trying to develop relationships with their customers because:
a. people are naturally brand loyal. d. consumer behavior is very difficult to understand.
b. new customers are very expensive to recruit. e. B and C are correct.
c. doing so makes it easier to retain them.

11) Manufacturers study consumer behavior to influence:

a.brand choice c.consumption
b.purchase d. All of the above.

12) Focus groups are examples of:

a.Experimentation c.Observation e.Critical relativism
b.Interviews and surveys d.Post-modernism

13) ____ usually consist of 8 - 12 people led by a moderator to discuss a subject. (!!!)
a.Focus groups c.Experiments e.None of the above
b.Longitudinal studies . d.Shadowing studies

14) ____ involves the allocation of resources to develop and sell products or services that
consumers will perceive to provide more value than competitive products or services.
a.Market analysis c.Marketing strategy e.Implementation
b.Market segmentation d.Market diversification

15) Marketing strategy is a process that involves which of the following areas of strategy
formulation and implementation?
a. Brand strategy c. Market segmentation e. A, B, and C
b. Market analysis d. A and C

16) A group of consumers with similar needs and behavior that differs from those of the entire
mass market is called a:
a. Market niche c. Mass market e. Target market
b. Market segment d. Market unit

17) Which of the following is not a variable used for segmenting consumer markets?
a. Demographics c. Purchase behavior e. All are variables used.
b. Psychographics d. Geographical

18) Customizing goods or services for individual customers in high volumes and at relatively
low costs is known as:
a. target marketing c. mass marketing e. niche customization
b. niche marketing d. mass customization

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19) Click-Stream includes which of the following factors?
a) Number of past purchases. b) Speed of clickstream behavior
c) Number of days since last visit and last purchase.
d) Number of pages and products viewed during last visit.
e) All of the above.

20) Which of the following statements is the most correct?

a) Types of purchases depend on the level of experience with the web.
b) Big Ticket Items purchasing is expanding, where customers are getting more confident in
purchasing via the internet.
c) 27% of internet users don't ship online because of Trust Factors and Hassle Factors.
d) Asymmetry of information can lead to opportunistic behavior by sellers.
e) All of the above.

21) The 2 most important factors shaping decisions to purchase online are:
a) Convenience, which includes having the online available near the customers.
b) Utility, which includes better prices, more convenience and speed.
c) Ubiquity, which involves having the online available 24/7 anywhere.
d) Trust, which includes perception of credibility, ease of use and perceived risk.
e) Both (a) and (c). f) Both (b) and (d).

22) Shoppers find online vendors through:

a) Search Engines. c) Specific Retail Sites.
b) Marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay. d) All of the above.

23) Which of the following statements is the most correct?

a) Consumers shop online primarily for convenience
b) Mail Order / Telephone Order (MOTO) sector is most similar to the online retail sector, which
includes a sophisticated order entry, delivery and inventory control systems.
c) Internet has created new venues for multi-channel firms and supported a few pure-play merchants.
d) E-marketing plan is often developed separately from an e-business strategy.
e) All of the above.

24) Click-Stream Behavior Analysis and Collaborative Filtering are a :

a) Business Model. c) Personalization Technique.
b) Revenue Model. d) All of the above.

25) Personal characteristics and environmental characteristics are classified as:

a) decision variables c) intervening variables
b) dependent variables d) independent variables

26) The major environmental variables influencing EC purchasing are:

a) price, brand, frequency of purchase, and tangibility
b) social, cultural, community, regulatory, political, and legal
c) price, social, cultural, ethnicity, and lifestyle
d) age, gender, ethnicity, education, and lifestyle

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27) Pricing, technical support, and logistics support are several of the ________ that can be
controlled by EC vendors and sellers
a) dependent variables c) decision variables
b) intervening variables d) independent variables

28) Because online buyer's decisions depend on numerous independent and intervening
variables, decisions made by customers are classified as
a) decision variables c) independent variables
b) dependent variables d) intervening variables

29) Banner advertising on Web sites helps trigger a realization that there is a gap between
reality and a desired state, which occurs in the ________ stage of the EC purchase decision-
making process
a) need identification c) information search
b) evaluation, negotiation, and selection d) purchase, payment and delivery,

30) The two key factors limiting the use of personalization to more precisely target marketing
efforts to individual customers are:
a) matching profiles with product offerings and delivering those offerings
b) privacy and trust issues c) communication costs and filtering costs
d) lack of customer loyalty and service customization costs

31) By increasing customer loyalty, EC companies can achieve the following benefits
a) lower marketing and advertising costs c) lower resistance to competitors
b) lower transaction costs d) lower warranty claims costs

32) According to research, customer satisfaction with an Internet store

a) cannot be predicted
b) drops dramatically when certain Web site features fail to perform properly, such as the content's
reliability, loading speed, or usefulness
c) depend on two types of factors: information quality and customer service quality
d) is higher for new customers than former customers

33) Social class, lifestyle, personality, and activities are descriptors used in ________ market
a) cognitive, affective, behavioral c) demographic
b) psychographic d) geographic

34) To avoid getting false information from participants of online surveys, marketers learn
about customers by observing their behavior using each of the following EXCEPT
a) Cookies that allow a Web site to store data on the user's PC
b) Data mining to analyze clickstream data
c) Spyware that gathers user information through an Internet connection without the user's
d) Transaction logs that record user activities at a company's Web site

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35) B2C clickstream data can reveal information each of the following EXCEPT
a) What goods the customer examined but did not purchase
b) Whether there are too many products for the customer to wade through
c) What goods the customer wanted to but could not find
d) Which ads and promotions were effective and which were not

36) Web analytics and mining tools and services

a) are used to redesign Web sites quickly and on the fly
b) offer advanced functions that help marketers decide which products to promote, and
merchandisers achieve a better understanding of the nature of demand
c) provide most companies with knowledge about how to use clickstream data effectively
d) simply report which pages were clicked and how long a visitor stayed there

37) A(n) ________ is a type of pop-up ad that appears after a user clicks a link and remains
while content is loading to capture the user's attention for a short time, either as a promotion
or a lead-in to the site's homepage or to advertise a product or a service (!!!)
a) CPM b) banner exchange c) interstitial d) keyword banner

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Chapter (7)

1) The terms "purchasing" and "procurement" are often used synonymously but which of the
following statements provides a more refined distinction?
a) Purchasing has a broader meaning than procurement
b) Procurement is broadly equivalent to purchasing
c) Procurement has a broader meaning than purchasing
d) None of the above

2) The electronic integration and management of all procurement activities including

purchase request, authorization, ordering, delivery between a purchaser and supplier is:
a) E-procurement process c) E-procurement
b) E-procurement system d) All of the above

3) E-procurement is not new and there have been many attempts to automate the process of
procurement for the potential buyer by using:
a) Electronic procurement c) Chip and pin technology
b) Electronic procurement systems d) Radio frequency identification microchip

4) Which one enables the company to buy goods and services that have the lowest price or
combination of lowest price and other conditions through Internet technology?
a) Bids (E-reverse auction), c) E-tendering.
b) E-informing. d) E-sourcing.

5) Which of the following is NOT regarded as a risk or barrier in adopting e-procurement?

a) Competition issues b) Possible positive perception from suppliers
c) Negotiated procurement benefits may be shared with other exchange users who may be
d) Creation and cost of catalogues

6) Which sequence is most typical of the procurement process?

a) Approver to originator to buyer to supplier. c) Originator to buyer to approver to supplier.
b) Supplier to originator to approver to buyer. d) Originator to approver to buyer to supplier.

7) A purchasing company can access a dynamic real-time catalogue hosted by a supplier.

What is this catalogue generally known as?
a) Standardised interface catalogue c) B2B e-catalogue
b) Punchout catalogue d) Consolidated catalogue

8) Electronic B2B marketplaces can also be known as exchanges and hubs and they all refer
to virtual locations with facilities to enable trading between buyers and sellers. The most
significant included:
a) Difficulties to create a paradigm shift in e-business
b) Benefits, risks and trust in partners
c) Lack of faith in an integrated e-marketplace d) All of the other answers apply

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 23
9) In future, some suggest that the task of searching for suppliers and products may be taken
over by computer programs. These programs are known as: (!!!)
a) Spider search engines d) E-marketplace search engines
b) Software intelligent agents e) None of the above

10) A recent simple classification of different types or applications of e-procurement was

produced by Smart. Which of the following is NOT one of these?
a) E-tendering b) E-transparency c) E-sourcing d) E-informing

11) What is the term used to describe where supply chain partners manage the replenishment
of parts or items for sale?
a) Vendor-managed inventory c) E-procurement drivers
b) Efficient customer response d) E-business value and stock level grid

12) Production related procurement refers to the purchasing of: (!!!)

a) Information systems b) Office supplies c) Raw materials d) Furniture

13) Negotiated contracts with regular suppliers typically in long-term relationships is an

example of:
a) MRO sourcing b) E-procurement c) Spot sourcing d) Systematic sourcing

14) Fulfillment of an immediate need, where it is less important to know the credibility of the
supplier is an example of:
a) Systematic sourcing b) E-procurement c) MRO sourcing d) Spot sourcing

15) The purchase of products when needed at prevailing market prices is referred to as:
A. direct materials. B. strategic sourcing. C. spot buying. D. consolidation.

16) Unplanned purchases of items needed quickly, often at non-pre-negotiated higher prices,
best defines: (!!!)
A. impulse purchases. B. free market. C. MRO purchasing. D. maverick buying.

17) For B2B e-procurement, the merchant / seller site should facilitate:
a) Modified rebuys c) Partially complete orders e) All of the above
b) Straight rebuys d) Initial purchases

18) Benefits of e-procurement methods include each of the following except:

A. increasing the productivity of purchasing agents.
B. streamlining invoice reconciliation and dispute resolution.
C. Increasing the skill requirements and training needs of purchasing agents.
D. lowering purchase prices through product standardization, reverse auctions, volume discounts,
and consolidation of purchases.

19) E-procurement benefits include each of the following except:

A. reducing the number of suppliers. C. ease of internal and external integration.
B. ensuring delivery on time, every time. D. improving information flow & management.

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20) By not selling online, Gregg's Cycles avoids ________ with its dealers and the
independent bike shops that sell its bikes. (!!!)
A. pricing conflict C. multichannel distribution
B. channel conflict D. disintermediation

21) The planning, organizing, and coordinating of all the activities relating to purchasing
goods and services needed to accomplish the organization's mission best defines:
A. buy-side e-marketplace. C. procurement management.
B. supply chain management. D. customer relationship management.

22) Which of the following is not one of the major benefits of B2B for both buyers and sellers?
A. expedites processing & reduces cycle time B. reduces procurement costs
C. enables customized online catalogs with different prices for different customers
D. increases opportunities for collaboration

23) An online third party that brokers a transaction between a buyer and seller best describes:
A. strategic source. C. vertical marketplace.
B. horizontal marketplace. D. online intermediary.

24) A Web-based marketplace in which one company sells to many business buyers from e-
catalogs or auctions, frequently over an extranet, describes
A. sell-side e-commerce. C. buy-side e-commerce.
B. single-side e-commerce. D. reflective e-commerce.

25) Major procurement methods include:

A. buying at an exchange or industrial mall.
B. buying at private or public auction sites in which the organization participates as one of the
C. buying directly from manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers from their catalogs, and possibly by
D. all of the above.

26) Using Internet technology to buy goods and services from a number of known or
unknown suppliers best defines:
A. e-reverse auctioning. C. e-sourcing.
B. e-tendering. D. e-informing.

27) A corporate-based acquisition site that uses reverse auctions, negotiations, group
purchasing, or any other e-procurement method best defines:
A. desktop procurement method. C. intermediary.
B. buy-side e-marketplace. D. aggregated catalog.

28) The advantage to the buyer of using an intermediary-based e-procurement system is:
a) Wide choice. d) Ease of integration with legacy systems.
b) Single interface. e) All of the above.
c) Ease of changing suppliers.

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29) An advantage of e-procurement is:
a) Maverick purchasing. b) Ease of integration with legacy systems.
c) Reduced cycle time and cost.
d) Ease of achieving cost saving without redeploying staff.
e) None of the above.

30) Which is an organizational risk of e-procurement?

a) Resistance to the system from staff. d) Both (a) and (c).
b) Expected cost savings may not be delivered. e) None of the above.
c) Difficulty integration with existing systems.

31) Which is a technological risk of e-procurement?

a) Resistance to the system from staff. d) Both (a) and (c).
b) Expected cost savings may not be delivered. e) None of the above.
c) Difficulty integration with existing systems.

32) Which is an economic risk of e-procurement?

a) Resistance to the system from staff.
b) Expected cost savings may not be delivered.
c) Difficulty integration with existing systems.
d) Both (a) and (c). e) None of the above.

33) The disadvantage to the buyer of using sell-side e-procurement system is:
a) Different interface on each site. d) Restricted choice.
b) Difficult to integrate with internal systems. e) All of the above.
c) Limited purchasing control.

34) The disadvantage to the buyer of using intermediary-based e-procurement system is:
a) Different interface on each site. d) Restricted choices.
b) Difficult to integrate with internal systems. e) None of the above.
c) Limited purchasing control.

35) The disadvantage to the buyer of using buy-side based e-procurement system is:
a) Different interfaces on each site. d) Difficult to integrate with internal systems.
b) Restricted choices. e) None of the above.
c) Limited purchasing control.

36) The most typical advantage to the buyer of using sell-side e-procurement is:
a) Ease of learning single system. d) Different interface on each site.
b) Ease of changing suppliers. e) None of the above.
c) Wide choice.

37) The most typical advantage to the buyer of using buy-side e-procurement system is:
a) Ease of changing suppliers. d) Ease of integration with legacy systems.
b) Different interface on each site. e) None of the above.
c) Wide choice.

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38) One aim of e-procurement is increasing savings by sourcing items:
a) From the right source c) At the right price
b) Of the right quality d) Of the right quantity

39) One aim of e-procurement is increased choice of supplier leading to sourcing items:
a) Of the right quantity c) From the right source
b) Delivered at the right time d) At the right price

40) One aim of e-procurement is increased reliability by sourcing items:

a) On the right quality. c) Of the right quantity. e) None of the above.
b) From the right source. d) At the right price.

41) Which of the following can potentially achieve full e-procurement?

a) Enterprise resources planning system. d) Both (a) and (c).
b) CD based catalogue. e) All of the above.
c) Integrated procurement systems.

42) Which of the following can potentially achieve full e-procurement?

a) Enterprise resources planning system. d) Both (a) and (c).
b) CD based catalogue. e) None of the above.
c) Integrated procurement systems.

43) The type of system which assists forwarding purchasing orders is:
a) Email based. c) Workflow systems. e) None of the above.
b) Catalogue systems. d) Both (a) and (c).

44) When a company purchases by inviting tenders via their website, this is referred to as a:
a) Sell-side at supplier site. c) Neutral exchange. e) None of the above.
b) Buy-side at buyer site. d) Both (a) and (c).

45) When a company purchases from a single supplier at their website, this is referred to as a:
a) Sell-side at supplier site. c) Neutral exchange. e) None of the above.
b) Buy-side at buyer site. d) Both (a) and (c).

46) When a company purchases from multiple suppliers using a B2B intermediary, this is:
a) Sell-side at supplier site. c) Neutral exchange. e) None of the above.
b) Buy-side at buyer site. d) Both (a) and (c).

47) Which gives the least choice of potential suppliers for highest integration costs?
a) One-to-many (Sell side @ supplier site). c) Many-to-many (neutral exchanges).
b) Many-to-one (Buy side @ buyer site). d) None of the above.

48) Failure to achieve cost savings from e-procurement may occur if:
a) Maverick buying increases.
b) It isn't possible to educate the buyers to use the new system.
c) The cost of integration exceeds that anticipated.
d) It is not possible to reduce staff numbers. e) All of the above

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49) An example application of a B2B e-procurement application which enables suppliers to
research past and future payment / information, resolve issues prior to payment due dates
and download document information to the desktop for further analysis: (!!!)
a) Cooperative raw material acquisition. c) Request for quote application.
b) Accounts payable. d) Supplier profile.

50) An example application of a B2B e-procurement application which enables suppliers with
the ability to leverage customers' purchasing power and maximize operational savings:
a) Cooperative raw material acquisition. c) Request for quote application.
b) Accounts payable. d) Supplier profile.

51) Which of the following B2B intermediary describes buying office furniture?
a) Spot sourcing, manufacturing resources. b) Systematic sourcing, manufacturing resources.
c) Spot sourcing, operating resources. d) Systematic sourcing, operating resources.
e) None of the above.

52) Which describes the accounting system element of an e-procurement system?

a) Staff in the buying department to enter an order which can then be used by accounting staff to
make payments when the invoice arrives.
b) Re-ordering is automated when the number in stock falls below reorder thresholds.
c) Integrates the entry of the order by the originator, approval by manager and placement by buyer.
d) Possible to integrate all e-procurement functionality and may also include integration with
suppliers' systems.

53) Which describes enterprise resources planning (ERP) of an e-procurement system?

a) Re-ordering is automated when the number in stock falls below reorder thresholds.
b) Integrate all e-procurement functionality and may also include integration with suppliers' systems.
c) Integrates the entry of the order by the originator, approval by manager and placement by buyer.
d) Staff in the buying department to enter an order which can then be used by accounting staff to
make payment when the invoice arrives.

54) Which describes the e-mail or data-based workflow system elements of an e-procurement
a) Re-ordering is automated when the number in stock falls below reorder thresholds.
b) Integrate all e-procurement functionality and may also include integration with suppliers' systems.
c) Integrates the entry of the order by the originator, approval by manager and placement by buyer.
d) Staff in the buying department to enter an order which can then be used by accounting staff to
make payment when the invoice arrives.

55) Which of the following describes the stock control system elements of an e-procurement
a) Re-ordering is automated when the number in stock falls below reorder thresholds.
b) Integrate all e-procurement functionality and may also include integration with suppliers' systems.
c) Integrates the entry of the order by the originator, approval by manager and placement by buyer.
d) Staff in the buying department to enter an order which can then be used by accounting staff to
make payment when the invoice arrives.

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56) Which of the following is not one of the 5 E-Procurement Rights?
a) Right Quantity. c) Right Information. e) Right Time.
b) Right Quality. d) Right Price.

57) Drivers of E-Procurement include all, but which, of the following?

a) Cost Reduction. d) Improving information management.
b) Enhanced budgetary control. e) Improving the payment process.
c) Increasing buyers' productivity. f) None of the above.

58) Implementing E-Procurement involves improving business processes through:

a) Stock control system. d) Order-entry on web site. g) All of the above.
b) CD/web-based catalogue. e) Accounting systems.
c) E-mail/workflow system. f) ERP systems.

59) ________ create and sell access to digital markets.

A) E-distributors B) Portals C) E-procurement firms D) Market creators

60) Which of the following may offer its customers value chain management software?
A) e-distributors C) exchanges
B) e-procurement companies D) community providers

61) E-procurement is:

a. Procuring goods. c. Procuring the products.
b. Procuring the raw materials. d. All of the above

62) Sell-side e-commerce is

a. Any electronically mediated communication between an organization and its stakeholders.
b. The use of electronic communications for all business processes.
c. An organization using electronic media to purchase from to its suppliers.
d. An organization using electronic media to sell to its customers directly or indirectly.

63) A buy-side supplier threat of e-commerce is:

a. Increase in cost of supplies. c. Less flexibility in switching procurement.
b. Reduction in customer loyalty. d. Drives down cost of commoditized products

64) Major procurement methods include

A) buying directly from manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers by negotiation.
B) buying at an exchange or industrial mall.
C) buying at auction sites in which the organization participates as one of the buyers.
D) all of the above.

65) E-procurement benefits include each of the following except

A) improving information flow and management.
B) ensuring delivery on time, every time. C) reducing the number of suppliers.
D) ease of internal and external integration.

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66) E-procurement limitations and challenges include each of the following except
A) the system may be too complex.
B) the ease of getting suppliers to cooperate electronically.
C) the technology needs to be updated frequently. D) the cost may be too high.

67) Advantages of using internet catalogs include

A) easy financial controls. B) decreasing the number of suppliers.
C) using search engines to look through internal catalogs.
D) all of the above.

68) In ________, the prices are usually dynamic and based on changes in supply and demand.
a) strategic sourcing b) horizontal sourcing c) spot sourcing d) vertical sourcing

69) In ________, the prices are usually negotiated or fixed

a) strategic sourcing b) horizontal sourcing c) spot sourcing d) vertical sourcing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
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51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

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Chapter (8)

1) An e-marketing strategy also needs to be developed and there are three main operational
processes involved. Which one is not one of them?
a) Customer focus group development c) Customer acquisition
b) Customer conversion d) Customer retention and growth

2) There needs to be an aligning of business and e-marketing strategies. Which of the

following would be feasible strategic objectives?
a) Revenue generation b) Communications and branding
c) Channel partnership with distributors using extranets
d) Cost reduction and value chain efficiencies e) They are all applicable

3) Achieving marketing objectives through the use of electronic communications technology

is a general definition of:
a) E-marketing c) The marketing concept
b) E-marketing plan d) Marketing orientation

4) E-marketing is best seen as:

a) Equivalent to e-business c) A subset of e-business
b) Broader than e-business d) Quite dissimilar to e-commerce

5) The e-marketing plan has:

a) The same objectives as the corporate plan
b) The same objectives as the marketing plan
c) The same objectives as the e-business plan
d) A plan to achieve the marketing objectives of the e-business strategy

6) The e-marketing plan has:

a) Objectives which support the objectives of the other organizational plans.
b) The same objectives as the marketing plan.
c) The same objectives as the corporate plan.
d) The same objectives as the e-business plan.
e) None of the above.

7) Marketing is best defined as … … …:

a) The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer
requirements profitably.
b) Achieving marketing objectives through the use of electronic communications technology.
c) Coordinating of the organizational activities that impact on the customer to deliver customer
d) The management of the range of organizational activities that impact on the customer as part of
e) All of the above.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 31
8) E-marketing is best defined as … … …:
a) The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer
requirements profitably.
b) Achieving marketing objectives through the use of electronic communications technology.
c) Coordinating of the organizational activities that impact on the customer to deliver customer
d) The management of the range of organizational activities that impact on the customer as part of
e) All of the above.

9) What is required in addition to a broad e-business strategy to detail how the sell-side
specific objectives of the e-business strategy will be delivered through marketing activities
such as research and communications?
a) Situation analysis c) The marketing concept
b) E-marketing plan d) Marketing orientation

10) As an e-marketing plan is needed in addition to a broad e-business strategy. Generic

frameworks exist which summarize the different stages that would be involved in a marketing
strategy from development to implementation. Smith's (1999) framework has six elements but
which one does not comply with this model?
a) Action- what is our plan b) Control - did we get there
c) Strengths - what are our strengths compared to competitors
d) Tactics - how exactly do we get there
e) Objectives - where we want to be f) Situation - where we are now

11) What would be the reasoning behind gaining not just quantitative data on customers but
also gathering qualitative data also?
a) To provide insights that can be used to inform strategy
b) To develop customer profiles d) All of the above
c) To develop customer scenarios e) None of the above

12) Competitor analysis examines competitor use of e-commerce to acquire and retain
customers. How often should this take place?
a) Twice a year is adequate due to cost implications
b) At peak business times only c) Continuously
d) Once the adoption of e-commerce has been sanctioned and budgeted for

13) Which is the correct sequencing of activities for target marketing?

a) Positioning - segmentation - target marketing -planning
b) Segmentation - target marketing - positioning - planning
c) Planning - segmentation - target marketing - positioning
d) Target marketing - positioning - planning -segmentation

14) Companies need to decide how to highlight their product benefits over those of
competitors. This is called … … … :
a) Online value proposition c) Online selling point
b) Psychographic segmentation d) Behavioural targeting

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15) What does BEST stand for? (!!!)
a) Behavioural, Essential, Strategic and Tested
b) Behavioural, Essential, Strategic and Targeted
c) Believable, Essential, Strategic and Targeted
d) Behavioural, Essential, Standardized and Targeted

16) There are many differences between marketing communications in the traditional media
(e.g. TV, print, radio) and new digital media (e.g. websites, interactive TV). As far as interactivity is
concerned, traditional media works on a 'push' basis and the marketing message is broadcast
to the customer but what about new digital media?
a) The consumer is more passive b) New digital media encourages interactivity
c) There is essentially no difference between traditional and new digital media
d) None of the above correctly summarize the situation

17) Marketing tactics to implement strategies are traditionally based around the elements of
the 'marketing mix'. Which of the following are taken from the original marketing mix?
a) Price b) Product c) Promotion d) Place e) All.

18) There are 3 main operational processes involved in e-marketing. Which is out of them?
a) Customer retention and growth d) Customer satisfaction
b) Customer conversion e) They are all correct answers above
c) Customer acquisition

19) A situation analysis which involves reviewing the online marketplace and internal
situation is a:
a) Demand analysis c) Internet SWOT analysis
b) Competitor analysis d) Stage model analysis

20) The situation analysis which involves benchmarking site characteristics is known as a:
a) Stage model analysis c) Internet SWOT analysis e) None of the above
b) Demand analysis d) SMART analysis

21) The situation analysis which involves assessing customer access to the internet and
volume of searches and purchase for different products is:
a) Internet SWOT analysis. c) Competitor analysis.
b) Stage model analysis. d) Demand analysis.

22) Key to achieving success in meeting e-marketing and e-business strategy objectives is to
assess current and projected use. This assessment can be referred to as:
a) Demand analysis c) SLEPT
b) Customer audit and take-up d) All of the above are applicable

23) While quantitative demand analysis is useful, additional data can be developed from:
a) Customer scenarios c) Qualitative customer research
b) Customer profiles d) All of the above are correct

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 33
24) An online value proposition should:
a) Be a clear differentiator from online competitors
b) Target market segment(s) that the proposition will appeal to
c) Delivered and supported by resources
d) Be communicated to site visitors and in all marketing communications
e) All of the above

25) The online marketing mix most closely related to selecting online trading partners and
intermediaries is:
a) Product. b) Promotion. c) Price. d) Place.

26) The aspect of the online marketing mix that most closely related to the online value
proposition is:
a) Promotion. b) Place. c) Product. d) Price.

27) Using internet for marketing research to find out customers, needs and wants is an
example of:
a) Anticipating customer requirements. c) Satisfying customer requirements.
b) Identifying customer requirements. d) None of the above.

28) Assessing the demand for digital services (online revenue contribution) is an example of:
a) Anticipating customer requirements. c) Satisfying customer requirements.
b) Identifying customer requirements. d) None of the above.

29) Delivering e-mail customer support is an example of:

a) Anticipating customer requirements. c) Satisfying customer requirements.
b) Identifying customer requirements. d) None of the above.

30) Targeting overseas markets is an example of: (!!!)

a) Product development. c) Diversification. e) None of the above.
b) Market penetration. d) Market development.

31) Developing digital products for existing target markets is an example of: (!!!)
a) Product development. c) Diversification. e) None of the above.
b) Market penetration. d) Market development.

32) Increase marketing share in the current market is an example of:

a) Market penetration. c) Market development. e) None of the above.
b) Diversification. d) Product development.

33) The main aim of … … stage is to assess the external and internal environment.
a) Strategy. c) Situation Analysis. e) None of the above.
b) Control. d) Tactics.

34) The main aim of … … stage is to monitor in order to adjust the plan.
a) Strategy. c) Situation Analysis. e) None of the above.
b) Control. d) Tactics.

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35) The main aim of … … stage is to define how the objectives will be achieved.
a) Strategy. c) Situation Analysis. e) None of the above.
b) Control. d) Tactics.

36) The main aim of … … stage is to provide the details of the strategy.
a) Strategy. c) Situation Analysis. e) None of the above.
b) Control. d) Tactics.

37) Selecting opportunities for market and product developments form part of:
a) Strategy. c) Situation Analysis. e) None of the above.
b) Control. d) Tactics.

38) Developing a performance improvement dashboard for goal setting and forms part of:
a) Strategy. c) Situation Analysis. e) None of the above.
b) Objective settings. d) Tactics.

39) Situation analysis involves:

a) Evaluation of the capability of internal resources to deliver strategy.
b) Review of the external macro-economic factors.
c) Review of internal resources.
d) Review of external micro-economic factors. e) All of the above.

40) The price element, when viewed from the customer perspective refers to:
a) Communication explaining the offering. c) Convenience in selecting products.
b) Customer needs and wants. d) Cost to the customer.

41) The promotion element, when viewed from the customer perspective refers to:
a) Communication explaining the offering. c) Convenience in selecting products.
b) Customer needs and wants. d) Cost to the customer.

42) Which of the following is not one of the elements of a company's external micro-
environment that need to be assessed during situation analysis for e-marketing?
a) Competitor analysis. c) Demand analysis. e) None of the above.
b) Intermediary analysis. d) Supplier analysis.

43) The online promotion effectiveness refers to:

a) The proportion of sales influenced by the website.
b) The reach audience volume of a site.
c) The proportion of business turnover achieved by e-commerce transactions.
d) Both (a) and (c). e) None of the above.

44) The direct online contribution effectiveness refers to: (!!!)

a) The proportion of sales influenced by the website.
b) The reach of audience volume of a site.
c) The proportion of business turnover achieved by e-commerce transactions.
d) Both (a) and (c). e) None of the above.

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45) The indirect online contribution effectiveness refers to: (!!!)
a) The proportion of sales influenced by the website.
b) The reach of audience volume of a site.
c) The proportion of business turnover achieved by e-commerce transactions.
d) Both (a) and (c). e) None of the above.

46) Website and direct email are best described as:

a) Pull and pull media respectively. d) Push and pull media respectively.
b) Pull and push media respectively. e) None of the above.
c) Push and push media respectively.

47) Internet contribution is a good indicator of:

a) Overall business contribution of an e-commerce site.
b) Website design effectiveness. d) Both (a) and (c).
c) Offline marketing effectiveness. e) None of the above.

48) A challenge of managing the online marketing mix that most closely relates to channel
conflicts is:
a) Product. b) Price. c) Promotion. d) Place.

49) A challenge managing the online marketing mix that most closely relates to selecting the
right communication mix is:
a) Product. b) Place. c) Promotion. d) Price.

50) What is the focus of marketing orientation?

a) Employees. c) Suppliers. e) None of the above.
b) Competitors. d) Customers.

51) Which measure of demand analysis is in numerical order, from highest to lowest?
a) Access, use, and buy c) Use, buy and access.
b) Access, buy and use. d) None of the above.

52) Personalization refers to:

a) An email addressed to an individual.
b) An offer to purchase based on similar purchaser's behaviors.
c) Content of a site in keeping with an individual's options.
d) Updating content according to preferences from previous visits.
e) All of the above.

53) Customer retention online refers to:

a) Encouraging existing customer to repeat purchases.
b) Gaining completely new customers using the online channels.
c) Keeping customers using the online channel.
d) Both (a) and (c). e) None of the above.

54) Which of the following is not one of the main stages of the online purchasing process?
A) post-purchase service and loyalty C) evaluation
B) awareness D) conversation

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55) Which of the following is not one of the 4 methods used to behaviorally target ads?
A) Nielsen ratings C) integration of offline data
B) data collected from social networks D) click-stream data

56) Which of the following is the top reason why consumers choose the online channel?
A) availability of a wider variety of products C) lower prices
B) social media influence D) the ability to shop 24/7

57) Which of the following is the top reason why consumers choose the online channel?
A) availability of a wider variety of products C) lower prices
B) social media influence D) convenience

58) The concept of "consumer skills" refers to the:

A) education level of the consumer. B) communication skills of the consumer.
C) knowledge consumers have about how to conduct online transactions.
D) product evaluation skills of the consumer.

59) Which is the most important tool in establishing a relationship with the customer?
A) company Website C) Facebook
B) company CRM system D) search engine display ads

60) Impressions are a measure of the: (!!!)

A) number of times an ad is clicked. C) number of http requests.
B) number of times an ad is served. D) number of pages viewed.

61) Hits are a measure of the: (!!!)

A) number of times an ad is clicked. C) number of http requests.
B) number of times an ad is served. D) number of pages viewed.

62) Which of the following measures the average length of stay at a website? (!!!)
A) loyalty B) stickiness C) recency D) retention rate

63) Which of the following statements about the Internet's impact on marketing is not true?
A) The Internet has broadened the scope of marketing communications.
B) The Internet has decreased the impact of brands.
C) The Internet has increased the richness of marketing communications.
D) The Internet has expanded the information intensity of the marketplace.

64) Which of the following features of e-commerce technology has reduced the cost of
delivering marketing messages and receiving feedback from users?
A) ubiquity C) interactivity
B) richness D) universal standards

65) Which of the following features of e-commerce technology allows highly detailed
information on consumers' real-time behavior to be gathered and analyzed?
A) personalization/customization C) social technology
B) information density D) interactivity

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66) The richness made possible by e-commerce technologies does which of the following?
A) It reduces the cost of delivering marketing messages and receiving feedback from users.
B) It allows consumers to become co-producers of the goods and services being sold.
C) It allows video, audio, and text to be integrated into a single marketing message and consuming
D) It enables worldwide customer service and marketing communications.

67) All of the following statements about cookies are true except: (!!!)
A) cookies can be used with Web bugs to create cross-site profiles of users.
B) the data typically stored in cookies includes a unique ID and e-mail address.
C) cookies make shopping carts possible by allowing a site to keep track of a user's actions.
D) the more cookies are deleted, the less accurate ad server metrics become.

68) A Web beacon is: (!!!)

A) a cookie that carries a virus. B) an executable cookie.
C) an automated applet for performing Web searches.
D) a tiny graphics file embedded in an e-mail or Web page.

69) All of the following are traditional online marketing tools except:
A) affiliate marketing. C) social marketing.
B) e-mail and permission marketing. D) sponsorship marketing.

70) All of the following are online communications to support the evaluation of alternatives
stage of the consumer decision process except:
A) search engines. C) social networks.
B) online catalogs. D) targeted banner ads.

71) A ________ is a repository of customer information that records all of the contacts that a
customer has with a firm and generates a customer profile available to everyone in the firm
with a need to know the customer.
A) customer service chat system C) data warehouse
B) CRM system D) transaction content system

72) Acquisition rate is a measure of the: (!!!)

A) percentage of visitors who indicate an interest in a site's products by registering or visiting a
product's pages.
B) percentage of visitors who become customers.
C) percentage of existing customers who continue to buy on a regular basis.
D) percentage of shoppers who do not return within a year after their initial purchase.

73) Conversion rate is a measure of the: (!!!)

A) percentage of visitors who indicate an interest in a site's products by registering or visiting a
product's pages.
B) percentage of visitors who become customers.
C) percentage of existing customers who continue to buy on a regular basis.
D) percentage of shoppers who do not return within a year after their initial purchase.

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74) Which of the following online advertising formats is the most effective?
A) banner ads B) rich media ads C) video ads D) e-mail

75) Which of the following forms of online advertising is growing the fastest?
A) paid search B) sponsorships C) video D) rich media

76) Which of the following is not one of the main stages of the online purchasing process?
A) post-purchase service and loyalty C) interaction
B) awareness D) browsing

77) Which of the following is the top concern of Internet users about purchasing online?
A) inability to see and touch before buying C) shipping costs
B) difficulty of returning products D) lack of trust in the purchase process

78) Which is not one of the main elements of a comprehensive multi-channel marketing plan?
A) local marketing C) social marketing
B) offline marketing D) mobile marketing

79) Which of the following is the most correct regarding the SOSTAC Framework?
a) It was developed by Paul Smith (1999).
b) It summarizes the different stages that should be involved in a marketing strategy from strategy
development to implementation.
c) It is an abbreviation for Situation Analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Actions and Control.
d) All of the above.

80) "SLEPT" is an acronym that stands for:

a) Strategic, Logistical, Entrepreneurship, Planning and Tacit Knowledge.
b) Social, Legal, Economical, Political and Technological Factors.
c) Strategic, Legal, Economical, Political and Technological Factors.
d) Direct Task Industrial Environment.

81) Which of the following is not correct regarding the "VRIO Framework"?
a) It is applied in the Resources Analysis as part of the Situation Analysis.
b) It involves analyzing the available resources (financial, physical, human and organizational).
c) It states that resources should be (1)Valuable, (2)Rare, (3)Imitable and (4)Organized for the company
to achieve a competitive.
d) It states that resources should be (1)Valuable, (2)Rare, (3)Inimitable and (4)Organized for the
company to achieve a competitive.

82) Demand Analysis involves determining which of the following?

a) What percentage of customer businesses have access to the Internet?
b) What percentage of customers are prepared to purchase your particular product online?
c) What are the barriers to adoption amongst customers and how can we encourage adoption?
d) All of the above.

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83) Customer Analysis involves mining data to classify customers according to their:
a) Customer knowledge c) profitability potential
b) Preferences d) Stickiness rate

84) E-Marketing Objectives must be SMART, where they must be:

a) Specific. c) Achievable. e) Time-Constrained.
b) Measurable. d) Realistic. f) All of the above.

85) Which of the following is not a SMART E-Marketing Objectives?

a) Acquiring new customers in start-ups.
b) Selling advertising space to generate a specified revenue.
c) Increasing customer retention for an established mobile-phone operator by reducing churn rates.
d) Increasing online revenue for an established media company by offering new online services.
e) Targeting sales in new international markets.

86) Online Value Proposition and Online Marketing Mix is informed by:
a) Segmentation. b) Target Marketing. c) Positioning. d) Planning.

87) Online Marketing Mix is informed by:

a) Segmentation. c) Positioning. e) Both (a) and (b)
b) Target Marketing. d) Planning. f) Both (c) and (d).

88) Pricing Strategies include all of the following except:

a) Differential Pricing through reducing online prices due to price transparency and competition.
b) Maintaining Prices to avoid cannibalization of offline sales.
c) Adopting New Pricing Options.
d) Following Several Dynamic Pricing Options. e) None of the above.

89) Which of the following is involved in "Actions" component of the e-marketing process?
a) What activities are involved in creating and maintaining the website?
b) What level of investment in the Internet channel is sufficient to deliver services?
c) Are changes in organizational restructuring required?
d) What new responsibilities are required for effective Internet marketing?
e) What training of staff is required? f) All of the above.

90) Which of the following is involved in "Control" component of the e-marketing process?
a) Conducting marketing research. c) Sharing information through intranets.
b) Analyzing of web-server log files. d) All of the above.

91) E-Strategy Testing involves which o the following?

a) Product Characteristics, which involves determining whether the product needs to be physically
tried or touched before it is bought?
b) Familiarity and Confidence, which involves determining the degree the customer recognizes and
trusts the product and brand.
c) Consumer Attributes, which involves determining the factors that shape the buyer's behavior.
d) All of the above.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 40
92) Changing Brand Identity Online Options include all of the following except:
a) Extend traditional brand. d) Dependence on Brick and Mortar Models.
b) Transfer traditional brand online. e) Create a new digital brand.
c) Partner with existing digital brand.

93) Which of the following is not true regarding the Integrated Communication Tools?
a) The internet can be used as a direct response tool enabling customers to respond to the offers and
promotions publicized in other media.
b) The website can have a direct response or callback facility built into it.
c) The internet can be used to support the buying decision even if the purchase doesn’t occur via
d) Channel Integration is required for e-marketing and mixed-mode buying.
e) All of the above.

94) New-Media Marketing Communications Characteristics include which of the following?

a) Interactivity and Intelligence. d) Independence of location (Any Place + Any Time).
b) Personalization / Customization. e) All of the above.
c) Integration and Restructuring.

95) The existence of many competitors in any one market segment may indicate:
A) an untapped market niche. B) the market is saturated.
C) no one firm has differentiated itself within that market.
D) a market that has already been tried without success.

96) A ________ specifically details how you plan to find customers and to sell your product.
A) sales analysis B) business plan C) competitive strategy D) market strategy

97) Which of the following is not considered a portal?

A) Yahoo B) MSN C) Amazon D) AOL

98) The most effective internet marketing involves which of the following features?
a) More Personalized. b) More Participatory.
c) More Peer-To-Peer (P2P), which encourages customers to engage other customers to advocate a
product to friends or associates.
d) More Communal, where a company directs its communal marketing efforts to small subset of its
customers who then spreads the word to potential new customers.
e) All of the above.

99) Multi-Channel Marketing Plan involves all of the following except?

a) Traditional Online Marketing including search engines, displays, emails and affiliates.
b) Social Marketing including social networks, blogs, videos, games, … etc.
c) Mobile Marketing including mobile / tablet sites and applications.
d) Offline Marketing including television, radio and newspapers.
e) None of the above.

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100) Which of the following is true regarding Multi-Channel Integration?
a) It involves integrating web operations with traditional physical store operations.
b) It provides integrated shopping experience and leverage the value of the physical stores.
c) It includes Online Order and In-store Pickups.
d) It includes Web Promotions to drive customers to stores.
e) All of the above.

101) A business plan is a:

a) Plan for success. c) Description for the business idea.
b) Plan for the future. d) Description for the revenue.

102) A … … … is a series of activities that a company performs to achieve its goals, such as
making a profit, at various stages of the production process.
a) Marketing Strategy. c) Value Chain. e) None of the above.
b) Business Plan. d) Business Model.

103) In the online world, Place refers to;

a) Place of purchase. c) Place of consumption. e) None of the above.
b) Place of distribution. d) All of the above.

104) Banner advertising on websites helps trigger a realization that there is a gap between
reality and a desired state, which occurs in the ________ stage of the EC purchase decision-
making process.
a) need identification or recognition c) evaluation
b) information search d) product or merchant brokering

105) The introduction of EC has:

a) decreased customer loyalty because customers can more easily shop, compare, and switch to
different vendors.
b) increased customer loyalty because customers don’t have time to shop around
c) increased the cost of acquiring and retaining customers
d) decreased advertising and promotion costs

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Chapter (9)

1) The portion of an e-seller's business through which customers interact, including the
seller's portal, electronic catalogs, shopping cart, and payment gateway is the:
A. front end of the business. C. infrastructure for the business.
B. back end of the business.

2) An order-processing technology that allows customers to accumulate items they wish to

buy while they continue to shop best defines
A. mobile portal. C. electronic shopping cart.
B. e-fulfillment agent. D. intelligent agent.

3) A market mechanism that uses a competitive process in which a seller solicits consecutive
bids from buyers or a buyer solicits bids from sellers best defines:
A. electronic shopping. C. request for quotation.
B. request for proposal. D. auction.

4) The elimination of various types of agents that mediate between buyers and sellers, such
as travel and insurance agents, is referred to as:
A. remediation. B. disintermediation C. automation. D. e-distribution.

5) Retailers who sell over the Internet are called:

A. cyber marketers. C. brick-and-mortar operations.
B. e-tailers. D. B2B commerce marketers.

6) A method of doing business by which a company generates revenue to sustain itself and
achieve its goals best describes:
A. strategic plan. C. business model.
B. mission statement. D. marketing plan.

7) Advantages of the electronic job market for employers include each of the following except:
A. conducting interviews online.
B. learning how to use their voice effectively in an interview.
C. charging online processing fees.
D. providing greater equal opportunity for job seekers.

8) Advantages of the electronic market for job seekers include each of the following except
A. assessing their market value.
B. marketing themselves directly to potential employers.
C. communicating quickly with potential employers.
D. competing with less qualified applicants.

9) Compared to the traditional job market, the online job market:

A. tends to be much less expensive. C. tends to be less reliable.
B. has a shorter life cycle. D. is usually specialized and local in scope.

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10) Gateways to storefronts and e-malls are:
A. shopping portals. C. shopping browsers.
B. intelligent search engines. D. shop-bots.

11) The typical stages in development of an online presence for a retailer are:
a) Transactions, image and product information, information collection and customer support.
b) Image and product information, transactions, information collection and customer support.
c) Image and product information, information collection, transactions and customer support.
d) None of the above.

12) A company that creates and manages many-to-many markets is called a

A. viral marketer. C. content disseminator.
B. transaction broker. D. market maker.

13) An online seller of travel services that generates revenue by charging fees for its services
is an example of a
A. content disseminator. B. transaction broker. C. viral marketer. D. market maker.

14) Which of the following parties use the Internet job market?
A. job agencies C. classified ads
B. employers seeking employees D. all of the above

15) A traditional brick-and-mortar store with a mature website that uses a successful click-
and-mortar strategy is able to:
A. give customers the opportunity to perform various functions interactively at any time.
B. link all of its back-end systems to create an integrated customer experience.
C. leverage its marketing channels by offering the advantages of each marketing channel to
customers from all channels.
D. do all of the above.

16) Many-to-many e-marketplaces, usually owned and run by a third party or a consortium, in
which many buyers and many sellers meet electronically to trade with each other best
A. exchanges. C. company-centric EC.
B. public market. D. spot purchases.

17) Customer movements on the Internet best describes:

A. hits B. Internet traffic C. transaction tracking D. clickstream behavior

18) The use of cookies: (!!!)

A. has not helped Internet marketers target their ads.
B. is one of the most controversial issues in EC.
C. is being replaced by adware and spyware programs.
D. is a widely used method for mass marketing.

19) Which of the following is the central point of control for an e-market? (!!!)
A. e-mall B. collaborative market C. auction site D. collaboration hub

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20) Which is not a feature of e-commerce?
a. SCM b. EDI c. WWW d. BPR

21) The basic elements of website is

a. Home page b. Web pages c. Links and banners d. All the above

22) Secure Communication means

a) Protect transmission of credit card number c) Unauthorized access of payment details
b) Guarantee privacy of customer d) All the above

23) During E-Commerce transaction we should ensure … … …

a. Integrity b. Security c. Confidentiality d. All the above

24) ________ and ________ are typically the most easily identifiable aspects of a company's
business model.
A) Market strategy; market opportunity C) Value proposition; competitive environment
B) Value proposition; revenue model D) Revenue model; market strategy

25) Which of the following are Amazon's primary value propositions?

A) personalization and customization C) reduction of price discovery cost
B) selection and convenience D) management of product delivery

26) To the __________, physical location does not matter because the Internet allows anyone
to link to any Web site no matter where in the world that site might be
a. bricks-and-clicks retailer c. bricks-and-mortar retailer e. location always matters
b. e-tailer d. B-to-G business

27) The business model of e-distributors is quite similar to that of:

A) e-tailers. B) transaction brokers. C) exchanges. D) service providers.

28) All of the following use an advertising revenue model except: (!!!)
A) Facebook. B) Yahoo. C) Google. D) Amazon.

29) Which of the following is not a variation of the e-tailer business model?
A) bricks-and-clicks B) virtual merchant C) market creator D) manufacturer-direct

30) Which of the following is not an example of the bricks-and-clicks e-tailing business
A) Walmart.com B) JCPenney.com C) Dell.com D) Staples.com

31) All of the following are examples of business-to-business (B2B) business models except:
A) e-distributors. C) private industrial networks.
B) e-procurement. D) e-tailers.

32) Which of the following features of e-commerce technology changes industry structure by
lowering barriers to entry but greatly expands the market at the same time?
A) global reach B) richness C) interactivity D) personalization

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33) A strategy designed to compete within a narrow market is called a ________ strategy.
A) scope B) differentiation C) cost D) focus

34) Which of the following is not a variation of the e-tailer business model?
A) bricks-and-clicks B) virtual merchant C) market creator D) manufacturer-direct

35) Which of the following is not example of the bricks-and-clicks e-tailing business model?
A) Walmart B) Sears C) Bluefly D) Staples

36) All of the following may lead to a competitive advantage except:

A) less expensive suppliers. C) fewer products.
B) better employees. D) superior products.

37) The financial services, travel services, and job placement services industries typically use
the ________ business model.
A) community provider B) transaction broker C) market creator D) e-tailer

38) What is the primary revenue model for an e-distributor?

A) sales B) transaction fee C) advertising D) subscription

39) Amazon Business is an example of which of the following business models?

A) B2B service provider C) e-distributor
B) exchange D) industry consortia

40) A ________ marketplace supplies products of interest to particular industry. (!!!)

A) perfect B) differentiated C) horizontal D) vertical

41) A ________ marketplace supplies products of interest to several industries. (!!!)

A) perfect B) differentiated C) horizontal D) vertical

42) Common Themes in Online Retailing include all of the following except?
a) Online retail is the fastest growing channel on revenue basis.
b) Mobile commerce nearly doubles. c) Rapid decline in social commerce.
d) Buying online is normal, mainstream experience.

43) Common Themes in Online Retailing include all of the following except?
a) Selection of goods increases, including luxury goods.
b) Informational shopping is shrinking.
c) Specialty retail sites / merchants show rapid growth (Such as Blue Nile).
d) Integration of multiple online and offline retailing channels.

44) Common Themes in Online Retailing include all of the following except?
a) Traditional physical retail store merchants are expanding.
b) Lower market entry, costs and higher efficiency allow customers to find the lowest prices.
c) Some industries are dis-intermediating, however disintermediation hasn't occurred.
d) Profits for startup ventures have been difficult to achieve.
e) Extraordinary growth of social, local and mobile e-commerce.

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45) Which of the following is the Primary Beneficiary of E-Tailing?
a) Established Offline retailers with Online Presence.
b) Established Online retailers with Offline Presence.
c) First Mover dot-com companies.
d) All of the above. e) Both (a) and (c).

46) Which of the following is an applicable E-Tailing Business Models?

a) Virtual Merchant. c) Catalog Merchant. e) All of the above.
b) Bricks – and – Clicks. d) Manufacturer – Direct.

47) The E-Tailing Business Model applied by Amazon is:

a) Virtual Merchant. c) Catalog Merchant.
b) Bricks – and – Clicks. d) Manufacturer – Direct.

48) The E-Tailing Business Model applied by Walmart, JcPenny and Sears is:
a) Virtual Merchant. c) Catalog Merchant.
b) Bricks – and – Clicks. d) Manufacturer – Direct.

49) The E-Tailing Business Model applied by Victoria's Secret, L.L. Bean and Lands' End is:
a) Virtual Merchant. c) Catalog Merchant.
b) Bricks – and – Clicks. d) Manufacturer – Direct.

50) The E-Tailing Business Model applied by Apple, Dell and Sony is:
a) Virtual Merchant. c) Catalog Merchant.
b) Bricks – and – Clicks. d) Manufacturer – Direct.

51) The reason why organizations are switching from traditional to e-business transaction is
a) Increasing costs of transactions c) No markets.
b) Decreasing costs of transactions d) All of the above

52) Which is not a Key Industry Strategic Factors to be considered in the business analysis?
a) Barriers to entry. d) Industry Value chain.
b) Power of suppliers and customers. e) Firm Value Chain.
c) Existence of substitute products.

53) Which of the following is not a Firm - Specific Factors to be considered in the business
a) Firm Value Chain. c) Synergies. e) Social & Legal Challenges.
b) Core Competencies. d) Technologies. f) None of the above.

54) Which of the following relates to analyzing Amazon's Business Strategy?

a) Amazon maximizes its sales volume and lowers its costs.
b) Amazon also follows a Strategic Competitive Analysis, which includes determining the Online and
offline general merchandisers and web services.
c) Amazon has the largest most sophisticated collection of online retailing technologies available.
d) Amazon analyzes the prevailing Sales Taxes and Patents Lawsuits.
e) Both (a) and (b).

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55) Which of the following relates to analyzing Amazon's Technology?
a) Amazon maximizes its sales volume and lowers its costs.
b) Amazon also follows a Strategic Competitive Analysis, which includes determining the Online and
offline general merchandisers and web services.
c) Amazon has the largest most sophisticated collection of online retailing technologies available.
d) Amazon analyzes the prevailing Sales Taxes and Patents Lawsuits.

56) Which of the following relates to analyzing Amazon's Social and Legal Environment?
a) Amazon maximizes its sales volume and lowers its costs.
b) Amazon also follows a Strategic Competitive Analysis, which includes determining the Online and
offline general merchandisers and web services.
c) Amazon has the largest most sophisticated collection of online retailing technologies available.
d) Amazon analyzes the prevailing Sales Taxes and Patents Lawsuits.

57) Which of the following relates to the Online Service Sector?

a) It is the largest and most rapidly expanding part of economies of advanced industrial nations.
b) It is concerned with performing tasks in and around households, business firms and institutions.
c) It employees 4 out of 5 US workers and represents 75% of the US economic activity.
d) All of the above.

58) The 2 main categories of the Online Service Sector are … … … and … … … .
a) Transaction Brokers and Hands-On Service Providers.
b) Knowledge / Information and Personalization and Customization.
c) Finance and Retail. d) None of the above.

59) The 2 main features of the Online Service Sector are … … … and … … … .
a) Transaction Brokers and Hands-On Service Providers.
b) Knowledge / Information and Personalization and Customization.
c) Finance and Retail. d) None of the above.

60) Which of the following is not correct regarding the Online Mortgage and Lending?
a) Early entrants hoped to simplify and speed up mortgage value chain.
b) It involves established online banks, brokerages and lending organizations, Traditional mortgage
vendors and Pure online mortgage firms.
c) The Online Mortgage Industry transformed the process of obtaining mortgage due to the
complexity of the process.
d) The Online Mortgage Industry has not transformed the process of obtaining mortgage due to the
complexity of the process.

61) Which of the following is not correct regarding the Online Insurance Services?
a) The Online Term Life Insurance is one of few online insurance with lowered search costs,
increased price comparison and lower prices.
b) Most Insurance is purchased online. c) Most Insurance isn't purchased online.
d) Online industry geared more toward product information, search and price discovery, online quotes
and influencing the offline purchasing decision.

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62) Which of the following is not correct regarding the Online Real Estate Services?
a) The internet was previously viewed as a Disintermediation of a Complex Industry.
b) The internet is currently seen as a major impact is influencing of purchases offline believing in that
it is impossible to complete property transaction online.
c) There has been a revolution in the industry value chain.
d) Despite revolution in available information, there hasn’t been a revolution in the industry value

63) Which of the following is correct regarding the Online Travel Services?
a) It is one of the most successful B2C e-commerce segments, where more travel is booked online
than offline.
b) It is one of few online services with lowered search costs, increased price comparison and lower
c) It involves established online banks, brokerages and lending organizations, Traditional mortgage
vendors and Pure online mortgage firms.
d) All of the above.

64) The major sector involved in the Online Travel Market are:
a) Airline Tickets. c) Car Rental. e) All of the above.
b) Hotel Reservations. d) Travel Packages.

65) Travel is an Ideal Product for the Internet because of which of the following reasons?
a) Travelling is an information-intensive electronic product.
b) Travel arrangements can be accomplished for the most part online.
c) Travelling doesn't require inventory and doesn't require physical offices with multiple employees.
d) Suppliers are always looking for customers to fill excess capacity.
e) It doesn't require an expensive multi-channel presence.
f) All of the above.

66) Online Travel Industry Dynamics include which of the following?

a) Intense composition of online providers. d) Industry impacted by meta-search engines.
b) Difficult price competition. e) Social media content.
c) Industry consolidation. f) All of the above.

67) The main benefit for Consumers from the Online Travel Services is … … … .
a) Ubiquity and Global Reach. b) Minimizing cost and waste.
c) It is more convenient than traditional travel agents.
d) It is a singular, focused customer pool that can be efficiently reached through onsite advertising.

68) The main benefit for Suppliers from the Online Travel Services is … … … .
a) Ubiquity and Global Reach.
b) Minimizing cost and waste.
c) It is more convenient than traditional travel agents.
d) It is a singular, focused customer pool that can be efficiently reached through onsite advertising.

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69) Online Recruitment is ideally suited for the web because which of the following reasons?
a) It is an information-intense process.
b) Initial match-up doesn't require much personalization.
c) It saves time and money for both job hunters and employers.
d) Ability to establish market prices and terms.
e) All of the above.

70) Which of the following is a major Online Recruitment Industry Trend?

a) Consolidation. d) Job Search Engines / Aggregators.
b) Diversification, towards niche sites. e) Mobile Websites and apps.
c) Localization. f) All of the above.

71) Each of the following describes retailing except

A) e-tailing makes it easier for a manufacturer to sell directly to customers by cutting out the
B) many manufacturers sell directly to consumers and through wholesalers and retailers.
C) a retailer is a sales intermediary.
D) companies that produce a large number of products, such as Procter & Gamble, do not need
retailers for efficient distribution.

72) Which of the following is a characteristic of e-tailing?

A) Fewer resources are needed to increase customer loyalty.
B) Competition is local.
C) Price changes are expensive, but can be done at anytime.
D) Customer relations are less stable due to anonymous contacts.

73) Major advantages of e-commerce to sellers include each of the following except
A) competing with larger companies. C) charging less for items.
B) reacting quickly to customer's needs. D) lower supply chain costs.

74) Based on distribution channel used, Dell's B2C business model can be classified as a
A) direct sales by manufacturer. C) click-and-mortar retailer.
B) pure-play e-tailer. D) direct marketing by mail-order company.

75) A business model where a company sells in multiple marketing channels simultaneously
best defines
A) concurrent business model. C) multichannel business model.
B) revenue enhancement. D) direct marketing.

76) Marketing done online between any seller and buyer best defines
A) target marketing. C) direct marketing.
B) multichannel marketing. D) personalization.

77) The competitive advantages of a "pull" process include each of the following except
A) large cost savings in finished vehicle inventory carrying costs.
B) improved customer satisfaction and better pricing.
C) creating a build-to-stock environment. D) better cash flow to the manufacturers.

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78) Firms that sell directly to consumers over the Internet without maintaining a physical
sales channel describes
A) virtual e-tailers. C) viral marketers.
B) social network. D) click-and-mortar stores.

79) Limitations of online travel services include

A) increases in provider's commission and its processing.
B) limited amount of free information.
C) the difficulty of using virtual travel agents can be very large.
D) substantial discounts.

80) Which of the following is not a characteristic of e-banking?

A) saves users time and money B) is increasing P2P online lending
C) is more expensive for banks
D) is becoming an enabling feature of business growth in the developing world

81) The portal online banking application provides

A) links to local business. C) general bank information and history.
B) online brokerage services. D) account transfer capabilities.

82) A sinlge company's website where products are sold, usually has an online sjhppoing cart
associated with it is called … … …:
a) Mirosites. c) Sell-Side E-Market Places.
b) E-Malls. d) Buy-Side E-Market Places.

83) Organizations that conduct some e-commerce activities, usually as an additional

marketing channel, are ususally described as … … … :
a) Brick – and – Mortar Organizations. d) All of the abvoe.
b) Virtual Organizations. e) None of the above.
c) Click – and – Mortar Organizations.

84) Online Malls are considered:

a) B2C Businesses. b) B2B Businesses. c) C2B Businesses. d) C2C Businesses.

85) Virtual Companies don't have:

a) Warehouses. b) Supply Chains. c) Storefronts. d) Employees.

86) "M" in the "M-Commerce" stands for:

a) Mobile. b) Multimedia. c) Multi-Type. d) Miscellaneous.

87) The portion of an e-seller's business through which customers interact, including the
seller's portal, electronic catalogs, shopping cart, and payment gateway, is referred to as the
… … … of the business.
a) Infrastructure. c) Front-End. e) None of the above.
b) Back-End. d) Intermediary.

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88) From the benefits of job markets is:
a) Finding information of large numbers of jobs. c) Saves ads costs.
b) Assessing market value. d) All of the above.

89) The cost curves of digital products differ from physical products because in digitization:
a) Most costs are variable and fixed costs are low.
b) Most costs are fixed, but variable costs are high.
c) Most costs are fixed, and variable costs are very low.
d) All costs are variable. e) None of the above.

90) Amazon.com is:

a) Online Store Front. b) E-Tailer. c) Both (a) and (b). d) None of the abvoe..

91) Amazon.com comes under the following model

A) B2B B) B2C C) C2C D) C2B

92) Apple owns an online market that is owned and operated by it and it sells its various
products to customers. This is known as:
a) Commercial Portal. c) B2B Marketplace. e) None of the above.
b) E-Mall. d) Private E-Marketplace.

93) Dell eliminated various types of agents that mediate between the company and its
customers. This is referred to as:
a) Automation. c) E-Distribution. e) None of the above.
b) Remediation. d) Dis-Intermediation.

94) The Faculty of Commerce has a single point of access through a Web Browser to critical
business information located inside and outside the faculty. This is called:
a) Website. c) Web 2.0 Applications. e) None of the above.
b) Online Mall. d) Information Portal.

95) Amazon.Com uses especially tailored messages to its customers. These messages reflect
their previous purchase behavior from Amazon. This is called:
a) Personalization. c) Mass Customization. e) None of the above.
b) Customization. d) All of the above.

96) E-Commerce is not suitable for

A) Sale/Purchase of expensive jeweler and antiques.
B) Sale/Purchase of mobile phones.
C) Sale/Purchase of branded clothes. D) Online job searching.

97) Amazon.com experienced all of the following EXCEPT

a) Amazon has seen a drop in profitability in 2006, attributed to huge spending on further developing
its technology infrastructure and its investment in the Amazon Prime discount shipping program
b) Amazon.com maintained its position as the number one e-tailer in 2006
c) Amazon trended upward, driven largely by product diversification and its international presence
d) The company's financial success has been assured.

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98) All of the following categories have already been selling well online EXCEPT
a) travel c) pet supplies
b) computer hardware and software d) new cars

99) With all else being equal in the online environment, goods with any of the following
product characteristics are expected to facilitate greater online sales EXCEPT
a) High brand recognition c) Frequently purchased items
b) Digitized format d) Relatively expensive items

100) Marketing that takes place without the help of intermediaries is called
a) disintermediation b) e-malls c) pure-play e-tailing d) direct marketing

101) Dell's strategy is best described as

a) a shared service mall strategy c) direct marketing from a manufacturer
b) a brick-and-mortar strategy d) a click-and-mortar strategy

102) Sears marketing strategy would best be described a

a) a brick-and-mortar strategy c) direct marketing from a manufacturer
b) a click-and-mortar strategy d) a shared service mall strategy

103) An online seller of travel services that generates revenue by charging fees for its
services is an example of a(n)
a) content disseminator b) viral marketer c) transaction broker d) market maker

104) The single factor that will determine which intermediaries continue to exist and which are
replaced is
a) the addition of value-added services by the intermediary
b) the profitability of the intermediary
c) the ability of the intermediary to match up buyers and sellers
d) the length of the relationship between the intermediary and its customers

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Seminar & E - Banking
1) Which of the following is not correct regarding the Online Financial Services?
a) E-Commerce has transferred banking and financial services.
b) Most online consumers are currently using several financial services sites for services including
check balances and paying bills.
c) Experienced users move on to more complex financial services.
d) The number of people using mobile devices for financial services is decreasing.

2) Which of the following is the most correct regarding the Online Financial Services?
a) Multi-Channel Financial Service Firms are growing faster than pure online firms.
b) Multi-Channel Financial Service Firms acquire lower online customer acquisition costs
c) Online customers prefer multi-channel firms with physical presence.
d) Pure online firms can't provide all the service that require face-to-face interactions.
e) All of the above.

3) Which of the following is the most correct regarding the Online Financial Portals?
a) It provides comparison shopping services, independent financial advice and financial planning.
b) It obtains its revenues from advertising, referrals, and subscriptions.
c) It is applied by portals such as Yahoo! Finance, Quicken.com, MSN Money.
d) All of the above.

4) Which of the following is the most correct regarding the Online Account Aggregation?
a) It pulls together all of a customer's financial data at a personalized website.
b) It involves several privacy concerns including control of personal data, security, … etc.
c) It is applied by portals such as Yodlee.
d) All of the above.

5) Which of the following is true regarding the Online Banking and Brokerage?
a) Online banking was pioneered by NetBank and Wingspan who are no longer in existence, where
the established brand-name national banks have taken substantial lead in market share.
b) 2/3 of US internet users use online banking.
c) Early innovators in online brokerage (E*Trade) have been displaced by established brokerages
(Fidelity and Schwab).
d) All of the above.

6) E-banking:
A. is done by less than 40 percent of U.S. adult Internet users.
B. is primarily done using wireless devices.
C. is more expensive for banks. D. saves time and money.

7) Which of the following is not a characteristic of e-banking?

A. saves users time and money B. is more expensive for banks
C. is becoming an enabling feature of business growth in the developing world
D. is increasing peer-to-peer (P2P) online lending

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 54
8) Which one is also known as plastic money?
a) Credit card b) Debit card c) Paper cash d) All of the above

9) The E-Payment mechanism widely used in B2B is

a. Credit card b. Debit card c. Master card d. E-cheque

10) E-Banking is also known as:

a. ATMs b. Net banking c. Traditional banking d. None of these

11) Which one is not an online payment mode?

a) Cash on delivery b) Debit card c) Credit card d) E-Cheque

12) Which one is an online payment mode?

a) Cash on delivery b) Cash before delivery c) Demand drafts d) E-cheque

13) The seminar involved inviting … … … .

a) Dr. Ahmed Sakr Ashour. c) Dr. Ahmed Hamdy Zaky.
b) Dr. Khalid Fathallah. d) Dr. Alaa El-Gharabawy.

14) The seminar involved inviting Dr. Ahmed Hamdy Zaky, who is the … … … of the Arab
Investment Bank.
a) IT Manager. c) HR Manager.
b) Credit Manager. d) None of the above.

15) The IT importance was enhanced in Egypt after the scandal of … … … Bank, which was
hacked from inside by one of its employees.
a) CIB. b) BNP. c) Misr Exterior. d) Misr Bank.

16) Which of the following is not correct?

a) IT Investments is no longer an investment figure placed on the Asset side of the balance sheet of
the banks, where it is now a source of competitive advantage.
b) IT investments helps in reducing the number of personnel.
c) The banking system is currently dependent on the Batch File / Processing, instead of the Online /
Real Time File / Processing.
d) The banking system is currently dependent on the Online / Real Time File / Processing instead of
the Batch File / Processing.

17) Which of the following is not correct?

a) E-Banking helped small banks compete against large banks.
b) Bank Top Management needs less detailed, more comprehensive, reports to make decisions.
c) Bank Top Management needs more detailed reports to make decisions.
d) E-Banking allowed more convenience to the customers through Phone and Home banking.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 55
18) Which of the following is the most correct?
a) Global Remittance ‫ التحوٌالت النقدٌة‬is still one of the main challenges facing the Egyptian E-Banking
Systems because of the threats of Money Laundry.
b) The more the data flow, the more the need for internal external security in the banks.
c) Banks have several departments responsible for security including IT Risk, IT Security, IT
Governance, … etc.
d) Risk Assessment was done manually but now it done electronically though I-Scores based on
using the users' ID.
e) All of the above.

19) Which of the following is the most correct?

a) Each internal department is authorized to access particular pieces of information.
b) The more the bank has Correspondent Banks and Service Providers ‫ شبكة مراسالت‬in many countries,
the more the bank has competitive advantage.
c) Users accessing the Banks Website are only allowed Query Activities, with no authority to modify
any data.
d) Banks have Journal and History File that tracks every user movement on its website.
e) Banks have a Backup system composed of 2 Super Servers (Data Centers) that are
geographically dispersed in 2 different locations.
f) All of the above.

20) Versign is in the busiess of:

a) Trust verification for websites. c) Online malls.
b) Online payment. d) Contents.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 56
General True / False Questions
1) HTML is a data transfer standard.
2) Applications software is primarily aimed at supporting business users in their tasks.
3) Open-source software is effectively free, where there are no purchase costs, maintenance costs or
support costs.
4) XML is a markup language used for presenting data.
5) HTML is a standard used for exchanging data.
6) Key elements of Web 2.0 are participation, collaboration and interactive applications using AJAX.
7) Strategic sourcing refers to purchases involving long-term contracts that usually are based on
private negotiations between sellers and buyers.
8) In company-centric marketplaces, the individual company has very little control over who
participates in selling or buying transactions.
9) Shopping carts for B2B are fairly simple, but a shopping cart for B2C may be more complex.
10) A Web-store is a single company's website where products or services are sold and usually has
an online shopping cart associated with it.
11) The emergence of electronic marketplaces has resulted in lower information search costs for
buyers and lower transaction and distribution costs for sellers.
12) An intermediary is a third party that operates between sellers and buyers.
13) Travelers using airline websites to book their flights directly without the use of travel agents is
resulting in the re-intermediation of travel agents.
14) Both online banks and click-and-mortar banks carry some risks and problems, especially in
international banking, including hackers and liquidity risk.
15) A click-and-mortar retailer is a combination of both the brick-and-mortar retailer and an online
transactional Web site.
16) An advantage of the electronic job market for job seekers is that they can assess their market
17) The major risk of online trading is security.
18) Commodities with standard specifications (books, CDs, airline tickets) are expected to facilitate higher
sales volumes.
19) Attracting and retaining loyal customers is the most important issue for e-tailers because
customer loyalty can lower marketing and advertising costs, transaction costs, customer turnover
expenses, and failure costs such as warranty claims.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 57
20) One of the keys to building effective customer relationships is an understanding of intelligent
21) Finding and retaining customers is a major critical success factor for most offline and online
22) Virtual catalogs and links to external sources support the information search step in the purchase
decision-making process.
23) A value proposition defines how a company's product or service fulfills the needs of a customer.
24) All firms need an organization to efficiently implement their business plans and strategies.
25) Social technologies change industry structure by shifting programming and editorial decisions to
26) Punch-Out Website is an e-procurement application with a special ability to communicate directly
with the supplier's website through and return any pending / unsatisfied orders back to the system.
27) Traditional Communication Models depends on Monologue, whereas the new-media
communication models depend on an Interactive Dialogue between the company and its customers.
28) Traditional Communication Models depends on Web 1.0 Technologies, whereas the new-media
communication models depend on Web 2.0 Technologies.
29) A Credit Card doesn't contain cash, whereas the Debit Card contains cash.
30) "Recommender Systems" is a subclass of information filtering systems that seek to predict the
rating or preference that users would give to an item.
31) The consumer buying - decision process is similar for online and offline behaviors.
32) Buyer Decisions is an independent variable.
33) Customization involves tracking consumers' movements through the Internet and combing this
data with personal information provided by consumers.
34) To conduct storefront e-commerce, merchants must market their sites to potential customers
through various types of media.
35) Extranets is a private network within a single company using Internet standards to enable
employees to access and share information using web publishing technology.
36) Extranet is a service provided through Internet and web technology delivered by extending an
intranet beyond a company to customers, suppliers and collaborators.
37) Amazon.com is one of the most popular merchant sites that use shopping-cart technology.
38) Multi-channel Integration refers to the customer communications and product distribution are
supported by a combination of digital and traditional channels at different points in the buying cycle.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 58
39) Portal is a website that acts as a gateway to information and services available on the Internet by
providing search engines, directories and other services such as personalized news or free e-mail.
40) ERP system is used to manage payroll mechanism of any organization.
41) Online retail sales could be 25% higher if consumers’ fears about privacy and security were
addressed and dealt with.
42) A business model is a discussion or informational website published on the WWW.
43) Web 2.0 is a new web standard.
44) The external network node only has direct access to what is exposed in the DMZ.
45) Types of purchases depend on the level of experience with the web
46) Big Ticket Items purchasing is expanding, where customers are getting more confident in
purchasing via the internet.
47) Asymmetry of information can lead to opportunistic behavior by sellers.
48) Spot buying are purchases involving long-term contracts that usually are based on private
negotiations between sellers and buyers.
49) Retailer is a sales intermediary, which is a seller that operated between manufacturers and
50) Classified ads can be delivered via job markets.
51) Goods that are relatively expensive (High Tickets) or are expected to have higher sales volumes
than goods that are inexpensive (Low-Tickets).
52) Direct marketing describes marketing that takes place over the internet with the help of
wholesalers and retailers.
53) If a customer sells his car through an auction site to a business, this is considered a B2C form of
54) Misr Bank delivering online services is considered a virtual bank.
55) E-Marketplaces, Shopping Carts, E-Catalogs, and Auctions are the major Web 2.0 Mechanisms.
56) An electronic shopping cart is an order-processing technology that allows customers to
accumulate items they wish to buy while they continue to shop.
57) Analyzing Navigation / Clickstream behavior analysis is considered one of the online market
research techniques.
58) Mass customization provides advantages to customers at the expense of the production process.
59) A click-and-mortar organizations do business thorugh more than one marketing channel.
60) A cookie is a software that is downloaded to the customer computer.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 59
61) E-Bay is considered the king of etailing business.
62) Amazon.com is the largest B2B website on the internet.
63) E-Distributors are electronic intermediaries that provide and control information flow in
cyberspace, often aggregating information and selling it to others.
64) Classified ads and personal services are considered examples of B2B applications.
65) An online value proposition explains what the organization or site is offering that is different from
your competitors.
66) Customer profiling includes customer information and implicit data.
67) The more complex the product, the more online opportunity there is.
68) Spot Buying refers to the purchasing of goods and services according to a plan, usually at
prevailing market prices that are determined by supply and demand.
69) Vertical marketplaces are markets that concentrate on a service, material or product that is used
in all types of industries. (!!!)
70) The purpose of an EC customer behavior model is to help firms understand how a consumer
makes a purchasing decision to be able to influence that decision through advertising or other
marketing methods.
71) In the consumer decision-making process, the buyer is the person who ultimately makes the
buying decision.
72) Customer loyalty is important because it is a customer’s deep commitment to buying a product or
service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same brand-set
73) Personal characteristics of customers, such as age and income, are independent variables,
which are uncontrollable variables for EC companies.
74) Segmentation refers to the matching of services, products, and advertising content to individuals
and their preferences.
75) The first step in the buying decision process is product evaluation and comparison.
76) Personalization is the matching of services or products with large groups of customer segments.
77) The purpose of a consumer behavior model is to help firms understand how a consumer makes a
purchasing decision to be able to influence that decision through advertising, special promotions, or
other marketing method.
78) Individual buyers do most of the actual shopping in cyberspace in terms of dollar volume of sales.
79) Personal characteristics of customers, such as age and income, are independent variables,
which are uncontrollable variables for EC companies.

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 60
80) Customers rarely browse online stores if they do not intend to buy.
81) The two most cited reasons for abandoning a shopping cart and not making the purchase are
shipping charges and security concerns.
82) Social factors such as customer endorsement strategies and word-of-mouth are independent
variables that play an important role in EC shopping and purchases.
83) Prices, advertising, promotions, and logistics are intervening variables that can be controlled by
84) Buying decisions are the dependent variables because these decisions depend on the
independent and intervening variables.
85) An objective of conducting market research is to understand the relationships between
dependent and intervening variables so that vendors can make informed decisions on the intervening
86) In the consumer decision-making process, the buyer is the person who ultimately makes the
buying decision.
87) When Chaplin's auto lease is about to expire, he decides it is time to buy a new car. This
imbalance between a desired state and an actual state is called need identification.
88) In the decision-making process, virtual catalogs and links to external sources support the
evaluation and selection phase of that process.
89) A user profile defines customer preferences, behaviors, and demographic traits of a particular
90) A cookie is a data file that is placed on a user's hard drive by a remote Web server only when the
user's gives full consent to collect information about the user's activities at a site
91) Building consumer trust in EC can be achieved through integrity, which is a user's confidence in
the ability of the online store to fulfill its promises such as a money-back guarantee
92) Clickstream data provide a trail of a user's activities in a Web site including a record of the user's
browsing patterns of every page of every Web site the user visits, how long the user remained on a
page, and even the e-mail addresses of mail that the user sends and receives
93) Despite the many e-tailing EC companies that have failed in the past, the dot-com failure rate has
recently declined sharply.
94) All click-and-mortar retailers started life as a traditional storefront with a physical retail presence
only and over time adopted an online transactional capability as well.
95) Although there are practical advantages to being an e-tailer, such as lower overhead costs, it has
many drawbacks and barriers so the winners in many market segments will be companies that use
the click-and-mortar approach.
96) The job market is characterized by high volatility and unbalanced supply and demand

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 61
97) In general, online real estate is replacing existing real estate agents in most markets.
98) Many insurers are using a dual distribution strategy, by adding online distribution of standard
products to their traditional agency distribution system.
99) From a bank's perspective, online banking offers a cheap alternative to branch banking as well
as a chance to enlist customers in remote areas.
100) In implementing a successful click-and-mortar strategy, a company must make sure that
whether a customer establishes contact through face-to-face encounters with store personnel or
through the Web page, the information and service received is consistent.

# T/F # T/F # T/F

1 F – Data Presentational Standard 41 T 81 F – Security + Hassle Factors
2 T 42 F – Information Portal 82 T
3 F 43 F – Not New Standard 83 T
4 F – HTML 44 T 84 T
5 F – XML 45 T 85 T
6 T 46 T 86 F – Decider
7 T 47 T 87 T
8 F – High Control 48 F – Strategic 88 F – Information Search
9 F - Complex 49 T 89 T
10 T 50 T 90 F – Without Users' Consent
11 T 51 F – Lower 91 T
12 T 52 F – Indirect 92 T
13 F - Disintermediation 53 F – C2B 93 T
14 T 54 F – Click – and – Mortar Bank 94 F
15 T 55 F 95 T
16 T 56 T 96 F – Low Volatility and Balanced
17 T 57 T 97 F – Made No Change
18 T 58 T 98 T
19 T 59 T 99 T
20 F 60 T 00 T
21 T 61 F – Amazon
22 T 62 F – B2C
23 T 63 T
24 T 64 F – B2C.
25 T 65 T
26 T 66 T
27 T 67 T
28 T 68 F – Without a Plan
29 T 69 F – Horizontal Marketplaces.
30 T 70 T
31 T 71 F – Buyer, Influencer, Decider … etc.
32 F – Dependent 72 T
33 F – Click Stream Behavior Analysis 73 T
34 T 74 F - Personalization
35 F – Intranets 75 F – Need Recognition
36 T 76 F
37 T 77 T
38 T 78 F
39 T 79 T
40 F 80 F – Regularly Browse

Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019 62
‫طلبة سنة رابعة (قسم ‪:)Business‬‬
‫‪ ‬اإلمتحان مكون من‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬أسئلة ‪ Multiple Choices‬و أسئلة ‪ True / False‬و قد ٌكون هناك أسئلة ‪.Match‬‬
‫‪ -‬من المحتمل وجود أسئلة رسومات ألن الدكتور كان ذكر ذلك سابقا ‪ ...‬إال أنه لم ٌذكر ذلك فً المحاضرة األخٌرة‪.‬‬
‫‪ٌ -‬جب علٌكم كتابة مختصر للندوة باإلستعانة بالمختصر الموجود فً هذه المراجعة‪ ،‬و الذي تم كتابته باللغة العربٌة‬
‫لمنع وجود تطابق بٌن إجابات كل الطلبة ‪ ...‬مع العلم بأنه فً حالة صعوبة الترجمة من العربٌة إلى اإلنجلٌزٌة‪ ،‬فٌمكن‬
‫اإلستعانة بالمصطلحات الموجودة فً أسئلة الـ ‪ Multiple Choices‬الخاصة بالندوة فً أخر المراجعة (صفحات ‪)52 – 50‬‬
‫‪ٌ -‬جب علٌكم إختصار ما قمتم به فً الـ ‪ Project‬و كتابته فً صفحتٌن‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬تبدو المراجعة كبٌرة و ذلك لكبر المنهج و لكثرة األسئلة لتعدد مصادرها ‪ ...‬و لكنها لن تحتاج إلى وقت طوٌل‪ ،‬هذا‬
‫على الرغم من وجود عدد كبٌر من األٌام قبل اإلمتحان‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬تم تجمٌع هذه األسئلة من عدة ‪ ،Test Banks‬مواقع خاصة بالمنهج على اإلنترنت‪ ،‬أسئلة إمتحانات سابقة رغم‬
‫إختالف الدكتور‪ ،‬أسئلة أخرى متفرقة‪ ،‬و لكن ٌجب مالحظة أنه قد تم تعدٌل إجابات بعض األسئلة عن اإلجابات الواردة‬
‫فً مصادرها لتتناسب مع المنهج الخاص بكم‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬تم تكرار بعض األسئلة مع عمل بعض التعدٌالت البسٌطة علٌها ‪ ...‬لذا ٌجب التركٌز فً إختالف اإلجابة‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌ ‬وجد بعض األسئلة من خارج المنهج ‪ ...‬و لكن ٌجب حلها للتأمٌن‪ ،‬حٌث أن هناك ترابط بٌنها و بٌن ما هو موجود‬

‫‪Mr. Ahmed Galal – E-Commerce – 4th Grade Business – Term Revision – January 2019‬‬ ‫‪63‬‬

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