3 - 11 - 2010 - ESDERP RFP - v1 - DOCS - Rfo

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ERP Software

Request for Proposal

RFP ERP-2010

The School District of the City of Erie

Washington Educational Center
148 West 21st Street
Erie, Pa 16502
The School District of the City of Erie
ERP Software RFP #2010 Timeline

Critical Dates:

FP March 9, 2010
ERP steering and Oversight Committee March 9, 2010
Board workshop March 10, 2010
Release RFP March 11, 2010
Final Date to Email Questions to Client ( by 1700 EST) March 17, 2010
Questions/Answers Posted to website (NLT 1700 EST) March 24, 2010
Response Due (by 1400 EST) March 31, 2010
Evaluation Period April 2010
Expected Board Approval May 12, 2010
Expected Award Date (planned) May 14, 2010
Table of Contents
Critical Dates: ...................................................................................................................................... 1
SECTION 1: FORWARD ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.0 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE .................................................................................................................. 3
1.0.1 Determine the Best Vendor ..................................................................................................... 3
1.0.2 Background Information ......................................................................................................... 3
1.0.3 Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 CLIENT AND PREMISES ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 INSTRUCTION TO VENDORS ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Examination ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 INQUIRIES REGARDING THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) ........................................................... 5
1.4 SCOPE, QUALITY OF WORK, GUARANTEE--OVERVIEW ..................................................................... 5
1.5 TYPE OF CONTRACT .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 INVOICES AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS FOR SERVICE ......................................................................... 6
1.7 PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY .............................................................................................. 6
1.9 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS .......................................................................................................... 6
1.10 LATE PROPOSALS ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.11 REFUSAL TO ACT ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.12 DISPUTE AND APPEALS ................................................................................................................ 6
1.13 FORCE MAJEURE .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.14 COLLUSION .................................................................................................................................. 7
SECTION 2: SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.0 SCOPE OF PROJECT ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 SCOPE OF WORK AND VENDOR RESPONSIBILITIES:........................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Attachments ..........................................................................................................................10
2.1.3 Vendor billing .......................................................................................................................10
2.2 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE ...............................................................................................................10
SECTION 3: RESPONSE TO PROPOSAL .............................................................................................11
3.0 PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS ..........................................................................................................11
3.1 DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS ..............................................................................................................12
3.2 PROPOSAL MODIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................12
3.3 EVALUATION CRITERIA ...................................................................................................................12
3.4 UNDERSTANDING OF CRITERIA ........................................................................................................13
3.5 AWARD AND ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................................13
3.6 EXHIBITS AND DOCUMENTATION .....................................................................................................13
3.7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................13
3.8 ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................13
SECTION 4: EXHIBITS ............................................................................................................................14
4.0 RFP RESPONSE CHECKLIST .............................................................................................................14
4.1 EXHIBIT A: COMPANY TYPE, NAME AND BACKGROUND .................................................................15
4.2 EXHIBIT B: RECORD OF VENDOR REFERENCES ...............................................................................16
4.3 EXHIBIT C: ERP REQUIREMENTS AND PRICING SUMMARY..............................................................17
4.4 EXHIBIT D: OTHER OPTIONS AND INCLUSIONS ...............................................................................18
4.5 EXHIBIT E: NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ........................................................................................19

Attachment (1)(Multiple sheets in MS Excel format) ……………………………………………....1
Section 1: Forward

1.0 Statement of Purpose

It is the intention of the School District of the City of Erie, hereinafter
referred to as Client or ECSD, to contract for products and services to
implement a new HR and Financial ERP Software system for the School
District of the City of Erie. The ECSD is only interested in receiving
proposals for fixed price contracts.

1.0.1 Determine the Best Vendor

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to determine the
Vendor that will provide the best full-service solution at the most
economical cost and with the best value to implement a new ERP system
for the School District of the City of Erie.

1.0.2 Background Information

ECSD is a public education system serving the City of Erie, Pennsylvania
in grades Pre-K to 12th grade. The ECSD prides itself on its consistently
high scores and performance. During the past five years, ECSD has
made AYP and ranked at the top as best urban school district in
The ECSD currently has total of 23 schools consisting of K-8, middle,
high, and alternative sites with total District enrollment of approximately
13,000 students and 1600 employees.

1.0.3 Acknowledgement
The ECSD would like to thank Mr. Bruce Patrou, CITO of the St. John’s
County School District, Florida for collaborating and allowing use of this

1.1 Client and Premises

Client: The School District of the City of Erie

148 West 21st Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16502
1.2 Instruction to Vendors

1.2.1 Examination
All vendors who develop, market and support HR and Financial ERP software
specifically designed for the US K-12 education environment are eligible to
respond to this RFP. The district is seeking a single source K-12 ERP vendor
that can provide enterprise wide HR/Finance software, annual maintenance
support including updates and enhancements, historical and current data
conversion support, training and all other implementation services needed to
migrate from the existing Bull system. The district is specifically interested in
implementing a turnkey enterprise-level web-based integrated single source
solution. The RFP provides vendors with the required minimum specifications
and performance requirements. The Vendor’s solution must meet or exceed
the requirements detailed in this document and provide a total fixed-price
solution for the services identified in the RFP.
The Vendor is to see section 4 for a summary of all items needed in
each vendor response. Failure to provide all of the items requested
may result in disqualification from consideration.
At the time of proposal submission, we will assume that each Vendor is
familiar with the specifications and requirements and that the Vendor
fully understands the scope of all limitations, restrictions, and
coordination of the work. The failure and/or omission of any Vendor to
examine any form, instruction, or document, shall in no way relieve the
Vendor from an obligation with respect to their proposal.
The Vendors shall include in their respective proposal a ―fixed-price‖ to
account for the cost of all items, material, and labor required to provide
services listed in the scope of this RFP.
The School Board will approve the successful bidder.
The School Board may reject any or all bids or select portions of any
bids submitted.
Bidders shall not discriminate against any person employed or seeking
employment with the bidder because of race, color, creed, sex or
national origin and shall comply with all applicable ordinances, statutes
and regulations of the School District of the City of Erie, the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or Federal Government relating to
Equal Employment Opportunity.
1.3 Inquiries Regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP)
Request for information regarding this RFP, including the procedures,
regulations, and/or technical requirements set forth herein, shall be directed
only to the Client. All questions must use electronic mail (Email) and the
message must contain on the subject line minimum your company name and
the words ―RFP ERP-2010‖ to the following address:

All questions must be received by the deadline established in the Critical

Dates section on page 1 via Email. All questions and answers will be shared
with all Vendors who have responded to date by posting them on the district
website under the Purchasing Department. Any clarification of the RFP
documents will be made by an addendum to this RFP and notification will
occur via the district website. It is the responsibility of all vendors to monitor
the district website for all RFP related documents. The Client will issue an
addendum in response to clarifications, for any other reasons considered
advisable, or in their best interest. Any addendum issued becomes a part of
the RFP. Attempts by any qualified Vendor to contact the Client in any
fashion other than the single point of contact as noted in Section 1.3 may be
viewed as an infringement on the impartiality of the procurement process and
may result in the Vendor being disqualified from this procurement.

1.4 Scope, Quality of Work, Guarantee--Overview

The successful Vendor shall furnish all labor and materials necessary to
perform and complete the work called for in the specifications, plans, or other
instructions attached to or referred to in the resultant contract. Persons
skilled in their respective expertise shall do all work in an industry standard
professional manner. The successful Vendor shall not be liable for delays
due to causes beyond their reasonable control. It is the Vendor’s
responsibility to bring potential delays to the attention of the Client in advance
so that all program deadlines or submissions can be completed on time.

1.5 Type of Contract

All provisions in the RFP shall be incorporated by reference in the final
contract, if any. The Client is expecting a fixed price contract to be offered
to a Vendor based on the overall best value, costs, functionality, support and
terms. The contract will include a package consisting of software license
costs, software annual maintenance support costs, training costs, data
conversion costs, configuration and setup costs, and testing costs to deliver
and implement a fully functional replacement ERP system within the timetable
requested (expected to be from April 2010 to Jun 2011).
1.6 Invoices and Payment Provisions for Service
The Client and vendor will agree upon project milestones across the entire
implementation project. The Client will make payments as each milestone is
completed and signed off by the client. The payment schedule will be
developed with the selected vendor and agreed upon by both parties and will
be a part of the final contract.

1.7 Prime Contractor Responsibility

The Vendor will be responsible for meeting all requirements of the RFP. The
vendor may not assign any contractor or successful bid awarded under this
process, without the express written approval of the School District. The
vendor shall clearly explain the planned use of any sub-contractors in their
respective bid (if applicable).

1.8 Site Conditions

The District is a tobacco free environment. The use of tobacco products
(smokeless or otherwise) is not permitted anywhere on the school property.
Prior to any vendor’s access to school grounds, each vendor, and individual
employed on school grounds, must have Act 34 and Act 35 security
clearances. Such clearances shall be obtained at the full cost of the vendor.

1.9 Withdrawal of Proposals

Proposals may be withdrawn prior to final award by the school board by
presenting a written request to withdraw, signed in the same manner as the
proposal and received by the Client prior to proposal board approval.

1.10 Late Proposals

Proposals received after the time set for proposal opening will not be

1.11 Refusal to Act

Receipt of the RFP or submission of an RFP response confers no rights upon
the Vendor nor obligates the Client in any way.

1.12 Dispute and Appeals

The Client is the final authority on issues relating to this RFP and contract and
the decision of the Client is final, conclusive, and binding on all parties

1.13 Force Majeure

In the event that the performance by either party of any of its obligations
under this contract is interrupted or delayed by events outside of their control,
such as an act of nature, war, riot or civil commotion, then the party is
excused from such performance for the period of time reasonably necessary
to remedy the effects of the events.
1.14 Collusion
Any agreement or collusion among proposing Vendors or prospective
Vendors that is adverse to the client shall render those proposals from such
Vendors to be disqualified from submitting further proposals to the Client for
future services. Each vendor must submit the attached anti-collusion affidavit
with their proposal.
2.0 Scope of Project

2.0.1 All administrative services and materials required to fulfill the scope
of the project will be the responsibility of the selected Vendor. All
expenses related to labor, shipping/postage, travel, lodging, training, and
related costs where applicable shall be included in Vendor’s proposal.
The Client will not be responsible for costs outside the scope of work
unless otherwise reviewed and approved by ECSD in advance.

2.0.2 Vendors shall be responsible for requesting clarification from the

Client regarding any work, which the Vendor believes may fall outside the
scope of the project. Such requests for clarification, and any response,
shall be made in writing and shall become a part of the Vendor’s proposal.
Unless otherwise clearly indicated, the proposal submitted shall be
interpreted to include work described in this RFP to be within the scope of
the project.

2.1 Scope of Work and Vendor Responsibilities:

2.1.1 Scope
The ECSD seeks to contract with a single software vendor to implement a
replacement HR/Finance ERP system for the School District of the City of
Erie. The following requirements also apply:

a) The current Bull Mainframe and integrated database HR and Finance

application historical data is to be mapped and converted to the new
system in detail. The current Mainframe applications have been in use
since the late 1970’s.
b) The vendor is to assign an implementation Project Manager who has
extensive conversion experience, has worked for the vendor for at
least 2-3 years and has been approved by the Client in advance. The
Client expects that the vendor to provide a qualified project manager
who has expert technical knowledge of the product, the system
hardware and database, the methods and procedures needed to
accomplish a full HR/Finance conversion, configuration and setup and
who has a very positive track record for success. Too often a relatively
new PM is assigned (or one who just joined the company) who is
behind from the start, not familiar with the conversion tasks, times or
procedures needed to complete the projects tasks and cannot
effectively manage the huge implementation project successfully. The
PM does not have to remain onsite but must be present at key points
or activities to ensure the project is progressing in order to meet the
project schedule, resources available and costs. Effective PM
communication with the ECSD Project lead is critical. The Vendor PM
assigned to this project should not be re-assigned at any time during
the project.
c) The District’s Chief Information and Accountability Officer ("CIAO") will
serve as the Client’s PM for this project.
d) A ―train the trainer model‖ will be used to train all applicable district
e) ECSD expects to further negotiate with the vendor for any
customizations or enhancements needed to meet implementation
goals. Negotiated tasks, efforts, items and events will be included in
the final contract.
f) ECSD expects to purchase new ERP system hardware to support the
implementation process. Three processing environments are expected
at completion to support Production, Test and Development. A data
migration environment is expected during the conversion period. The
existing Bull production environment will remain intact during the
implementation process and support any fall back plans.
g) ECSD will provide key IT and functional staff to support the
implementation process in order to meet the agreed upon project
h) Each vendor is to complete the attached worksheet (attachment in
excel format).
i) Each vendor is to answer the questions and/or provide the necessary
information outlined in the specifications requirements worksheet
(attachment in excel format).
j) The vendor will be required to complete a work log for each day of
onsite work. The log shall be submitted to the CIAO each week or
upon departure of each individual. Vendors will not be paid for travel
k) Prior to bid award, each vendor must provide an onsite demonstration,
utilizing ECSD supplied data, of their product as outlined in this RFP.
The vendor is to have enough functional/technical resources onsite
and available to support the demonstration schedule and lab. See
demo document.
l) The vendor will perform a full and complete implementation during the
2010-2011 school year. The requirement is to go live on May 1, 2011
with the new Finance system and July 1, 2011 with the new payroll and
HR system.
m) The selected vendor shall provide all implementation services and
support needed to complete this project. No 3rd party services may be
used without the express written consent, in advance, by the CIAO.
n) The vendor must email any questions about this RFP within the Q&A
window to ensure their response is accurate and complete. See
section 1.3.
o) The vendor should price all HR/Payroll/Finance related modules, along
with full conversion of legacy data, training and all implementation
support needed to complete the conversion in 10-12 months. See the
pricing spreadsheet for more.
2.1.2 Attachments
The following attachments are required and comprise key elements of this

ERP Requirements Excel Spreadsheet (attachment 1); contains a

list of Yes/No questions related to functional/technical
requirements, along with software and implementation pricing.
Onsite demonstration schedule and description.
Anti-Collusion Affidavit

The vendor should take care to understand and complete attachments

where indicated.

2.1.3 Vendor billing

The vendor and client will agree upon an invoice or payment schedule that
follows major milestone completions. Each milestone will be approved by
the CIAO in writing before any payment is made. This payment and
milestone schedule will be created during the contract process. The final
payment (min 20% of total project cost) will be withheld until the project is
complete. Billing for software support shall not begin before the project
completion or go live, whichever is later. All invoices will be paid by the
client using NET 60 terms.

2.1.4 Prime Contractor Responsibility

The selected vendor shall be required to assume all responsibility for the
software delivery, testing, data conversion, implementation support,
training and warranty support of the system and will be the sole point of
contact. Subcontractors may not be used to supplement any effort unless
it has the express written consent of the client well in advance.

2.2 Period of Performance

The expected period for this implementation, which includes data

conversion, training, hardware and software support, software
configuration, program management and software customizations, will
occur during the 2010-2011 school year. The requirement is to have the
new system officially go live on 1 July 2011 (the start of the new fiscal

3.0 Preparation of Proposals

3.0.1 Proposals shall be made on Vendor’s stationary

3.0.2 Proposals shall be signed in ink and in longhand with the name
typed below the signature. Where Vendor is a corporation, proposals
must be signed with the name of the corporation followed by the name of
the state of incorporation, legal signature of an officer authorized to bind
the corporation, together with a copy of authorization, an attesting
signature to that officer’s signature, and the seal of the corporation.

3.0.3 Proposals shall be submitted with one original clearly marked

―original‖ and three copies clearly marked ―copy.‖

3.0.4 Verbal proposals will not be considered. Vendor shall assume full
responsibility for timely delivery of their proposal.

3.0.5 Each proposal must be accompanied by a Bid Bond from an A-

Rated, at a minimum, Surety company authorized to do business in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in an amount of ten percent (10%) of the
total proposed amount of the contract.

3.0.6 The vendor which is awarded the contract must be able to produce
within twenty (20) days of the award a Performance Bond from an A-
Rated, at a minimum, Surety company authorized to do business in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in an amount of one hundred (100%) of
the total proposed amount of the contract, or, at the discretion of the
ECSD, other adequate surety to guarantee the satisfactory performance of
the contract.

3.0.7 The vendor which is awarded the contract must be able to produce
within twenty (20) days of the award a Maintenance Bond from an A-
Rated, at a minimum, Surety company authorized to do business in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the period of one (1) year from the
date that the work performed under the contract is determined to be

3.0.8 The vendor which is awarded the contract must be able to produce
within twenty (20) days of the award a Payment Bond from an A-Rated, at
a minimum, Surety company authorized to do business in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in an amount of one hundred (100%) of
the total proposed amount of the contract which is to be performed by
3.1 Deadline for Proposals
The proposals, one original (marked ―original‖) and three copies (marked
―copy‖), shall be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked ―The School
District of the City of Erie – Purchasing Dept, ERP Software RFP #2010‖ and
delivered in person, by courier or by US Mail¹ by the deadline established in
the critical dates section of this RFP.

One (1) original and three (3) copies to:

The School District of the City of Erie
Purchasing Dept
148 W 21st
Erie, Pennsylvania 16502

¹ ECSD will not be responsible for delays in the US Mail or courier service.

3.2 Proposal Modifications

Proposal modifications will be accepted from Vendors prior to the deadline.
Modifications, in triplicate, must be submitted in writing and delivered to the
Client with the same binding signature as the original submittal.

3.3 Evaluation Criteria

Each Vendor’s bid will be evaluated based on, but not limited to, the following

Vendor Experience and References

Each vendor will provide documentation to show experience and strengths
in the K-12 environment. Each vendor must provide at least 3 references
from clients where similar work/service is being provided, include the point
of contact (POC) name, title, phone number and e-mail address. Each
vendor is required to provide a single solution to support and fulfill this

Software, Implementation and Annual Maintenance Costs

The proposed total cost will be an important evaluation criterion.

On-site Software Demonstration and Delivered functionality

Selected Vendors will be required to perform an onsite demonstration. A

demonstration document outlines the schedule and topics to be covered.
The vendor should have enough functional and technical staff to support
both the daily schedule and the open lab (used for any follow-on questions
not covered during the demo).
Vendor support, user groups, local or regional presences, degree
to which the application is used by other Pennsylvania Public School

Each vendor should outline the support factors that enhance the value of
their product to include: software support models, state or regional
enhancement development hours available, product use by other
Pennsylvania Districts, plans for Pennsylvania or regional support office
locations, annual user group activity, etc.

3.4 Understanding of Criteria

The award, if any, shall be made to the Vendor who, in the sole discretion and
opinion of the Client offers the best solution, and/or offers the optimum blend
of evaluation criteria, including, but not limited to, those criteria listed above.
By submitting a proposal, the Vendor signifies that they understand and
accept the criteria upon which their proposal will be evaluated and the sole
discretion of Client’s evaluators to determine ranking in these categories.
Award for this contract will be based on the highest level of functionality at
the lowest cost for the district.

3.5 Award and Administration

The Client will award and administer any contract which may result from this

3.6 Exhibits and Documentation

The Vendor shall respond to this RFP by supplying a cover letter, completing,
and returning the Checklist and Exhibits in the order stated on the checklist
included in Section 4: Exhibits.

3.7 Additional Information

The Vendor may add or include other pertinent information, not specifically
requested, which they feel may serve to substantiate the capabilities of the
work proposed or the Vendor’s ability to fulfill the obligations imposed. The
Client reserves the right to request additional information from the Vendor to
clarify any response. A checklist is provided to assist the Vendor in
completing all bid response documents.

3.8 Account Management

The Vendor must also identify who will serve as the Account manager and
liaison with the client.
4.0 RFP Response Checklist

Please return RFP response with items in this order:

Vendor Required RFP submittal Items Max response

Check- Items listed below reference: size
list 8.5‖ x 11‖
Company Cover Letter 1 page
Complete cover page of the RFP Terms/conditions 1 page
that includes company name, address and
signature of agent.
Exhibit A – Vendor Background and Strengths. 1-5 pages
Provide Company Address and type of corp., and
other important information to include a discussion
of vendor strengths. Include elements listed in
Exhibit A.
Exhibit B— Record of Vendor references 1-2 pages total:
(Complete the References Spreadsheet)
Exhibit C – ERP Requirements and Pricing Approx 10-15
(Complete Exhibit C of this RFP )(includes the pages
attachment ERP Requirements spreadsheet) MS
Excel file contains multiple tabs (includes Pricing).

Exhibit D – Other Options and Inclusions 1-10 pages

Exhibit E - Non-collusion affidavit 2 pages
Copies of entire RFP one (1) Original and 2 Copies See above
Any Proposal Addendums (as issued, if applicable) See above
4.1 Exhibit A: Company Type, Name and Background

Company Data:
Company Name: ________________________________________ (Name of
Vendor (Corporation) Submitting Response to Bid).
A Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
_______________. A Partnership consisting of _______________________
Or an Individual trading as __________________________________________;
Having principal offices in the City of __________________________________.

Company Background:

Provide a short narrative of your company background and experience in the K-

12 environment. Discuss your strengths in the area of computer product sales
and support.
4.2 Exhibit B: Record of Vendor References
Note: (minimum of 3 similar clients (size/ scope) required for reference checks)

Vendor Reference information (summary format):

Provide a summary in a table format of the following elements, (use a word table
or excel spreadsheet to display (similar to the example below):

Client 1-(example) Client 2 Client 3

Client name ABC County Schools
Client Address 123 Toy St, Someplace,
Client POC Bob L. Toys
POC Title MIS Director
POC phone (814) 555-5555
Client size compared 13,500 students, 1600
to ECSD employees
How long have they 3 years, 2001-present
used your application
Modules in use HR, Payroll, GL, AP, AR, Budget,
Other pertinent metrics Implementing benefits online
4.3 Exhibit C: ERP Requirements and Pricing Summary
The undersigned person declares that they are legally authorized to bind the firm
hereby represented, and that the firm being represented is authorized to do
business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and hereby certifies that they
have examined and fully comprehend the requirements of specifications herein.

We propose to furnish all services listed in this RFP and guarantee that if
the contract is signed with us, we shall furnish said services in accordance with
your scope/responsibilities/expectations and requirements unless otherwise

Company: __________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

City/State: __________________________________Zip code: ________

Phone Number: _________________________ Date: ________________

Print Name: __________________________________________________

Authorized Signature: ___________________________________________

Title: ______________________________________
(Officer/Position in the Company)

Is the person listed above to be the Primary POC regarding questions regarding
this response: Yes/No (circle)

If no, then please provide the RFP Response POC:

Name: ________________________________ Phone: __________________

Email: _________________________________ Title: ____________________

1. Each vendor should complete the ERP Requirements and pricing

spreadsheet attachment as a part of this exhibit and response.

2. The vendor is responsible to notify ECSD during the Email

question period for any clarification needed regarding any RFP
requirements (includes the contents of all RFP documents).
4.4 Exhibit D: Other Options and Inclusions

The vendor is to provide documentation that describes other options and pricing
that is not included in the Requirements/Pricing Spreadsheet. Other options and
inclusions are also mentioned in the Requirements Spreadsheet on the last tab,
labeled ―Pricing2 & Options‖.

Other options may include:

1. A number of free customization development hours

2. Include Pennsylvania state reports identified in the Requirements
3. Offer fixed annual support costs for a longer period of time
4. Offer a regional or Pennsylvania sales/support office
5. Offer discounted development hours for advance purchase
6. Offer free hardware sizing, configuration and setup support
7. Offer other incentives and discounts
4.5 Exhibit E: Non-Collusion Affidavit

Contract/Bid No.____________
State of :

County of :

I state that I am of
[Title] [Name of my firm]

and that I am authorized to make this affidavit on behalf of my firm, and its owners,
directors, and officers. I am the person responsible in my firm for the price(s) and the
amount of this bid.

I state that:

(1) The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently and
without consultation, communication or agreement with any other contractor, bidder or
potential bidder.

(2) Neither the price(s) not the amount of this bid, and neither the approximate price(s)
nor approximate amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who
is a bidder or potential bidder, and they will not be disclosed before bid opening.

(3) No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any firm or person to refrain
from bidding on this contract, or to submit a bid higher than this bid, or to submit any
intentionally high or noncompetitive bid or other form of complementary bid.

(4) The bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or
discussion with, or inducement from, any firm or person to submit a complementary or
other noncompetitive bid.

(5) _________________________; its affiliates,

[Name of my firm]

subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees are not currently under investigation by
any governmental agency and have not within the last four years been convicted or found
liable for any act prohibited by State or Federal law in any jurisdiction, involving
conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding on any public contract, except as follows:

I state that
[Name of Firm]

understands and acknowledges that the above representations are material and important,
and will be relied on by the School District of the City of Erie in awarding the contract(s)
for which this bid is submitted. I understand and my firm understands that any
misstatement in this affidavit is and shall be treated as fraudulent concealment from the
School District of the City of Erie of the true facts relating to the submission of bids for
this contract.

[Name and Company Position]


OF , 20__

My Commission Expires
Notary Public

# 885557.v1

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