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Junaid Raza


Sec B

Marketing Management Final Exam


a) Firm that I’ve chosen is Interloop limited. Interloop Limited is a textile based B2B manufacturing
company based in Faisalabad, Pakistan. It supplies socks and leggings to retailers like Nike, Adidas,
H&M, Puma, Levi's, Reebok and Target. The company has five hosiery manufacturing divisions,
located in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Interloop deals in cotton based products as well and
exports to different countries including UK, China etc.

 Brand Mantra
People, Planet & Prosperity. Environment Friendly Practices, Social Welfare Initiatives and Stable
Economic Growth

 Points of parity

Bedsheets, knitwear, Grieg cloth, designing, yarn manufacturing


Export level quality, quality assurances


Competitive prices in exports as compared to sadaqat limited, Crescent limited, Nishat limited and many


New collection arrived in every season

Business model


 Points of difference

Interloop captured a very well known and well reputed buyers and because of workload they do not
take orders from ordinary business entity


Interloop manufacturing units are located ourside country as well like Bangladesh and Sri lanka


Interloop diversify their product line after every 5 years. Now they also started dealing in dairy products
as well


Their products have limited and highly demanded designs and buyers specially ask them to design their

Investment in Human Capital

Unlike other companies of textile industry, they invested a lot in human capital

 Values, personality, Character

Integrity, Accountability, Respect, Excellence, Care are the values of the interloop limited. Their
personality comprised of the diversification, talent hunt and improvement in work day by day. According
to their vision 2020, they want to double their turnover through value addition, process improvement
and nourishing talent.

 Visual Identity

Their visual identity comprised of the blue and yellow colors. Blue indicated the peace and yellow
indicates the integrity

All the companies in a map are textile industries and considered as a competitors when it comes to
export products.


 Cricket bats
CA, Ehsan, HS are the sports kit manufacturing companies. One of their core product is cricket bats.
Points of parity include the wood used to manufacture the cricket bat, skilled labor, same resources,
quality assurance

Points of difference include promotions only. CA spent a lot in promotions, sponsorships etc. That’s why
there’s a perception that CA cricket bats are one of the finest bats in the world. Other brands do not
invest so much money in promotions that’s why people don’t use their bats frequently than CA.

 Toothpaste brands
Colgate and Sensodyne are two brands of toothpaste product. Points of parity include same ingredients,
almost same price, brand image in market, different flavours, better taste, better smell, equal lasting,
massive target market. Points of difference include marketing strategy as we know that in sensodyne
ads, there are recommendations by doctor regarding sensodyne and feedback from customers as well.
Because of that when people feel some pain or other problem in their teeth they prefer Sensodyne.

 Cold Drink (Coke, Gourmet)

If we compare coke with gourmet cold drink then points of parity would be massive target audience,
different promotions strategies, diversification. Meanwhile, points of differentiation would be price,
customer status, frequency of product being used. As we know that prices of gourmet drinks are low
and they target lower class of people.

 Packaged Milk
There are different brands of packaged milk like Olpers, Haleeb and Milkpak. In that case, points of
parity would be same packaging, better taste, customer feedback, quality standards, diversification.
Points of difference would be price differentiation, marketing strategies, target market. As we know that
Olpers products are highly used in our country as compared to milkpak or haleeb because of their TVCs.
They showed their entire process in their TVCs and now customers’ perception about Oplers is very
good. They think of Olpers as a quality, healthy and good-to-use product.

 Refrigerators
In Pakistan, there are different brands of refrigerators available like Dawlance, Gree, Haier etc. Points of
parity would be quality, safety standards, long lasting, advanced technologies. Meanwhile, points of
difference would be price, promotions, business model. Dawlance refrigerators are highly used in
Pakistan as compared to other brands because of their price to quality ratio and their promotions as

Q 3a) TVC is selected is of Velo as we know that Velo are investing a lot in promotion and they started
Velo soundstation as well.

 First of all, in ad there’s a kind of disclaimer in the bottom of the video which clearly determines
the target audience of the product (18+). By seeing that we clearly knows that the TVC is
addressing to 18+ guys. Target audience is specifically defined in TVC.
 Also in their second TVC, they showed the life of normal working guy and also show the
excitement and charm. It means that they’re targeting 18+ people regardless any occupation.
 Secondly, TVC got my attention due to celebrity endorsement and the music in the background
which is very appealing. Moreover, the content of the TVC is appealing too that an actor is
dancing and meanwhile he’s painting as well and also excited routine of working guy in second
ad. Means that they created a content according to their target audience which they would love
to watch
 There’s a very positive mindset approach used in TVCs that people would feels excited or
positive about the product
 They also started their soundtrack station and casted famous singers so that people would hear
the music, more and more get to know about the product and create positive brand image in
their minds. Also they percieve product as a positive thing in their perception
 Actors and singers chosen in Velo tracks and TVCs are very popular all around the Pakistan so
that more and more people would watch and give a thought about the product.

Q 3b) So there’s no as such competitor of Velo as it’s a unique product line but there’s a substitution of
Velo in market that is nicotine patches. People used to take nicotine patches before Velo just to avoid
cigrattes that gave them the strength parallel to cigrattes. But after the high investment in promotions
by Velo, now all those people using nicotine patches shifted towards Velo. It would be true to say that
Velo captured the whole market of its substitute (nicotine patches). People are very confident about
Velo and all credit goes to their advertisement campaign.

Q4) What COVID did is force a lot of marketers to step back and rethink relationships with consumers,
Despite some of the optimism starting to shine through after a prolonged period of doom and gloom,
the long-term picture for marketers.

Marketing has witnessed significant shifts from how COVID-19 is changing consumer behavior, with
many changes possibly permanently altering our industry. In this article, I’ve summarized what I believe
are the most impactful changes in marketing managers, if not businesses, need to consider as they
evolve products, messaging and marketing efforts.

Focusing on fundamentals

As with any crisis, humans tend to move down Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs towards the basics of food,
security and safety. Unfortunately, coronavirus has stifled the higher tier need of belongingness. As a
result, consumers are looking to technology to regain that lost sense of community and connectivity.
Brands that manufacture or distribute essential products, especially those relating to health and safety,
are in a good position now and well beyond the pandemic. Luxury brands and other industries impacted
by physical and economic limitations (beauty, travel and tourism primarily) should expect a long
recovery, unfortunately. Travel will become more experiential, relying on augmented and virtual reality,
now and in the future.

Remote communications and virtual experiences

With many companies allowing if not encouraging remote work-at-home arrangements, employees and
employers are having to adopt more robust remote work technologies and processes. Zoom has been a
big winner in the world of videoconferencing, but other related technologies that facilitate
communications, meetings and events also are in the pole position post-pandemic. As consumption of
video and audio (including podcasts) increases, look for a long-term shift towards cord-cutting and
adoption of distributed media channels including Hulu, YouTube, Disney+, Pandora, SoundCloud and
Many other businesses have been caught off-guard by the pandemic and have been forced to make the
digital migration. However unfortunate the cause, the result will benefit these lagging businesses in the

So, Advertising dollars are shifting away from outdoor and print to digital media, for starters. Only the
highest traffic and most targeted publications will weather the pandemic storm. From a digital
perspective, the channels with the greatest increase in consumption include mobile, social media and
video, so modify your media mix appropriately. In terms of messaging, consumers are asking for brands
to focus on value, authenticity, social awareness. Brands that clearly communicate a sense of purpose,
tap nostalgia and are proactive about social issues will generate greater loyalty and minimize the
negative impact of the pandemic. Regardless of your industry or level of digital savvy, the impacts on
consumer behavior are changing and much of the change will be permanent. Ensure your products,
services, messaging and marketing plans are tuned into those changes and remain dynamic moving

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