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Media Studies

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Media Studies H009/02/03 Creating Media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Priestley College Warrington

Candidate number Candidate name

Ailsa Kate Isbel Dunlop

Brief chosen:
Brief 2 Print: Produce a campaign of four magazine adverts to promote a new horror and/or science
fiction television channel.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 350 words)

Media language: When making my adverts, i will have the mies-en-scene horror themed. I aim to keep
the mies-en-scene simple and almost eerie. I may use makeup and props to show the audience that the
channel is in the horror genre. I will use low key and ambient lighting. I aim to keep backgrounds quite
simple to allow enigmas. I will be using a extreme close up shot and also long shots, as i want to have a
variety of different photos to entice the audience. When doing the font on the adverts, i will use sans
serif font and dark coloUrs to enrapture the darkness of the genre and to match my stereotypical horror
colour scheme.
Media audience: I have purposely made my posters the way that i have to attract my target audince of
16-25. The models that i have used are mostly in this age range so that the audinces can relate.
Because the genre is quite scary, I have purposly made it very clear using typical stereotyes of horror
(such as: blood, fire, dark colours ect.) so that the target audience are immediatley attracted to the
show. The times that my show will be aired is after 9 oclock as that is the time that my target audience
will be watching TV. I intend to make my posters very eye cathing, however simple so that it is not
tacky. i will also use a young and blod font to draw my audience in.

Media reprisentation: My models will both be teenagers, one male and one female. My male character
will be presented a scheming and mysterious, to create enigmas for the audience to draw towards the
advert. My female model will be seen as creepy and almost supernatural to unsettle the audience and
show them that it is part of the horror genre.

CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
Media industries: My four products will follow the BCAP code of the ASA as they will all be true to what
the TV program is about so i do not mislead any of the audience. I will also make sure that non of my
pictures are too graphic or offensive in any of the audience. I will also make the front covers acceptable
for children to see so that they are not scaired.


























CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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