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Questions Of The Introduction

I: M.C.Q
II: Matching
III: Fill in the blanks

By: DR. khaled milad


Select the best response, by making a circle around it :

1- In descriptive anatomical terms

A. Median sagittal plane passes through sino- atrial node
B. Flexion of the forearm takes place in coronal plane
C. Pronation of the forearm is medial rotation
D. Lateral flexion of the trunk takes place in the sagittal plane

2. Flexion of the limb is a movement that takes place in :

a. Coronal plane b. sagittal plane c. Horizontal plane

3-Regarding terms of movements one is WRONG;

a. Flexion is forward movement except at knee joint
b. Adduction is movement towards midline
c. Pivot joint is a multiaxial ( polyaxial )
d. Atlantoaxial joint moves in rotation of head
e. Wrist joint is biaxial joint
4. The following is a feature of anatomical position :
a. palms of the hands directed medially
b. facing laterally
c. ankles are apart
d. trunk flexed
e. has upper limbs by side, and the palms facing forward

5- Regarding skin appendiges all the following are true except one :
A. Nail B.Hair follicles C. Skin creases
D.Sebaceous glands E. Sweat glands

6. In the dermis the direction of the rows of collagen fibres are parallel and known as
a. retinicula b. scar tissue c. lines of cleavage d. skin creases

7-Regarding skeletal muscles one of the statements is WRONG;

a. Motor unit is number of muscle fibers supplied by single nerve fiber
b. Sartorius is two headed muscle
c. Deeper fibers of soleus are multipennate
d. Motor point is area on skin where motor nerve enters into muscle

8-Examples of bones classification according to their shape one is WRONG;

A. Femur ( long bone ) B. Tarsal bones ( irregular ) C. Scapula ( flat )
D. Patella ( sesamoid bone ) E. Maxilla ( pneumatic bone )
9-Following are pneumatic ( containing air ) bones EXCEPT;
A. Frontal B. Occipital C. Sphenoid
D. Maxilla E. Ethmoid

10. The following are surface marking of the bone EXECPT;

a. crest b. tuberosity c. epicondyle
d. styloid process e. epiglottis

11. Regarding to types of synovial joints, all are true except one :
A. Elbow joint is a hinge type
B. Sternoclavicular joint is a double plane type
C. Wrist joint is an ellipsoid type
D. Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is pivot type
E.Shoulder joint is a ball- and – socket

12-Following are fibrous joints EXCEPT;

A. Sagittal suture B. Gomphosis C. Pubic symphysis
D. Syndesmosis E. Middle radioulnar joint

13-Regarding types of synovial joint

A. Sternoclavicular is condyloid type
B. Knee is saddle type
C. Atlanto-axial is pivot type
D. Sternoclavicular is hinge type
14. The following are features of synovial joint EXECPT;
a. lined by synovial membrane b. contains synovial fluid
c. articular surfaces covered by fibrous tissue d. freely mobile

15. The site where two or more bones come together is known as :
a. bursa b . fossa c. foramen d. joint

16-Regarding number of spinal nerves groups one of the following is WRONG;

A. 7 Cervical nerves B. 12 Thoracic nerves C. 5 Lumbar
D. 5 Sacral nerves E. 1 Coccygeal nerves

17- The following statements are correct except one :

A. The superficial Fascia in the eye lids and penis has no adipose tissue
B .The deep fascia is often thickened in front of the joint to form retinacula
C. The capsule and the ligaments of a joint has no sensory nerve supply
D. The cavity of a bursa may communicates with the joint cavity
E. The stability of a joint depends on the tendon of the muscle around the joint

18- The following statements are correct except one :

A. Joint is the site where two or more bones come together
B. Flexion of the forearm takes place in the sagittal plane
C. Prime mover is chief muscle responsible for a particular movement
D. Smooth muscle fibers are present in the walls of blood vessels
E. The lines of cleavage run longitudinally in the neck
19- All the following are true except one :
A. Bone can not change its structure in response to stress
B. Atlanto – axial joint is pivot
C. lymph is returned to blood after passes through at least one lymph node
D. Cessamoid bones are found in certain tendons
E. Spine and styloid process are sharp elevations on the bone

20- All the following statements are true except one :

A. Coronal planes are vertical lines at right angle to the median plane
B. Rotation is the movement of a part of the body around its long axis
C. Inversion is a movement result in the sole faces laterally
E. the artery is thicker in wall than vein

-Match the statement on the left with one from the right :

Term The meaning

21. Anatomy a. Same side of the body
22. Median sagittal plane b. Mixture of loose areolar and adipose tissue
23. Coronal plane c. Divides the body into equal right and left
24. ipsilateral d. At right angle to the median plane
e. Study of the structure of the body
f. A membranous layer of connective tissue

21( ) 22( ) 23( ) 24( )

25-Complete the following

a. Cartilaginous joints can be divided into ………………………

and …………………………………..

b. Types of muscles are cardiac muscle, ……………………………

and ………………………………….

c. The prone position is lying face …………………………………..

and in ……………………… position the body is lying on the back .

d.The sites of lymph are for example …………..L………………L………………

and…………………………… .

e. Types of skeletal muscle according to direction of fibers are……………..……L

…………..……….L…………………..….. L and………………………………………

f. Bones that ossificate by intramembranous ossification are…………………………

and………………………………… .

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