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Media Studies

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Media Studies H009/02/03 Creating Media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Mark Meszaros

Candidate number Candidate name

Brief chosen:
Brief 2 Print: Produce a campaign of four magazine adverts to promote a new horror and/or science
fiction television channel.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 350 words)
Media language; For my coursework posters, the mise-en-scene that i will use first of all will be low key
lighting to convey that something is off and it is from a horror genre, my backround pictures will be
mostly of broke down and derelict paces, most props that i will use will be very classic to horror such
as knifes, baseballl bats, nooses. The models will have either no make up, or very messy make up. The
body language of the models will be either intimidating/wild or defeated/panicking depending on the
poster. On the poster I will insert a logo, Movie title, Slogan of the poster, the title will be either move or
below the model, and the logo will be somewhere in the corner most of the time, the costumes may
varey between posters, but mostly it will be just plain, normal but messy clothing. The shot of all the
poster will be either, be a wide shot of the model or a medium close up.

Media Audience; I inted to attrract my target audience by using teenagers as my models, this ponders
to the teenage horror genre, this is good because the audience age for horror is between 16-25. The
chedueling of the movies would also be practical because people would be usually have finished all
worke they have had and still have time to do something, therefore making them more inclined into
watching it, and also its dark outside which sets up the anbiance. The outfit woud be what normal
teenagers would wear.

Media Representation; Models on my posters will ponder to a number of demographics, starting with
the first model, that is a teenage, asian girl. She will be represented as in different ways which varey
between the posters, in the first one she will look intimidating and strong and in the sencond poster
she will look defeated or bearly hanging on to life. The second model will, be a teendage boy, who will
be either mysterious or intimidating, depending on the poster.

CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
Media industries; The four posterst that im working on will follow the BCAB; I will not misslead the
audience about the contest of the movie, I will try to show as much as possible what the movie is about
in the most sensible way possible for example i will try not to make it offensive or contrevercial, and
wont have extreme gore or blood.


























CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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