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STUDENT ID : 2019415934

Zener Diode and Power Supply


Constructing a 5-V power supply


1. 6-V AC power supply

2. Bridge Rectifier (BR3)

3. Capacitors (470 µF)

4. IC 7805/ RG 7805

5. Multimeter

6. Oscilloscope


A Zener diode is a semiconductor silicon chip that enables the flow of current in either a forward
or reverse direction. The diode consists of a rare, highly doped p-n junction, engineered when a certain
defined voltage is reached, to conduct in the reverse direction. The Zener diode has a well-defined
reverse-breakdown voltage at which it begins to conduct current and continues to work continuously
without getting damaged in the reverse-bias mode. In addition, over a large spectrum of voltages, the
voltage drop across the diode stays constant, a function that makes Zener diodes ideal for use in voltage

The Zener diode works in the forward-bias mode much like the usual diode and has a turn-on
voltage of between 0.3 and 0.7 V. However a small leakage current will flow when attached in the
reverse mode, which is typical in most of its applications. A current begins to pass through the diode as
the reverse voltage rises to the predetermined breakdown voltage (Vz). The current increases to the
peak that the series resistor specifies, after which it stabilises and stays stable over a large range of
voltages applied.
A power supply is a component that supplies power to at least one electric load. Typically, it
converts one type of electrical power to another, but it may also convert a different form of energy –
such as solar, mechanical, or chemical - into electrical energy.
A power supply provides components with electric power. The term usually pertains to devices
integrated within the component being powered. For example, computer power supplies convert AC
current to DC current and are generally located at the rear of the computer case, along with at least one


Power Supply

1. The bridge rectifier was connected to the AC power supply. Vrms was set to 6V and frequency to

2. An oscilloscope was connected to Channel 1 across the + and – terminals of the bridge rectifier and
the waveform displayed on the OSK screen was observed. Maximum and minimum voltage was set to
9V and -9V and time to 200ms. The waveform was captured.

3. Capacitor was connected across the+ and – terminals of the bridge rectifier andf waveform displayed
on the OSK screen was observed. Different value of capacitor was tried. The waveform was captured.
4. The connection of the whole circuit as in the figure below with Bridge Rectifier (BR3) was completed
and the waveform across C6 (after the regulator) was observed.

Time = 200 ms

Voltage = 6 V

Figure 1 : Full wave bridge rectifier

470 µF

Figure 2 : Full wave rectifier with capacitor filter

Figure 3 : Full wave rectifier with capacitor filter and voltage regulator

Figure 1 shows full rectification or full wave rectified. A full wave rectifier is a circuit arrangement which
makes use of both half cycles of input alternating current (AC) and converts them to direct current (DC).
A full-wave rectifier converts both the positive and negative halves of the input waveform to a single
polarity (positive or negative) at its output. By using both halves of the AC waveform full-wave
rectification is more efficient than half wave.

Figure 2 shows that when capacitor was connected to circuit, the rectified AC voltage is then smoothed
with a capacitor. The smoothing capacitor converts the full wave rippled output of the rectifier into
more smooth DC output voltage. If we increased the value of the smoothing capacitor from 200 µF to
470 µF which has reduced the ripple increasing the minimum discharge voltage.

Figure 3 shows that constant waveform formed. This is because a voltage regulator in circuit used to
maintain a nearly constant output voltage by reducing the ripple to negligible amount. No current flows
through resistors. Thus, the output voltage will remain constant. The regulated dc output is very smooth
with no ripple.


Based on the experiment above, in part 1 the waveform observed at osk screen is full wave rectifier.The
voltage is rectified using a set of diodes. Rectification transforms the sinusoidal AC. The rectifier converts
the sine waves into a positive peaks.

In part 2, after the circuit was connected with capacitor filter. A capacitor used in this kind of function is
called a smoothing capacitor. It is also referre to a reservoir capacitor. I noticed that the bridge rectifier
output voltage formed ripple voltage. A capacitor is included in the circuit to act as a filter to reduce
ripple voltage. When I used a different value of capacitor which is 470 µF and 200 µF , I observed that
the capacitor with 470 µF has the less ripple than 200 µF .So, I can conclude that the higher the value of
filter capacitor in the bridge rectifier, the less ripple will be.

In part 3, the circuit was connected with voltage regulator. The function for regulator is to eliminates
ripple by setting DC output to fixed voltage. No current flows through resistor so output voltage will
remain constant.

There are many sources of error for this experiment. The error can be avoided when before clicking run
button the connections should be verified. The resistance to be chosen should be in K ohm range.

In conclusion, the operation of full rectifier was observed with the help of oscilloscope. We can
conclude that in full wave bridge rectifier circuit when capacitor filter is used then it reduce the current
ripple in the output of the rectifier which is not seen in the full wave bridge rectifier circuit without filter.
When capacitor filter is not used then the full wave rectifier just acts normal rectifier converting
negative half cycle to positive. Voltage regulator generates a fixed output voltage and remain constant.


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