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Group Presentation Evaluation Form

Presentation Title: ---Fyonka App------------

Evaluate the presentation by checking the grade the group achieved in the following
categories: 4=Excellent 3=Very Good 2=Fair 1=Needs Improvement

Structure and Organization

Introduction makes purpose, goals, or
thesis clear 3

Presentation is well organized

Presentation conclusion is effective

Presenters maintain effective eye contact 3


Presentation speaks to the assignment

guidelines and objectives 4

Presentation reflects thoughtful,

thorough research 4

An attempt is made to be creative and to 4

connect well with audience

Speakers demonstrate genuine

knowledge of topic 4

The group responded effectively to 4

questions asked by the audience

Total 33
Group Members Evaluation Form
Evaluate the group members by writing the number in the blanks
4=Excellent 3=Very Good 2=Fair 1=Needs Improvement

Member Name

Attended all group meetings

Helped writing the assignment

Handed assigned task on time

Quality of the tasks done

Quantity of the tasks done

Contributed with ideas

Collaboration with other team



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