Lesson 4 - Cereal Project - March 25

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Lesson Breaking Down Breakfast Date March 25

Grade Level 4 Duration 30 Minutes

Unit LA Teacher Sommerfeld


GLOs: General Outcome 3: Manage ideas and information
SLOs: 3.2 Select and Process: organize ideas and information, using appropriate
categories, chronological order, cause and effect, or posing and answering
Students will:
1. Be able to create their own cereal boxes with marketing techniques using what we have
been exploring and learning about
Introduction Time
Attention Grabber Since we have been looking at cereal boxes, we have a
0.5 mins
fun project to do
Transition to Body Today we will be designing our own cereal boxes! 0.5 mins
Body Time
Learning Activity
Go Over Expectations 5 minutes
Teacher Notes: - Before designing they need to identify their
Assessments/ intended audience and explain the characteristics of
Differentiation what they want their finished box to look like
 Picture of the cereal, Title, Nutrition Facts,
Informational bubble

Learning Activity
Create 20 mins
Teacher Notes: - Students will create their cereal boxes, after they
Assessments/ can tell me or Mrs. Hanes the 2 important pieces of
Differentiation planning
Closure Time
Consolidation of Ask the class how their boxes are going so far and let
Learning: them know tomorrow we will be working on them 1 min
some more
3 Essential 1.) What do I want the students to know, understand
Questions or be able to do?
2.) How will I know if they achieved the outcome?
3.) What will I do if they do not reach the outcome?

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