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Exploring Biomass Pyramids Progress Report

Name: Jacey

Progress Report
Exploring Biomass Pyramids
Field Study I
Study site selected: Bromeliad

Biomass pyramid hypothesis: Square pyramid

Biomass pyramid hypothesis explanation:
The tropic level being talked about is represnted by a two tear pyramid. The pyramid I
chose (B), has two tears.

Algae scraped: 0.2 g

Pool's estimated total algal biomass: 18.62 g

Estimated biomass of catfish: 186.24 g

Estimated number of adult catfish: 18

Observed number of adult catfish: 19

Observed biomass of adult catfish: 190 g
Observed biomass pyramid: Conventional pyramid
Observed biomass pyramid explanation:
There is more alagy in the pool so that part would be bigger.

Biomass pyramid over time: Inverted pyramid

Biomass pyramid over time explanation: Overall, the alage priduces the most energy,
but the catfish consume the energy produced.

Field Study II
Open canopy hypothesis: Algal standing crop is directly proportional to percent open
Algal standing crop hypothesis: Cess

Bat Rocks estimated algal biomass: 0.2 g

Cess estimated algal biomass: 0.2 g
Did this match your prediction: Yes Published Fall of 2017

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Exploring Biomass Pyramids Progress Report

Light availability hypothesis explanation:

Catfish numbers would decrease with less light provided, because more light prodces
more algae with supplies the catfish with energy.
Bat Rocks observed number of adult catfish: 174
Cess observed number of adult catfish: 82
Light result explanation:
Sunlight increases the resulting stading crop of each algae and catfish by giving them
energy. Published Fall of 2017

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