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My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 1 Sheet 1


1 Choose the correct answer.
1. Johnny Depp plays the supporting actor / character of Jack Sparrow in the film
Pirates of the Caribbean.
2. The trailer / soundtrack for the new Spider-Man film looks fantastic. I love the
special effects.
3. The costume designer / make-up artist is making a hat.
4. Some lead roles / viewers like watching comedies.
5. A good heroine / hero is kind. She helps people.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

hero • setting • audience • make-up artist • soundtrack • plot
1. The is waiting for the film to start.
2. This film’s music is great! I want the .
3. The of the film is Earth, 2158.
4. Batman is a . He fights crime.
5. The of the book is hard to follow.
6. The makes the actors’ faces look perfect for their role.

3 Complete the text with the words below.

scenes • character • lead role • special effects • director
Amy Fox is playing the 1 in a new
film by Hollywood 2 , Dan Todd.
In an interview, Todd says, “This film has got
action 3 , romance and comedy.
It’s also got amazing 4 . Amy is a
funny person and her 5 in the film
is funny, too. You’ll love it!”
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 2 Sheet 1

GRAMMAR: MODULE 1 (Review of Present Tenses)

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Josh usually (watch) TV at home, but he (go) to the cinema
right now.
2. Emma often (sing) in the music club, but she (not perform)
at the moment.
3. My mum (not drive) me to school on Fridays, so I (walk) right
4. We (not eat) popcorn now. We (wait) for the film to
5. I (watch) a film at the moment, but I (not understand) it.

2 Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Then match the questions to the answers below.
1. the film (start) right now?
2. Where the story (take place)?
3. you (like) the heroine of the film?
4. we (go) to the cinema now?
5. What you (think) of the Minions film?
a. Yes, we are.
b. It all happens in New York.
c. I love it! It’s very funny.
d. Yes, it is. Come quickly!
e. No, I don’t.

3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. you (like) films? My sister Beth

2. (love) films and she often 3. (go) to the cinema. But right
now, she 4. (not go) anywhere because the Academy Awards ceremony – the
Oscars – is on TV.
I 5. usually (not enjoy) TV, but
I 6. (watch) the Oscars with her.
There are 24 Oscar award categories and the best actors, actresses and films 7.

(receive) gold trophies as prizes. Costume designers, make-up artists and directors also 8.
(win) awards. Every year, the Oscars ceremony 9. (take place)
in Los Angeles. Stars 10. (come) from all over the world to participate.
Right now, stars 11. (walk) down the red carpet.
They 12. (not wear) jeans and T-shirts. They’ve all
got expensive suits and dresses because they 13.
(not want) to look bad in tomorrow’s newspapers. Beth and I haven’t
got that problem, so what 14. we (wear)?
Pyjamas, of course!
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 2 Sheet 2


Write your answers here

Exercise 1
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2
1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________________________

11. _________________________________________________________________________________
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 3 Sheet 1

TASK: MODULE 1 (My Film Recommendation)

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 4 Sheet 1


1 Unscramble the words. Then match the words to the pictures.
1. mruds
2. rmpttue
3. teufl
4. lecol
5. ralncite
6. iovlni

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

video clips • stage • orchestra • tempo • fan • studio recording • performances
1. Tom plays the violin in a classical . They give all over
the country.
2. Lauren is a of Katy Perry. She loves watching her on
3. When we perform on a , we love playing songs with a fast
4. The singer was in the for eight hours. He made a of his
new song.

3 Complete the e-mail with the words below.

tunes • lyrics • bands • performers • songwriter • live concert • perform
Hi Ben,
I was at the annual Glastonbury Festival in England
last week. Every year, there are many types of 1.
at the festival, including rock and
. The best musicians in the world
at Glastonbury. Coldplay gave a 4.
this year. I love Coldplay’s singer,
Chris Martin. He helps write the 5.
for most of Coldplay’s songs. I
think he’s a great
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 5 Sheet 1

GRAMMAR: MODULE 1 (Review of Past Tenses)

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
1. The audience (love) my trumpet solo.
2. He (write) his own songs for his album.
3. you (go) to the music club last week?
4. I (not see) Ryan at the festival.
5. What you (think) of the performance?

2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Continuous.
1. Beth / play / the flute / an hour ago / .

2. the singers / not record / songs / in the studio / at four o’clock / .

3. I / not watch / the video clip / of their new song / ten minutes ago / .

4. Jack / dance / on the stage / during the concert / ?

5. why / the fans / collect / money / this afternoon / ?

3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
On 15th October, 2014, heavy metal band The Defiled 1. (make) history in the
middle of the Greenland Sea. The band 2. (perform)
a 30-minute concert on a moving iceberg while fans 3. (watch) from fishing boats
around the iceberg. How 4. the band (transport) their
instruments and sound equipment to the iceberg? They 5. (fly) from London to
Iceland. Then, they 6. (sail) by boat. It 7. (not snow) at the time,
but it was very cold. Local people 8. (help) the band while they 9.
(travel) to their destination and while they 10. (organise) their equipment, so
everything was ready quickly. The event wasn’t like other concerts by The Defiled. The audience
11. (not dance) while the band 12. (play) its music, but everyone
13. (enjoy) the experience. The amazing event is now in the Guinness World
Records for being the first concert on a moving iceberg!

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs below.
write • play • not enjoy • go • not perform
1. I the clarinet when I was a young boy.
2. My sister pop music, but now she loves it.
3. Jack his own songs?
4. The band live concerts, but they do now.
5. When I lived in London, I to concerts all the time.
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 5 Sheet 2


Write your answers here

Exercise 3
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 4
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 5




My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 5 Sheet 3

Exercise 6
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 7
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 8
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 6 Sheet 1


1 Choose the correct answers.
1. The book was thrilling / awful / ordinary. I read it in one day!
2. Walt Disney transformed old poets / fairy tales / poems into popular kids’ films.
3. The story Pandora’s Box is an ancient Greek journal / fiction / myth.
4. The cat in Dr Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat is an ordinary / imaginary / ancient
5. I loved the Harry Potter books. They were unimportant / incredible / giant!
6. I read my poem / poet / legend to the class yesterday. I think they liked it.
7. That test was unimportant / disgusting / giant, so don’t worry about your mark.
8. The recipes in my new cookbook were terrible! Every dish I made was suitable /
incredible / disgusting.

2 Circle eight words in the puzzle. Then use the words to complete the sentences
a a j o u r n a l
f n b r l f a m s
i o c a e a s u u
c r o i g n c s i
t r h a e t i i t
i o a r n n i n a
o r j m d s t g b
n p o e t r y x l
t q a w f u l z e
1. The book is . It was written hundreds of years ago.
2. Is the of King Arthur a true story?
3. I laughed when my friend told me that joke.
4. The book Divergent is . The story isn’t true.
5. is a form of literature. It expresses thoughts and feelings in a
creative way.
6. Lucy writes in her every night.
7. That isn’t a book for a child. Buy something else.
8. I don’t like this story. I think it’s !
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 7 Sheet 1

GRAMMAR: MODULE 1 (Present Simple Passive/Past

Simple Passive)

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive.
1. The computer room (not use) on Tuesdays.
2. these books (recommend) for teenagers?
3. Mobile phones (not permit) in many schools.
4. the new book (sell) online?
5. Shakespeare’s plays and poetry (study) by students around the world.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple Passive.
make • not return • write • not catch • buy
1. John Keats’ poems over 200 years ago.
2. The book to the library.
3. Roald Dahl’s story, The BFG, into a film in 2016.
4. a lot of newspapers last week?
5. The men by the police at the end of the story.

5 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.
Are you interested in thrilling action books? Then The
Sandcastle Empire is perfect for you. The book 1.
(write) by Kayla Olson in 2017. Eden is
the main character and the story 2. (tell)
by her.
The story 3. (set) in the future after a big
war. A powerful group called the Wolfpack won the war.
During the war, Eden’s family and friends 4.
(kill) by the Wolfpack. Her home
5. (destroy), too. Eden escaped, but she
6. (force) to work for the Wolfpack. The
prisoners 7. (not permit) to leave.
Now, it’s two years later. Only one place in the world 8.
(not consider) dangerous – Sanctuary
Island. Eden runs away to Sanctuary Island. The people
on the island want to fight the Wolfpack. Eden is happy,
but the question is: Is the war finished or is there more
danger ahead?
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 7 Sheet 2


Write your answers here

Exercise 10
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 11
1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 12
6. _________________________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________________________
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 8 Sheet 1

READING: MODULE 1 (An Article)

1 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Write the words and phrases in your own language.
You can use a dictionary.
1. fictional 2.bring back to life 3.even though

2 Read the text about Sherlock Holmes.


3 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets and the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past
Simple Passive.
Then circle T (true) or F (false) and correct the false sentences.
1. Sherlock Holmes (write) The Hound of the Baskervilles. T / F

2. The Sherlock stories (make) into TV programmes, films and video games. T / F

3. Over seven million viewers (watch) when the series of Sherlock (begin). T / F

4. In the original stories, Sherlock (use) the Internet to solve crimes. T / F

5. Elementary (show) on TV before the British series, Sherlock. T / F

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 8 Sheet 2

4 Answer the questions.

1. What did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle do to make his readers happy?

2. When was Conan Doyle’s last story about Sherlock Holmes written?

3. In the British series Sherlock, how does Sherlock Holmes use modern technology?

4. How is the US series Elementary different from the British Sherlock?

5. What is the advantage of the modern versions of the Sherlock Holmes stories?

5 Imagine you are a detective like Sherlock Holmes. Write a blog entry about a crime you solved.
Include the following information:
• what the crime was

• where the crime took place

• how you solved the crime

• how you felt

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 9 Sheet 1

WRITING: MODULE 1 (A Book Review)

Your writing here:

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 10 Sheet 1


Read this article and write 5 questions about it:

Your questions
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My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO VOCABULARY Sheet 1

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO VOCABULARY Sheet 2

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