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My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 21 Sheet 1


1 Complete the puzzle according to the pictures.
1 2

1. 4. 6. 8.

6 7 Down

2. 3. 5. 7.

2 Write the words.

1. the hair of an animal
2. very long front teeth on some animals
3. covers the body of a person or an animal
4. the nose of an elephant
5. a long, hard body part on the head of some animals

3 Complete the words in the animal facts below.

Animal Facts
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 22 Sheet 1

GRAMMAR: MODULE 3 (Review of Future Tenses)

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to, will and the Present Simple or
Present Continuous with future meaning. Use each tense at least once.
1. One day, Ben hopes he (go) on safari in South Africa.
2. Colin (not come) tonight.
3. The train (leave) in an hour.
4. In the future, many animals (not exist) in the wild any more.
5. We (not visit) Sue next week.

2 Write questions about a rainforest jeep tour with the words below. Use be going to, will and the
Present Simple or Present Continuous with future meaning. Then match the questions to the answers.
1. when / we / leave / for the rainforest

2. the driver / be / our tour guide

3. how long / the drive to the rainforest / take

4. what animals / we / probably / see / on the tour

5. what time / the tour / end

a. Tigers, monkeys and more.

b. In ten minutes.
c. At 2.00 pm.
d. About three hours.
e. Yes, he is.

3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to, will or Present Continuous with future
What 1. you (do)
later today? Tim
2. (save) animals from extinction with
his friends. Well, not exactly. They 3.
(play) an online animal conservation game. Hopefully, the
game 4. (feel) like the real thing.
In the game We Are the Rangers, people learn about
conservation by saving endangered animals.
Unfortunately, many wild animals 5.
probably (become) extinct in the future.
It 6. (not be) easy to save them, but we
can help. According to the creators of the game, many
people don’t know the real situation, but playing the game
7. (help) them understand the dangers.
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 22 Sheet 2


Write your answers here
Exercise 1

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3


Exercise 4

1. ____________________ 6. ____________________

2. ____________________ 7. ____________________

3. ____________________ 8. ____________________

4. ____________________ 9. ____________________

5. ____________________ 10. ____________________

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 23 Sheet 1

TASK: MODULE 3 (My Wanted Poster)

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 24 Sheet 1


1 Which topic is each sentence about? Match the topics to the sentences.
A. Homeless People • B. The Mayor • C. A Traffic Jam
D. Residential Areas • E. Poverty
1. Nearly half of the people in the world live on under £2 a day.
2. In August, 2010, people spent five days in their cars on a motorway in China.
3. Millions of people around the world live on the streets.
4. Some parts of the city have got many homes but no shops.
5. Hilmar Moore was the most important person in Richmond, Texas, for a very long time.
He had the job for over 63 years!

2 Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false sentences.

1. Stray animals live in people’s houses.

2. When you improve something, it gets better.

3. Many urban farms are in cities and towns.

4. The city looks clean when there is litter on the ground.

5. Rich people usually live in slums.

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words below.

mayor • speed limit • disadvantage • open spaces • job opportunities
motorway • graffiti • advantage • crowded • suburbs
1. A: What is a big of living in the city?
B: There are more , so it’s a better place to work.
2. A: How long does it take to drive to London on the ?
B: It usually takes about 30 minutes, but don’t drive over the .
3. A: Why do you prefer living in the ?
B: Because there are more than in the city, so it’s quieter.
4. A: What did the promise to do?
B: He’s going to remove all the on the buildings in the city centre.
5. A: What is the biggest of living in the city?
B: Sometimes, it feels because there are so many people.
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 25 Sheet 1

GRAMMAR: MODULE 3 (Future Continuous)

4 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Future Continuous.
1. At this time tomorrow, they (travel) to Australia.
2. John and Beth (collect) litter with us on Friday?
3. Rob (not join) us at the café.
4. When Amy (move)?
5. Sorry, I (not come) to the party.

5 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Future Continuous.
1. I / not drive / to work / tomorrow / .

2. what / the mayor / speak / about / on TV tonight / ?

3. the new urban farm / not open / on Saturday / .

4. you / plant / new trees and flowers / in this open space / ?

5. the city / change / the speed limit / here / next week / .

6 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets and the Future Continuous.
What 1. people (do)
for the homeless in the future? Some people are already
working on projects. Here are some examples. Hopefully,
we 2. (see) more ideas like these.
The Street Store is a free pop-up shop for homeless
people. Pop-up shops move from place to place and aren’t
permanent. There are already over 700 Street Stores and,
with the help of volunteers, Street Stores 3.
(arrive) in more and more countries.
How 4. homeless people
(stay) warm and dry this winter? Many
of them 5. (wear) the EMPWR coat.
These coats are special because they can become
sleeping bags!
Many homeless people 6. (enjoy) the
services of a Lava Mae bus in the coming months. These
special buses have got toilets and showers and they run
on solar energy. As a result, people using the buses
7. (not damage) the environment.
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 25 Sheet 2


Write your answers here

Exercise 5
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 6
1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________

a. ________________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________________________________

e. ________________________________________________________________________________
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 26 Sheet 1

TASK: MODULE 3 (A Mind Map)

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 27 Sheet 1


1 Choose the correct answer.
1. I coughed / was sick because I had an upset stomach.
2. Ben needs a bandage / tablet. His hand is bleeding.
3. Joey is dizzy / sneezing. I think he’s got a cold.
4. Jess has got the flu so she’s got a temperature / bite.
5. Luckily, my mum is in pain / recovering. She’s getting better from day to day.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

bite • breathing problems • sting • sore throat • dizzy
1. Dan is crying. He’s got a bee on his leg.
2. Lucy was feeling so she sat down and drank some water.
3. When my allergies are bad, I have .
4. You should drink tea with honey when you’ve got a .
5. I’ve got a mosquito on my face. It’s big and red.

3 What are the people saying? Complete the speech bubbles with the words below.
blood • headache • temperature • get better • cut • gets worse • coughing
bandage • tablet • flu • in pain
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 28 1

READING: MODULE 3 (An Article)

The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Write the words in your own language. You can use a dictionary.
1. indoor 2. self-driving

2 Read the text about the city of Dubai.


What would the world look like if everything was beautiful and green and robots and flying cars existed? Go to
Dubai and you will see. The city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates is moving into the future. How is it doing that?
It’s finding new ways to protect the environment, it’s introducing new transport ideas and it’s even changing the way
it builds houses.
The Environment
Protecting wildlife is important to the people of Dubai. The Green Planet, an indoor artificial rainforest in the middle
of Dubai, was built to give people the chance to see over 3,000 species of exotic rainforest animals and plants. The
city is also building one of the largest parks in the world. This park will be part of Dubailand, one of the city’s main
entertainment areas, and it will include 55 playgrounds, 45 sports areas and over 7 km of nature trails.
Dubai is using technology to change its transport system so less people are driving cars and damaging the
environment. It has already built the longest self-driving train line in the world and it plans to make 25% of all public
transport self-driving by 2030. In the future, people will even have the opportunity to book a flying taxi using an app
on their phone. With the help of all these technologies, people won’t be sitting in long traffic jams on Dubai’s
motorways any more.
Dubai has got some of the tallest buildings in the world and these buildings use solar energy. In addition, Dubai is
building a new residential area with solar energy houses and has already built over 500 houses there. There are
plans for a school and a hotel, too.
The city of Dubai is constantly introducing new ideas and inventions. It used to be a small city in the desert, but now
it’s a city of technology and a city of the future.

3 Complete the sentences with the words below and the correct form of the verbs in brackets according to the text.
Use the First or Second Conditional.
a flying taxi • a large park • solar energy • exotic animals • public transport
1. A person would probably visit The Green Planet if they (like) .
2. If you visit Dubailand, you (see) .
3. If you didn’t want to damage the environment with your car, you probably
(use) .
4. If you bought a house in the new area of Dubai, it (have) .
5. People will use an app in the future if they (want) to book .

4 The numbers below appear in the text. What do the numbers refer to?
1. 3,000
2. 45
3. 7
4. 25
5. 500
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 28 2
5 Answer the questions.
1. How is Dubai becoming a city of the future?

2. How is the rainforest in Dubai different from other rainforests?

3. What is special about the train line in Dubai?

4. What is Dubai going to do by 2030?

5. What is special about the houses in the new residential area of the city?

6 What do you think your town or city will look like in the future? Write an article for the school newspaper about it.
Include information about:
• transport
• places to visit
• technology
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 29 Sheet 1

GRAMMAR: MODULE 3 (First, Second & Third Conditional)

1Complete the sentences using the First Conditional.
1. Your foot (be) fine if you (not walk) on it for
three weeks.
2. If Mike (not make) an appointment, the doctor
(not see) him.
3. I (not take) a tablet unless this tea (not help).
4. If Amy’s sore throat (not get) better soon, she
(not come) on the trip.

2 Match A to B. Then complete the sentences. Use the Second Conditional.

1. If he (take) a tablet,
2. Matt (become) a doctor
3. If my dad (not have) a meeting,
4. You (feel) great
5. You’ve got a temperature. If I (be) you,
a. if you (exercise) more.
b. I (not go) to school today.
c. he (not feel) so bad.
d. he (take) me to the dentist.
e. if you (encourage) him to study hard.

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the First or Second Conditional.

1. I won’t go unless you (come) with me.

2. If he knew the results, he (not hide) them.
3. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t tell Andy.
4. If you climb that tree, you (feel) dizzy.
5. Dad would be angry if he (see) you now.

4 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Third Conditional.
1. if / I / not eat / so much / I / not feel / sick

2. her back / be / better / if / she / not lift / that heavy bag

3. he / not arrive / late / if / he / leave / on time

4. if / we / know / about Dan’s allergy / we / help / him

5. if / he / listen / to the doctor / he / not need / an operation

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 29 Sheet 2


Write your answers here

Exercise 7
1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 8
1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 9
1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 29 Sheet 3

Exercise 10
1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 11
1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

a. _________________________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________________________________
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO Homework 30 Sheet 1

WRITING: MODULE 3 (A Letter of Advice)

Your writing here:

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO VOCABULARY Sheet 1

My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO VOCABULARY Sheet 2
My Workbook On Line for 3rd ESO VOCABULARY Sheet 3

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