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Adult Learning Theory

Teori Pembelajaran Orang Dewasa

Presented by: Anthony Lemons

 The term originally coined by Alexander Kapp, a German educator In 1833

Istilah ini pertama kali diciptakan oleh Alexander Kapp, seorang pendidik Jerman pada tahun


 It was first introduced to English speakers in 1926 by Eduard Linderman.

Ini pertama kali diperkenalkan ke penutur bahasa Inggris pada tahun 1926 oleh Eduard Linderman

 Andragogy as a study of adult learning originated in Europe in the 1950's

and was then pioneered as a theory and a model of adult learning from the
1960's by Malcolm Knowles, an American practitioner and theorists of adult
education, who defined and ragogy as "the art and science of helping adults
Andragogi sebagai studi tentang pembelajaran orang dewasa berasal dari Eropa
pada tahun 1950-an dan kemudian dipelopori sebagai teori dan model
pembelajaran orang dewasa dari tahun 1960-an oleh Malcolm Knowles, seorang
praktisi Amerika dan ahli teori pendidikan orang dewasa, yang mendefinisikan dan
ragogi sebagai "seni dan ilmu membantu orang dewasa belajar ".
Malcolm S. Knowles
Malcolm Knowles (1913-1997) was an American
educator well known for the use of the term
"Andragogy" as a synonymous to the adult
What is Androgogy?
There are several definitions of Andragogy.
► Adragogy is a theory that holds a set of
assumptions about how adults learn. Andragogy
emphasizes the value of the process of learning.
It uses approaches to learning that are problem•
based and collaborative rather than didactic, and
also emphasizes more equality between the
and the learner. [7wtMa

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Principles ofAndragogy

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Motivation Readiness
toLearn toLearn
Instruction for adult focuses more on process and less on content
Case studies, role-playing, simulations most useful

Instructors adopt a role of facilitator or resource

Knowles' Six Assumptions
• Why do l have to learn this?

• Responsible for their own decisions, actions and


• Large quantity and quality of experience

• What they need to know and be able to do in order

to cope in real-life situations

• Life-centered, task-centered, or problem-centered

• Internal pressures are most potent motivators

The Need To Know
Self Concept
Readiness To Learn
Orientation to Learn
Motivation To Learn
Critics Argue
Pros Cons

Students are motivated by Problem solving skills may differ

internal/ external motivation. among adults from different
cultures, causing problems among
group members during activities.

Self-Directed Learning is a Since Self-Directed Learning is

reflective and action-oriented unstructured and independent, it
process. is easy for students to become

Learning can be linked with Difficulty balancing accomplishing

other students. the work with learning from the
Knowles, Malcolm S., Elwood F. Holton Ill, and
Richard A. Swanson. (1 998) The Adult Learner
Houston: Gulf Publishing


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