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1. Choose the correct option. (10 X3p=30p)

1. They have ________ a great webpage.

a. created b. creating c. create d. was created

2. Nobody has ________ to my webpage yet.

a. log on b. logged on c. logging on d. logs on

3. You ________ all my chocolates.

a. has eaten b. did ate c. have eaten d. eats

4. ________ you written your essay yet?

a. Were b. Did c. Has d. Have

5. Who ________ taken my books?

a. have b. has c. did d. was

6. My cousins ________ on the internet.

a. have chating b. have chatted c. are chatted d. has chatted

7. My friends ________ any money yet.

a. has made b. hasn't made c. have made d. haven't made

8. ______ you ever ___________ anyone?

a. Have / messaged b. Did / messaged c. Were / messaged d. Are / message

9. Have you ________ downloaded music?

a. since b. yet c. ever d. never

10. They ________ a lot of books.

a. were sold b. sells c. have sell d. have sold

2. Write sentences using the Present Perfect Simple form of the verbs. (10X3p=30p)

1. (she / pass the exam?)


2. (you / eat lunch yet?)


3. (he / read the newspaper today?)

4. (you / not / study French for ten years)


5. (they / be in London for six months)


6. (where / you / be?)


7. (we / not / go to Paris)


8. (she / not / see ‘The Lord of the Rings’)


9. (he / not / meet my mother)


10. (they / not / visit St. Paul’s Cathedral yet)

3. Use the present perfect to correct mistakes. (10 X3p=30p)

1. Here is your car. I just washed it.

I ………….. it.

2. Were you ever here before?

………………………… before?

3. I practise skiing since my childhood.

I ……………. skiing since my childhood.

4. Did you order the magazine yet?

…………………………….the magazine yet?

5. I never saw the film. I'd like to see it.

I ……………………the film.

6. I'm sorry. I did not finish the letter yet.

I'm sorry. I …………………….the letter yet.

7. I'm hungry. I didn't eat anything since lunch.

I …………………………….anything since lunch.

8. Did you meet Bill lately?

………………………………………… Bill lately?

9. We just missed the plane! What shall we do?

We …………………………………. the plane!

10. He is our teacher for four years now.

He ………………… our teacher for four years now.

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