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Nordic Society Oikos

Nesting Space Limits Colony Size of the Plant-Ant Pseudomyrmex concolor

Author(s): Carlos Roberto Fonseca
Source: Oikos, Vol. 67, No. 3 (Sep., 1993), pp. 473-482
Published by: Wiley on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos
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Accessed: 01-12-2015 21:04 UTC

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OIKOS 67: 473-482.Copenhagen

Carlos RobertoFonseca

Fonseca,C. R. 1993.Nesting Pseudomyrmex
concolor. - Oikos 67: 473-482.

Thesizeandstructure ofthecolonyofthestinging plant-antPseudomyrmex concolor

occupyingtwomorphologically distinctTachigalimyrmecophytic hostspecieswas
studiedinorderto discriminate
betweenfactors limitingtheantcolonysize;specific
hypothesesbeinga) food,b) territorysize and c) nestingspace.Fromintraspecific
comparisonsitis suggested
thattheantcolonysizeisprimarily bythetotal
domatiaspaceoffered bythehostplant.The space-limited explainswhy
plant-ants foraging
host-limited I analysethespace-limited
hypothesisfromthehost'spoint-of-view byusinga cost-benefit model.It is
suggestedthatdomatiasize can be selectedin a waythatincreasestheplant'snet

C. R. Fonseca, Animal Behaviour Research Group, Dept of Zoology, Univ. of

Oxford,South Parks Rd, Oxford,U.K. OX] 3PS.

Wilson(1971)estimated thatatanygiventimethereare 1991).The sizeof a singlematureantcolonyvariesby

about10'5livingantson theearth.Thisis notastonish- manyordersofmagnitude froma fewindividuals inthe
ingifit is consideredthatin sometemperate localities largestant Dinoponera(Ponerinae),to hundredsof
theantdensity can be 140workers perm2(Kajat et al. thousands in thepredatory armyantsEciton(Retten-
1971),and in thetropicstheantscan represent up to meyer1963).Antcolonysize in myrmecophytes varies
halftheinsectbiomass(FittkauandKlinge1973).In the froma fewtensof workers of Pheidoleinhabiting the
crowdedenvironment of rainforestspracticallyevery smallshrubMaieta(Melastomataceae), to an estimated
squareinchof surfaceis underthedomainof at least colonysize of 1.8-3.6millionworkers in somepolygy-
one antcolony.Interference betweenantsis notlimited nousPseudomyrmex inhabiting Acacia (Janzen1973).
to the groundlevel but the wholethree-dimensional Although thematurecolonysizeis knownformanyant
structure of theforestis occupied.Actually,manyant speciesmostof its variationremainsnot understood
generaarearboreal,passinga partorwholeoftheirlife (HolldoblerandWilson1991).Severalfactors can con-
in trees(Holldoblerand Wilson1991).At theextreme tribute to determine thematurecolonysize (Sudd and
are the ants whichnest in ant-plants, or myrmeco- Franks1987).It has beensuggested thatfoodcompeti-
phytes, insidespecialplantstructurescalledmyrmeco- tionamongcoloniesis an important factorlimiting the
domatia(Wheeler1942,Benson 1985,Beattie1986, productivity and fitnessof manyspecies(Pontin1961,
Huxley1986). 1963,Boomsmaet al. 1982).In thetropics, whereant
Muchof the ecologicalsuccessof the antscan be diversity anddensity is high,theevenlydispersed spac-
explainedbytheircooperative behaviourwithin genet- ingpattern ofantnestssuggests thatterritorial
icallyrelatedcolonies(Wilson1971).In general,colo- renceamongandwithin speciescouldbe structuring the
niesare foundedbyqueens,and growbyworkerpro- community (Levingsand Traniello1981,Levingsand
ductionto reacha maturesize,whenproduction ofnew Franks1982). Holldoblerand Wilson(1991) listthe
reproductive alates starts(Holldoblerand Wilson mature colonysizeofmanyantspeciespointing outthat

Accepted 21 October 1992


OIKOS 67:3 (1993) 473

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fiedas WetTropical(Holdridgeet al. 1971), theaverage
annual temperatureis 260C, and the average annual
Tachiga I
i/a rainfallfor the last 30 years is 2186 mm. The reliefis
formedby plateaux at an altitudeof 80-140 m witha
deep, acid and
clay-sandysoil thatis characteristically
well drained(Sombroek 1966).
Domatium entrance


- Petiole | Rachis In Cabo Frio, Pseudomyrmexconcolornestsinsidethe

expanded leaf petiole and rachisof small host trees of
Tachigalimyrmecophila Ducke and Tachigalipolyphylla
Poepp. & Endl. which are scattered in the forest
Domatium Solid rachis(1 (Fig. 1). Workersfromadjacentplantsshowstrongago-
nisticbehaviouramong each otherwhen submittedto
replacementmanipulations,and behavioural observa-
Tachi tionsduringday and nightperiodsindicatethatone ant
polyphylla colony is unable to occupy more than one host tree.
Characteristically,each leaf, with a single domatium,
Fig. 1. Schematicrepresentationof thecompoundleavesof containsa variable numberof workersand immature
Tachigalimyrmecophila and Tachigalipolyphylla.Pseudomyr- ants as well as alates, male and female. One to some
mex concolornestsand tendscoccidsinsidethe expanded
petioleandrachisofTachigalileaves.Someleafletsononeside queens can be normallyfoundclumpedin a singleleaf
ofeachleafare notshown. domatium.Pseudomyrmex concoloractivelypatrolsthe
leaves of Tachigali,protectingthe plants againstherb-
ivores(Fonseca 1991). However,theworkersdo noteat
thereis a strongrelationshipbetweenpreferrednestsite these insects.The only recordedfood of P. concoloris
and mature colony size. Although not explicit,these the honeydewand the bodies of the smallcoccids Cate-
data suggestthatnestingspace can limitthe colonysize nococcussp. thattheytendinsidethe domatia. Pseudo-
of those species withspecialized nest requirements. myrmexconcolor occurs mainly in young plants. In
The life historyof the stingingant Pseudomyrmex most cases, only one ant colony is foundoccupyinga
concolor(F. Smith)is closelyintegratedwithitslegumi- tree,thecolonybeingspreadover all thedomatiaof the
nous tree host, Tachigali;itsnestsare exclusivelyinside tree. However, when the tree growstallerthisant spe-
leaf rachisdomatia; its territorycomprisesroughlythe cies is replacedby anotherant species, thusbeginninga
whole tree; and most food seems to be providedby its successionalprocess thatinvolvesat least two Pseudo-
associated coccids Catenococcussp., a Tachigaliherb- myrmexand six Azteca species in this region. Then,
ivore. In thispaper I analyse the colonysize and struc- duringthetransition periodtwo antcolonies can coexist
tureof Pseudomyrmexconcolorin two species of myr- in a conflicting situationin a singlehost plant (Fonseca
mecophyticTachigaliwithdistinctleaf morphology.Us- 1991).
ing intraspecific comparisons I can discriminate
between factorslimitingthe ant colony size; specific
hypothesesbeing: a) food,b) territory size, and c) nest-
ing space.
Young plants of Tachigalimyrmecophilaand T. poly-
phylla occupied by Pseudomyrmexconcolor were lo-
cated. All saplings used ranged from0.5 to 2.5 m in
height and were unbranched. For each species, the
Materialand methods plantswere groupedaccordingto the numberof leaves,
The plants were collected in the Cabo Frio reserve,a from4 to 11. An individualfromeach groupwas chosen
continuous1000 ha reserveof TerraFirmeforest(sensu randomly,thusforeach speciesthereare eightindividu-
Pires and Prance 1985) about 100 km northof Manaus, als withincreasingnumbersof leaves. As I was unable
Amazonas (2024'S, 59052'W). This reserveis linkedto to finda plantof Tachigalimyrmecophila with11 leaves,
the Biological Dynamics of Forest FragmentProject it was replaced by an individualwith 12 leaves. This
(InstitutoNacional de Pesquisas do Amazonas/Smith- procedurepermittedthe selectionof a desiredvariation
sonian Institution),being a controlplot of undisturbed both in morphologicaltraits of Tachigali and in ant
rainforest.The vegetationhas a variable canopy about colonysize and structure.
30-40 m and the Arecaceae provides a predominant Between8 and 10 October 1988,I collectedintegrally
understoreycomponent.The regionalclimateis classi- all ant colonies of Pseudomyrmexconcolor in order to

474 OIKOS 67:3 (1993)

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y= 1.347x- 3,264 G.L.) was introducedinto each domatiumforpreserv-
30,000 ing the internalmaterial.Most collectionswere made
afterrainfallwhenthe workerswere insidethe domatia
to minimizethe loss of workers.Workersoutside the
domatia were countedand added to the total inside.
so20,000 Each domatiumwas dissectedand thecontentsexam-
co 0 ined under a dissectingmicroscope (10-30 x). The
numberof workers,pupae, larvae, eggs, queens, and
C alate males and females was recorded,as well as the
10,000 y = 0.390x+ 235
numberof coccids, Catenococcussp.
0 0~~~~~~
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Plant morphology
Leaf area (cm2) The numberof leaves and leafletson each individual
betweendomatiaspace and leafarea in
Fig. 2. Relationship Tachigali were counted. Each leaf was tagged, de-
Tachigalimyrmecophila(closed circles,n = 8) and Tachigali tached, pressedand dried. The leaf area was estimated
polyphylla(open circles,n = 8). by a Delta T Area Meter (Delta T Devices, Burwell,
Cambridge,U.K.) with 1 cm2 precision. Each doma-
tium was put in a plastic bag. In the laboratory,the
describetheircolonystructure. Adhesiveplasticwas domatia were longitudinallydissected and the length
putovertheentrance ofeverydomatium toprevent the and largestwidthwere measuredbya rulerwith0.5 mm
workersgettingout. Then, an alcoholic solution(70% precision. As there is no change in the shape of the

Table 1. Information
on completelydissectedplantsof Tachigalimyrmecophila (n = 8) and Tachigalipolyphylla(n = 8) occupied
by the ant Pseudomyrmex concolor.Each rowis an independentplant. Q is thenumberof queens. F and M are numberof alated
femalesand males, respectively.

Plant Number Number Leaf Domatia Number Number No. No. No. Q F-M
code of of area space of of of of of
leaves leaflets (cm2) (mm2) coccids workers pupae larvae eggs

1 4 16 2268 699 30 59 23 40 76 2 0-0
2 5 31 4315 2704 143 334 65 110 68 2 0-0
3 6 42 8659 7936 206 466 106 362 323 1 0-0
4 7 38 4609 2631 101 118 24 128 122 2 0-0
5 8 56 12228 12860 454 737 243 1173 496 8 0-0
6 9 62 12087 15999 294 697 143 421 18 5 6-0
7 10 67 10981 8408 163 553 83 432 128 1 24-0
8 12 98 25099 30767 345 1104 199 1216 255 4 65-2

9 4 36 2894 1390 44 86 18 68 37 1 0-0
10 5 36 2258 850 30 28 8 28 55 2 0-0
11 6 55 4151 2215 50 141 43 60 92 6 0-0
12 7 53 3724 1902 76 52 33 18 98 6 0-0
13 8 100 12794 3377 50 83 16 75 110 4 10-3
14 9 77 4155 2020 71 22 15 17 96 7 0-0
15 10 170 17633 8165 365 257 67 625 241 1 2-35
16 11 133 9044 4087 635 324 101 428 236 2 0-0

X* 7.6 51.3 10030 10250 217 509 104 485 185 3.1 12.1t
S.D.* 2.7 25.3 7183 9825 139 345 80 462 161 2.4 23.7

X* 7.5 82.5 7081 3001 165 124 37 165 121 3.6 6.3
S.D.* 2.5 48.5 5568 2330 219 111 32 230 77 2.5 13.2
* Median (X) and standarddeviation(S.D.) were calculatedby species (n = 8
plants) and are valid onlywithinthe scope of the
previouslydescribedsample procedure.t Consideringfemaleand male alates together.

OIKOS 67:3 (1993) 475

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Table2. Correlation ofdifferent stagesofPseudomyrmex
developmental coefficients
(P) are respectively
(r) and probabilities exceptthose
belowand above thediagonal.Samplesize is 16 forall comparisons
involving P > 0.05.
alateswheren is 5. ns represents
Eggs Larvae Pupae Workers Queens Alates

Eggs 1 0.001 ns ns ns 0.005

Larvae 0.823 1 0.001 0.001 ns 0.005
Pupae 0.396 0.839 1 0.001 ns ns
Workers 0.405 0.823 0.978 1 ns ns
Queens -0.261 0.006 0.379 0.323 1 ns
Alates 0.949 0.953 0.643 0.653 -0.191 1

domatium in relation to its size, the space inside a F11,61= 40.498, P < 0.001), thisdifferencebeing highly
domatiumwas estimatedby the productof its length significant (F11,12]= 123.35, P < 0.001).
and width.

Results Colonyfoundation,growthand reproduction

Plant morphology Field observationsuggeststhatcolonies of Pseudomyr-
Tachigali myrmecophila(Tm) leaves normallyhave mex concolor are foundedby only one queen (haplo-
smaller leaflet number,larger leaflet size and larger metrosis),neverthelessthe data presentedin Table 1
domatiumspace, than leaves of Tachigalipolyphylla indicate that later on they become polygynous.Only
(Tp) withcomparable leaf length.Althoughboth spe- fourfrom16 coloniesstudied(25%) were monogynous.
cies have about the same numberof leaves and conse- The polygynouscolonies had fromtwo to eightdealate
quentlyabout the same numberof domatia (Tm = 61, queens, normallybeing clumpedinto one or a few do-
Tp = 60, each leaf has a single domatium), T. myr- matia. In two dissectedcolonies two domatia had both
mecophilaplantshave 3.4 timesmoredomatiaspace per dealate queens and a highnumberof eggs, suggesting
leaf than T. polyphylla(Tm = 1344 mm2, Tp = 400 thatin Pseudomyrmexconcolor more than one queen
mm2).The difference in leaf area is about 1.4 times(Tm may be responsiblefor egg production.Interestingly,
= 1316 cm2, Tp = 944 cm2). The distinctionin morph- the correlationbetweennumberof dealate queens and
ological traitsbetweenthe species is displayedin Fig. 2. egg productionis not significant (r = -0.261, n = 16, P
The slopes of theregressionbetweendomatiaspace and > 0.05), suggestingsome process of hierarchicaldom-
leafarea show thatT. myrmecophila (1 = 1.347,Fl1,61= inance among the queens.
197.179,P < 0.001) offers3.5 timesmorenestspace to The numberof individualsof Pseudomyrmexconco-
theantsper unitleafarea thanT. polyphylla(1 = 0.390, lor at a givenstage of developmentseems to be a good
predictorof the numberof individualsin the following
stage (Table 2). The numberof eggs is highlycorrelated
70- with the numberof larvae (r = 0.823, n = 16, P <
0.001) but not significantlycorrelatedwiththe number
60- of pupae and workers(P > 0.05). The numberof larvae
is highlycorrelatedwithnumberof pupae (r = 0.839, n
iCis50- y=0.194x- 5.306 = 16, P < 0.001) and workers(r = 0.823, n = 16, P <
A-,40- 0.001). The numberof pupae is highlycorrelatedwith
0 the numberof workers(r = 0.978, n = 16, P < 0.001).
30- In Tachigalimyrmecophila the numberof eggs is only
significantlydeterminedby the numberof coccids (r2 =
20 -
z; 0.523, n = 8, P < 0.05). The determination coefficient
withboth leaf area (r2 = 0.262, n = 8, P > 0.05) and
10 - domatia space (r2 = 0.209, n = 8,' P > 0.05) are not
0- significant.In T. polyphyllathe numberof eggs is well
0- ll l l I
determinedbythenumberofcoccids(r2= 0.812, n = 8,
0 100 200 300 400 500 P < 0.001), leaf area (r2 = 0.610, n = 8, P < 0.05) and
Number of eggs domatia space (r2 = 0.760, n = 8, P < 0.005). A step-
Fig. 3. Relationshipbetweennumberof alates and numberof wise regression(Sokal and Rohlf 1981) was applied to
eggs of reproductivelyactivePseudomyrmexconcolorcolonies the pooled data, as a test to discriminatethe most
(n = 5). importantvariable to explain the egg productionin

476 OIKOS 67:3 (1993)

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Pseudomyrmexconcolor colonies, using four as F-to-
1,200 A * y = 2.106x+ 51.449 enter.Only coccidsfittedthemodel (IP= 0.471, F[1141 =
1,000 - 11.306, P < 0.01), leaf area (F = 0.457) and domatia
space (F = 0.275) being kept out of the model. This
800- suggeststhat a simple mechanismassociated withthe
o queens' feedingstatus can controlthe rate of colony
4 600- growthof P. concolor.
The numberof alates in a maturecolonyof Pseudo-
" 400 -y =0.466x + 47.233
myrmexconcolor is highlycorrelatedwiththe number
of eggs (r = 0.949, n = 5, P < 0.005, Fig. 3). The
z0 200 -
regressionline suggeststhat when the numberof eggs
accumulatedin a colonyin a giventime is higherthan
0 30, about 20% of the ants produced by the colonywill
be alates. The numberof alates is not correlatedwith
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 the numberof dealate queens (r = -0.191, n = 5, P >
Numberof coccids 0.05).
The sex ratio of the alates withina colony can be
highlyskewed to eithermale or female (Table 1). Al-
1,200- B thoughfemalebias was recordedonlyin Tachigalimyr-
mecophila,and male bias in T. polyphylla,thisis prob-
1,000- ably an indirecteffectof differencesin colonysize and
maturity.Althoughfewdata are available theysuggest
"U 800 y= 0.046x + 48.438 that largercolonies have a bias forfemale production
0~~~~~~ whilesmall colonies produce more males thanfemales.
4-- 60.0 -

400 -/
200 -
4 X ? y=0.012x + 36.871
Ant colonysize
The size of the colonies of Pseudomyrmexconcolor
occupyingTachigalimyrmecophilais largerthan those
O 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
inhabitingT. polyphyllawitha comparablenumberof
leaves (Table 1). T. myrmecophilacolonies have on
Leaf area (cm) average 2.6 timesmore workersper domatium(Tm =
1,200- C 66.7, Tp = 25.4), 2.9 timesmorepupae (Tm = 13.7, Tp
= 4.7) and 2.9 more larvae (Tm = 63.6, Tp = 22.0),
than the colonies on T. polyphylla.Nevertheless,the
1,000 -
average numberof eggs per domatiumis only 1.5 times
' biggerin T. myrmecophila colonies (Tm = 24.3, Tp =
800 - y=0.033x + 167.200
0 S 16.1). Also, the average numberof coccids per doma-
tiumis 1.3 timeshigherin T. myrmecophila (28.5) than
600- in T. polyphylla(22.0).

400w+ < < y=0.035x + 19.702

200- Limitingfactorforant colonysize

The numberof workersof Pseudomyrmexconcolorin-
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,00 30,000 habitingTachigalimyrmecophilais highlydetermined
Domatiaspace (mm2) bythedomatiaspace (r2= 0.901, n = 8, P < 0.001), leaf
area (r2 = 0.914, n = 8, P < 0.001), and numberof
Fig. 4. Relationshipsbetween numberof workersof Pseudo- coccids (r2 = 0.723, n = 8, P < 0.005). For T. poly-
myrmexconcolorand A) coccids, B) leaf area and C) domatia phylla,the determinationcoefficients betweennumber
space in Tachigalimyrmecophila(closed circles,n = 8) and
Tachigalipolyphylla(open circles,n = 8).
of workersand bothdomatiaspace (r2= 0.536, n = 8, P
< 0.05) and coccids (r2 = 0.851, n = 8, P < 0.001) are
butwithleaf area thecoefficient
significant, is onlynear
thesignificantlevel (r2= 0.384, n = 8, 0.10 <P ' 0.05).
The generallyhigh determinationcoefficientsof the

OIKOS 67:3 (1993) 477

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700- A The slope of the regressionbetweenworkersand leaf
A0 area for Tachigalimyrmecophila(1 = 0.046, F11,61=
600 - y = 0.060x - 13.808 63.964, P < 0.001) is about 3.7 timeshigherthanforT.
polyphylla(a = 0.012, F[l,6] = 3.733, P > 0.05), this
U 500- y =.O10x + 110.200
difference beinghighlysignificant (F[1,121 = 40.753, P <
0.001, Fig. 4B). Again, there is anotherfactorwhich
2 400- constrainsthe numberof workersin Tachigali.
- Thereareno significant
(F11121= 0. 000, P
,8300 > 0.05) betweenthe slopes of the regressionsbetween
Z 200- numberof workersand domatiaspace in Tachigalimyr-
mecophila(1 = 0.033, F1161 = 54.794, P < 0.001) and T.
100 p polyphylla(13 = 6.919, P < 0.05, Fig. 4C).
= 0.035, F[1161
This means thatindependently of the hostplantspecies
the same colony size is predictedif a given domatia
0 5,000 10,00015,00020,00025,00030,000 space is available forthe colonyof Pseudomyrmex con-
Domatiaspace(mm2) color.
As an additional statisticalapproach a stepwise re-
gressionwas used withthepooled data fromboth Tachi-
gali species using workersas the dependentvariable,
700 - and domatiaspace, leafarea and coccidsas independent
variablesin the fullmodel. The F-to-enterwas 4.0. It is
600 -
expectedthatonlythe variablesrelevantto explainthe
numberof workersin both species will be significant.

500 - )
oal *00 y= 0.020x+ 20.112 Onlydomatiaspace fittedthemodel (1 = 0.038, F[11141=
0400 100.319,P < 0.001), leaf area (F = 0.597) and coccids
(F = 3.111) being kept out of the model. Therefore,
300- both these analyses suggest that in the Pseudomyr-
3200- I f y = 0.014x+ 76.068 mexlTachigalisystemnestingspace is the most impor-
200- tantfactorcontrollingant colonysize.


0 - I I I
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 The same type of intraspecificcomparisonsas were
Leafarea(cm) made above can be performedto ask what factoris
controllingthe numberof coccids occupyingeach spe-
Fig.5. Relationshipsbetween number ofcoccidsandA) doma- cies of Tachigali.In T. myrmecophilathere are good
tia space and B) leafarea in Tachigali
myrmecophila (closed
circles,n = 8) and Tachigali
polyphylla(opencircles,n = 8). determination coefficients betweenthe numberof coc-
cids and both domatia space (r2 = 0.542, n = 8, P <
0.05) and leaf area (r2 = 0.527, n = 8, P < 0.05). In T.
describedaboveseemtobe theresultofthe polyphylla the determinationcoefficientsare not so
generaltrendof all variablesto increasewiththein- good foreitherdomatiaspace (r2= 0.401, n = 8, 0.05 '
crease in plant size. P ' 0.10) or leaf area (r2 = 0.270, n = 8, 0.20 ? P '
The intraspecific comparisonbetween the linear re- 0.10).
gressionsof colony size of Pseudomyrmexconcolorin- The slope of the regressionbetweencoccids and do-
habiting Tachigali myrmecophilaand T. polyphylla matiaspace forTachigalimyrmecophila (1 = 0.010, F[1,61
sheds lighton the factorsaffectingant colonysize. Al- = 7.091, P < 0.05) is about 5.7 timeslower than that
thoughhigh determinationcoefficientsbetween work- presentedby T. polyphylla(1 = 0.060, F[161 = 4.015,
ers and coccids were foundforcolonies occupyingboth 0.05 ' P ' 0.10), thisdifference beinghighlysignificant
Tachigali species, the slope of the regressionfor T. (F[1,121= 14.727,P < 0.01, Fig. 5A). So, thereis another
myrmecophila(1 = 2.106, F[16] = 15.645, P < 0.01) is factorconstrainingthe numberof coccids in Tachigali.
about 4.5 times higherthan for T. polyphylla(a = The relationshipbetweennumberof coccids and num-
0.466, F1161= 34.147, P < 0.001), thisdifferencebeing ber of workerswas analysedpreviously,the numberof
highlysignificant (F1112] = 33.106, P < 0.001, Fig. 4A). coccidsper workerbeingdifferent forthe two Tachigali
This means that the same numberof coccids predicts species (Fig. 4A).
differentnumbersof workersof P. concolor according There is no significant difference(F11121 = 0.615, P >
to the hostplantspecies. Thus, a factorotherthanfood 0.05) between the slopes of the regressionsbetween
mustbe limitingant colonysize. numberof coccidsand leaf area between Tachigalimyr-

478 OIKOS 67:3 (1993)

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mecophila(a = 0.014, F[1,6] = 6.673, P < 0.05) and T. obligateassociationswithmyrmecophytes (Ward 1991).
polyphylla(f=0.020, F1161=2.220, P > 0.05, Fig. SB). As Janzen (1966) stated, increased aggressiveness
The same leaf area predictsthe same numberof coccids seems to be a convergentbehaviouraltraitamongPseu-
in both Tachigalispecies. Therefore,leaf area seems to domyrmexplant-antsbecause most free-livingspecies
controlthe numberof coccids. show very timid behaviour. Outstandinglyaggressive
A stepwiseregressionwas applied to thepooled data. behaviourcan be foundin Pseudomyrmexfromdiffer-
Only workersfittedthe model (I = 0.346, F[1,14] = ent lineages associated withAcacia, Tachigaliand Tri-
8.358, P < 0.05), leaf area (F = 0.688) and domatia plaris (Benson 1985). In cases where the ant feeds di-
space (F = 0.665) beingkeptout of themodel. Thus, by rectlyon the plant products (e.g. Beltian bodies of
this analysis the predatoryactivityof Pseudomyrmex Acacia) thereis a directlinkagebetweenthe plantpho-
concolorseems to controlthe totalnumberof coccidsin tosyntheticrate and the ant colonyfitness.

foragingand space-limitedcolony
Discussion The ratiobetweenenergyintake and the timespentto
The upper limitof the colony size of Pseudomyrmex retrievethe food is an importantvariablein manycen-
concoloris constrainedby the space available fornest- tral place foragingmodels (Brown and Orians 1970,
ing activitiesofferedby the leaf domatia of Tachigali. Holldobler and Lumsden 1980). Most of the ants nest-
However, the three-trophic level interactionbetween ing in myrmecophytes stronglymaximizethisratio be-
ant, coccid and myrmecophyte seems to be the key cause theirnestingand feedingsites are sometimesvir-
factorin theunderstanding oftheantcolonygrowthand tually the same. Host-restricted foragingis a general
maturation.P. concolor feeds upon the coccid colony rule among dominantants associated with myrmeco-
which feeds on the phloem sap of Tachigali. Conse- phytes.In a Peruvianrainforest,six of the numerically
quently,the energyand nutrients consumedby the ants dominantant species occurringin eightmyrmecophytes
are producedbythephotosynthetic activityof Tachigali. foragedonlyon the hostsurface(Davidson et al. 1989).
Plantsgrowingin a productiveenvironment(e.g. good In about 15 myrmecophytes occurringin the Cabo Frio
lightconditions)and experiencinga low level of herb- reservemy observationscorroboratethis ant foraging
ivoryare able to maintaina highproductionof coccids pattern. Although many ants are generalistsin their
and consequentlya highrate of egg and alate produc- food habits, plant-antsusually tend coccids inside do-
tion. matia.These coccidsrepresenta regularfood sourcefor
If the ants do not patrol the leaves and drive off the ants, acting as a bufferfor colony growthduring
herbivores,the photosyntheticrate of the plant will decreasingfood productivity.Pseudomyrmexconcolor
decrease and so willthe productionof coccids. Then, if seems to be an extremecase, feedingits colony almost
an antcolonypermitstheplantto be highlydamagedby entirelywith the coccids Catenococcussp., and these
herbivores,the ant colony would become food limited ants are never foundoffthe host plants except during
and thecoccid colonyoverexploited.As a result,theant defensiveevents when they fall down in order to re-
colonywould not reach the maximumcolony size per- move eitherantcompetitors, or phytophagousor preda-
mittedby the host and would probablypresenta lower toryinsects.
fitness,as measuredby the numberof alates. If foodwerethelimitingfactoron the developmentof
Pseudomyrmexconcolor is a very aggressive ant plant-antcolonies,whatwould explainthislimitationin
whichbitesand stingsmostof the insectherbivoresthat territoryarea? The nesting space-limitedhypothesis
itfindson thehostplant.However,thispatrollingbeha- presentedin this paper can explain these facts satis-
viouris not associatedwithforagingbecause the poten- factorily.If the colonysize is space-limitedand the host
tial preyare thrownoffthe plant. How can such beha- offersdirectlyor indirectly enoughfood to its partners,
viour evolve? The three-trophic level frameworkpro- there is no reason to extend the territory beyond the
posed above seems to shed lighton the evolutionof the plant boundary.As a corollary,ants that are able to
aggressivenessin ant-plantsystemswherethe plantsdo escape the space limitationare not expected to exhibit
not offerdirectlyany food rewardfor the ants. Ants host-restricted foraging. Davidson et al. (1989) re-
presentinga higher efficiencyof patrollingactivity cordedthreeAzteca species thatare able to buildcarton
against herbivores,and presumablycompetitors(Da- nestsoutsidethe host domatia. As expected,the forag-
vidsonet al. 1989), were providedindirectly withhigher ing areas of all thesespecies were not restrictedto their
food availabilityand were able to presenthighercolony host. Furthermore, Crematogaster cf. victimaoccupying
growthand reproductionthancoloniespresentinga tim- Maieta guianensisand Clidemia heterophylla(Melasto-
id behaviour. mataceae) was considered"unusual as a commonplant-
The phylogenyof the pseudomyrmecineants con- ant not restrictedto its host" (Davidson et al. 1989). In
firmsthe view that they repeatedlyhave developed the Cabo Frio reserve,Maieta guianensisoccurs in ag-

OIKOS 67:3 (1993) 479

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Cost (e.g. by coccids) for productionof most of the food
Maximum resourceobtainedby the ant colony. Assumingthatthe
net requirementof energyand nutrientsforthe production
benefit and maintenanceof a workeris uniform,itis reasonable
to suppose that to supportcolonies of larger size the
plant needs to allocate a directlyproportionalamount
of resources,the cost growingcontinuously(Fig. 6).
The simple presence of ants has been demonstrated
I InefI to decrease herbivorousinsect activityin several ant-
defencemutualisms(Way 1963, Bentley 1977, Beattie
1986). The higherthe densityof patrollingworkersthe
MutualismParasitism higherwill be the effectiveness of the plant defence.
Nevertheless,as moreworkersare added to thepatroll-
N Max ing activityon the leaf surface,the importanceof each
Colonysize individualin thesearchand aggressionagainstthe herb-
ivores becomes lower. At some stage theirpatrolling
Fig. 6. Graphicmodelofcostandbenefit to a myrmecophyte a maximumand eventuallythe
of maintainingincreasingantcolonysize. N is thecolonysize efficiencyapproaches
thatproducesthegreatest to theplant.Maxis the benefitto the host plant reaches a limit.
colonysizewithnullnetbenefit. The intersectionof the cost and benefitcurvesrepre-
sents the maximumant colony size in which the net
benefitis positiveand, by definition,mutualisticinter-
gregatedpatchesproducedby asexual reproductionand action is possible (Fig. 6). If these argumentsare cor-
an ant colony can be spread over several stemsin the rect,some colonysizes presenta negativenetbenefitto
same clone. So, the trailson the forestfloorcannotbe the plants,the ants playinga parasiticrole in the rela-
consideredan exceptionto the host-restricted rule. In- tionship. The almost complete absence of patrolling
terestingly,Davidson et al. (1989) had no directevi- activityby some ant species inhabitingAcacia, and the
dence that Crematogastercf. victimawas foragingoff correspondingdrop in the benefitcurve,leads to their
the host plant. parasiticlifestyle(Janzen1975). Many ant-plantsoffer
Pseudomyrmex concolorand P. nigrescensare closely domatia space and othermyrmecophytic traitslater in
related species, both classified withinthe P. viduus their development(Davidson and Fisher 1991). This
group (P. S. Ward, 1991, pers. comm.). Both species suggeststhatant-plantseedlingsare delayingthe devel-
inhabitTachigaliat mystudysite,butP. concoloroccurs opmentof myrmecophytic traitsuntila size when they
onlyin small treesup to 7 m, whileP. nigrescensoccurs are able to maintainthecostof a biggerand efficient ant
mainlyon mediumsized trees but also occupies large colony.
canopy trees (Fonseca 1991). While colonies of P. con- Accordingto the model, thereis a colonysize where
color are relativelysmall, the colonies of P. nigrescens thenetbenefitreachesa maximumand theplantshould
can be one or two orders of magnitudelarger. This presentthe best performance.In myrmecophytes, do-
suggeststhat phylogeneticconstraintsare not limiting matia are producedas modularstructures.The number
the colonysize of Pseudomyrmex.The absence of phy- of domatiaas well as theirsize willdefinethetotalspace
logenetic constraintson mature colony size was sug- available to be occupied by the ants. If ants are space-
gested at a larger taxonomicscale by Holldobler and limitedthe controlof these variableswould permitthe
Wilson (1991). Furthermore,Janzen (1973) has esti- plantto manipulatethe colonysize. In myrmecophytic
mated thatonly one colonyof the polygynousPseudo- Tachigalithereis alwaysone domatiumper leaf,but the
myrmexveneficamay contain 1.8-3.6 millionworkers size of the domatia seems to be species specific. In
spread over hundreds of acacias. As Janzen (1973) Tachigalitheratioof domatiaspace to leafarea is highly
pointedout, "[the ant colony]size is set by how large a uniformand is probablytheresultof a simpleallometric
standof acacia can growin the face of competitionwith rule. Nevertheless,this ratio can be visualized as the
otherplants",suggestingthatalthoughthisoutstanding relationshipbetweeninvestmentin myrmecophytic de-
ant species has broken the boundaryof an individual fenceand the amountof tissueto be defended.If thisis
host plant,it could not escape the limitimposedby the the case, Tachigali myrmecophilais investingabout
overall nestingsite. three times more in myrmecophytic defence than T.
polyphylla(Fig. 2). This differencein ant defenceallo-
cation could be expected if T. myrmecophilaleaves
The plant's pointof view suffereithera higherherbivorypressureor a smaller
allocation in chemical defences than T. polyphylla
How does colony size affectthe plant performance? leaves.
Host plants are generallyresponsible either directly
(e.g. by Mullerian and Beltian bodies) or indirectly

OIKOS 67:3 (1993)


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weaver ant Oecophyllalonginodathatbindsleaves into
Consequencesof space limitationforthe ant
tightnest compartmentsusuallyconsistsof more than
community 500000 individuals.It is suggestedthat in the tropics
In thecomplexenvironment rainfor- thesespecies are actuallyexceptionsto a generalruleof
estmanysitesbelowandabovegroundare availableas nestingspace-limitedant species.
antnestingsites:dead matter, hollowand hollowable
live stemsand manydiversestructures of theplants. Acknowledgements - I am especially indebted to W. W. Ben-
colonies in sonwhoinitially introduced me to the ant-plant system. I am
Nevertheless, only appropriate nesting sites extremely gratefulforthefieldassistance ofG. Moreira.S. M.
willbe successfulandtheability to findthemshouldbe Bezerragenerously aidedmeinthelaboratory. The useofthe
rewardedbynaturalselection.The evolutionary capa- DeltaT AreaMeterwaskindly facilitatedbyM. T. F. Piedade.
bilityto nestin a completely new micro-habitat has I thankC. R. Huxley,W. D. Hamilton, P. S. de Oliveira,P. S.
evolvedmanytimesin the tropicsand in somecases Ward and M. A. W. Pachecoforcomments
on the earlier
Also,I thankG. GanadeandJ.Johnfora contin-
resultsin a higherfitnessassociatedwiththisenemy- uedexchange ofideas.Thisstudy wassupported inpartbythe
freeenvironment. I haveobservedqueensof Pseudo- WorldWildlife Fund,theInstituto Nacionalde Pesquisasdo
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mentsProjecttechnical series.Thisworkwas also supported
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