Sample/practice Exam 2019, Questions and Answers Sample/practice Exam 2019, Questions and Answers

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Sample/practice exam 2019, questions and answers

Business Communications (University of Windsor)

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Name Chapter 3--Communicating Across Cultures

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Question 1 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements about the global economy is most accurate?
Answer Although the "global village" was predicted years ago, it is far from
being a reality.
Although many national companies do business in foreign markets,
few local companies do.
Many corporations have formed multinational alliances to help them
better compete in the global economy.
Because of easy access to global information via the Internet,
intercultural differences lead to few misunderstandings.
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Question 2 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following is probably the most accurate statement about the
globalization of markets?
Answer Although market borders are blurring, it is still easy to determine the
nationality of companies.
Many companies seek to expand their markets around the world
because their domestic markets are maturing.
Trade agreements such as GATT and NAFTA have made global trade
more difficult.
Because the United States dominates the world economy, American
companies have no need to adapt to other cultures.
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Question 3 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following trade agreements created the largest and richest free-trade
region on earth?
Answer General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
World Trade Organization (WTO)
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
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Question 4 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove


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Major factors in globalization include maturing local markets, free trade

agreements, new transportation technologies, and what other important factor?
Answer New information technologies
A decreasing worldwide population
Higher literacy rates
Lower poverty levels
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Question 5 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

How are new communication technologies used to promote globalization?
Answer Advancements in communication have made markets and jobs more
High-speed, high-capacity, and relatively low-cost communications
have made geographical location virtually irrelevant for many
activities and services.
The Web permits instantaneous oral and written communication
across time zones and continents.
All of the above.
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Question 6 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Persons from many cultures are moving to countries promising to fulfill their
dreams. For generations the two most popular destinations have been
Answer the United States and Japan.
the United States and Canada.
France and Great Britain.
Italy and France.
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Question 7 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements about the U.S. population is least accurate?
Answer Over the next 50 years, the population of the United States is
expected to grow by nearly 50 percent.
Immigrants will account for half of all new U.S. workers in the years
As the United States becomes more and more homogeneous, cultural
diversity is becoming rare.
Business communicators must learn to accommodate and manage
intercultural change.
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Question 8 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Today's North American population can be best described as
Answer part of a melting pot where people from different ethnic groups blend
a tossed salad or spicy stew where people from different ethnic
groups each contribute their own unique flavor.
a river of cultures contributing to an ocean of turbulence.
none of the above.
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Question 9 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Select the most accurate statement about culture.
Answer Culture cannot be taught; it's something we're born with.
Culture can be both visible and invisible.
Most cultural beliefs are illogical, with no real basis for existing.
Because cultural norms are so deep-seated, they almost never change.
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Question 10 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Select the most accurate statement about culture.
Answer Culture is a subject that is usually taught in elementary school.
Cultural attitudes are not learned until adulthood.
We can expect to deal well with those from another culture without
having to adopt new attitudes.
Culture is shaped by attitudes learned in childhood and later
internalized in adulthood.
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Question 11 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following is an invisible sign of culture?
Answer A supervisor takes her assistant out to lunch for Administrative
Professional's Day.
Sam believes that adults need to be responsible for their actions.
On Valentine's Day, Ross sends flowers to his wife.
At every department meeting, the manager sits at the head of the
conference table.
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Question 12 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

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Which of the following statements about changes in culture is most accurate?
Answer Over time, cultures rarely change.
Attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs change in closed societies more
quickly than in open societies.
Events such as migration, natural disasters, and wars have little or no
impact on culture.
Changes in culture may be caused by advancements in technology
and communication.
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Question 13 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

A generalization that is not fixed and rigid when it is used to describe cultures is
called a
Answer stereotype.
None of the above.
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Question 14 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Ron recently completed diversity training. Which of the following was he most
likely taught during the training?
Answer If you work hard enough at it, you can talk about cultures without
using mental categories, representations, and generalizations to
describe groups.
Unfounded generalizations about people and cultures can lead to bias
and prejudice.
Today the word stereotype has a positive meaning.
Because they are fixed and rigid, stereotypes are always entirely false.
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Question 15 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements about context is least accurate?
Context is probably the most important cultural dimension and also
the most difficult to define.
Context refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding
an event.
The cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall developed the concept of

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No one has attempted to classify countries according to context.

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Question 16 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Communicators in high-context cultures
Answer depend on the context of a situation to help convey their meaning.
assume that listeners know very little and must be told practically
tend to be logical, analytical, and action-oriented.
are likely to take words literally.
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Question 17 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Communicators in low-context cultures
Answer often imply conclusions rather than directly stating them.
tend to be logical, analytical, and action-oriented.
tend to be intuitive and contemplative.
emphasize interpersonal relationships, nonverbal expression, physical
setting, and social setting.
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Question 18 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Varoonchai places great value on the posture, voice inflection, gestures, and facial
expressions of employees within the workplace. He is most likely part of a(n)
____ culture.
Answer low-context
linear logic
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Question 19 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Sarah is an analytical, action-oriented person and places great value on business
messages that are objective, professional, and efficient. She is most likely part of
a(n) ____ culture.
spiral logic

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Question 20 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

An example of a country that has a low-context culture is
Answer Germany.
All of the above.
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Question 21 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

By tradition, Asian businesspeople typically place a high value on
Answer group decision making.
individual achievements.
autocratic management styles.
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Question 22 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

A businessperson meets with an executive from another country, and she
immediately begins to discuss business. The executive might be particularly
offended if he is from which country?
Answer Mexico
The United States
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Question 23 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Aaron was born in the United States and works for a small company there. Which
of the following is most likely?
Answer Aaron places emphasis on tradition, ceremony, and social rules.
Aaron likes to talk abut the weather, sports, and other light talk at the
beginning of a business meeting.
Everyone in Aaron's company is on a first-name basis.
Aaron shows great deference to his boss because of her position,
seniority, and age.

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Question 24 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following are most likely to take words literally?
Answer Mexicans
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Question 25 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following are most likely to be uncomfortable with silence and
impatient with delays?
Answer Mexicans
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Question 26 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements is inaccurate?
Answer North Americans generally correlate time with productivity,
efficiency, and money.
Hispanics generally see time as an unlimited and never-ending
resource to be enjoyed.
Asians generally are punctual but often take a long time to reach
Most cultures generally view time as a precious commodity that
should be preserved.
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Question 27 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following is the best advice for multinational companies as they
design their Web sites?
Because the majority of Web users are American and speak English,
Web sites should be developed solely for this market.
English Web sites should be translated page by page when designing
country-specific Web sites.
Avoid using slang, jargon, acronyms, and ambiguous expressions.

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Icons, such as a mailbox, are generally universal and should,

therefore, be used freely.
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Question 28 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

The belief that one's own race is superior is known as
Answer prototyping.
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Question 29 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Because she has been taught that a person must work hard to succeed, Nikki
expects her Australian coworkers to share her belief. Nikki's misconception is the
result of
Answer tolerance.
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Question 30 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

To improve tolerance for other cultures, one should practice
Answer prototyping.
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Question 31 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements is least accurate?
Answer To improve tolerance, one must practice empathy.
Economic factors are the primary motivators for businesspeople
People in high-context cultures are more concerned with "saving
Being patient can be a way of exhibiting tolerance.

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Question 32 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is most
Answer Nonverbal skills are as easy to master as verbal skills if one studies
hard enough.
In Eastern cultures people perceive silence as a negative trait because
it suggests rejection, unhappiness, depression, regret, embarrassment,
or ignorance.
One way to achieve nonverbal competence is to become more aware
of our own nonverbal behaviors and their meanings.
Because nonverbal communication within cultures is so ambiguous, it
doesn't convey much meaning.
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Question 33 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

According to some intercultural experts, the most important attitude in achieving
intercultural competence is
Answer descriptiveness.
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Question 34 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Meaghan will be traveling to Hungary on business and wants to achieve
intercultural competence while there. What is the best advice you can give her?
Answer Judgmental feedback is appreciated more than descriptive feedback
in most cultures.
When interacting with businesspeople in other cultures, it's best to
take the lead.
Show supportiveness with head nods, eye contact, facial expression,
and physical proximity.
Use gestures often and freely to attempt to communicate
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Question 35 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Max will be attending a professional conference in South Korea. What should he
do to try to enhance oral communication with his colleagues?

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Answer Assume that his colleagues will speak English well because it is so
widely used around the world.
Learn how to speak Korean fluently.
Use slang and jargon to appear more approachable.
Listen without interrupting.
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Question 36 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

In conversation with an Italian businessperson who speaks English fairly well,
Rebecca discovers that much of what she has just said was not understood by the
Italian. In continuing the conversation, Rebecca should
Answer speak more slowly and loudly.
discontinue the conversation until an interpreter can be found.
repeat the conversation but use more facial expressions and gestures
to communicate more clearly.
accept blame for the misunderstanding and use simpler language.
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Question 37 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

What is the best advice for an American businessperson who is traveling to
Portugal on business?
Answer Wait until you finish a complete explanation, no matter how long it is,
before requesting feedback.
Be wary of smiling because it can be misinterpreted in some cultures.
Follow up oral negotiations and agreements in writing.
If your Portuguese colleague is having trouble finishing a sentence,
show consideration by finishing it for her.
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Question 38 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

When writing letters to businesspeople in other cultures,
Answer always use the letter format you typically use in your organization.
use short sentences and short paragraphs.
add humor to your messages.
use two-word verbs such as bring back rather than return.
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Question 39 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

What is the best advice for citing numbers when writing letters to businesspeople

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in other cultures?
Answer Spell out all numbers.
Use figures to express the month of the year.
Always convert dollar figures into local currency.
Do all of the above.
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Question 40 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following would be the best choice for a letter going to someone
from another culture?
Answer I'd like to place an order but can't do it now.
Please send the order to me ASAP.
A ballpark figure of around $500 should give you an idea of costs.
Thank you for telling me about your products.
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Question 41 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

You are writing a letter to a potential customer in Japan. Which of the following
should you include in your letter?
Answer Sports references such as hit it out of the park because the Japanese
appreciate American sports.
Abbreviations such as FYI to make your letter as concise as possible.
Weights and measures written it the metric system.
All of the above.
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Question 42 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following is the best advice for writing letters to intercultural
Answer Always use a direct approach.
Use your own format and style so that all of your letters are
Send letters to lower-ranking employees to avoid offending higher-
ranking employees.
Use short sentence and paragraphs.
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Question 43 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements about intercultural ethics is most accurate?

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Answer Most companies that are active in global markets have codes of ethics
that are available to the public.
The United States is the least corruptible country worldwide.
No countries outside of the U.S. have codes of ethics.
Finland, New Zealand, and Denmark are three of the most corrupt
countries in the world.
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Question 44 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Benjamin will be traveling on business to a country where he knows bribes are a
normal part of business. Which of the following is the best advice for Benjamin?
Answer Because the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 applies only to
U.S. companies, Benjamin can legally pay bribes to international
companies in order to obtain business.
Benjamin should offer nonmonetary benefits, such as his technical
expertise, in lieu of paying bribes.
Paying bribes is just a normal cost of doing business, and Benjamin
will be able to include the bribes he pays on his expense report.
So that Benjamin's company can remain competitive globally,
Benjamin should pay any bribe requested.
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Question 45 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following U.S. laws prohibits payments to foreign officials for the
purpose of obtaining or retaining business?
Answer Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996
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Question 46 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements about diversity in the workplace is most
Diversity in the workplace is measured solely by the race and gender
of employees.
The domestic workforce in North America is become less diverse.
Advances in technology are allowing more physically challenged
people to join the workforce.

The number of older workers is expected to decrease dramatically as

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more employees are choosing to retire early.

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Question 47 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements most accurately describes diversity in the
Answer A diverse staff tends to have difficulties reading trends and
responding to customers in local and world markets.
Teams made up of diverse members can often solve problems better
than homogeneous teams.
Diversity in the workplace often leads to lower productivity and
worse employee morale.
The glass ceiling that women experienced in the past has largely
disappeared in today's workplace.
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Question 48 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Which of the following statements about gender differences in communication is
least accurate?
Answer Women tend to have more attentive eye contact than men.
Men tend to make more expansive gestures than women.
Women tend to talk about more personal issues when engaging in
small talk.
Women tend to make more "I" statements, whereas men make more
"we" statements.
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Question 49 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Rick was just hired by a company that has an extremely diverse workforce. He
wants to fit in immediately. What should he do?
Answer Rely on stereotypes to learn about individuals from different
Concentrate on shared experiences, mutual goals, and similar values.
Try to conform immediately because everyone else has probably
conformed already.
Assume that all individuals share the same holidays and lifestyles.
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Question 50 Multiple Choice 0 points Modify Remove

Shannon runs a small business and wants to improve communication among her

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increasingly diverse staff. Which of the following should she do?

Answer Consider having employees take part in diversity awareness
Start learning more about her own culture.
Encourage differences because sameness can foster groupthink.
All of the above.
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Question 51 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

To better compete in today's global economy, many organizations form
multinational alliances.
Answer True

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Question 52 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) promotes open trade
Answer True

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Question 53 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

The decrease of the middle class around the world has helped to increase
Answer True

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Question 54 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

New transportation and information technologies are important factors in the
increase in globalization.
Answer True

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Question 55 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Foreign-born persons are an ever-growing portion of the total U.S. population.
Answer True

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Question 56 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Only developed countries have a unique culture and shared background.
Answer True

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Question 57 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Culture is shaped by attitudes that are learned in childhood.
Answer True

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Question 58 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Culture is the basis of self-identity and community.
Answer True

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Question 59 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Because it is based on strong tradition and deep-seated beliefs, a country's culture
rarely changes.
Answer True

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Question 60 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Tasha's family always celebrates Thanksgiving Day with a meal centered on
turkey and dressing. These menu items are a visible symbol of Tasha's cultural
Answer True

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Question 61 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Because it is flexible and open to new definitions, a stereotype is the preferred
term to describe the general characteristics of a group.

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Answer True

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Question 62 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

In addition to learning about culture in general, you should learn about your own
culture in order to better adapt to an intercultural perspective.
Answer True

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Question 63 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Business communicators in low-context cultures, such as North America and
Germany, stress clearly articulated messages that they consider to be objective,
professional, and efficient.
Answer True

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Question 64 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Members of high-context cultures are more likely to be logical, analytical, and
action oriented.
Answer True

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Question 65 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Keiko is a high-context communicator. She is likely to use linear logic to reach a
Answer True

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Question 66 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Hans is a low-context communicator. He is likely to value individualism, take
initiative, and believe in personal responsibility.
Answer True

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Question 67 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Brenda, who works for an American company, has just been assigned to manage
the company's division in Thailand. She should emphasize team-based projects
and group decision making with her new employees.
Answer True

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Question 68 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Americans value straightforwardness, are suspicious of evasiveness, and tend to
be uncomfortable with silence and impatient with delays.
Answer True

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Question 69 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Multinational companies usually find that maintaining one Web site in English is
sufficient for conducting business worldwide because English is so prevalent
around the globe.
Answer True

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Question 70 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Ethnocentrism, which involves the belief that one's own race is superior to others,
is a natural belief inherent in all cultures.
Answer True

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Question 71 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Misunderstandings occur when we expect people from different cultures to react
to situations as we would.
Answer True

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Question 72 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Improving one's tolerance of other cultures means being empathetic,

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nonjudgmental, and willing to seek common ground.

Answer True

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Question 73 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Saving face is the primary motivational factor in both low-context and high-
context cultures.
Answer True

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Question 74 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Nonverbal skills in another culture are more difficult to master than verbal skills.
Answer True

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Question 75 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Nonverbal behavior, such as using the "thumbs up" hand gesture, conveys the
same meaning in all cultures.
Answer True

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Question 76 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

If you study hard enough, it is possible to learn all the nuances of nonverbal
behavior in other cultures.
Answer True

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Question 77 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

One of your colleagues admires silence and considers it a key to success. Your
colleague is most likely American.
Answer True

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Question 78 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

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Three processes, attitudes, and techniques are effective in achieving intercultural
competence: descriptiveness, nonjudgmentalism, and foreign language fluency.
Answer True

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Question 79 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

When communicating with someone from another culture, learn the words please,
yes, and thank you in that person's language.
Answer True

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Question 80 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Julia will be traveling to South America on business. She should avoid smiling
when interacting with her colleagues there because it might be misinterpreted.
Answer True

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Question 81 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

The same letter, date, and number formats are used throughout the world.
Answer True

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Question 82 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

It's best to avoid contractions, idioms, figurative clichés, acronyms, and jargon
when communicating with someone for whom English is a second language.
Answer True

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Question 83 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

To make sure that your meaning is understood, it's best to write all intercultural
messages in a direct style.
Answer True

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Question 84 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Dylan was hired as a sales rep for a multinational company and will be selling
products around the world. He should learn and use the metric system.
Answer True

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Question 85 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Many of the world's industrialized countries formally agreed in 1999 to a new
global treaty that bans the practice of bribery of foreign government officials.
Answer True

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Question 86 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 forbids off-the-book bribes.
Answer True

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Question 87 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

When people discuss diversity, they are referring strictly to gender and race
Answer True

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Question 88 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Companies that set aside time and resources to cultivate and capitalize on
diversity will suffer fewer discrimination lawsuits, fewer union clashes, and less
government regulatory action.
Answer True

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Question 89 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

Customers prefer to deal with companies that have diverse staffs that respect
customers' values and reflect the diverse makeup of these customers.
Answer True

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Question 90 True/False 0 points Modify Remove

An effective way to manage diversity in the workplace is to create an
environment that values sameness and conformity.
Answer True

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Question 91 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

The North American Free ____________________ Agreement expands trade
among Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
Answer Trade
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Question 92 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

____________________ may be defined as the complex system of values, traits,
morals, and customs shared by a society.
Answer Culture
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Question 93 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

A(n) ____________________ is an oversimplified behavioral pattern applied
uncritically to groups.
Answer stereotype
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Question 94 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

A(n) ____________________ is a stereotype that has developed into a rigid
attitude and that is based on erroneous beliefs or preconceptions.
Answer prejudice
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Question 95 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

The term ____________________ is used to describe mental representations
based on general characteristics that are not fixed and rigid, but rather are open to
new definitions.
Answer prototype
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Question 96 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

Five key dimensions of culture include ____________________, individualism,
formality, communication style, and time orientation.
Answer context
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Question 97 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

Communicators in ____________________-context cultures, such as those in
North America, Scandinavia, and Germany, depend little on the context of a
situation to convey their meaning.
Answer low
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Question 98 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

Communicators in ____________________-context cultures, such as those in
Japan, China, and Arab countries, pay attention to more than the words spoken.
They emphasize interpersonal relationships, nonverbal expression, physical
setting, and social setting.
Answer high
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Question 99 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

Low-context communicators tend to use ____________________ logic to reach
Answer linear
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Question 100 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

High-context communicators tend to use ____________________ logic to reach
Answer spiral
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Question 101 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

The belief in the superiority of one's own race is known as
Answer ethnocentrism
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Question 102 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

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To improve tolerance of cultural differences, practice ____________________,
which requires seeing the world through another's eyes.
Answer empathy
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Question 103 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

Because she knows that saving ____________________ is an important value in
her Japanese counterpart's culture, Alexandra understands why he avoids saying
no to her offer.
Answer face
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Question 104 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

Verbal skills in another culture can be mastered with hard work, but appropriate
____________________ behavior, such as eye contact, facial expressions,
posture, and gestures, is much harder to learn.
Answer nonverbal
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Question 105 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

One process for achieving intercultural competence is ____________________,
which refers to the use of concrete and specific feedback.
Answer descriptiveness
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Question 106 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

One attitude that is necessary for achieving intercultural competence is
____________________, which requires us to support others positively with head
nods, eye contact, facial expressions, and physical proximity.
Answer supportiveness
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Question 107 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

Monique is writing to a European businessperson; she should be careful to cite
numbers using ____________________ instead of spelling them out.
Answer figures
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Question 108 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

Geoff is writing to an Asian businessperson; he should avoid using idioms,

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figurative clichÉs, acronyms, jargon, and ____________________, such as don't,

here's, and I'm.
Answer contractions
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Question 109 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

The ____________________ Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 prohibits payments to
foreign officials for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business.
Answer Foreign
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Question 110 Fill in the Blank 0 points Modify Remove

____________________ in the workplace has many dimensions, including race,
ethnicity, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical ability, and countless
other qualities.
Answer Diversity
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Question 111 Essay 0 points Modify Remove

List and describe three factors that have led to increased globalization.
Answer Student answers will vary but should include three of the following

1) Mature local markets: Many companies are increasingly looking overseas as

domestic markets mature. They can no longer expect increased sales growth
at home.
2) Favorable trade agreements: Another significant factor is the passage of
favorable trade agreements. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT) promotes open trade globally, while the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) expands free trade between Canada, the United States,
and Mexico.
3) Growth of middle class: Equally important to expanding global markets is the
explosive growth of the middle class. Parts of the world formerly considered
underdeveloped now boast robust middle classes. And these consumers crave
a variety of products and services.
4) New transportation and communication technologies: Probably the most
important factor in the rise of the global market is the development of new
transportation and information technologies, including supersonic planes, the
Internet, e-commerce, and intranets.
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Question 112 Essay 0 points Modify Remove

Culture is a powerful operating force that conditions the way we think and
behave. To be successful in the global economy, it's important to understand the
basic characteristics of culture so that we can make adjustments and adopt new
attitudes. List and describe three basic characteristics of culture.

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Answer Student answers will vary but should include three of the following

1) Culture is learned: Rules, values, and attitudes of culture are not inherent.
They are learned and passed down from generation to generation.
2) Cultures are inherently logical: The rules in any culture originated to reinforce
that culture's values and beliefs. They act as normative forces. Although some
cultural behavior may sometimes seem silly and illogical, nearly all serious
rules and values originate in deep-seated beliefs.
3) Culture is the basis of self-identity and community: Culture is the basis for how
we tell the world who we are and what we believe. People build their identities
through cultural overlays to their primary culture.
4) Culture combines the visible and the invisible: To outsiders, the way we act--
those things that we do in daily life and work--are the most visible parts of our
culture. These practices are often outward symbols of deeper values that are
invisible but that pervade everything we think and do.
5) Culture is dynamic: Over time, cultures will change. Changes are caused by
advancements in technology and communication and by events such as
migration, national disasters, and war. Attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs change
in open societies more quickly than in closed societies.
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Question 113 Essay 0 points Modify Remove

Define ethnocentrism and explain its effect on global business. What can be done
to overcome ethnocentrism?
Answer Student answers will vary.

The belief in the superiority of one's own race is known as ethnocentrism,

a natural attitude inherent in all cultures. Ethnocentrism causes us to judge
others by our own values. We expect others to react as we would, and
they expect us to behave as they would. Misunderstandings naturally
result. Ethnocentric reactions can be reduced through knowledge of other
cultures and development of increased intercultural sensitivity.
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Question 114 Essay 0 points Modify Remove

List and describe five techniques for improving oral communication with
intercultural audiences
Answer Student answers will vary but should include five of the following:

1) Learn foreign phrases: In conversations, even when English is used, foreign

nationals appreciate when you learn greetings and a few phrases in their
2) Use simple English: Speak in short sentences (under 20 words), and use most
common English words. Eliminate puns, sports and military references, slang,
and jargon. Be especially alert to idiomatic expressions that can't be
3) Speak slowly and enunciate clearly: Avoid fast speech, but don't raise your
voice. Overpunctuate with pauses and full stops. Always write numbers for all
to see.
4) Observe eye messages: Be alert to a glazed expression or wandering eyes--

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these tell you the listener is lost.

5) Encourage accurate feedback: Asks probing questions, and encourage the
listener to paraphrase what you say. Don't assume that a yes, a nod, or a
smile indicates comprehension.
6) Check frequently for comprehension: Avoid waiting until you finish a long
explanation to request feedback. Instead, make one point at a time, pausing to
check for comprehension. Don't proceed to B until A has been grasped.
7) Accept blame: If a misunderstanding results, graciously accept the blame for
not making your meaning clear.
8) Listen without interrupting: Curb your desire to finish sentences or to fill out
ideas for the speaker.
9) Smile when appropriate: The smile is the single most understood and most
useful form of communication in either personal or business transactions.
10) Follow up in writing: After conversations or oral negotiations, confirm the
results and agreements with follow-up letters. For proposals and contracts,
engage a translator to prepare copies in the local language.
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Question 115 Essay 0 points Modify Remove

As society and the workforce become more diverse, successful interaction and
communication among the various identity groups bring distinct challenges and
dividends in three areas. List these three areas and explain how they are affected
by diversity.
Answer Student answers will vary.

1) Consumers: A diverse staff is better able to read trends and respond to the
increasingly diverse customer base in local and world markets. Diverse
consumers now want specialized goods and services tailored to their needs.
Teams made up of different people with different experiences are better able to
create the different products that these markets require. Consumers also want
to deal with companies that respect their values and reflect themselves.
2) Work Teams: Team members with different backgrounds may come up with
more creative and effective problem-solving techniques than homogeneous
3) Business Organizations: Companies that set aside time and resources to
cultivate and capitalize on diversity will suffer fewer discrimination lawsuits,
fewer union clashes, and less government regulatory action. Most important,
though, is the growing realization among organizations that diversity is a critical
bottom-line business strategy to improve employee relationships and to
increase productivity. Developing a diverse staff that can work together
cooperatively is one of the biggest challenges facing business organizations
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