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The Great Gatsby

Self-Improvement Plan Rubric

Use the rubric below as a guide in writing and revising your self-improvement proposal for Nick

Category 4 3 2 1

The main idea is The main idea is The main idea could The main idea is
clear. Plenty of clear. Support backs be clearer. There unclear. Few
Ideas details such as up main idea are some examples and facts
facts, examples, adequately. supporting details, are provided in
and anecdotes but more details support.
provide support. would be helpful.

Organization The organization A few ideas seem out Many ideas seem The organization is
is clear with of place, or out of place, and unclear and hard to
abundant transitions are transitions are follow.
transitions. missing.

Voice The voice sounds The voice sounds The voice sounds The voice sounds
natural, engaging, natural and mostly natural but is mostly unnatural
and unique. engaging. weak. and is weak.

Word Choice Words are Words are specific, Some words are too Most words are
specific, powerful, and language is general and may be overly general and
and appropriate appropriate. misleading. imprecise.
to the task.

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Sentence Varied sentences Most sentences are Some sentences are Sentences are not
Fluency flow smoothly. varied and flow varied, but some varied and are
smoothly. are choppy. choppy.

Conventions Punctuation, Punctuation, usage, Some punctuation, There are many

usage, and and spelling are usage, and spelling errors and at least
spelling are mainly correct, and are incorrect, but all one failure to
correct. The follow a Power
Power Rules are all Power Rules are
Power Rules are Rule.
all followed. followed. followed.

Total Points:

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