What We Learned:: Vocabulary

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Face2Face Intermediate Unit 7

Homework and Language Summary

What we learned:


- Goals and achievements: (achieve your goals, put a lot of effort into smt…)

- Computers: (a password, store, a social networking site, a profile…)

- Use of articles a, an, the, no article

I’m an engineer. (with jobs)

You have a new person to add your collection of friends. (to talk about a person or a thing for the
first time)

But do you really want to be friends with the person? (to talk about the same person or thing for the
second, third etc. time,)

Social networking sites are one of the most amazing success stories of the internet. (with superlatives
and when there’s only one)


- Ability

She’s very/quite/really good at encouraging people.

I was able to give a good performance.

He knows how to do amazing tricks. talk about things you can or

could do
I found some of the tricks quite/very/really easy to learn.

I managed to do all the tricks without messing them up.

I didn’t have a clue how to sing opera.

I found it impossible to breathe and sing at the same time.

I was useless at learning languages at school.

talk about the things you can’t or
I had no idea how to do any magic tricks. couldn’t do

I’m no good at doing card tricks.

I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to win.

- Second Conditional

If lost my laptop, I’d probably lose my job! (talk about imaginary situations)

If the internet didn’t exist, I wouldn’t have a business.

If I have enough money, I’ll buy a new laptop. (real possibility, the person might buy a new laptop)

If I had enough money, I’d buy a new laptop. (imaginary situation, the person can’t buy a new laptop)


- Vocabulary, Grammar and Real Word: -Reading and Writing

-Extra Practice 7 (p.121) -Portfolio 7: Giving instructions p.76

-Language Summary 7 (p.143) -Reading: instructions

- 7A-D Workbook (p.35) -Writing: connecting words (1): useful phrases

- Self Study DVD-ROM 1 with Review Video

Useful links:

Lesson B

Lesson B


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