CMMI V2 0 Performance Summary Results - FINAL

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Report Summary
How Early-Adopters
Leveraged CMMI V2.0
to Consistently Improve
Their Performance

October 2020
® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
Executive Summary

The information contained in this presentation is based on analysis of the performance

improvement results from just under 100 appraisals that were the very first-ever registered
CMMI V2.0 appraisals to be conducted in 2019.

These appraised organizations reported their “before and after” improvement objectives (a total
of 735 objectives across the 95 organizations appraised) in the required CMMI V2.0
Performance Report template with an astounding 70% achievement success rate for their
accomplished improvement objectives and another 20% soon to be achieved for a total of 90%
across key areas such as quality, cost and schedule performance, productivity and more

Each of these results were identified and achieved by the organizations being appraised against
CMMI V2,0, with the resulting performance improvements independently verified by Certified
CMMI Appraisals teams

This report is organized by sections for multi-use purposes with marketing, messaging, social
media and similar communications channels
® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved..
Report Roadmap
Report Purpose V2.0 Key Messaging
Context and reason for publishing the Additional context for communicating
first year of CMMI V2.0 performance the initial results and analysis of the
outcomes performance data

2019 V2.0 Results Who Uses CMMI?

Initial performance results from 2019 What companies, industries, and
V2.0 appraisals geographies have adopted CMMI
and why?

V2.0 Overview Target Audiences

An executive overview of the CMMI Who needs to hear about and can
V2.0 Product Suite benefit from the content of this report
and why

What’s Next
Actions for additional information and
near-term plans for the CMMI V2.0
3 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved. Performance Data
This report will help you and your
clients make a shift and get a better
understanding on how to embrace
the value of CMMI V2.0.

4 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Purpose of This Report

Make a Shift Understanding Show Results Establish a

Help organizations shift Help current and potential Show CMMI V2,0 Baseline
from a compliance and customers understand benchmark results for
Establish a baseline for
process-based how V2.0 can help them different industries,
ongoing V2.0
improvement model to a dramatically and geographies, types of
performance analysis
flexible framework of consistently improve their work, and organizations
and reporting and
best practices that business and address
Real-world data verified setting the stage for an
provides demonstrable their critical pain points in
by independent CMMI outcomes-based Key
and measurable product development,
Appraisal teams Performance Indicator
capability performance service delivery and
database and reporting
improvement results. operations, and supply
chain management

5 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

V2.0 Performance Report Role: To Assess, Capture and
Verify Performance Results
• The Performance Report is NOT just an appraisal artifact. It is a performance planning
tool, data collection tool and cross-checking performance improvement tool to verifying
business performance improvement before, during and after the appraisal.

• While it cannot be used alone to determine a maturity or capability level rating, the
Performance Report is used to verify if the appraisal findings and performance
improvement results are consistent with the Performance Report

• Provides a mechanism to assess tangible and measurable improvement along with

meeting Model Practice Area Intents and Value statements
• Enables the “self-raising performance bar” in the model and appraisal method;
appraisal teams must see and verify the performance improvements; this also becomes
critical to understand previous performance improvement when doing re-appraisals
• Helps to identify critical performance weaknesses and improvement opportunity “anchor
points” and makes performance improvement clear, transparent, intentional, and
® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved..
Getting right to the point.
Key takeaways that can easily be shared.

7 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Exceed Performance Expectations

ü Initial CMMI V2.0 adoption (2019) shows that clear and demonstrable performance
outcomes and results are consistently being achieved or exceeded

ü The CMMI V2.0 integrated product suite has successfully shifted the framework
and product suite from a process compliance model to a business performance
improvement model.

ü Flexible content architecture and online/digital experience allows for fitting content
to customer pain points, customizable views and integration with other
frameworks, such as CMMC, ISO and COBIT.

8 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Value Proposition of CMMI V2.0

ü Initial value propositions for V2.0 have all been achieved or exceeded, including a reduced
impact/effort for V2.0 appraisals (up to a reported 50% reduction in some cases) and reduction
in overall adoption life cycle cost

ü The model overall footprint of content was reduced by 64% while still retaining key best
practices and content

ü Flesch-Kincaid-measured model content readability and grade levels were both significantly
improved to aide in easier adoption and understanding

ü Still the best of breed in terms of consistency, fidelity and benchmarking, the CMMI Appraisal
method was also simplified and streamlined; the V2.0 Method Definition Document was reduced
by 46%, streamlining and simplifying content and concepts, removing redundancies, etc.

9 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Improvement Categories

Productivity Staff

Organizations that
implement CMMI V2.0 Financials
are consistently realizing
tangible performance
improvements in multiple
aspects and areas of
their business.

Process Functionality
Cycle Time

10 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

A Focus on Process Compliance Only Often Results
in Unintended Outcomes
At the risk of making
Deming spin in his grave…

PLAN has become: PLAY

• This was true for both the model The game
interpretation (just do the minimal) and
appraisals (check that box)! DO has become: DEFLECT
The attention
• Governance by Sr. Management is critical for
consistent performance improvement and
innovation – it must be directed and
CHECK has become:
The box

ACT has become:

From the
lack of results

11 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved..

Shift to Continual Performance Improvement vs.

A compliance-only focus typically Tendency to inflexibility puts Fosters lasting

assumes that quality/performance long-term change, organizational innovation,
is a guaranteed outcome – this is innovation and improvement agility, and performance
typically NOT true. There must at risk improvement
be a balance between
compliance and performance. Objective data related to
Tendency to become business performance
additional level of improvement
Innovation and Performance administrative overhead
Improvement Requires Discipline. Each without clear value to Qualitative as well as
aspect must be counterbalanced by performance or bottom line quantitative indicators
tougher behavior that’s less
fun…rigorous discipline, a high level of
individual accountability, and strong
leadership. Compliance Performance
From: The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures, Pisano,
Gary, Harvard Business Review, Issue 97, Jan/Feb, 2019

12 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved..

Focus of Approach
Transformation to a
Business Performance Model

The addition of the Intent and Value statements is

PARAMOUNT to V2.0: Required PA Information

Estimate the size, effort, duration, and cost of the
The Intent statement provides insight into why the Practice work and resources needed to develop, acquire,
Area is important to take into consideration in your or deliver the solution.
process. Value
Estimation provides a basis for making
VALUE commitments, planning, and reducing uncertainty,
The Value statement explains the business performance which allows for early corrective actions and
increases the likelihood of meeting objectives.
improvement impact achieved when the intent of the
Practice Area and individual practices are met.
No other framework or model has built-in
and integrated performance improvement
requirements or provides a clear
13 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved..
evolutionary path to performance.
Common Questions

How are we protecting proprietary data and

addressing requirements like GDPR?

• ISACA’s CMMI goes through an annual

GDPR and other related IT security audits
and has the controls in place to protect both
confidential and proprietary data.
• The new appraisal system has these
requirements as part of security by design
and using a secure development approach
• Lead Appraisers can and are expected to
sanitize/redact their customer’s proprietary
information as needed (while still providing
meaningful performance improvement

14 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Common Questions

Why is the Performance Report required?

• Feedback from community pilots
overwhelmingly recommended we
make the report required so we can
provide performance data on CMMI
• We are continually asked for
performance data on using the CMMI –
think of this as the beginning of our own
“analyst report” on CMMI performance
results achieved.
• We will continue to share these results
as V2.0 adoption continues into 2020,
2021 and beyond.
15 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

® 2020 ISACA-CMMI. All Rights Reserved.

Data that shows the impact of CMMI

16 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Results Summary
Primary first year adoption in India, US, China and Mexico

Organizational Size: Most organizations were with 1-100 staff, with the
The following slides (18-31) include
vast majority small businesses (50 FTEs or less)
data from the initial 2019 CMMI V2.0
appraisals reported/registered with
Types of Businesses – Financial, Transportation, Commercial – not just ISACA, verified independently by
Defense and Government Contracting CMMI Certified Appraisal Teams.

Remarkable Results: 70% of reported objectives were met or Based on 95 organizations targeting
exceeded; another 20% have the capabilities to meet in the future. All a total of 735 performance objectives
initially appraised to CMMI V2.0, this
categories of business performance objectives showed significant
is an excerpt from the soon-to-be-
performance improvement results
released report:
“CMMI V2.0 2019 Performance Report
Performance Results in Several Categories: Quality, productivity, Summary”.
organizational financials and schedule improvements were the biggest
categories of improvement

17 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Goal Achievement 600

69.52% Nearly 70%

Percent of Performance Objectives Achieved

of target objectives achieved!
For the 20% not achieved, data shows
400 these were mostly “not yet” but were on
track to be achieved after the appraisal

Quality Productivity Cost Management Schedule Management

Process Adherence Customer Satisfaction Staff Development Process Cycle Time

Org Financials Functionality Unclear



5.44% 5.58%
Achieved Not Achieved WIP Unknown

18 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved. Objectives by Type of Achievement

Improvement Goal Categories

Number of Objective Achieved


80% of the targeted objectives showed
significant improvement for:
Quality | Productivity | Cost Performance
100 Schedule Performance | Functionality
Process Adherence
67 59 56
41 40 37 36

Quality Productivity Cost Schedule Process Customer Staff Process Cycle Org Financials Functionality Unclear
Ma nagement Ma nagement Adherence Satisfaction Development Time

19 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Category of Performance Objective Achieved

Reported Performance Objective Categories
Improvement Category Description
Quality improvements are concerned with making sure that the delivered solution, product or
service performs as the customer expects and errors/defects are kept to a minimum
This generally refers to how well and effectively an organization is using its resources to delivery
it’s solutions, products or services
Emphasis in this category is on reducing the cost of developing and delivering its solutions,
Cost Management
products or services
Schedule Management How good and consistent is the organization at meeting agreed-upon milestones?
Process Adherence Are people using and following the processes correctly?
Many of the other improvement categories are contributors to how customers perceive the
Customer Satisfaction organization’s solutions, products or services. This category is about directly measuring and
improvement that perception.
Having right human resources with the needed knowledge and skills, and capacity to deliver the
Staff Development
organization’s solutions, products and services.
In some ways, this may be a subcategory or contributor to schedule management, but the
Process Cycle Time
objectives in this category are directly aimed to improve the speed of the organizational processes

Organizational Financials The bottom line! How well and consistently are revenue and profitability targets being met?
What is the solution, product, or service supposed to do? Did you build, deliver or operate the
right thing and did you build, delivery or operate the thing correctly?

Unclear The objectives as written were not clear in terms of tangible targeted and achieved results

20 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved

Quality Objectives

59 These categories of quality performance objectives are critical
for methods like DevOps, and agile, which can propagate a
defect as rapidly as it does a new version of software!
Number of Quality-related Performance



Objectives Achieved

20 20
8 6 4 4

3 2 2
Delivered Product Work Product Defect Testing Review Rework Defect Resolution Peer Review Service Quality Supplier Quality
Quality Quality Conta inment Effectiveness Effectiveness Ratio Effic iency

21 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved. Type of Quality Objective

Improvements in Quality Performance
Delivered Quality
Improvement mean about 25%
with an upper range of 70%.
Percent of Quality Performance

Work Product Quality

mean of almost 40%
with an upper range of 90%.
Objective - Range

Defect Containment
improvement mean of 23%
with an upper range of 30%.
Top 3 Quality Performance Objectives Achieved

® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Quality Improvements Box & Whisker
Improvements in Quality Performance

Delivered Product Work Product

Defect Containment
Quality Quality

Min. Improvement 1.87% 6.00% 10.00%

Max. Improvement 86.50% 88.00% 70.00%

Mean Improvement 25.46% 39.06% 23.01%

Standard Deviation of
Improvement 26.71% 32.88% 18.98%

Median Improvement 12.50% 26.13% 20.00%

23 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Productivity Improvements
35 These numbers are directly related to streamlining
critical development process performance and
Number of Productivity Performance

30 process automation, e.g. automated testing and

development processes, DevOps, etc.
Objectives Achieved

10 8
6 5 4 3
2 2 2 2 2
Development Delivery Effort Rework Utiliza tion Test Review Rate Test Bug fix Rate In-hous e Safety Test Service Rate
Velocity Effic iency Proportion Execution Development Ratio Coverage
Rate Rate

24 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Productivity Objective Type
Productivity Improvements

Average of

improvement on
development velocity
with a maximum of
almost 40%

25 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved. Quality Improvements Box & Whisker
Productivity Improvements
Category Definitions Description
Development Velocity Amount of product or work product produced per unit effort or time

Delivery Efficiency Proportion of planned work completed

Effort Proportion The proportion of total time or effort a task or phase consumes

Rework The proportion of total time or effort rework consumes

Utilization The proportion of total time or effort that a resource is gainfully employed

Test Execution Rate The number of tests or test cases executed per unit effort or time

Review Rate Amount of product or work product reviewed per unit effort or time

Test Development Rate The number of tests or test cases produced per unit effort or time

Bug fix Rate Turn-around time or effort per bug fix

Service Rate Amount of service delivered per unit time or effort

Safety Amount of injuries per unit time or effort

In-house Ratio Proportion of work done internally relative to that done by external sources.

Test Coverage Proportion of the product covered by test cases

26 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Cost Management Improvements

20 42 of the objectives include various types of cost management
performance improvements, including reduced cost and effort
Performance Objectives Achieved

variance, efficiency and reduction.

Number of Cost Management

High predictability and consistency of cost management

10 results makes CMMI V2.0 a no-brainer for any organization.
6 5
3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Effort Va riance Cost Variance Cost Efficiency Cost Reduction Service Cost Estimate At Indirect Costs Total Cost Cost of Capital Costs Deployment
Completion Ownership Costs

27 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Category of Cost Management Performance
Objectives Achieved
Cost Management Improvements
Category Definitions Description

Effort Variance Difference in planned and actual effort as a percentage of planned effort

Cost Variance Difference in planned and actual costs as a percentage of planned costs

Cost Efficiency Cost Performance Index (aka Earned Value Management)

Cost Reduction The degree to which actual costs are reduced

Service Cost Service usage costs

Estimate at Completion The forecasted cost of the work as it progresses

Indirect Costs Costs that are not directly accountable to the project or service work

Total Cost The sum of direct and indirect costs

Estimate of all costs, including infrastructure costs necessary to support a product,
Cost of Ownership
service or solution
Capital Costs Fixed, one-time expenses incurred on the purchase of assets
Costs incurred in putting a product or service into the appropriate field of
Deployment Costs
28 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved
Schedule Performance Improvements


Average of

What organization
Number of Schedule Performance

wouldn’t want that

performance kind of performance?
11 on meeting
Objectives Achieved

10 milestones!

3 2 2
Me eting Milestones Schedule Variance Schedule Performance Process Timing Schedule Status Schedule Delay

29 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved Primary Categories of Schedule Performance

Objectives Achieved
Additional V2.0 Improvement Results

Realized Model Improvements

ü Focused on use of plain language to make adoption easier

ü Improved Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease from 18.7 in V1.3 to 22.9 in V2.0

ü Reduced Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level from 14.9 in V1.3 to 13.2 in V2.0

ü Decreased use of passive voice from 32.3% in V1.3 to 18% in V2.0

ü V1.3 Total Number of Specific Practices – 500 - V2.0 39.2% practice reduction (64.5% including Generic

ü Enables quicker translations

ü Aligns the CMMI content with simpler architectural elements to make it easier to understand, integrate with
other adopted methodologies like ISO, CMMC, etc.

30 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

® 2020 ISACA-CMMI. All Rights

CMMI V2.0 Directly Addresses All Five of
NASA’s Engineering Failure Root Causes *

NASA Engineering Excellence 5 Root Causes CMMI V2.0 Solution

Shifting from engineering “hands-on” and “excellence” Implementation infrastructure and governance practices areas
1 to “insight/oversight.” Lack of ownership. for project performance clarity and transparency

Risk and opportunity management, incident resolution and

“Normalization of the deviances.” Not questioning
2 anomalies.
prevention, causal analysis and resolution, continuity – focus
on continual performance improvement

Performance management as primary focus, fundamental shift

Lack of critical thinking. Over-reliance on procedures
3 and computer codes.
from “process for process’s sake” to ”process for
performance improvement”

4 Decentralization of authority. Organizational behavior, decision analysis and resolution,

sustaining habit and persistence, and planning for clarity,
transparency, and precise responsibility, accountability,
5 Organizational and technical complexity. authority and action

NASA Report: NASA/CR—2012–217471. Elements of Engineering Excellence J.C. Blair, R.S. Ryan, and L.A. Schutzenhofer Huntsville, Alabama

31 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

CMMI V2.0 Delivering

Tailored organizational processes and the steps needed to embrace
and institutionalize the improvements to make them sustainable
Improved Critical to Quality metric and business objective performance
Identified root causes and implemented processes to sustain revenues,
retain customers, and increase growth, customer satisfaction, and
operating margins
Strengthened processes through a focus on Governance

“Quality, like integrity, is simply non-negotiable.” - Wipro Chairman,

Azim Premji

32 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

CMMI V2.0 Delivering

92% decrease in the average number of high-priority defects
found within 30 days after delivery of a quarterly software release

64% improvement in the accuracy of effort estimates

52% decrease in the rate of all software defects found from beta
testing phase through warranty period

41% decrease in the time to resolve questions about possible


33 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

CMMI V2.0 Delivering

BioSciences, Inc.
World’s first Capability Level Benchmark appraisal!
27% reduction in time period - significant reduction in
complaint time cycle.

Selecting appropriate metrics helped visibility within the

organization and ensured employee collaboration

Utilizing the MDDAP framework supported the already

vigorous quality culture at CeloNova

Each employee achieved a full sense of ownership and

accomplishment in their everyday performance

34 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Who &
First understand who.
Second, understand why.
Then execute.

35 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Who Uses CMMI?

10K+ 12


36 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Who Uses CMMI?

37 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Right Sized


of appraisals were conducted
35 on organizations with 100 FTEs or less
Full-time Equivalent (FTES) - Staff

were organizations with
greater than 500 FTEs.



2 2 3 3
1 1 1

0 - 50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 >500

Organizational Unit Size Range

38 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
Number of Organizational

Units per Domain

G Tr

ov an
er sp
nm or
en tio
t /P n

® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Te ice
le s
19 18
Bu ic
ne io
In ag
fo em
rm en
io t

13 13 12



t ie

R uc
et at
l& n

C E-
on co
st m
Domain Type Reported

ct er
io ce

En in
e g
CMMI V2.0 Adaptable to Multiple Industries


ot r gy
el ,O
Re il &
st G
au as

have initially adopted
A broadly diverse set of industries



Em st

er e


2019 V2.0 Appraised Organizations - Country Breakdown

over 25 years
CMMI has helped thousands
of globally recognized
companies assess their
organizational capability and
drive higher performance –
many of which are Fortune
500 organizations.

40 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

2019 Country/Region Breakdown

1% 1%
1% 1% 1%
1% 1%
1% India USA

2% China Mexico
2% 26%

2% Germany Vietnam
Spain Argentina

Italy Brazil

Multiple Locations Taiwan

Switzerland UK

11% Turkey Ireland

Japan Canada

Singapore Saudi Arabia

41 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.


All organizations have

capabilities*. What many
don’t have is a process by
which they can measure
their difference
capabilities against best
practices and pinpoint
which ones are driving
higher performance.

Don’t have standard Cite difficulties in monitoring Do not measure

processes, process plans and adjusting what matters.
assets, and job aids. when needed.

* According to McKinsey & Company. Source: CMMI Institute, “Assess Your Organizational Capability Study,“ 2015.

42 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved

Benefits of Building Capability


Customer Satisfaction

43 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved. Source: CMMI Institute, “Assess Your Organizational Capability Study,“ 2015.
How Capable is Your Organization?

All organizations have capabilities.

What many don’t have is a habitual
and persistent process by which they
can measure their different capabilities
against best practices and pinpoint
which ones are driving higher

Source: CMMI Institute, 2015 “Assess Your Organizational Capability” Study

44 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
Why Build Capability?

Knowing your key capability creates new value.

When an organization’s distinctive capabilities are clearly defined,
everything and everyone within the organization begins to
positively reinforce each other to improve performance. The
business takes one new life as people know and focus on putting
standard processes in place to strengthen their key capabilities,
and the result is:
• Increased customer satisfaction
• Increased probability of capturing new and repeat business
• Increased profit through improved quality and less rework
• Increased productivity
• Decreased risks

Source: CMMI Institute, 2015 “Assess Your Organizational Capability” Study

45 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
DevOps and Agile

The federal government is

pushing DevOps and Agile,
lighter approaches.
“CMMI Market Assessment,” OnPoint Consulting,
Nov 2016

Over 50% of organization

still rely on Waterfall.
CMMI appraised
organizations exceed 80%
utilization of Agile.
CMMI appraised organizations
exceed 80% utilization of Agile

46 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved. Source: HP online survey, 2015


“The CMMI model had taught us to

Jii Tomiceck think in favor of the customer and be
CP & General Manager, very thorough in terms of delivering
Czech Republic
our development projects. We work
to improve performance from task
to task, decision to decisions and
project to project.”

47 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.


“Senior management has always seen the

value of process improvement as a means
Mike McEwen
Director of Process Improvement to improve performance, keep customers
happy, and differentiate Dynanet from its

48 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.


“The CMMI journey has helped us

develop a culture of process
transformation with predictable
Devender Malhorta
Vice President and Global Head of
Quality and Enterprise Risk

49 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.


“The new assessment method

(CMMI V2.0) made it possible for us
Hong Ou
Engineering Process Group Leader
to have a successful appraisal and
made it much easier for us to adopt
other methods such as Agile”

50 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.


Dr. Bin Cong

CMMI High Maturity Lead Appraiser “CMMI V2.0 is a dynamic model with the
and Instructor ability to be updated quickly to include
proven new methodologies and practices.
By focusing more on meaningful outcomes
and linking improvements with
organizations’ key business goals, V2.0
provides value to organizations that extends
well beyond appraisals and maturity

51 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Additional Early Results

CMMI V2.0 Performance Data: Case Example #1 CMMI V2.0 Performance Data: Case Example #2
Success Success
Measure Results Measure Results
Factor Factor

Customer Satisfaction - 10.3% On target to achieve and

#1 Increase Margin #1
Defect Rejection Ratio improvement exceed

Operating Margin - 13.5% Increase On target to achieve and

#2 #2
Effort deviation improvement Customer Satisfaction exceed

Customer Satisfaction - Post delivery defect

#3 Improved
Overall productivity Improve Quality #3 density dropped 15% -
Customer Satisfaction - 9.19%
Overall defect density improvement
Customer Satisfaction - Improve Productivity #4 Velocity for Scrum Project
Coding and Unit Testing #5 increased 20% to 30%

More examples of CMMI case studies can be found on the CMMI website.

® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved

CMMI V2.0?
CMMI V2.0 helps organizations quickly
understand their current level of
capability and performance in the
context of their own business
objectives and compared to similar

53 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Key Value Drivers

• Built-in performance capabilities to demonstrate

the true value and ROI of implementing CMMI

• Built-in Agile with Scrum guidance to show the

impact of CMMI to today’s market

• Integrated product suite; new appraisal method

that reduces the time, effort, cost and
consistency for CMMI appraisals

• Flexible implementation and improved usability

so CMMI is easier to read, understand and tailor
to fit specific organizational needs

54 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Model Content and Viewer

• Built-in value statements for Practice Areas and

Practices to target performance improvement
• Clear pathway to performance improvement
• Simplified for accelerated adoption and smooth

Source: CMMI Institute, 2015 “Assess Your Organizational Capability” Study

55 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
Appraisal Method

• Standard Performance Report template integrated

into the appraisal method
• New appraisal method helps to increase reliability
while reducing overall cost and disruption to the
organization appraised

Source: CMMI Institute, 2015 “Assess Your Organizational Capability” Study

56 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
Training & Certification

• Provide performance-focused content and exercises

• Updated training has modular components with virtual

and in-person options based on proven best practices

• More learner-focused, and learning objective oriented

Source: CMMI Institute, 2015 “Assess Your Organizational Capability” Study

57 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
System & Tools

• Redesigned integrated systems providing interactive

user experience with model, appraisal method and
performance reporting resources

• Online Model Viewer:

Click here to view Published Appraisal Results

Source: CMMI Institute, 2015 “Assess Your Organizational Capability” Study

58 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
Adoption Guidance

• Resources, examples and guidance on

performance improvement
• Guidance for a smooth transition from CMMI
• Helps new adopters get started with CMMI

Click here for the Adoption and Transition Guide.

Click here to view CMMI Case Studies.

Source: CMMI Institute, 2015 “Assess Your Organizational Capability” Study

59 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.
Created Agile Context Specific
Agile with Scrum guidance highlights the
synergy between CMMI and Agile
• Eases the learning curve for Agile
organizations adopting CMMI
• Provides guidance on how to scale Agile
performance in an organization
• Context specific information provides
additional explanation on how to adopt CMMI
in more traditional development lifecycles
• Complements and completes the promise of
Agile with organizational scalability

60 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

CMMI Adoption & Transition Guidance V2.0

Step-by-step guidance for new and transitioning adopters that includes:

1. An Introduction – why the step is important

2. Using CMMI Partner/Consultants – where/how Partners can assist
3. “Hows” – Activities and options for performing the step
4. References – Training, partner resources, information sources
5. Mapping from V1.3 to V2.0 and Quick Reference Guide
6. Additional elaborations and considerations for the step – general discussions
about topics related to the step, such as getting a sponsor, keeping your sponsor informed, etc.
7. Includes best practices for addressing change and sustaining performance

61 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

® 2020 ISACA-CMMI. All Rights

CMMI Adoption & Transition Guidance V2.0


01 Learn how CMMI will 02 Develop and 03 Map current
benefit the organization communicate business organizational
performance and processes to the CMMI
improvement objectives

62 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

® 2020 ISACA-CMMI. All Rights

CMMI Adoption & Transition Guidance V2.0






04 Develop, keep updated and 05 Deploy and follow 06
follow an improvement plan updated organizational
to get from the current state processes, and measure
to the desired state performance

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CMMI V2.0 Value Proposition Recap

• Transformed CMMI from a process improvement

model to a business performance improvement model
• Open content architecture enables scalability and
accommodates other standards
• Simplified wording for ease of understanding,
translation, and compatibility with other methodologies
• Created context-specific content to provide more precise
guidance for methodology specific adoption
• Introduces placeholders for future Practice Areas
and content
• Adds a more robust set of measurement practices to
emphasize measurable performance improvement
sooner and support the journey to high maturity
• Performance, Performance, Performance!

64 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

CMMI V2.0 Directly Addresses 6 of the 7 Recommendations
in DSB Report Software for Defense Systems

V2.0 directly addresses all

areas in the DSB’s Report
Software for Defense
Systems including the
“software as a factory”
concept, and process
automation like DevOps
(See Next Slide)

Department of Defense Defense Science Board

(DSB) Report: “Design and Acquisition of Software
for Defense Systems”. February 14, 2018.

65 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Continued: Department of Defense Defense
Why Use CMMI V2.0? Science Board (DSB) Report: “Design and
Acquisition of Software for Defense Systems”.
February 14, 2018.

Report Recommendation CMMI V2.0 Direct Solution

Capability and Practice Areas that provides proven best
Software As A Factory practices for all DSB recommendations

Lifecycle/framework agnostic development best practices,

Continuous Iterative Development including scalable Agile with Scrum

Risk and Opportunity Management, Incident Resolution and

Risk Reduction and Metrics for New Programs Prevention, and Managing Performance and Measurement
practice areas; required performance report

Current and Legacy programs in Development, Total end-to-end lifecycle best practices for new and legacy
Production and Sustainment programs, including Operational Transition and Sustainment

Managing the Workforce capability area; Governance,

Workforce Organizational Training, and Organizational Behavior practice

Full software development, operation, and sustainment

Software Is Immortal – Software Sustainment framework, including delivered software, procedures, tools,
documentation and ability to reconstitute delivered solutions

66 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

CMMI V2.0 Appraisal Types

CMMI Appraisal types

Appraisal Type Ratings Validity Cost & Duration
can be selected to align
to business needs. For • Highest commitment of
example: The Medical BENCHMARK Yes 3 Years people, time and cost
Device Discovery • Reduced commitment of
Appraisal Program people, time and cost
SUSTAINMENT Yes 2 Years compared to Benchmark
(MDDAP) experience –
It is not all about
chasing a maturity • Adds to cost and duration of
Same as Same as prior appraisal
level— patient results ACTION PLAN
prior prior • Must be completed within four
(performance) REAPPRAISAL appraisal appraisal months of the end of prior
matters the most. appraisal

• Will vary greatly depending on

EVALUATION No N/A the data collection approach,
OU and model scope covered

67 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

5 Key Elements Critical for Success in Sustaining
Habit and Persistence
CMMI V2.0 Addresses
Sustaining Habit AND
Persistence: Firm or obstinate
continuance in a course of action
despite difficulty or opposition.
Habit: A settled or regular
tendency or practice, especially
one that is hard to give up.

Derived from: Delorise, Ambrose. “Managing Complex Change.” The Enterprise Group, Ltd.

68 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved

Processes and Performance Improvement
Become Habit
ü CMMI V2.0 contains an
entire Capability Area of
best practices for
sustaining habit and
ü This is an area frameworks
like the CMMC are still
struggling with and working
on addressing; it’s already
in place with V2.0
ü Results: Sustained, and
consistent organizational
performance improvement

69 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.


70 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Existing CMMI adopters

Appraised organizational sponsors and staff and their

customers with organizations and individuals transitioning from
V1.3 to V2.0:
ü That want to learn about the differences between versions
ü That want to transition smoothly from V1.3 to V2.0
ü That want to shift from compliance to performance in their
work processes

71 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

New to CMMI

Organizations and individuals new to CMMI and CMMI V2.0

(or) organizations and individuals unaware of CMMI V2.0 and
its benefits
ü Who have never heard of CMMI, but have jobs to do,
capabilities to develop and pain points to address

72 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Not Focused on Rating

Organizations and individuals who are adopting

CMMI V2.0, but don’t care about the rating
ü Who have adopted CMMI, but never intend to
get a Maturity or Capability level rating; they
simply want to improve effectively and efficiently
and use the CMMI to do so

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CMMI Partners

CMMI partners and certified individuals

ü Who want to learn about CMMI, become a partner, get
certified, and offer CMMI V2.0 products and services

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Strategic Partners

Potential strategic partners

ü Who want work with us to improve their efforts, e.g.,
FDA/MDDAP (Medical Device Discovery Appraisal
Program), CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model

75 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Next Steps

76 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

CMMI V2.0 is keeping up to date on the latest
industry needs.

ü The data is very clear – adopting CMMI V2.0 yields tangible and consistent performance
results across multiple types of industries, organizations and geographies

ü CMMI V2.0 enables a proven, and effective approach for performance-based

improvement and enables innovation, digital transformation and other complementary
methods such as agile and DevOps

ü CMMI V2.0’s focus on persistent and habitual performance improvement sets it apart
from any other standard or model

ü Our next major content release in 2021 includes: new Managing Security and Safety
Capability Area with 3 new Practice Areas, covering areas such as cybersecurity and CMMC
context specific information, and a brand-new Practice Area on Enabling Virtual Solution
Delivery Practice area (already released) and certification role that contains best practices on
virtual delivery for remote workforces

77 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

Summary of Reports Key Takeaways & Best Practice
• Early data indicates the V2.0 product suite value propositions are being met or exceeded,
when the model and method are understood and adopted as intended/designed. We will report on 2020
results in 2021 using data from this report as the baseline.

• Fundamental focus shift to continual performance improvement from process compliance are still being
recognized/realized by appraisal teams and organizations adopting V2.0.

• Well in advance of the CMMI Appraisal - Conduct Appraisal Phase (2), the Lead Appraiser must have a
detailed and thorough understanding of the critical importance of the nexus between the processes and work
flow, process roles, organizational context, and Practice Area and Practice Intent and Value Statements

• The Performance Report is NOT just an appraisal artifact. It is a planning tool, data collection tool and cross-
checking performance improvement tool to verifying business performance improvement before, during, and
after the appraisal

• While it cannot be used alone to determine a rating, the Performance Report SHOULD be used to verify if the
appraisal findings and performance improvement results are consistent with the Performance Report

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CMMI Timeline

79 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

1999 Undersecretary of Defense (J. Gansler) Memo – SW-CMM ML3 Required for ACAT 1 programs

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Thank you to the CMMI community around the world for making this report possible. These are YOUR
accomplishments, and we cannot wait to see what the data shows in 2020 and beyond! This report has been made
possible through the creation and rapid improvements made to the CMMI V2.0 Performance Report template based on
community and adoption feedback data. The new template has proven to be a powerful tool in the CMMI results

This 2019 report represents a new baseline for real-world, global performance results from adopting CMMI V2.0. There
is more to come, including an upcoming series of performance-focused webinars based on the information contained in

this report, and we welcome your feedback and use of this report and valuable information with your clients and students.

A special thank you to our current illustrious Partner Advisory Board Chairman, Mr. Kieran Doyle, for his invaluable help,
support and keen analysis and reviews for this effort.


Ron Lear
CMMI Chief Architect, ISACA Director of CMMI Product Development and Services
and on behalf of the entire ISACA staff and CMMI V2.0 development teams and working groups
CMMI Categories and Capability Areas

4 Categories to Organize Thinking and

Enable Adoption:
Doing Managing Enabling Improving
12 Capability Areas to Address Common
Business and Performance Challenges

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Building Blocks To
Best Practices
The CMMI V2.0 Model is
divided into Categories
(about the work) which are
divided into Capability
Areas, which are divided
into Practice Areas, which
are divided into practices.

This hierarchy makes the MSS Planned

model easier to navigate, for Release in
target, adopt, and address 2021
your specific “pain points,”
and faster to achieve
performance and value.

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Practice Area Capability Level

Process implementation:
That meets the intents of practices of the Practice Area up to and
including the target capability level in the set of processes used for the
work. (Some PAs have fewer than 5 levels.)

Process habit and persistence:

The intents of practices of II, GOV, and the target PAs up to and
including this capability level are implemented for the set of processes
used for the work. (Some of these PAs have fewer than 5 levels.)

84 ® 2020 ISACA. All Rights Reserved.

A Revolution of Evolution
Evolutionary Practices Group
Levels Within Practice Areas

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CMMI Appraisal Process – Appraisal Flow by Phase

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