Faculty of Engineering Technology Bet1253 Introduction To Engineering Problem Solving E1: Data Management

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E1: Data Management

1. Enter the data given in table below into an Excel worksheet:

Nos State Capital Population Size (square miles)

1 Alaska Juneau 550,043 615,230
2 California Sacramento 29,760,021 158,869
3 Colorado Denver 3,294,394 104,100
4 Florida Tallahassee 12,937,926 59,988
5 Missouri Jefferson City 5,117,073 69,709
6 New York Albany 17,990,455 53,989
7 Raleigh 6,628,637 52,672
8 North Dakota Bismarck 638,800 70,704
9 Pennsylvania Harrisburg 11,881,643 45,759
10 Rhode Island Providence 1,003,464 1,231
11 Texas Austin 16,986,510 267,277
12 Virginia Richmond 6,187,358 42,326
13 Washington Olympia 4,866,692 70,637

a) Carry out the following sorting operations:

i. Sort the records in reverse order, beginning with Washington and ending with Alaska.
Then restore the original list.
ii. Sort the records so that the state capitals are arranged alphabetically.
iii. Sort the records by population, from smallest to largest.
iv. Sort the records by size (area),from largest to smallest.
v. Sort the column containing the state capitals alphabetically, leaving all other columns
in their original order. Then sort the capitals in reverse order. Then restore the
original list of capitals (so that they correspond to the correct states) by pressing the
“undo” arrow (the counterclockwise arrow in the Standard toolbar) twice.

b) Determine the population denstiy (population per square mile) for each state, based upon
the given information. Include the heading.

c) Carry out the following filtering operations to determine:

i. The 10 states having the highest population density.
ii. Which states have areas exceeding 100, 000 square miles.
iii. Which states have populations between 10 and 20million people.
iv. The total population of the three states having the largest area.
v. The average population density of the five states having the smallest population
2. Enter the data given in table below into an Excel worksheet:

Station Time Total Suspended Solid (mg/L)

    Spring Tide Neap Tide
    (5-11 Sept 2019) (14-20 Sept 2019)
Kuantan 0900 hrs 13.5 10.0
  1500 hrs 37.5 10.5
  2100 hrs 14.0 9.0
  0300 hrs 18.5 10.5
  0900 hrs 20.5 13.5
  1500 hrs 13.0 21.5
  2100 hrs 19.0 19.0
  0300 hrs 15.5 18.5
  0900 hrs 17.0 17.5
  1500 hrs 33.5 11.0
2100 hrs 13.0 15.5
  0300 hrs 23.5 16.5
  0900 hrs 14.5 20.0
  1500 hrs 17.0 10.5
  2100 hrs 16.0 13.5
  0300 hrs 18.5 15.5
  0900 hrs 19.0 15.5
  1500 hrs 18.0 14.0
  2100 hrs 24.0 13.5
  0300 hrs 13.5 4.0
0900 hrs 13.5 8.0
  1500 hrs 23.5 13.5
  2100 hrs 17.0 14.5
  0300 hrs 20.5 16.5
  0900 hrs 22.5 12.0
  1500 hrs 16.5 10.5
  2100 hrs 21.5 12.5
  0300 hrs 16.5 11.0

a) Calculate the Average TSS measured during spring tide and neap tide.
b) Use function in excel to determine Minimum and Maximum TSS measured during
spring tide and neap tide.
c) Using the function “countif”, determine the number of TSS reading of more than 20
mg/L during spring tide and neap tide.

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