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The Book Trailer Video

Can you remember the anticipation you felt when

you saw a movie trailer that left you saying, “I’ve
got to see this!”

Do you know WHY it left you saying that?

It’s because you were left wondering, “What

happens next?”

And a good book trailer is no different. It leaves

you with open loops asking the following questions.

• How can I get these results?

• What are the (steps, secrets, principals) that will get me there?
• What are the bonus chapters being left out?

Here’s the outline I’d like you to follow.

Step #1 Begin with a question, or present a problem.

Step #2 Talk about why this book NEEDED to be written. (This is an important question
and needs to be the first question you answer when writing a book – any book).

Step #3 Paint a picture of what life could be like – if the reader implements what you’re
about to teach in this book.

Step #4 Integrate testimonials or any other way to show your book works.

These are possible introduction statements.

Have you ever wanted...(insert end-resutls your proudct can offer) Well, now more
than every peole are confused about where to find a prouduct that can (Insert benefits)

(Call to action) Can you remember the anticipation you felt when you saw a movie
trailer that left you saying, “I’ve got to see this!”

Do you know WHY it left you saying that?

It’s because you were left wondering, “What happens next?”

And a good book trailer is no different. It leaves you with open loops asking the
following questions.

• How can I get these results?

• What are the (steps, secrets, principals) that will get me there?
• What are the bonus chapters being left out?

Here’s the outline I’d like you to follow.

Step #1 Begin with a question, or present a problem.

Step #2 Talk about why this book NEEDED to be written. (This is an important question
and needs to be the first question you answer when writing a book – any book).

Step #3 Paint a picture of what life could be like – if the reader implements what you’re
about to teach in this book.

Step #4 Integrate testimonials or any other way to show your book works.

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