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Face2Face Intermediate Unit 9

Homework and Language Summary

What we learned:


- Health: (a surgeon, an operating theatre…)

- Collocations (3): the news: (pay off a debt, take part in a demonstration…)

- Body movements and responses: (cry, laugh, smile, yawn…)

- Connecting words

Although/Even though = Despite/In spite of But;

*After despite and in spite of we usually use a noun or verb+ing

Despite/In spite of appearing rude, they could be yawning so they can listen more closely to what
you’re saying.

*After although and even though we usually use a full sentence

Although/Even though we don’t enjoy crying, it’s actually good for us.

*We use however to contrast two sentences. We put a comma (,) after however

Scientists have shown that people are more likely to forgive you if you blush. However, people might
not forgive you so easily if you don’t blush at all!

- Health problems, symptoms and treatment:

health problems asthma, an allergy, hay fever…

symptoms a runny nose, a blocked-up nose…

treatment antibiotics, penicillin, painkillers…


- Relative clauses with who, that, which, whose, where and when

*who or that for people: I’m the type of person who/that eats three meals a day.

*that or which for things: The food that/which we usually eat contains toxins

*where for places: I was taken to the guest house where everyone was staying.

*whose for possessives: I don’t know anyone whose lifestyle is really healthy.

*when for times: This was also when I started getting really hungry.

Leaving out who, that, which

I’m the type of person that eats three meals a day. (subject)

The food (that) we usually eat contains toxins. (object)

- Present Perfect Simple active and passive for recent events

World leaders have met to discuss the global economy.

A new report on the environment has just been published.

Just, Yet, Already, Still

*We use just to say something happened short time ago.

She has just left home. (for example: 2 minutes ago)

*We use yet to say something hasn’t happened, but we think it will happen in the future. We put it
at the end of the sentence.

We haven’t met out targets yet. (for example: we’ll meet tomorrow)

*We use already to say something happened some time in the past.

I have already finished my report. (for example: 3 days ago)

*We use still to say something started in the past and continues in the present.

Some of the items still haven’t been examined.


- Vocabulary, Grammar and Real Word : -Reading and Writing

-Extra Practice 9 (p.123) -Portfolio 9: Applying for a job p.80

-Language Summary 9 (p.147) -Reading: a job advertisement; an application

- 9A-D Workbook (p.45)
-Writing: application letters/emails;
- Self Study DVD-ROM 1 with Review Video organisation; useful phrases

Useful links:

Lesson A

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