To What Extent Did The German Economy Play A Role in The Rise of Hitler in 1933

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To what extent did the German economy play a role in the rise of Hitler in 1933

Works Cited

Baerwald, Friedrich. “How Germany Reduced Unemployment.” The American Economic

Review, vol. 24, no. 4, 1934, pp. 617–630. JSTOR, JSTOR,

In a paragraph within the book that I chose, it answered my question perfectly.

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The article went into slight detail on how Hitler and the Nazi party benefited from

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Germany’s economic collapse in the early 1930’s. It describes Germany’s lack of

currency during the depression and how employment rates start to decrease steadily. Also
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how the struggle was mainly directed against the Weimar System and the German

democratic parties who were not able to deal with the economic collapse. A limitation to
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this article would be the lack of detail that the paragraph goes into. Although there was a
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lack of detail by reading this portion of the article the reader can get a small but easily

understandable summary of how Hitler and the Nazi party benefited from the German
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great depression.

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Dallin, David J. Politics and World-Economy in the Great Depression of 1929-1934. Cambridge

UV and Notre Dame UV. JSTOR, Accessed 17 Mar. 2018.

In the preview of this article it talks about Hitler rising to power and becoming

chancellor. They also talk about how Hitler came to power in one of the most civilized countries

in the world (at the time). The preview gives you a brief review on how and why the people

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chose Hitler. German citizens were looking for a change, something or someone who could bring

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back Germany to what it once was and that was Hitler. In one of the paragraphs they describe

how Hitler saw the weakness in the German citizens morale. He didn’t take advantage of the
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people he took advantage of the situation Germany was in. A limitation on this article would be

that most of the information comes from the preview but reading the preview you get a good
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understanding on what Hitler did to rise to power.

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Snell, John L. “Hitler’s Success as a Case Study in Interpreting History.” The History

Teacher, vol. 1, no. 2, 1968, pp. 22–28. JSTOR, JSTOR,

This page goes into great detail on the unemployment in Germany in

1933. On January 31st, 1933 there were 6,000,000 people who were registered as

unemployed in Germany . This page in the article explains how Hitler saw this as an

opportunity for people to like him. The administration pledged to eliminate all

unemployment within 4 years. This page of this book is valuable because of how much

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detail it goes into. How they talk about how it was a major political and social problem at

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the time in Germany but also how many people saw Hitler as a good guy because of his

trying to help the unemployment rates go down. Not only does this source talk about
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unemployment but it talks about how much popularity Hitler and the Nazi party gained

from promoting this problem and trying to fix it.

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Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "SA." Encyclopædia Britannica.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 26 May 2017. Web. 17 Mar. 2018.

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This article has a brief but very knowledgeable summary on how Hitler promoted

himself. They talk about how posters were put around the cities of Germany and how the Brown

shirts played a role in his rising to power. The brown shirts were a form of propaganda because

they promoted Hitler in their own special way. The brown shirts played a huge role in Hitler's

rise to power. Although many people actually liked Hitler and his ideas, the ones who didn’t

were forced to by the brown shirts also known as the Gestapo. The article not only talks about

how the gestapo helped him rise to power but they were kind of sticking with him throughout his

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journey on rising to power. For example they helped Hitler attempt a purge of nazi leaders. A

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limitation to this would be that it’s a secondary source and its more modern day. These few

paragraphs demonstrate very well how the brown shirts helped Hitler rise to power.
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Contributor:The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaArticle Title:NazismWebsite

Name:Encyclopædia Britannica Publisher:Encyclopædia Britannica, inc.Date

Published:January 23, 2018 URL:

National-Socialism Access Date:March 19, 2018

This article is the only source that goes in depth about almost everything within the

German economy, the Weimar republic, unemployment, Germany great depression and more. It

also goes in depth on what the Weimar republic was. After the German defeat in world war 1 the

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kaiser disappeared and a new democratic government rose and was declared in February 1919 in

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a small town named weimar. The article also goes in depth about Hitler’s rise. It talks about how

many Germans were uneasy about party conflicts and the instability that the Weimar republic
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was demonstrating in the last years of that form of government. The source is valuable because

it goes in depth on the topic I am researching.

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