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Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco

English 3A
Self-study guide
Week 1-3

Teacher: Heimy Nathali Montes Antequera

My name is Heimy Montes and I will be your instructor for this course. I am
looking forward to working together and getting the semester with a lot of
enthusiasm. I also want to welcome everyone bringing a little comfort and
relief to those students who have been concerned about this pandemic. It´s
time to go on and to do it positively. 

 We will be working our classes online. The 2 main tools we will use
are: Microsoft teams and Ferrum as well
 Online encounters will be scheduled every week through the platform
 All the information regarding the classes will be uploaded to Ferrum.
 We will develop our classes in 9 weeks from May the 11 th through July
the 11th- 2020. These 9 weeks will be divided into 3 weeks.
I will share a self-study guide every three weeks in which you´ll find
information about our study routine. So, you must keep in mind that the
success of this new dynamic depends highly on our discipline and our time
management. Autonomy is a PLUS. The guide is divided as follows:

Stage 1: Warm-up.
Stage 2: Topic presentation.
Stage 3: Practice. INTERACT App
Stage 4: Project.

1st Week (May the 11th through May the 15th 2020)

• Compare yourself to someone you know
• Tell people about good places to go in your area
• Tell people about a typical day in your life
Stage 1: Warm up
The main purpose of this space is to introduce the different activities that this
self-study guide intends to develop.



Stage 2: Topic presentation

The main purpose of this space is to present the communicative objectives

using contextualized examples that allow students to understand the different
functions and language of the unit.
Functions and language
- Comparing adjectives and superlatives
- Making comparisons of Equality and inequality
- Tell people about places to go in your area.

They show the similarities or dissimilarities between two or more things,
people or places.
They compare the highest or a very high degree of a quality from one thing,
person or place to others.

To compare Adjectives of equality, we use:


These adjectives can be used depending on the syllables

they are divided as it follows:
Class activity.
Complete the following chart using Comparatives and Superlatives.
Asking for and giving opinions.
Stage 3: Practice App

In this space the teacher has the opportunity to assign exercises from the
textbook INTERACT using its APP in order for the students to practice all of
the above worked on subjects.
 As given in classes.

Stage 4: Project

The project is the last part of the development of this self-study guide. In this
space the teacher will suggest an activity that allows the students to find
relevance to all of the above studied topics in a creative way.

Student A: You want to go to the beach on the weekend, but your friends prefer to
go to Silvestre´s concert. Persuade your friends to go to the beach instead of going
to the concert. Use comparatives and superlatives.

Student B: You and your friends are going to Silvestre´s concert on weekend but
one of them prefers to go to the beach. Persuade your friend to come to the concert
instead of going to the beach. Use comparatives and superlatives

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