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VOCABULARY educatio n GRAMMAR can, have to

1 Use the clues to complete the 2 Read the advertisements and complete conversations 1 and 2 using
crossword . can/ can't/ have to/ don 't have to.

~ 'i'laturday mornin05 10-lIa.m. Ftt: 1:40 for (p It550n5

l1AlwaY5 wanttd to play tnt drum5? Or tht Quitar? Want to tN tht Piano?
~ ~mt and ioin U5 for fun mU5ic. It5wn5. TN any in5trUmtnt yOU want and

~ Childrtn and adult5 wtlwmt.


C o nversatio n I
Susan: Hi. I'd like to come to the beginners' music class. Do I Ihave to
be able to play an instrument?
Teacher: N o, you 2 play an instrument. You 3_ _ __ choose
your instrument here, and we'll help you to learn.
Susan: 4 I come to a lesson first to see if I li ke it?
cross Teacher: W ell , I'm afraid you 5 come to the lessons unless you
sign up for the whole course.
One of the best things about going to
university is that you make a lot of new Susan: OK.6 I bring children?
fri e nds. Teacher: Yes, you 7 . Children love it.
..! On Friday, we have to do a _ _ _ so I Susan: Do I 8 bring my own instrument?
need to learn the vocabulary. Teacher: No, we have instrume nts here you 9_ _ _ _ use.
- I wo uld love to play the _ _ _ , but our
Conversatio n 2
flat is too small to have one. ~
>=J ~

- ./ :v:,.:,~r.-'{'1~;~;'':';
At my school we playa lot of _ _ _ . It
keeps us fit.
I'm doing a course in computer skills, and TUt5/Thur5 tvtnin05 (P-Sp.m. 'i'ltart daft: 13th Oc.tobtr ?'

most of the time I study _ _ _ .
Full pric.t: £.11$0 \ rates for students: £.1"30
I have to _ _ _ an exam at the end of i&
the year. ~ Interested?

Just (.Ome alona to the first dass No need to rtoisterJirst. iU5t brina an
enrolment form with ~ou. Ya~ after the dass if ~ou wish to enrol.
I do n't like speaking French because I ~ i~ ~---- •. , . . ,

make a lot of _ _ _ .
Stude nt: I'm a student. How much do I 1_ _ _ _ pay?
-= At the end of the year all the students
givea _ _ _ . Secretary: It's a reduced rate, so you only 2 pay £ 130.

_ When you _ _ _ art, you learn about Student: Do I 3 register first?

ai nters like Picasso and Salvador Dali. Secretary: No, you 4 register. You 5_ _ _ _ come along to
- I'd li ke to study foreign _ _ _ like the first class. If you like the class, you 6 complete the
ussian and Spanish. form at the end of the lesso n.
Student: 7_ _ _ _ I pay by cheque?
- At school we didn't have to wear a
_ _ _ . We wore our own clothes. Secretary: Yes, you 8 pay by card or cheque on the night.
:: Every week we _ _ _ games like tennis
3A 4.1 Listen and complet e t he sentences.
or netball.
How much pay?
2 park here?
3 visit her before we leave.
4 stay in this hotel.
5 wear that!
6 tell anyone .

B Practise saying t he sentences.

GRAMMAR can, have to, must LISTENING
4A Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined words with 6A 4.2 Listen to the first part of an
phrases with can/can't. interview about different types of learner. Match
I You are not allowed to have your mobile phone switched on. the type of learner with the pictures.

2 You have to register before it's possible to use the site.

3 I'm afraid it isn't possible for her to speak to you at the moment.

4 It's OK to use my computer if you want to.

B Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined words with

phrases with have to/don't have to/ must/ mustn't. There may be
more than one possible answer.
I It's necessary to be good at fore ign languages if you want to learn
14 r 1S
2 It's important to be there on time, or they won't let us in. r
10 11 12 13
6 r7 I 8 r 9 J
I 2 r3
3 It isn't necessary for us to have a licence to fish here.
1 I 4 S
4 It's important that you don't tell him I'm here.
Picture: __ - Holist, learns lots of information
about a topic, but in no particular
5 Look at the rules and complete the conversation with
Picture: __ - Serialist, learns things in sequence
can!can't/have to/must/mustn't. There may be more than one
from the bottom up
possible answer.
B 4.3 Listen to the second part of the
interview and mark each statement Serialist {S}
or Holist {H}.
I This learner likes to understand detail. __
2 This learner reads instructions before using a
new piece of equipment. __
3 This learner might read a chapter from the
middle of a l:5ook first. __
4 This learner makes a careful plan before writing.

Teacher : Are there any questions? 5 This learner reads around the topic and makes
lots of notes before writing. __
Dan: Yes. I~ we bring our mobile phones into the room ?
Teacher: No, you 2_ _ _ . You 3_ _ _ turn them off and leave C Circle the correct option, a} or b}, to
them outside in your bag. compl<!te the statements.
Julie: Is it O K to eat during the exam? I Students
Teacher: No. You 4_ __ have a bottle of water, but you 5_ __ a) are always either serialists or holists.
have anything else to eat or drink.
b) often use both serialist and holist
Marco: Do we 6_ _ _ leave our dictionaries in our bags? approaches.
Teacher: No, you 7_ _ _ bring dictionaries into the examination. 2 Serialists like to learn things
Dan: What happens if we arrive late? a) in the correct order.
Teacher: You 8_ _ _ arrive on time, or you 9_ _ _ come into the b) in any order.
examination room .
3 A holist likes to have an idea of the 'big picture'
Julie: 10_ __ we talk to other students? and
Teacher : No. You 11 _ _ _ talk at all during the examination. Now, a) doesn 't worry about detail.
does everybody understand? Is everything clear?
b) thinks that the detail is very important.

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