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Four children out of 2 Nor is this the full

every five in 1960 who got extend of the true El
leukemia died. Now four out
of every five survive. The Dorado. For the
secret of this miraculous tropical forests
increase in remission from contain a cornucopia
one of the most feared of new foods. The
diseases lies in a pretty but
winged beans, long
insignificantly-looking forests
called rosy periwinkle. For cherished by forest
generations tribal healers had dwellers in New
used it as a medicine, little Guinea, is now grown
more than 25 years ago in some 50 countries.
modern scientists took their
Rich in protein and
claims seriously enough to 3 Every day we use
investigate it themselves. vitamins, it is
products from the
1 The United sometimes called ‘a
rainforests. We owe
States National supermarket on a
rubber to South
Institute has stalk’, for its leaves,
American Indians who
identified more than flowers, seedpods,
used it to make toys for
2,000 tropical seeds and tubers are
their children. Chewing
rainforest plants with all edible, and
gum originated from a
the potential to fight delicious.
Central American tree.
cancer. And yet, as Japanese
Golf ball covers come
the forests come scientists are excited
from rainforest plants.
down, such plants – about a plant from
The flowers of the
and the hopes they Paraguay which, they
ylang-ylang tree give a
embody – are say produces a
je ne sais quoi to
destroyed. calorie-free, harmless
expensive French
Already about substance 300 times
perfumes. Oils from the
40% of all drugs sweeter than sugar.
forests are already
prescribed in the American experts
replacing petrol in the
United States owe all, comment the
synthetics industry, and
or much, of their mangosteen, said to
– in Brasil – to fuel cars.
potency to chemicals be the world’s most
Spices from the
from wildlife – largely appetizing fruit. And a
forests earn $144
from the rainforest. coffee entirely free of
million a year in world
Quinine, caffeine has been
trade. Wickerwork
which acts against found in the tiny
furniture and other
malaria, comes from remnants of forest left
rattan products are
the bark of a South in the Comoros
worth $ 4 billion a year.
American tree. The Islands.
Palm oil is used in a
armadillo is helping us The forests are
hundred products from
find a cure for leprosy. also reservoirs of
ice-cream to tinplate,
Suffers from hyper- genes that can
lipstick to jet engines.
tension and high improve, and rescue,
blood pressure gain existing crops. A wild But hardly any of the
relief from the relative of corn, 28,000species of palm
snakeroot plant from recently found in a had been examined by
Indian forests. And small patch of scientists.
the yam has given us Mexican forests,
the contraceptive pill. could enable
At the present commercial crops to
time, drugs from such spring up every year
wild products are like daffodils,
worth about $ 40 abolishing the costly
billion a year. And chore of ploughing
plants that could be and seeding. It could
used to develop new also offer resistance
ones worth five times to several important
as much may face diseases. The
extinction. discovery may well be
worth billions of
dollars a year.

4 Less than one percent of the plant species that make up the
rainforests of the world have been intensively examined for their
potential. Only a few hundred of their some three million animal species
have been investigated. Cures for cancer, unknown miracle foods and
products await discovery. But as they wait they are being destroyed. As
we fell the forests we are burning a vast library of irreplaceable
knowledge – before we have done more than dip into a few of its
The destruction of the custodians of the library, the forest peoples, is
the most shortsighted act of all. For they alone know where the
medicines, foods and wealth of the forests are to be found. In north-
western Amazonia alone the Indians use over 1,300 plant species as
medicines. Much of the destruction is carried out for just one forest
product – wood. Tropical hardwoods, exotically colored and grained,
have long had a special value.
The South American Indians see it differently. One of their legends says
that the trees hold up the sky – and if they are cut down there will be
catastrophe. They may well be right.

39. Comprehension check:

 Which illness or disease may be helped by drugs produced from the following
Quinine(хинин) acts against malaria
Snakeroot plant (агератина) Suffers from hyper-tension and
high blood pressure gain relief

from the snakeroot plant from
Indian forests.
Rosy periwinkle (leukemia) The secret of this miraculous
increase in remission from one of the most
feared diseases lies in a pretty but
insignificantly-looking forests called rosy
Armadillo The armadillo is helping us find a
cure for leprosy.
 Which country or area of the world does a particular plant, animal or product come
A new kind of coffee And a coffee entirely free of
caffeine has been found in the tiny
remnants of forest left in the
Comoros Islands.

A new sweetener Новий Paraguay

A relation of corn A wild relative of corn, recently
found in a small patch of Mexican
Quinine Quinine, which acts against
malaria, comes from the bark of a
South American tree.
The winged bean The winged beans, long cherished
by forest dwellers in New Guinea,
Chewing gum Chewing gum originated from a
Central American tree.
The snakeroot plant the snakeroot plant from Indian
Rubber We owe rubber to South American
Indians who used it to make toys
for their children.

40. Multiple matching:

1. Which rainforest plant is used in Plants and Products
perfume making? C a. wood
2. Which rainforest plant may b. wickerwork лозоплетіння
provide future foods? G c. ylang-ylang plant
3. Which rainforest plants are used d. palm oil
to cure certain illnesses and
diseases? ( 3 answers) J F H e. rubber гума
4. Which rainforest plant is mainly f. rosy periwinkle рожевий
responsible for the destruction of барвінок
the forests? A g. spices
5. Which rainforest plant is used in h. bark of a certain tree кора
both the cosmetics and певного дерева
aeronautics industries? D i. winged bean
6. Which rainforest plants are j. snakeroot plant
mentioned as multi-million
pound industries? ( 2 answers) e


41.Complete the following article by writing each missing words. Use only one
word for each space. The exercise begins with an example (0).

Crocodiles see well, their eyes are (0) ... with three eyelids, each having a different
function. Their eyeballs slide back out of (1) ... way during an attack. Should they lose
one of their eight-centimetre-long teeth, a replacement is always ready. A crocodile may
go through (2) ... thousand teeth during a lifetime of over seventy years. Crocodiles
cannot chew, as their teeth are (3) ... only to penetrate and hold. These animals can attack
at any (4) ... of the year, but they are more active in the warmer months and when in
(5) ... of mates. Underwater, crocodiles (6) ... their victims at the water's (7) ... by sensing
any movement in the water. Once they have a hold on their victim, they drag it deep into
the water to (8) ... it. They then crush and swallow it.
Many battles occur over mates. About six weeks after mating, the female (9) ... a nest,
often on a river bank, and (10) ... about fifty eggs. She then seals the nest for protection
and also as a way of (11) ... the temperature. After ten to twelve weeks the baby
crocodiles come out of the eggs: only about one percent of these (12) ... it to adulthood,
as thousands die in flooding or are eaten by fish or bigger crocodiles. In an (13) ... to
ensure a source of (14) ... animals, crocodile farms have been (15) ... up, and a vast
industry now exists in crocodile skin and meat.

0 A found B equipped C stocked D fitted

1 A harm's B danger's C injury's D damage's
2 A various B several C considerable D numerous
3 A composed B constituted C designed D styled
4 A time B phase C month D interval
5 A discovery B hunt C exploration D search
6 A prefer B accept C propose D choose
7 A border B rim C edge D shore
8 A sink B drown C capsize D soak
9 A installs B makes C manufactures D produces
10 A lays B sets C drops D puts
11 A dominating B ruling C imposing D controlling
12 A reach B make C get D arrive
13 A attempt B action C aspiration D alternative
14 A well B fine C D healthy
15 A put B taken C D stood

42. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either
grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered
line 1-16, find this word and then write. Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a

0 In times of trouble when snails have the perfect escape, When

0 but retreating into a shell does not always guarantee А
1 a survival. For the land snail. Arianta arbustorum,
2 faced with local climatic warming in the Swiss city
3 of Basle, having had a shell has not helped a bit.
4 Between 1903 and 1991 this snail became really extinct Really
5 at 16 out of 29 localities around the city. All eight Off
6 populations were killed off by urban development but
7 the other eight sites continue on to support healthy
8 populations of these other mollusc species. Snail
9 experts at Basle University checked on the differences On

10 between the sites where the snails all live and those from All
11 which they had been disappeared. The only difference
12 was ground temperature. Built-up districts which emit
13 more heat, and in otherwise perfectly suitable habitats
14 Arianta had died out at sites that were quite artificially Otherwise

15 warmer. The difference was often just a few warm degrees. Quite
16 Small as this very difference was, its effect was huge.

43. Cloze passage
1. Look at the words in the box. How many of them are prepositions?
long no

2. Look at the text. Before trying to put in the missing words decide which gaps need
prepositions. Then look back at the list in the box and decide which preposition fits each
gap. The first one has been done for you as an example. Then complete the remaining gaps
with the other words from the box.
All (0) over the world, strandings of dolphins and whales are becoming more common and
environmentalists claim that this may be Nature ringing the alarm bells, believing it is the
sea itself (1) which _________ is enduring a slow death (2) _brought______ about by
pollution. Some dolphins found dying off America and in the Mediterranean were nearly
all infected (3) __with______ a virus, but heavy pollution had also suppressed their
immune systems.
Individual strandings are mainly the (4) result ________ of illness or injury. The
animals cannot either navigate (5 or ________ swim properly and accidentally come
ashore. It is even possible that they may choose to strand themselves as a response (6) in
their condition. In the southern hemisphere, mass strandings of these animals are common
and everywhere (7)__their____ plight sparks frantic rescue missions to refloat them by
well-meaning humans. Such strandings happen (8) when________ the animals are in a
large group and their leader becomes disoriented and swims ashore. They then all follow
and, as (9) ____ long as the leader remains stranded, (10) no________ amount of work by
human rescuers will persuade the others to go (11) back ________ to sea.
(12)____one _____ piece of good news is that when people succeed (13) at _________
refloating whales, the survival rate can be encouraging. In New Zealand, where most
stranded whales are fit and merely lost, (14) up ________ to 90% survive. One signal, at
least, that all may not be wrong (15) ___at_____ sea.

44. Animal expressions. Choose the correct word to complete the idioms in sentences 1—
crocodile dog fish frog horse snail whale

1. After forgetting his wife’s birthday, Gerald was in the ........... -house for weeks.
2. Our last holiday was great. We had a __________ of a time.
3. Betty could tell they were only _________ tears, because a few minutes later he was

4. They were very poor, but Sarah’s small salary was enough to keep the ______ from the
5. I’m so nervous before I give an important speech, that I often get a________ in my
6. I quite enjoy walking in the hills, but rock-climbing is a whole different kettle of
7. Phil tried hard to promote his plan, but he was flogging a dead _______________.
8. Even after the repairs, the train continued to move at a ________’s pace.

45. Match these idiomatic expressions to the explanations on the right:

1. other fish to fry a. something that has no effect
2. a fish out of water b. an important figure in a small
3. plenty more fish in the sea organization

4. a big fish in the small pond c. out of your depth, in the wrong
5. water off a duck’s back
d. other people or things to choose
6. take to it like a duck to water from
e. like or become familiar with
straight away
f. more important things to do

46. Complete the following sentences using one of the expressions above in its correct
1. She was upset when her boyfriend left her, but I assured her there were
2. I know it’s a huge corporation to work for – but it’s better to be
3. He wants me to spend all my time doing paperwork but I
4. Mark’s getting on very well with his horse riding – he
5. He hates his new job. It’s a different field. He feels
6. She never listens to our suggestions – what we say is _______________________
to her.


50. Work with a partner and make lists of arguments for and against genetic engineering.
Tell each other your opinion on:
Changing genes to help Doing gene research on Changing genes to create
cure disease animals different kinds of food
Changing genes to change Doing gene research on Using parts of animals in
people’s behaviour people human transplants
Activate your language/ Expressing opinions
1. Stating your point of 2. Stating your point of 3. Giving a balanced view
view view strongly If ’s a difficult question
In my opinion, The fact of the matter is On the one hand ….. the
What I think/believe is that There’s no doubt at other hand
that... all that…
There are no easy
My view is that….. …..can’t possibly be answers, but it seems to
right. me that...
If you ask me,…..
…… is totally wrong.
It’s a question of... -ing
It’s right/wrong to…….

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