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Learner Assessment

Educators, from Barbara Jordan Elementary, will be able to create a 3-minutes video using editing tools
to manipulate and animate slides, to introduce themselves and their classroom rules.

Creating a Teacher Introduction Presentation on Powtoon

Name: ___________________

Observer: ________________

Date: ____________________

Instructions to the observer: The learner will be set up with a computer and internet access. The
learner is given a guided instructional video using different component on Powtoon and paper
directions on creating a presentation. The learner will create a presentation using the teacher
introduction template and develop three classroom rules on Powtoon.

Note the following:

1. Did the learner signed up for an account or was able _______Yes              _______No
to log in to Powtoon using an already created an

2. Did the learner select the teacher template under _______Yes              _______No
education option to use on Powtoon?

3. Did the learner select the Teacher Introduction _______Yes              _______No

template to use on Powtoon?


4. Did the learner fill information in the space that is _______Yes _______No
already provided in the template?


5. Did the learner change the background music or _______Yes _______No

know how to do it?


6. Did the learner re-select the avatar in the template _______Yes _______No
or know how to do it?


7. Did the learner was able to change font of the text _______Yes _______No
that they created in the slides?


8. Did the learner was able to change the color of the _______Yes _______No
background or know how to do it?


9. Did the learner was able to insert images and _______Yes _______No
cartoons on to their slides or know how to do it?


10. Did the learner reapply the transitions between each _______Yes _______No
slide or know how to do it?


11. Did the learner apply four more blank slides on to the _______Yes _______No
template of slides?


12. Did the learner apply background color or images to _______Yes _______No
the new slides?


13. Did the learner add three classroom rules to each of _______Yes _______No
the three new slides by using the text option?


14. Did the learner apply one ending message to the last _______Yes _______No
slide using the text option?


15. Did the learner insert desired cartoons and images on _______Yes _______No
each of the new slide?


16. Did the learner apply transition between each of the _______Yes _______No
new slide that were added?


Goal Analysis Step Performance Objective Assessment

1. Sign up for a Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

Powtoon on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
account will sign-up for a Powtoon account online on Presentation on
online. their webpage through their email or through Powtoon
already created accounts from Facebook, Observation Sheet
LinkedIn, Office 360, or Google. The learner
will be able to sign in successfully onto
Powtoon interface for designing.

2. Select Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

template on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
option for Presentation on
will select the template option under
teacher under Powtoon Observation
education. The learner will be able to select Sheet
education. the right template options for designing
teacher presentation.

3. Select Teacher Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

Intro option on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
Presentation on
will select the Teacher Introduction option
Powtoon Observation
under the templates for education. The Sheet
learner will able to find the select the Teacher
Introduction under the Education template.

4. Fill in Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

information on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
about yourself Presentation on
will be fill in the information on themselves by
in the Powtoon Observation
completing each form through the 6 slides. Sheet
template The learner will be able to fill in information in
the template that they selected.

5. Change Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

background on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
music if Presentation on
will be select the background music that they
desired to Powtoon Observation
desire on their presentation. The learner will Sheet
be able to successfully add in background
music in their presentation.
6. Re-insert Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher
personal on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
avatar in place Presentation on
will select their own personal avatar in to
of ones that Powtoon Observation
replace the ones in their presentation that are Sheet
are there there. The learner will be to add in their
avatars in place of the ones that are there.

7. Change text if Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

necessary on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
Presentation on
will change the font of the text if they desire
Powtoon Observation
to in place of the ones that are there. The Sheet
learner will be able to change the font of the
text that are on the presentation.

8. Change color Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

background if on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
necessary Presentation on
will change the color of the background if
Powtoon Observation
desired to and apply to their presentation. The Sheet
learner will be able to change the color
background of their presentation.

9. Insert images Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

or cartoons on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
that add Presentation on
will insert images or cartoons in their
personal Powtoon Observation
presentation to add touches that they desire Sheet
touches on their presentation. The learner will be able
to insert the images and cartoons in their

10. Re-apply Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

transitions on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
between slides Presentation on
will apply transitions between their slides in
Powtoon Observation
place of the ones that are there. The learner Sheet
will successfully add transitions between their
11. Add four more Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher
blank slides on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
Presentation on
will insert four blank slides on to their
Powtoon Observation
presentations. The learners will be able to Sheet
insert four blank slides on to their

12. Apply Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher

background on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
color or Presentation on
will apply background color or images to their
images to each Powtoon Observation
presentation. The learner will be able to have Sheet
of the slide background color or images to their

13. Apply three Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher
classroom on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
rules, one on Presentation on
will insert a three text to three slides that
each of the Powtoon Observation
describes his/her classroom rules. The learner Sheet
three slides. will have three text of their classroom in their
three slides.

14. Apply one Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher
ending on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
message on Presentation on
will insert an ending message on the last slide
the last slide Powtoon Observation
to complete their classroom rules. The learner Sheet
will have an ending message at the end of
their presentation.

15. Insert desired Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher
cartoons and on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
images on Presentation on
will insert desired cartoons and images on
each slide Powtoon Observation
each slide. The learner will have desired Sheet
cartoons and images onto their new slides.
16. Apply Given a laptop, visual guides of components Creating a Teacher
transition to on Powtoon, and given directives, the learner Introduction
the new slides Presentation on
will apply transition between each slide to
Powtoon Observation
complete their presentation. The learner will Sheet
successfully apply transitions between their
new slides.

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