Course Syllabus MMW

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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering

2nd Semester
SY : 2020-2021


The Electrical Engineering program has adopted the following educational objectives.

After graduation, the Electrical Engineering alumni shall (1) have

advanced their practice or achievement in the field of Electrical Engineering
and/or other endeavors or advocacies supported by their acquired electrical MISSION
engineering education; (2) strive to be globally competitive through living by
the RSU philosophy, vision and mission values, pursuing continuing
education, and practicing continuous quality improvement in their personal
lives, and continuously scanning, adopting, and building on the best
1 2 3 4
practices in their field.
PEO1:The graduates of Electrical Engineering should demonstrate peer-
recognized expertise together with the ability to articulate that expertise and √ √
use it for contemporary problem solving in the analysis, design, and
evaluation of electrical and electronic devices and systems.
PEO2:The graduates of Electrical Engineering should demonstrate
engagement in the engineering profession, locally and globally, by
contributing to the ethical competent, and creative practice of engineering or √ √
other professional careers.

PEO3:The graduates of Electrical Engineering should demonstrate

sustained learning and adapting to a constantly changing field through √ √
graduate work, professional development and self-study.
PEO4:The graduates of Electrical Engineering should demonstrate
leadership and initiative to ethically advance professional and organizational √ √ √
goals, facilitate the achievements of others, and obtain substantive results.
PEO5:The graduates of Electrical Engineering should demonstrate a
commitment to teamwork while working with others of diverse cultural and √ √
interdisciplinary backgrounds.

Course Code: GE 4
Course Title Mathematics in the Modern World
Course Description The course deals with the nature of mathematics, appreciation of
its practical, intellectual, and aesthetics dimensions, and
application of mathematical tools in daily life.
This course begins with an introduction to the nature of
mathematics as an exploration of patterns) in nature and the
environment) and as an application of inductive and deductive
reasoning. By exploring these topics, students are encouraging to
go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as merely a
bunch of formulas but as source of aesthetics in patterns of
nature, for example, and rich language in itself (and of science)
governed by logic and reasoning.
The course the proceeds to survey ways in mathematics
provides a tools to understanding and dealing with various aspects
of present day living such as managing personal finances, making
social choices, appreciating geometric designs, understanding
codes used in data transmission and security, and dividing limited
resources fairly. These aspects will provide opportunities for
actually doing mathematics in broad range of exercise that bring
out the various dimension of mathematics as way of knowing and
test the students understanding and capacity.
Credit Units 3 units
Lecture hours 3 hours
Laboratory hours 0



1 2 3 4 5

a: Apply knowledge of mathematics and sciences to solve engineering problems; √ √ √

b: Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data; √ √ √

c: Design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic

constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and √ √ √ √ √
safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards;
d: Function effectively on multidisciplinary teams that establish goals, plan tasks, √ √
and meet deadlines;
e: Identify, formulate and solve complex problems in electrical engineering; √ √ √

f: Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations; √ √ √

g: Communicate effectively with a range of audiences; √ √ √

h: Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, √ √ √ √

environmental, and societal context;
i: Recognize the need for additional knowledge and locate, evaluate, integrate, √ √ √ √
and apply this knowledge appropriately;
j: Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the field of electrical √ √ √ √ √
k: Apply techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for √ √ √ √ √
engineering practice; and
l: ) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management √
principles as a member and/or leader in a team to manage projects in √ √ √ √
multidisciplinary environments.


Course Outcomes(COs) : At the end of the course, the
student will be able to:
f g h i j k l

CO1 Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics, e e e

what it is, how it is expressed, represented, and used.
Use different types of reasoning to justify statements e
CO2 and arguments made about mathematics and e e e
mathematics concepts.
CO3 Discuss the language and symbols of mathematics. e

CO4 Use a variety of statistical tools to process and manage e e d

numerical data.
CO5 Analyse codes and coding schemes used for e e d
identification, privacy, and security purposes.
Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, d
CO6 voting , healthand medicine, business, environment, e e e e
arts and design, and recreation.
CO7 Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in e e
everyday life.
CO8 Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of e e e e
mathematics to various human endeavours.
Note: I – Introductory, E- Enabling, D - Demonstrative


Week Topics Learning Outcomes
Learning Activities Assessment
1. Self-preparation
1.Gain familiarity with the 2. Explore the
subject itself, the mode different features
of learning, and the and functions of
rules and regulations of Moodle.
the class. 3. Download and
read the Course
Section 1. The Nature
of Mathematics

I. Mathematics in our

1 a) Patterns and 1. Download and

Numbers in Nature read the module
1. Short
and the World for Week 1.
Express appreciation for response/e
b) The Fibonacci 2. Accomplish the
mathematics as a ssay
Sequence assessment
human endeavor. writing.
c) Mathematics helps task/s.
2. Online quiz
organize patterns 3. Submit the
3. Assignment
and regularities in required output/s
the world for the week
d) Mathematics helps
predict the
behaviour of
nature and
phenomena in the
1. Problem set
1. Download and
2. Online quiz
Use different types of read the module
on proving
reasoning to justify for Week 2
II. Problem Solving statements and 2. Accomplish the
2 deductive
and Reasoning arguments made about assessment
mathematics and task/s.
mathematical concepts. 3. Submit the
required outputs.
3. Assignment
3 Section 2. Contribute to the 1. Collect
Mathematics as a enrichment of the 1. Download and indigenous
Tool Filipino culture and arts read the module designs
using concepts in for Week 3. 2. Online Quiz
a. Geometric geometry. 2. Accomplish the 3. Assignment
Designs assessment
b. Codes task/s.
3. Submit the
required outputs.

1. Download and
read the module
1. Short
for Week 4.
Express appreciation for response/es
Section 3. The 2. Accomplish the
mathematics in various say writing.
Mathematics of assessment
4 aspects and endeavors 2. Online quiz
Finance task/s.
in life. 3. Assignment
3. Submit the
required output/s
for the week

5 Submission of output and finalization of grades.

1. Adam, J.A. Modelling Patterns in the Natural World.
2. Adam, J.A. A Mathematical Nature Walk.
3. Jamison, R.E. (2000) Learning the Language of Mathematics.
4. Aufmann R., et al. Mathematics Excursions (Ch.1)
5. Yu, V. Geometry: Shapes, Patterns and Designs (A Chapter for
the New Editions f the Math 12 Textbook for Ateneo de Manila University


 Problem Sets/ Activity

 Assignments
 Major Examinations
 Short and Long Quizzes


 Major Exam. Major exam (Final) will be given at the time prepared by the
College. All students must take the major exams.
 Make Up Works. Make-up works are only possible on major exam. Make
sure the reason for not taking major exam is acceptable (e.g. illness, emergency)
and is supported by a valid proof.
 Course Requirement. All course requirements must be submitted on time.
Failure to do so will mean a score of zero.
 Academic Dishonesty. All forms of dishonest work will have corresponding
sanctions. It’s possible that such works will not be graded at all.
 Group Grade. For a group work, your individual grade is a percentage of
your group grade. The instructor will assess your contribution during the group
 Plagiarism. Don’t copy material from any website or printed materials such
as books, and submit them as if they were your own work. Always cite your sources.
 Examinations. Write or print solutions on one side of the paper only. Use
only either black or blue ball pens.


Students who have any disability that might affect their performance in the class are
encouraged to speak with the instructor early in the semester.


Grading will be as follows:
Short Quizzes 10%
Long Quizzes 15%
Assignments 15%
Problem Sets/Activity 20%
Major Examinations 40%
Methods of Computation
Absolute zero shall be used in all examinations and quizzes.
Percentile shall be used in recording grades when evaluating students using the

Grades Equivalents

Rating Grade
96 - 100 1.00
91 - 95 1.25
86 - 90 1.50
81 - 85 1.75
76 - 80 2.00
71 - 75 2.25
66 - 70 2.50
61 - 65 2.75
60 3.00
Conditional 4.00
Below 60 5.00

Note: Conditional is not a grade. It is given to students that lacks necessary

requirements and therefore, must be accomplished before the end of that semester to
obtain a grade.

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