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All hands on Deck.

Sabbath afternoon panel session in Karengata SDA church.

Encourage church members to engage in outreach corporately BUT most importantly
individually in their day to day lives.

Relate to church members who have never engaged in outreach, are afraid & think that this is
for pastors or anointed evangelists or highly experienced Bible students.

Draft Program structure

2:00-2:05pm -Prayer- Opening remarks- Daniel
2:05-2:55pm - Session 1- 50 mins
2:55-3:00pm -Music Break- 5 mins
3:00-3:40pm - Session 2- 40 mins
3:40-4:00pm -Q&A + Parting shots.
4:00-4:05pm -Prayer- Daniel.


Share our experiences that speak to the challenges of beginning soul winning and how we are
overcoming them. Challenges such as;

1. Fear- fear of failure, Fear of Rejection, What if I get teased? Someone might get mad and
hit me etc.

CB- Preaching in a matatu

For the longest while, I was embarrassed of Matatu preachers. I never imagined myself ever
doing till one day when my friends and I aboard a matatu felt challenged to share the gospel
rather than just make noise. We agreed to share the following day, and the guinea pig was
myself. I wish I could talk of my boldness in rising up and proclaiming the gospel with power, it
took the nudging of friends. Zeph stood up and got the attention of everyone and introduced the
preacher in typical adventist fashion, I could not stand him up. I stood, and for like 10 minutes
which seemed like forever mumbled some words in Swahili.
The reaction of the passengers was most interesting, guys were keen, they wrote notes and
even left money on my seat.
This was the beginning of Jesus on wheels. As more and more people caught the fire,
overcame the initial fear and shared their mission stories, the ministry grew till we had to
schedule groups of people in matatus to preach on Sabbath morning.

DK - Friday Tuck shop experiences. Mission Experiences.

ED - No “through way” sign gives provides a way to the heart - He must needs go through

On a Sabbath afternoon, most of the church members at Syokimau headed for a visitation.
Almost all youths had donned their AY uniform and we looked splendid. The route to the church
member was long and arduous in the sweltering heat and choking dust of Syokimau. An
alternative route went through a gated community which didn't have a fence on the other side,
and that opened to the church member’s home. We passed through the gate but were strictly
warned by a no-nonsense guard not to use the same route back. After the visitation, we
tempted fate and came through the “forbidden route”. A couple of groups passed the guard
without any challenge. But as my friends and I dared to pass, he stopped us. Some rushed
through the gate but I was unlucky. He pulled me over and sat me by his guard house. He then
demanded that I share with him the good news of the gospel. Trembling I shared a quick verse,
tensed and shaken. One bible study led to another. The man who was once a drunkard became
sober. I got him a Kamba Bible, and he started doing devotions at 5 am. The wife noticed the
change and called me and appreciated the tremendous change that was in the husband. Mr.
Kioko vowed to finish schooling his children and start doing door to door evangelism in his
community. In other news, his children got accepted to National schools and got donors who
paid their school fees.

Extracting principles and God's promises from these experiences.

JM - Biblical Example: Judges 6, Gideon. How did he overcome - By conversing with God about
his fears and finally trusting and surrendering the success and battle to God. (Judges 6:22-24)

Note that fear of failure was real for many prophets in the Bible but success comes from God,
not from Man. “Success is not the question for you to discuss. If I read your orders aright, they
run thus, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.’ Gentlemen, obey
your marching orders.”—Chs, 77.3

Speak of personal commitment you have made to always leave each work place with a soul and
the Fear you have heard of being fired or not being promoted or not being invited to certain
meetings because of open Christian Views or fear of being side lined by others. Share quick
general examples of outcomes realized after you prayed and shared a prayer with the first
person and eventually introduced a culture of praying - and the amazing experience of later
having that person I first prayed with, accept Christ and join the Church.

End: The teaching of the parable of the sower teaches us that some will reject the message -
they do not reject you, Jesus said, but the one who has sent you. If they rejected Christ, some
will probably reject you - If God has sent you, trust the success with Him not with yourself.

Tip: This is normal, but, present all your anxieties to God, including the fear of rejection.

2. Feelings of inadequacy, feeling you have little or no knowledge.

God’s promises addressing this.

“He who begins with a little knowledge, in a humble way, and tells what he knows, while
seeking diligently for further knowledge, will find the whole heavenly treasure awaiting his
demand. The more he seeks to impart light, the more light he will receive. The more one tries
to explain the Word of God to others, with a love for souls, the plainer it becomes to himself.
The more we use our knowledge and exercise our power, the more knowledge and power we
shall have. COL pg 354

“Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon
your ability to find your way to the heart. By being social and coming close to the people,
you may turn the current of their thoughts more readily than the most able discourse. Gospel
workers pg 193

First preaching assignment - CB

November 2014, asked to present Prophecy at an Evangelist campaign in Machakos. I literally
went without notes or prior preparation, all I did was pray and appreciate that I had an
assignment I was completely unprepared for. Two challenges
• Language, my swahili is horrible
• Content, I’d never preached prophecy before

Language: My friend Zeph and I had sessions every day for memorizing the common verses.
Zeph read, I listened and tried to repeat after him until I had the verse in memory.

Content: DK was kind enough to give me his slides and sit down with me for an hour each day
to go over them and offer tips on how to present the message.
It took friends and big brothers to get me started.

JM - Biblical Example - Moses and almost every other prophet I know. (Want to know a secret,
all great preachers struggle with inadequacy and rightly so). If you ever feel adequate enough,
there is probably a challenge. :)

Inadequacy is one of the best ingredients for those who are eventually used by God if they go
back to Him and pray for strength and wisdom.

2 Cor 12:9 Teaches us that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness.

Share the example of experience in Campus in leading a campaign of teaching students on

prophecy using charts from our halls of residence.

In hindsight, I love the feeling of inadequacy in every divine appointment as it leads me to rely
more on the one who said, “All Power is given unto me”

Lastly, pray for Boldness as the disciples did in Acts 4:29.

3. Negative thoughts- I can't talk to strangers, What will they think of me?

Yusuf - Matatu experience with strangers

I find it easy to strike up a conversation with a stranger. Decided to try it out one day in Kenya
Mpya. Normally I never used to stand and preach when no one is praying for me. So, on one
occasion, I prayed and told God that I don’t feel like starting a conversation with a stranger,
make them start a conversation with me and should be about you. Three quarters of the journey
no one spoke to me and for a moment I thought of starting the conversation but I didn’t.
Surprisingly, someone came, sat next to me and we started conversing about faith and works
and it ended up being a fruitful discussion and even exchanged contacts.
I had another experience on my way to Donholm with a drunkard, not so much drunk though.
He saw me with a Bible and he asked if he could sit next to me because he didn’t want to bother
me with his state. I accepted and opted to open the window. We engaged in some meaningful
discussion about Christ and eventually when I alighted he asked me to pray for him that God
helps him overcome.

Negative outcome? Yes. Once we sang in Kenya Mpya one evening and after several minutes
someone shouted that we stop singing saying people are tired and want ‘peace of mind’. What
did we do? We kept silent and respected his opinion.

It’s not always a guarantee. There will be huddles at some point but when you allow yourself to
be on the loose for Jesus, then He takes responsibility for the outcome.

4. What and How to share

CB - Office Experiences.
We have the everlasting gospel meant for all people, nations and tongues!!
First appreciate where people are coming and what they believe, you don’t have to agree,
simply appreciate.
What do you say when someone says “Earth is my heaven”.
This is actually true considering the new earth and the new heaven. This is also an opportunity
to talk about the second and third coming and restoration of all things.
At a personal level: Agree for as long and as far as you can.

The health message. My friend Betty Gisore had a food business where she cooked and
supplied healthy food to offices on Ngong road. My colleagues got interested and the company
ended up establishing an office lunch plan where she was the exclusive lunch provider, at least
for the first six months. This gave us an opportunity to talk about health and the reason for my
health choices.
When confronted with the question, why are you vegetarian? Please find a way to attribute it to
God. For instance, as a christian I believe it is my duty to God to take care of my health and
keep my body in perfect shape so that I can serve him better, understand his word more clearly
and serve the world I live in.

Start on Common Ground - Agree with the people on every point where you can consistently do
so. Let them see that you love their souls, and want to be in harmony with them so far as
possible Ev 140.3.

Share your Testimony of what Christ has done for you- Let us gather together that which our
own experience has revealed to us of the preciousness of Christ, and present it to others as a
precious gem that sparkles and shines. RH March 19, 1895

Biblical Example - Paul before Aggripa shared his own testimony of who he was before Christ,
how he met Christ and his lifestyle change after meeting Christ.

I have always found that using my own testimony while sharing with colleagues has added more
power to my belief in Christ. Example, when they speak of my constant joy, I find opportunity to
tell them how I cross I was before I met Christ and how peaceful and joyful I am now.
The dual requirement of the word and the Holy Spirit. The lamp and the oil so that our light may
shine. This is the secret of success.

5. Where to begin- how do I get started.

We start from where we are. The heart must be given to Jesus. Surrendered to Him.

Begin to pray for souls. 1T 513.The way to begin is on your knees. This is the first thing. The
beginning of the beginning.
Making disciples is a very intricate and marvelous science. Each individual is different from all
others. God has not given you the ability to reach everyone. God must guide you to the ones
you must best help.

Soul winning is a specific work. It’s true that we are to scatter the seeds of sunshine everywhere
we go…watching for chances everywhere we go yet it’s on our knees in the secret place of
prayer that we enter into a fellowship with God concerning certain definite souls.

(Job 16:21 [KJV]) O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man [pleadeth] for his
neighbour! Plead-Praying.

Your Prayer regarding souls means to ask God who you are to work for, pray for, and never
give up on. This is the first work

DK- Colleague experience.

Starting Off - CB
December of 2013, I was just joining campus when I had an opportunity to attend my first
evengelistic campaign. I didn’t know much, but I resolved to be useful. So I spent most of my
time hanging out with the preachers (Max Ngala, Chief Andrew, Joshua Amenya and Moseti
Matundura), catching cues on their preparation, conversations and the fact that they were pretty
normal. In fact I even offered to carry their bibles as we went to and from the campaign site.
What I learnt:
• That young people can Totally be sold out for God
• That having surrendered to God, He could use me to save anyone, literally anyone
• That preachers were pretty normal people, with a touch of humor, discouragements, girl
Armed with these discoveries, I was ready to give my life to the ministry in open air preaching.

ED - Share your personal experience- Friend who joined SDA from the Roman Catholic church by
observing us

After healing the woman, Jesus desired her to acknowledge the blessing she had received.
The gifts which the gospel offers are not to be secured by stealth or enjoyed in secret. So the
Lord calls upon us for confession of His goodness. “Ye are My witnesses, saith the Lord, that I
am God.” Isaiah 43:12. DA 347.2

Our confession of His faithfulness is Heaven's chosen agency for revealing Christ to the
world. We are to acknowledge His grace as made known through the holy men of old; but that
which will be most effectual is the testimony of our own experience. We are witnesses for
God as we reveal in ourselves the working of a power that is divine. Every individual has a
life distinct from all others, and an experience differing essentially from theirs. God desires
that our praise shall ascend to Him, marked by our own individuality. These precious
acknowledgments to the praise of the glory of His grace, when supported by a Christ-like life,
have an irresistible power that works for the salvation of souls. DA 347.3

ED - Sharing Simple truths

AUDIENCE: “Go to your neighbors one by one” (Review and Herald March 13,1888)
TARGET: “Find your way to the heart” (Gospel workers pg 193)
METHOD: “Coming close to the people” (The Ministry of Healing Pg 143)
MEANS: “Sympathize with them, pray with them, watch for opportunities to do them good… and open the word of
God to their darkened minds.” (Review and Herald March 13,1888)
DON’T NEGLECT: “Power of persuasion, the power of prayer, the power of the love of God,” (The Ministry of
Healing Page 143,144)
RESULTS: “One hundred conversions to the truth where now there is only one.” (Testimonies for the Church Vol. 9
pg 189)

Please add to the list, and against all the points raised, indicate your name if you have an
experience that speaks to it.

Personal initiative missions and Corporate

Mission experiences.

Jesus organizes his church for mission.

Jesus came to this world at the message of His father’s love. This love was revealed in the way
that He lived., The way he ministered- spent His life helping people, the life of service was
crowned with a death of sacrifice. When He came from the tomb, He ascended up on high and
received from God the father the assurance that His sacrifice was accepted and that He could
bring all His friends in this world up there with Him to enjoy everything in heaven. He told
heaven he couldn’t come back there unless He could bring you and me up there with Him. That
is how much he thinks of us.

He came back immediately and in cheering his disciples, He told them he must go to the
sanctuary above to do a work for them that was necessary to be done. “While I am gone there is
something I want you to do for me”, I want you to; Tell others what I have told you, reveal to
others the love that I have revealed, share with others the life that I have shared with you.

In order for this to be accomplished, He organized His disciples into a church. The church is not
a mutual admiration society, it’s an army “Like a mighty army moves the church of God” says
the song.

Add your name if you can share about this with your experiences. Eg. How personal initiative
gives birth to corporate missions. Addressing the notion that work must be organized from
CB- Jesus in Juja- Jesus on wheels. Reporting mission stories back. The church
recognizing/structuring/ Monitoring.

CB- God's providential leading-Jesus in Juja experience.

We had all these elaborate plans and great dreams, indeed we were ready to impact Juja for
Jesus. Then lecturers went on strike and school had to be suspended. It was clear at that point,
that our plans as we had conceived them were infeasible, so we resorted to prayer.
One day, over the unofficial holiday, I met Nico at south church. He was just finishing AFCOE
full course and badly needed a place to do his OJT. I thought I had God say, “this is the plan,
you are going to host Nico’s OJT in Juja”.
We believed it was God’s plan, so we knelt down and gave thanks to God for providing a
ministry activity for the PM and a host church for Nico. The strike wasn’t over as yet, but we
gave thanks to God for the end of the strike as well.
I remember going for Sabbath school and sharing the testimony that the strike was over asking
the members of the Sabbath school class to join me in the prayer of thanksgiving.
The lectures kept talking tough for that whole week, but the very next week, we were all recalled
back to school and that provided the perfect grounds for us to run the Prophecies of Hope

JKUSDA- Children Singing in a Mall. Made sticky notes with promises and attached to
bookmarks. The promises were given to every kid we met with their parents.

Yusuf- One more Soul for Christ. More ministries sprang up; Alika ministry, Overall ministry etc.

The amazing possibilities in Digital

Tapping the talents…what are the opportunities for the Millennials & Gen Z’s & the challenges in
bringing them on board

How can a church/Individuals upskill to appeal to the world in the digital era? The question of
quality designs & well thought out content etc…i.e. Excellence

What happens in 1 internet minute?

Can you guess what happened in the last 60 seconds online?
1 million people logged onto Facebook.
3.8 million searches were made on Google.
4.5 million videos were viewed on YouTube.
And 347,222 users were scrolling on Instagram.

The digital persona-

Have we all become curators? You know who they are—directors at museums who skillfully
arrange the contents of the gallery to be as attractive and appealing as possible to visitors.
Curators decide what eye-catching exhibit gets prominent display, and which collections with
less pizzazz need to be pushed to the back. Do we do the same

Walt Mueller: “. . . for digital natives living out their lives in the online world, the identity options
from which to choose are virtually limitless. Kids [and adults] are able to perform through a
growing multitude of social media sites by choosing the words they post (true and false), and by
posing and photo-shopping themselves into images that don’t come close to who they really
are. As media critic Quentin Schultze has observed, ‘The digital world suffocates virtue by
allowing us unbridled freedom to be all things to all people . . . to give ourselves over to the
highest bidder or to the most persuasive master’” (YouthWorker Journal Jan/Feb 2015 pp 16-

Memes Ministry- CB rallying JKUSDA Members to the deck.

Genius is wanted, ability to devise and plan and work harmoniously. Ev 95.3

God requires that the first, the best, and the most useful talents shall be employed to carry
forward his work upon the earth. The same zeal and energy, tact and order, which are exercised
in counting-rooms, shops, and in the fine arts, should be brought into the religious life and
exercised in the work of God. These persons are responsible for the talents given them of God
to use to his glory. He calls for them to come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty. -RH
Jan 1 1880.Lord aga
inst the mighty.

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