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Whomping Willow (2 secrets)

01 - After the chest where Harry gets the chocolate frog, open
the crack.

02- When you see the bronze card in front of you cast Alohomora
on the alcove
to the right.

Hogwarts Grounds (8 secrets)

01- Cast Alohomora on the two banners hanging from the towers to
each side of the Quiditch Pitch. This opens a section of the
wall next to the chest on
the left. Inside is a chest with a Card.

02- Spongify to reach card and some beans to the left of the
main entrance.

03- Far left from main entrance cast Alohomora on pattern on


04- Down the steps to the left of the main entrance.

Alohomora crack and Diffindo vines.

05- Lumos gargoyle in #4 above, then run to far right of castle

to find secret opening.

06- Grey square patch on roof during #5 above. Jump to open

room in side of castle.

07- Flipendo pattern above archway on the way to the


08- Diffindo vines past and to the right of Sprout’s class.

Hogwarts Halls and Dungeons(12 secrets)

First Floor and Dungeons
01- Picture just inside corridor to the duelling and Great

02- Inverted T crack on left as you head to the dungeon.

Spongify carpet.

03- First passage on right in main dungeon. Skurge

ectoplasm, Lumos Gargoyle,
Diffindo rope.

04- Further down the main dungeon hall on right. Alohomora

window, Lumos
Gargoyle, Skurge Ectoplasm.
05- Potions classroom, Alohomora crack, Skurge blob,
step on plate.

Second Floor

06- Top of main stairs, Spongify carpet.

07- Outside house points chamber, Alohomora pattern on

wall, Skurge Ectoplasm, Diffindo web.

08- Alohomora mirror to the left of the armours.

09- Diffindo the web covered mirror to the right of the


10- Alohomora indented brick to the right of the witch.

Skurge ectoplasms.

11- Flipendo statue on other side of door to Grand

Staircase. Step on switch.

12- In the Gryffindor Common Room, up the stairs to

the balcony. Look up
cast Flipindo, then Diffindo rope.

Grand Staircase (10 secrets)

01- Just inside hall to Gold Card challenge. Spongify

02- Next floor up, after two boxes on the tables,

Alohomora pattern on wall.

03- At far end of hall near where writing appears,

Alohomora sunk in wall,
Spongify carpet.

04- Next floor up, just after turn where vase falls
and breaks. Alohomora
indented brick.

05- Alohomora a crack in the wall just outside the

Defense Against The Dark Arts

06- Flipendo on the carven symbol under the window

upstairs from Dumbledore’s desk.

07- Next floor up, Alohomora pattern on wall, Skurge

ectoplasm, Diffindo rope,
Spongify carpet.

08- Just inside the door from the landing, Alohomora

the painting to left.
09- Cast Flipendo on all four of the paintings in

10- Jump on square on landing above Madam Pomfrey’s office.

Spongify carpet below.

Rictusempra Challenge (7 secrets)

01- Alohomora picture of Lockhart on the wall at the top
of the stairs after
the gnome.

02- Alohomora Lockhart’s picture above room with two crabs

that lower the walls
into steps. Lumos gargoyle to see secret room to the left.

03- After #2, Flipendo symbol after challenge star near exit.

04- After the portrait-flipping room, take elevator

up. Cast Lumos on
gargoyle, Flipendo glowing wall.

05- Alohomora on the Lockhart portrait just after 4.

06- just before Spiral Ramp room, Flipendo symbol above

and right of save game book.

07- Spiral Ramp room, Flipendo two crabs into hole, jump
in, Alohomora door,
jump thru, jump back to floor below, go up.
Alohomora portrait, step on

Skurge Challenge (7 secrets)

01- Alohomora crack below beam blocked by two ectoplasms.

02- Alohomora dragon after you encounter peeves. Skurge


03- Lumos the gargoyle again in room with gate and the witch
statue as you go down the stairs. Go left and look for
secret on left.

04- Skurge ectoplasm covering snail plate and move snail

onto plate.

05- Lumos gargoyle, defeat pixie then Alohomora blue picture

on right.

06- Skurge blob sticking swinging platforms, Flipendo pattern

low on far
side, go back.

07- Before completion star, Lumos gargoyle, jump to the

secret ledge,
Alohomora wall, take star, then completion star.
Bicorn Horn Quest (7 secrets)
01- Alohomora strange pattern to right of chest after
bridge that floats up
from water flowing.

02- Alohomora the wall opposite the gnome hole and

chest just past the
orange snails.

03- Alohomora the other strange pattern. Keep your

eyes peeled.

04- Diffindo Web blocking hole in the wall.

05- Room with four switches. First red, then green, purple.

06- Flipendo symbol on side of strange looking wall.

Lumos gargoyle
behind strange wall. Enter secret in next room.

07- Cross the moving sections bridge.

Diffindo Challenge (11 secrets)

01- Alohomora Flower door past the first set of vines.

02- In the room with the three orange snails just past
#1 above, Flipendo
all four of the carved tiles.

03- Jump down from drawbridge to mushroom field. Enter

room but don’t
open chest. Why? Peeves is in there.

04- Lumos gargoyle and go up stairs and cross bridge

held with rope.
Don’t cut rope yet, continue for a star.

05- Diffindo on the rope to drop the bridge. Turn

around and go to
right through secret wall.

06- Go upstairs. Flipendo block to fall, go back down

and back
across bridge. Flipendo block again.

07- Above the first bowtruckles you fight, Alohomora

pattern on wall.

08- After you put snails on plates and open door to

house. Alohomora
pattern up on ceiling, Diffindo rope holding up star.

09- Alohomora flower door straight after the bridge

crank with two ropes.
10- Alohomora flower door after venomous tentaculas.

11- You get trapped with three orange snails (one

behind you) put two in
hole, then the third all the way back to the room
that you opened
from the crack. Put the snail down the steps and
on the plate.

Boomslang Skin Quest (3 secrets)

01- After turning the L-bridge, go into the far room
with the next set
of ropes. Flipendo tile on the floor.

02- With #1 above open, cut the ropes, Lumos on the

gargoyle. Run across
bridge and into the next corridor. Go in right
side for secret.

03- End of ledge around outside of greenhouse,

Alohomora pattern on wall.

Bit of Goyle Quest (8 secrets)

01- In the study, climb up chimney, Flipendo loose
block to fall, climb
back down, Flipendo block until to the bookcase,
Lumos gargoyle.
Climb bookcase. Jump through the open wall.

02- After big crab on footplate. Go in opened way,

Diffindo web, climb through.

03- Ramped pathway on right and wall to the left.

Diffindo web and go in door.
Climb up and Flipendo block to fall. Climb back
down. Flipendo block
to ledge. Climb all the way up and enter the
window and go left.
Lumos the gargoyle to secret area in the wall.

04- In the library, Diffindo on the web on bookcase.

Lumos the gargoyle.
Defeat pixie, enter secret bookcase.

05- After library, Alohomora on the lock up on the

right. Climb up and
around to behind the gargoyle.

06- Pits with ectoplasm. Lumos gargoyle, go into the

wall on the left.

07- Outside, follow the ledge around and to the right.

Cast Diffindo to the
rope in the hole. Go in the opened door. Cast Diffindo
on rope above.

08- Follow stream to the right. Defeat the crab.

Lumos on the gargoyle.
Go in glowing place across the stream.

The way to the Slytherin Common Room (8 secrets)

01- After the boy causes the bridge to fall, turn right,
Flipendo ring
on wall. Flipendo symbol through hole, go down,
Skurge ectoplasm, Flipendo
three symbols below, go back up, hop over to chest.

02- Gargoyle, green carpet, four pixies. Defeat all the

pixies. Lumos
on the gargoyle. Go to the right, over the rail,
over and across.

03- Go back, Lumos the gargoyle, go to the left to block

and across and down.

04- Go back, Lumos the gargoyle, go left to the end of the

carpet and through wall.

05- In the library, Flipendo ring on the wall. This will

lowers bookcases.
Climb to the highest to open a secret.

06- Go to the opposite side to fountain room with armors.

Alohomora fountain.

07- Before you go in Slytherin Common Room turn around and

Alohomora the banners
on each side of the dragon.

08- After talking to Malfoy, go back to the Boys’ dorm and

up the stairs.

Spongify Challenge (16 secrets)

01- When you get to the first Spongify carpet, put the
gnomes in their holes.
Lumos gargoyle, Spongify up, jump to new ledge.

02- Inside #1, Alohomora the indented brick to the

right. Climb and jump up.

03- Gnome and imp, stun both and throw into the holes.
Opens a wall to the left.

04- From #3, but don’t Spongify. Go left and along ledge,
Spongify to the other
end, Alohomora the wall on the left.

05- Three imps and ectoplasm with a tall block in the center.
Stun each and put them in the hole. This opens up a
gargoyle. Lumos and go behind tall block to secret.

06- Defeat four fire crabs. Go down new stairs.

07- After #6, go to portrait room. On left is large one with

nobody. Jump through.

08- After #7, look on opposite wall and Flipendo upside-down

picture to lower

09- After #8, you’ll come to a room with pixies. Go to

lower level. Flipendo
pattern on wall. Climb back up. Spongify carpet.
Flipendo block until it falls.
Spongify carpet, jump to ledge. Alohomora the crack.

10- Spongify pillars room and portraits. Alohomora owl.

Defeat the pixie.
Spongify across to star and then jump to secret.

11- From #10, drop down below, Lumos gargoyle. Follow

the glowing ledges.
Flipendo pattern on middle pillar, enter new room,
Spongify carpet and jump
to secret.

12- Spider Trap room. Instead of just hitting both Flipendo

Flipendo one and go inside the area with the other one.
Then Flipendo the other to
reveal secret room.

13- After #12, Lumos gargoyle on the left go to the right

to the next room
and into the glowing wall.

14- After #13, go to next large room. Jump to footprints.

Flipendo pattern
on wall. Go behind.

15- Go to Completion star. Flipendo carving above. Turn

around. Spongify across.

16- From #15, jump to chest. Then look down. Defeat the
spider. Jump down
and go in hole.

Forbidden Forest (4 secrets)

01- Lumos on the gargoyle Spongify (with upper one) to left
Defeat the spider, release the log, Spongify across,
defeat bowtruckles,
release log, take chest, Spongify down, jump back to first
log, Flipendo
symbol on the side.
02- Cave full of webs and spiders. Diffindo webs, defeat
spiders, a section
of the wall will open.

03- Three imps ahead. Jump in water and wade to

the source.

04- After the log your crossing drops, turn around.

Diffindo blockage.

Chamber Of Secrets (7 secrets)

01- Go left, Skurge the ectoplasm, cast Lumos on the
gargoyle, Skurge the ectoplasm.
Jump to ledge on the left. Skurge next ectoplasm,
enter lit wall.

02- The walls are closing in. Go to the end but don’t drop
down. Turn
right and go around the closing wall to secret room.

03- Fire crab and pixies area. Don’t stand on the lift at
the top. Flipendo snake
carvings on opposite wall. Wall slides back. Go
down on the lift.

04- Defeat the imps and throw them in their holes. Wall
opens with Gargoyle.

05- Go to grate opposite gargoyle. Flipendo switch and

Spongify carpet,
but don’t jump yet. Go back Lumos gargoyle then jump.
Go to the walkways. Jump to other side, and then
repeat the Flipendo
switch, defeat the pixie, Spongify floor. The secret
is there.

06- Room with two snails and trap door. Head towards the
trapdoor. Turn around and look up on the wall behind
you. Flipendo the pattern. Lumos the gargoyle.
Two invisible platforms will appear by the trapdoor

07- Go to the left side. Defeat the pixies. Spongify

up to the moving beam. Cut the rope.
Jump to the next beam. Cut the rope. Jump down
and go to other side and do
the same thing. This lowers the beams in the center
hall with a
bronze card.

Final Battle (0 secrets)

There are no secrets in the Final Battle.

Gold Wizard Card Challenge (0 secrets)

This challenge doesn’t become available until you have
collected all forty of
the Silver Wizard Cards. Head to the Grand Staircase area
and go up to the floor where
Nick showed you the secret locks. Approach the locked
door and you will remove a
lock for every 10 silver cards you have.

Gryffindor Challenge (9 Secrets)


Note: See Section K to access this Challenge.

01- Near the bridge in starting room. After Spongifying

(is spongifying a word???) to the bridge,
Open the door behind the cauldron.

02- In secret #1. open the other door inside the room.

03- Room with tall and short blocks (you're supposed to

push the blocks to the ledges).
Behind gate ledge. After taking Challenge star,
don't move. Cast Alohomaora to the
walls on the sides of the room.

04- Same as secret #3 (one room for each secret).

05- Room with tall and short blocks (you're supposed to

push the blocks to the ledges).
Ledge with beans. Alohomora the wall on the ledge.

06- In first room of library, top floor. Alohomora

picture. Diffindo rope.

07- In secret #6. After collecting star, Alohomora both

sides of the room.

08- Same as secret #7 (one room for each secret).

09- In second room of library, top and bottom floors.

On the top floor,
Alohomora pictures on the left and right. Diffindo
ropes that appear.

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