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Book Hive

The Digital Library of Pakistan

ABC Street Gulshan-e-Iqbal p. +92-21-34512654 www,bookhive@com

Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary................................................................................................2
Mission Statement
Keys to Success
II. Description of Business...........................................................................................3
Company Ownership/Legal Entity
Executive Summary

Write this last so that you can summarize the most important points from your business plan.

Provide a concise but positive description of your company, including objectives and accomplishments. For
example, if your company is established, consider describing what it set out to do, how it has accomplished
goals to date, and what lies ahead. If new, summarize what you intend to do, how and when you intend to do
it, and how you think you can overcome major obstacles (such as competition).

You can also choose to use the following four subheadings to organize and help present the information for
your executive summary.

Note: to delete any tip, such as this one, just click the tip text and then press the spacebar.

Summarize key business highlights. For example, you might include a chart showing sales, expenses and net
profit for several years.

Note: to replace the sample chart data with your own, right-click the chart and then click Edit Data.

 To provide a vast collection of Books
 A place where you can find an appropriate Book seller and buyer
 A portal to communicate with each other
 To increase the usage of reading books
 To create awareness of using technology in a creative manner

Mission Statement
To increase the usage of technology in a convenient manner by making the 1st online Digital Library of Pakistan
which create awareness among people of our society about reading Books. The Goal is to collaborate with different
Authors who are not allowed to publish their book by the shortage of wealth and many other circumstances and to
publish as well as spread their books to other. To encourage young generation to dedicate their selves toward the
establishment of “Silicon Valley “of Pakistan.

Keys to Success
The availability of staff throughout the day will help the people living in different Countries to browse and search
for the desired Book around the clock at any time. As there are many people who don’t have much money to buy the
costly available book we assure to provide them with the rental facility of book through soft copy and hard copy.
Similarly, unknown authors have a great platform to establish their account and try to circulate their new material on
the web which can be show through different advertisement in different social networks as well as on many other
sites operating within and outside the country. This is will make them popular among different people and help them
in generating their profits. Our success factor basically depends on the availability of Books around clock in many
parts of the Country.
Description of Business
Our start-up is the practical example of using a technology in an appropriate manner that attract the customer of
whether what their ages that will enhances the need of reading book in our Country as well as it will open a new era
in the advancement of Library System. The main focus of our organization is not earn profits but to provide a free
base facility to its customers on the other hand we are going to provide a communication bridge between the book
owner and the purchaser through this it will help the people who have variety of Books available at their shelf will
allow them to make some profit by renting it to others. Secondly, our profit would generate from our premium
customers who wanted to advertise their published book.

Company Ownership/Legal Entity

The Start-Up we opened is basically a joint venture of our project but the decision making strategy are always be
equal to the all the partners available in the company.

The location of the server is basically located at all the home by connecting these Personals PC’s into a Hub server.
We don’t have any profit seeking organization so we don’t need any kind of office work whether more it’s a genuine
idea for all the youngster out there that location doesn’t required for any Start-Up.

The services are categories by the Customers

Platinum Customers: These are the customer who are allow to publish their material on our web. Similarly they are
allowed to purchase book on our credit that is you have to submit a sum amount to the organization and we are
going to add this amount on your login page. You can borrow 4 books in a month.

Gold Customers: These are the customer who aren’t allowed to publish their material on web but they can borrow
the same quantity of book as same as our elite customer. These customer can also avail free delivery facility.

Bronze Customer: They are who can neither avail any discount vouchers neither free delivery facility but they can
also rent two books in a month.

In this type of Start-Up the most important management tool we have to use is that our decision making is the main
think of what we have to start that will encourage the young generation and other people to motivate them to work
for the betterment of the people. Second is that managing the proper use of technology as well as a proper
background behind it these are the management techniques that we use to establish a fully managed start up. The
third main management tool we use is that there is a decentralization is where our customers are allowed to work for
the betterment of this organizations.

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