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Human hand is key in new elec- More effective and secure than com- Mr. Crow expects NEA and ISCET to
tronic lock mon identity cards, this device works begin a public information program in
A new electronic identification sys- only when the card and the legitimate the very near future to educate the set
tern, which can be used to permit or holder are both present. A lost or stolen owner as to the advantages of using a
deny access to buildings, computers, re- card is no use to the finder or thief. CET for electronic service. With 5000
stricted areas, and for other purposes An especially important application CET's registered there is a wide enough
where automatic and absolute identi- is in employee time-clocks. A friend can- distribution, he says, that CET can be
fication is desired, is being produced by not "punch -in" the employee -he has to meaningful to the entire industry and the
Identimation Marketing Corp. of North- be there himself. Identimation Corp. has public.
vale, N.J. taken advantage of this feature to put
The system measures hand geome- out a complete automated payroll sys-
try with a pair of optical scanners and tern, which first assures that only autho-
compares it with the information on a rized employees obtain access to the
magnetic card previously encoded with a plant, identifies each employee and
12 -digit numerical code for the same records his time in and time out, and
hand. The length of the fingers in hun- prints payroll checks automatically. It
dredths of an inch, the translucency of can at any time make up reports show-
the skin between the fingers, the cur- ing not only the overall payroll situation
vature at the tips of the fingers and the at the instant, but select out such items
deformation of the skin as pressure is as amount of overtime, absentees on a
in 1;Iectri,nic,.
given day by name and department, the
various withholding or other desired in-

Five thousand technicians have

CET certification NEW STAMP COMMEMORATES the Invention
The Executive Director of the Inter- of the transistor at Bell Labs 25 years ago.
national Society of Certified Electronic Behind the enlarged replica of one of the
modern packaged circuits made possible by
Technicians, Ron Crow, reported last the transistor are, left to right, Walter Brat -
March that the electronic technicians tain, William Shockley and John Bardeen. In
who had successfully passed the written front Is Edward Dorsey of the N.Y. Post Of-
fice. The unveiling occurred at the IEEE Con-
CET examination totalled 4,875. With the
vention, and the stamp Is one of a series of
Society's normal rate of growth, this four being issued July 10 to honor progress
means that the number of CET's is now in electronics.
well over 5,000.
At the time of the survey, 4,551 were "Handie" unit makes user part
certified for radio-TV and consumer of telephone system
electronics and 44 had qualified as in- A new hand -held portable telephone
dustrial CET's. The rest were on the As- unit that will permit its user to place or
sociate level. Associates have met all the receive calls from almost anywhere in a
requirements of the Society, have passed metropolitan area equipped with what
the basics portion of the exam and have Motorola calls the DYNA T.A.C. system
completed a formal electronics course, was demonstrated recently in New York
but have not acquired the four years of City. According to Motorola vice presi-
experience necessary to become a full - dent John Mitchell: "In a city where the
fledged CET. DYNA T.A.C. system is installed, one can
THE IDENTIMAT Is a desk -mounted device The Indianapolis office, which pro- make calls while riding in a taxi, walking
that measures 13 a 19 x 19 inches, works cesses the tests, finds that 54 per cent down the street or sitting in a restaurant,
unattended. It compares the information from to any conventional telephone in the
the hand with that on the magnetic identity
of the technicians taking the examination
card, which is seen at lower right in the pho- are successful. Most of those who fail try world."
tograph. again, and at the time of the report, The DYNA T.A.C. system will consist
nearly one -third of the examinations of a number of receiver -transmitter com-
applied are all measured and compared were retakes. In Oregon, where it is nec- binations placed strategically throughout
with the information on the card in a essary to pass the CET examination to the city in which the system is installed.
simplified computer (if the company or obtain a permanent state license, the fig- These are linked to a central computer,
institution using the device has a com- ure rises to 44 per cent. which controls the city system and con-
puter, it can be used). If identity is There are now CET's in all 50 states nects the phones to the regular tele-
proved, doors are unlocked, time clocks and in a dozen foreign countries, in- phone network.
are energized, access to computers per- cluding such far -away places as Uruguay To make a call, the user presses a
mitted, or other desired effects are pro- and Turkey. California leads in number "receiver- off -hook" button and waits for
duced. of registered CET's with 1132. (continued on page 12)


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